I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

AMBER: So you've all
heard the story, right?

About what happens on July 4?

Whoa, Amber,
you want to
freak everyone out?


I just like
hearing you tell it.

What are you
guys talking about?

The Fisherman.

Every 4th of July,

he gets out
his hat and slicker,

he sharpens up his hook,

and runs wild.

But only after teenagers.

That's right,
the ones with
dirty little secrets.

What about you, Zoe?
I bet you got some
dirty little secrets.

I heard you suck in bed.



July 4.



a guy on my ski team knows

this girl who went
camping last summer,

and they saw the Fisherman.

Two days later,
two kids didn't make it
out of the woods.

So he's kind of like
Santa Claus, huh?

Only in reverse.

He goes after
the kids that are naughty?

No, he's more
like Jack the Ripper,

except the guy
never got caught.

LANCE: Well, I wouldn't worry.

it's Broken Ridge, Colorado,
in the summer.

Even a psycho k*ller knows
to avoid this place.

the guy would probably die

of boredom
before he got any of us.

Hey, I heard you're
running some sort of
field trip in September.

It's a photo sh**t, really.

Why, are you interested?

I figured since stud boy's
gonna be gone to college,

maybe you need somebody
to carry your tripod.

Very funny. Are--are you
working, or are you just
hitting on my girlfriend?

Depends. You want to play?

Whoa, what, with your balls?
No, thanks.

Come on, baby.

Win me a monkey.


But if I win,
you crash at my place tonight.

Tell your mom
you're staying at Zoe's.

Is that a yes or a no?

First win the monkey.

All right.

Oh, yeah!

I'll take that.

Happy 4th of July, babe.

I'm gonna miss you.

I know.

You're the lucky one.

You get to take off
and I have to stay
here another year.

It's weird, me in L.A.

What do you mean?
It's brilliant!

And when I get there,

it's going to be
the most amazing place
in the world

for the two of us.

Ugh, yuck.

Marine Candidate Davis,
reporting for duty.

COLBY: Yo, P.J.!

Oh, my gosh, P.J.,
I can't believe
you actually did it.

Well, just ROTC.

Uh, you could say my daddy
worked me over.

P.J.: But, uh,
guess who's next, little cuz?

Yeah, that's right,
I give it another year

and he's coming
after your ass.

I don't think so.

Come on, it's in our blood.

And plus,
chicks dig the hair.

Uh-huh. Okay, true. True.

Get a picture, come on.

Yeah, okay. There.

AMBER: Okay, get close...


COLBY: Run! Run! Run!



What was that?

KIM: What was that?

ZOE: It's him,
it's the Fisherman!

- What are you...
- No! Is your arm okay?

- I've never seen...
- There he is!


COLBY: There's a k*ller
on the loose!

COLBY: Get out of here!


Watch out!

He almost got us!


GIRL: P.J.! P.J.!

AMBER: Oh, my God, look!

GIRL: Oh, my God!

AMBER: It's the Fisherman!

ZOE: P.J., watch out!

GIRL: Look out!

we're coming up!

HAFNER: Police.
Get out of the way!

HAFNER: Get out of the way!

AMBER: Somebody's
got to help him!

GIRL: P.J.! P.J., run!




Oh, God!

GIRL: Come on, you have to go
try to help him.
We can't leave him.

SHERIFF DAVIS: Where'd he go,

I don't know,
he came up here.

(GASPING) Oh, God,
that was insane!

ZOE: I swear,
he almost k*lