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25x05 - Zone Rouge

Posted: 02/23/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the
dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.



No, I understand.


Hey, Matthew, you're snoring.

Wake the hell up.

I gotta go to the bathroom.

So what?

You haven't gone yet,
and I figured

maybe you had to go too.

Leave me alone.

Drink more water.



♪ ♪

Good boy.

- I'll be right back.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, I'm listening.

Babe, I'm sorry I didn't
wake you up to say goodbye,

but you looked like
a sleeping angel...

a hot one.

Yeah, the kid in front
of me is a heroin addict.

What do you mean,
how can I tell, Heather?

He's nodding off.

♪ ♪

Pop's probably hauling his ass
to rehab in Buffalo.


I gotta go.

Kiss the baby.

I told you I got business.

I'll be home when I'm home.

Tickets, please.

Where's your father?

The bathroom.

Next stop, Cleveland.

♪ ♪

It stinks in there.

You're lucky that stuff
makes you constipated.

♪ ♪

Velasco, since when
do you make donuts?

I don't.

I made them.

Renee Curry.

Joe Velasco.

- Curry's IAB.
- Used to be.

Um, I hope Benson told you
that I was joining the squad.

I imagine that took
some string pulling.

- Yeah, it did.
- Aren't you a captain?

Look, I'm not interested
in pulling rank around here.

You know, I was hoping
that we could be...



I don't make friends
with Internal Affairs.

But I am gonna eat one of your donuts,

under protest.

- I can respect that.
- Well, respect this.

I got Benson's back...

first, last, and always.

When were you planning
on telling me Curry was here?

I gave you the heads-up.

- You did?
- Yes, I did, Fin.

You don't listen.

And, I got approval,
so don't worry.

- From?
- McGrath.

Who do you think?

He did you one last favor
before he stepped down?

How come you never
bring me baked goods?

Why is there another captain here?

Because Curry needed a change.

And you needed a Rollins.

Curry is looking
to prove herself,

and not as a captain,
and not as an IAB suit,

and certainly not as
a replacement for Amanda.

And she actually wants
to be a SVU investigator?

She does.

I don't have to take orders from her?


But you do have to be
nice to her.

What are you doing?

I don't know.

I know, I know.

I haven't, you know,
been myself in weeks.

Now that you mention it, you have been

a little obsessive about Maddie.

I know. I know, Fin.

Captain, Sarge,
a blast just went out.

A passenger on a train out
of Pittsburgh was handed this.

Call NYPD.

That's it?

Look, this... this is the kid
who passed the note?

Same passenger took the pic.

Boy looks doped up.

Only that's not a boy.

♪ ♪

Everything all right?

Captain, what are you doing?

Come in here,

and look at this.

Come in closer,
and look at this.

- Do you see what I see?
- I wish I did.

Captain, we've been
down this road before.

You remember the g*n
we found in the men's room?

- Maddie didn't have dark hair.
- Or a dope habit.

Every drugstore
in America sells hair dye.

And Tanya Garcia
didn't have a dope habit

until she met up
with George from Canada.

Guys, look closely.

This could be Maddie.


Fin, I've been staring at
her picture for over a month.

I've been studying this
child's face for over a month.

Trust me.

We need to call the Feds.

We need to call the Feds.


♪ ♪

Well, I appreciate
you letting me

take up your time, Chief...

Acting Chief, I know, but,

I know that you're busy.

Thank you.

I thought you were calling Clay.

- He's the head of your CART.
- I already did it.

And you thought you'd
share this dead end

with our new interim chief?

You know how long it takes NYPD

to give these travel vouchers.

- You wanna go to Pittsburgh?
- Yes.

That's the last place
Maddie was seen.

What'd the chief tell you?

That there's not enough
evidence to justify my travel.

Protocol is protocol.

What did the Feds say
about you going out there?

They said they
would find somebody

from my CART to follow up
with the cops from Pittsburgh.

Speaking of which, Captain,
I just got off the phone

with Special Victims Unit
in Pittsburgh,

the detective that
gave us a note on the ticket.

Did they find the passenger
who Maddie passed the note to?

Not yet, but he said that
both the ticket and the photo

were given to some random uni
in the street.

How long ago?

- Three days...
- What?

After the date on the ticket.


Three days.

They sent it as soon as they got it.

So why the delay from the passenger

who initially got it?

Whether this vic turns out
to be Maddie or not,

kid's still gonna need help.

Velasco, I'm gonna
need you to get me a list

of every person on that train.


I'll see if I can
track down the conductor.


I still gotta warm up to her.

Okay, I think that our focus
needs to be on all stops

off the Pittsburgh spur.

No telling where or if they got off,

but I'll pull cams from every
station until I find 'em.


Hey, it's Captain Benson.

How's Peter doing?

Good, I'm...

I'm so glad to hear that.

Uh, listen,

I'd like
to ask you to come in.

There's something
that I need to show you.

Thank you both
so much for coming in.


A beat cop in Pittsburgh,
was handed a note.

We believe that
it was a cry for help.

And you think it's from Maddie?

Well, she left other things
for us to find,

- didn't she?
- Like her bracelet.

Does this mean she's still alive?

My job is not to speculate.

Okay, so why are we down here?

Eileen, I don't wanna
give you false hope,

and this may be a long shot.

I just wanted to give you all
the information that I have.

♪ ♪

My God, Peter.

It looks like her, doesn't it?

I'm not sure.

How long ago
was this photo taken?

Three days ago, on a train
headed out of Pittsburgh.

Wait a minute,
our daughter's being trafficked?

We don't know how this guy
operates right now.

W-we feel that he's, uh...

A drifter turned opportunist.

You said a police officer in
Pittsburgh was handed a note.

- Can I see it?
- Yeah.

Call NYPD.

That's it?

She may not have had time
to write anything else.

It's sloppy, but I recognize it.

Okay, please, please tell us
you are stopping this train.

Captain, SVU detective
from Pittsburgh on the line.

Thank you. Thank you.

For what?
We didn't do anything.

For proving that
I'm not imagining things.

♪ ♪


Captain Benson, as I was
telling Sergeant Tutuola,

I asked that beat cop if he could ID

whoever handed him that note
on the ticket.


It's a young woman
with a baby in her arms.

This young woman
with a baby have a name?

Uni said she didn't
wanna give it.

Okay, so can you get

your Intelligence people
to help us with that?

Yeah, I'll get them on it.

But at least
there's some good news.

Please tell me.

The head of your CART
sent an agent our way.

Supposed to be the East Coast
expert on child abductions.

Bit of an idling chainsaw.

Took over half the squad room

and stole the stapler
from off my desk.

Well, good, because
that's exactly what we need.


I got a security cam hit

- on a platform in Buffalo.
- Okay.

Well, I'm sure that I'll be
speaking with you again soon.

Okay, take care.

Okay, goodbye.

What do you got?

You think that's
George from Canada?

Could be,
but then again, who knows?

Tanya Garcia.

The girl we found OD'ing in that bag

in the motel room back in January?

She's probably the only person

that can give a positive ID on this...

On this piece of garbage.

♪ ♪

Hey, Tanya.

- Hey.
- You're looking well.


Sorry I couldn't come to you.

I actually just
started this job,

and I can't afford
to mess it up.

- No worries.
- We get it.

Yeah, um...

You guys needed help
with something?

Yeah, wanted to know
if you would, uh,

take a look at something for us.

Yeah, that's George.

But that little boy,
I swear I've never seen him.

Tanya, that's not a boy.

That's Maddie.

♪ ♪

- He cut her hair?
- Yeah, and then some.

Yeah, well,
at least she ain't too aware.

- What do you mean?
- She's high.

You can tell.

And it's in that water bottle.

George likes to dissolve fent
in warm water, let it cool,

and then fills the water bottle.

That's, um...

That's how he kept me nodding out too.

So this image was taken
from a security camera

on the train platform
in Buffalo.

Does George have any friends up there?

No, Buffalo's just a hub.

I mean, the man's
like a ping-pong ball.

All he does is bounce around
those in-between places.

What do you mean,
in-between places?

You know, like, uh...

Like those, those little towns
that everybody flies over.

George has even got
a special name for it.

He calls it his zo...

uh, zone rouge,
you know, like the makeup.

TUTUOLA: You know what
he means by that?

I don't know.

George is just smart
like that, I guess.

Yo, Tanya, break is over.

Um, I gotta go.

- Okay, Tanya, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Take care, Tanya.

- Okay.

Yo, Velasco, what's good?

I had the Feds
run the photo of George

- through facial recognition.
- And?

No hits.

I was gonna try Interpol next.

Well, that train only goes so far.

Yeah, but it does go
into Canada, right?

Isn't that where the guy's from?

♪ ♪

Pittsburgh Intel Unit located
that lady with the baby.

The one that handed Maddie's note

to the cops three days too late?

Yeah, her baby daddy,
Cash Bowford, he's a lowlife.

Got a record, dr*gs.

Well, George likes getting
young girls high on fent.

And this Bowford guy
might be his source.

[STAMMERS] Well, there's
only one way to find out.

You're about
to ask me to drive you

- to the airport, aren't you?
- Fin, at this point,

I'm not waiting for permission.

♪ ♪

Welcome to Pittsburgh.

How was your flight?

It would have been better if I slept.

Mm. Sykes is here.

Oh, the idling chainsaw.


Well, for what it's worth,

I don't think she slept, either.

Agent Sykes.

Captain Benson.

Clay didn't, uh, tell me
you were coming.

He didn't know.

So where's the rest
of our CART?

We're it.

Okay, um...

Well, I, uh...

I hear that you are the East
Coast expert,

on child abduction.

I guess so, yeah.

So what can you tell me
about George from Canada?

Guy's a messianic nihilist.

Despises all humans,
including himself.

I see you read the
behavioral analysis profile.

I'm the one
that put it together.

You wouldn't happen to have
his name then, would you?

Yeah, Brice Escoffier.

Well, at least that's
the name he put on the

credit card statement

he purchased the tickets with.

So he's transient.
He's running from something.

Yeah, Canadian Security Intelligence

is searching the database.

Uh, Captain Benson,
Agent Sykes?

You're gonna wanna see this.

Cash Bowford
and Heather Pittenger.

Our Intel Unit placed him
on the train

at the same time as Maddie.

Guy's a small-time drug mule,
likely just moving shipment.

Okay, well, that
explains why he used his

girlfriend to approach the uni.

My guess is,
between the two of them,

she's the one
with a conscience.

Why'd it take her three days
to report it, though?

Wanna find out?

They both waived Miranda.

Hey, uh, listen.

Uh, before we go in,
I want to admit something.

What's that?

I thought it was a boy in the photo.

You're not the only one who's guilty

of tunnel blindness, Agent Sykes.

Yeah, that's the note.
Can I go now?

- Look, I'm cooperating.
- Three days too late.

Yeah, don't act so noble.

Your baby mama is the one
that passed the note to PBP.

That young guy on the train
looked high, not traumatized.

Well, he is a she.

And her name is Maddie Flynn.

It's that missing girl
from New York.

You watch the news?

So she passed you a note.

And you could have been a hero
instead of a bottom feeder

working as a drug mule.

Yeah, that's the real reason
you had trouble

passing the note on, isn't it?

- So what were you carrying?
- Nothing.

You keep lying,
and we're gonna get a drug dog

and search every piece
of luggage you own.

Yeah, as a matter of fact,
we could add a federal charge

to your growing
indictment collection.

Look, we don't care
how you make your money.

We care about
finding this girl.

- Maddie Flynn?
- Mm.


That was all over the news.

- Yeah, it was.
- Is Cash in trouble?

Uh, not if you tell us the truth.

Is this the note you gave the cops?

As soon as I found it.

- Where?
- His back pocket.

I do his laundry.

Sometimes it's like I have two babies.

Did you ask him about it?


And, what did he say?

To leave it alone.

But I'm not just some pushover.

I kept drilling him.

And then what?

He said it was
just some addict

being dragged to rehab
by his dad.

Did you believe him?

Cash lies out of one side of his mouth

while the other's smiling.

But if you're saying
it's that girl from the news,

I'd do anything.

Well, talking to us
is a really good start.


♪ ♪

At night, after Cash travels,

I look through his phone.

- For what?
- I already told you he's a liar.

What do you think?

You found something, didn't you?

A new number.

I asked him about it,

and he said it was some
guy he met playing chess

late at night in the snack car.

It was that guy,

with the kid.

I've got Cash's work phone in my bag.

He's on probation.

I have a clean record.
I'd like to keep it that way.

Heather, you're not gonna
get into any trouble with this.

♪ ♪


Um, don't mind if I do.

So I ran that number you gave me.

Popped up under George Ross Brouchard.

- He have a record?
- Multiple arrests for fraud,

- burglary, narcotics.
- You're not gonna believe this.

The guy's on the train again.

- At least his phone is.
- And it's inbound.

Hold on.
Heading back to Pittsburgh?

That's pretty sloppy if true.

Well, one of the main traits
of this guy, grandiosity.

Maybe he's messing with us.

We won't know until
we intercept him.

Just pulled out of Erie.

Okay, so that gives us,
what, an hour?

Okay, I'm gonna call Clay
for backup.

All right, let him know
we'll meet him en route.

♪ ♪

So our perp's name
is George Ross Brouchard.

We need to be prepared for anything.

We believe he's being
accompanied by a minor

who's being trafficked
across state lines.

Train workers are aware
we'll be boarding the train.

Her name is Maddie Flynn.

She's 5'4", blue eyes.

However, the perp has
changed her appearance.

So let's do this fast,
let's do this right,

and let's do this by the book.


Please exit the train
as quickly as possible.


George Brouchard!

♪ ♪

What the hell are you doing?
Get the hell off me.

Where's Maddie Flynn?

Maddie Flynn?
Don't know.

I want the rest of his luggage.
Get it down.

It would be a large bag.

This one. That's it.

Wouldn't be the first time
he put a girl in a bag.

Open it.

- It's locked.
- Then unlock it!

- The bolt cutters.
- Cut it open! Let's go!

♪ ♪

You sold her?

- You sold her?
- Where is she?

I have no idea who
you're talking about.

Where is she?

- Where is she?
- Agent...

Where is she?

Agent Sykes.

- Where is she?
- Shannah, Shannah.

Look at me.

Get him out of here.

Hey, hey.

You okay?


I'm fine.

♪ ♪

Brouchard didn't waste
any time lawyering up.

- He make an admission?
- No.

He says he has no idea
where Maddie is.

We know that's a lie.

So no outstanding warrants.

- Guy's not on parole.
- Who cares? We got him.

Did the Feds find anything
on George's phone,

- anything at all?
- We're still going through it.

So what else do we know
about this guy?

Dozens of arrests
starting at the age of 17.

dr*gs, burglary, aggravated
as*ault, all pled down.

So no cards to play there.



I'm so sick of blue-state DAs.

Too spineless to take
anything in front of a judge

- that's not a royal flush.
- Take it easy.

You've been an
expert in child abduction

- with the Feds for how long now?
- Ten years.

Ten years?
Well, then you should know.

My job starts when yours ends.

And all due respect,
your job didn't end

just because we finagled
Brouchard's extradition

out of Pennsylvania.

The scumbag sold
a 15-year-old girl.

Without someone to tie it to,
that is just a wad of cash.

So what are we actually
charging this weirdo with?

My full intent is to bring

a grand jury presentation
for kidnapping,

but the eighth floor wants this case

to be absolutely unassailable,

especially after extradition.

Carisi, we have witnesses
who saw him with Maddie.

Your witnesses saw him with
a boy,

who not only vanished, but
never existed in the first place.

Tanya Garcia ID'd
George from a picture.

A runaway, who,
by her own admission,

was high on fentanyl
for the better part of a year.

Liv, I know what
this case means to you.

But my office has a
word for cases like this.

- What's that?
- A colander.


So we need to tie him and the
money to the sale of Maddie.

- Or bring me whoever bought her.
- So you can flip him.

Either of which
gets us to Maddie.

Which is all we want.

You see, Agent Sykes?
We're on the same side here.

Uh, Captain?

Brouchard's lawyer wants a word.

My client's willing to
cooperate, with a condition.

He'll talk, but only
to the two of you.

My client had no idea
that the young man

was a missing teenage girl.

Your client's a liar.

I didn't take Maddie.

I saw you.

You saw me?

I saw you...

Driving out of Manhattan

in an energy drink van.

I was coming out of the tunnel.

And you were driving.

And Maddie was in the passenger seat.

- You were coming out of a tunnel?
- Yes, I was.

This is all starting to make sense.

What is?

I didn't take her.

You lost her.

That's gotta hurt.

George, enough.


♪ ♪

You think that you can
hurt me,

for losing Maddie?

That's cute.

You could never hurt me any more

than I've already hurt myself.

What do you want?

- A deal.
- Nope.

I'll tell you where she is.

- No.
- George.

What's the deal?

I wanna be in a prison
with a view of the mountains.


To see a world in a grain of sand,

and a heaven in a wildflower,

hold infinity in the palm of my hand,

an eternity, in an hour.

If I'm to be lost,

I wanna do it in a place
where all lost things go.

Like your own...


Little zone rouge?

I see you're a student
of history.

No, I'm a student,

of Tanya Garcia.

Oh, you may not know.

You may not know
that she's still alive,

the girl that you loaded up on fent

and then tried to drown her in a tub.

I need to talk to my client.

You know about lost things,
don't you, Agent Sykes?

That's why you att*cked me.

Oh, yeah, that's
right, drink your water.

I'll put something in it, if you like.

Yeah, no, thanks.

Something to dull the pain.

You lost someone.

Was it a boy?

A girl.


There's a girl-shaped
hole in your heart.

Maybe your new friend
can help you fill it.

♪ ♪

Feds just recovered
deleted texts off his phone,

arranging the sale of Maddie.

- To who?
- A guy named Leonard Fleming.

Lives just outside
of Rochester.

That's gotta hurt.

♪ ♪

So, what do we know about
this guy who purchased Maddie?

Leonard Fleming, 35.
Grew up in Rochester.

Some kind of house painter.

Does he have a record?

Seven juvie arrests for voyeurism.

Okay, so he's a peeping Tom.

Vics all about Maddie's age too.

You wanna talk about it?

Talk about what?


- Look, if you ever do wanna...
- I don't.

Well, then I guess
it's all for the best.

- What is?
- The fact that we're here.

Captain Benson, Shannah.

- Clark Kent.
- I just got here a bit ago.

Dogs took a look around the place,

already picked up on her scent, but...

No sign of Maddie or
this Leonard Fleming guy?

Does anyone else live here?

He's not married, no kids,

no relatives other than his mother,

but she died of lung
cancer a few weeks ago.

- Fleming took care of her here.
- According to who?

His neighbor.

Excuse me?

Fleming's mother,

she lived here before she died?

- That's right.
- Uh-huh.

Do you have any idea
where she lived before then?


Look, you know, I can turn
up the heat if you're cold.

Oh, I'm fine.

Are you?

Yeah. Are you?

You sure you're not
just projecting?

I'm sorry?

You saw Maddie in a van
right after she was kidnapped,

and you didn't stop the guy.

Who was she?

The lost girl that
Brouchard talked about.


♪ ♪

Uh, she was my sister.

She disappeared on
the way to the town pool.

Um, and we were a year apart, so.

Oh, Shannah, I'm so sorry.

And cops found remains.

Um, and it took a...

A whole year for the DNA, but...

But it wasn't hers?

Oh, my God.

Two years later, some dumb
kids were looking for a place

to smoke a joint in the woods,

and they came across
this box of old "Playboys,"

and some Polaroids of her fell out.

Cops let me keep this.

The guy who took her
cut her hair short too.

Where was this?

It was in Allentown where I grew up.

Did they bring in the FBI,
the state troopers, the dogs?


I don't, uh...

I don't feel her in the world anymore.

You're gonna make
the next right up here.

♪ ♪

Real quiet up here.

Not a whole lot of neighbors.

It's a good place to
bring a drugged girl

- if you wanna be left alone.
- Okay.

Velasco, Curry,
you take the back.

- You with me?
- Yeah.


♪ ♪


This place looks abandoned.

What's up with all these leaves?

Nothing out back.

Search this place
top to bottom.

Curry, take the upstairs.

- Velasco, you with me?
- Yeah.

- You take the basement?
- Yeah.

I'm coming with you.

There's no one here.

We should wait on more backup...

Feds, dogs.

I just wanna
see for myself.

♪ ♪

What the hell?




Did you hear that?

Heard something.

Oh, my God. It's okay, Maddie.


Maddie, we're here.

Maddie, I got you.

You're safe now, honey.
Where is he?

Where is he?

Shadow. He's watching us.

Oh, my God, take her.


Suspect is running down the

south side of the house, headed east.

One officer in pursuit.

♪ ♪

NYPD, stop!

Don't move!

On your knees.

Put your hands up.

Interlace your fingers
behind your head.

♪ ♪

He said he'd knew if I moved
off the bed from the...

the leaves crunching.

You're safe now, Maddie.

- I got you.

I got you.


I got you, honey.
You're safe.

♪ ♪

George didn't touch me.


That's um, that's great to hear.

I tried to fight.

He just...

He had me...




I'm sorry.

I wasn't myself.

Hey, Maddie...


You made it through, hmm?

And you're safe now.

You're safe now, sweetheart.


It's okay.
It's okay.

Maddie, the guy
we arrested at the house?

He just watched me.


I'm sorry?

Peeping Toms,

sometimes they develop
a motif in connection

to where they usually watch from...

- in this case...
- Trees.

- Mom? Mom!
- Maddie?


Oh, baby.



I missed you so much.


♪ ♪


So is Maddie gonna be okay?

So she was kept high on fentanyl.

Um, she may experience
some withdrawal,

but the doctors
are checking for that.

Um, physically?

I know what you're asking.

We wish we had an answer.

The doctor is
gonna do a r*pe kit.

But as of now,
it seems that her abductor

was just looking for a payday.

So this is...

This is a really good outcome.

I mean, obviously,
mentally and emotionally,

Maddie has been through a lot, as...

As you all have.

What she's gonna need
now is a good family,

which thank God she has.

Not everyone's that lucky.

You saved our little girl.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Hey, Fin, just make sure that

you keep Carisi in the loop, okay?

'Cause I don't wanna give
this guy's lawyer any excuses.

Okay, thanks.

Dendrophiles, huh?

You know, I've...
I've seen a lot of things,

but, dendrophiles?

Oh, you're lucky
to work in Manhattan.

Yeah, I have a new love for cement.

Come on, I'll drive.

Just as long as
you'll do me a favor.

What we talked about in the car...

You prefer that I forgot.

Um, think you can do that for me?

- Well, do you want me to lie?
- Yeah, that'd be great.

Yeah, I don't think that
I can do that,

any more than I can forget your story.

All right, how about we just...

Avoid it altogether?

An awkward ride home
in total silence

after the month I've had?

- That sounds like heaven.

Leonard Fleming
accepted 25 years

for the kidnapping charge.

He'll get another 10
with federal charges.

Great work, Counselor, Agent.

What about George Brouchard?

It'd be nice
to spare Maddie a trial.

I'm still working
out his plea deal.

Well, you don't seem worried.

Well, with Fleming's
full confession, I'm not.

Brouchard's gonna do
serious time, no matter what.

That's his lawyer now.
I'll keep you posted.


Well, it has been a month.

Well, we're all thinking
about going out for a beer.

- You wanna come?
- Renee, how about...

How about you look after my friend?

As long as he's buying.

Uncle Sam's our sugar daddy
for the night.

- Am I right, Clay?

You two go ahead. I'll be right there.


Now what are you
gonna do

now that our CART's been dismantled?

Well, it's on to the
next one, same as you.

You glad to be done with me?

Um, actually, I couldn't
be more grateful.

Maddie's home with her family.

And you lent us Agent Sykes, and...

We couldn't have done it without her.

Well, about that.

You can feel it as a boss

when someone has
worked for you for too long.

- Oh.
- I suspected as much,

but Shannah finally
came out and said it.

It's hard to get her
to open up.

I noticed that.

What kind of change
is she looking for?

You should probably
hear that from her.

- So you're leaving the FBI?
- No, I love the FBI.

It was always my dream
to be an agent.

Okay, so how is
this gonna work?

So they're gonna loan me out...

- Embed me.
- With SVU?

I'll give you access to all
different kinds of cases,


I like the sound of that.

But um, but...

What I really wanna know,

is why.

Past ten years
I've been bouncing,

all around the country.

I mean, they're like my lost years.

Like your own
little zone rouge?


♪ ♪

The real Shannah's been
missing for a long time.

Well, let's see if we can find her.

And in the meantime,

I'll speak to the interim chief.


Yeah. Great.


Sorry to interrupt you
on your first real day off

in a while, Captain,
but 1PP called.


It's been said,

the true measure of a city
is how safe it is

for its most vulnerable citizens.

Today, I stand before you

with some
of the brave investigators

who make that measure,

ever more possible.

Captain Olivia Benson
and Manhattan SVU,

and Special Agent in Charge
Harrison Clay of the FBI,

who, after a month-long manhunt,

returned a 15-year-old girl
not only to her parents,

but to this city,

a city they all chose
to move to

from across the country
a little over a year ago.


I'm here to say, the city
of New York is with you,

on the long road ahead.

Your fight, is our fight,

together, as we heal.

♪ ♪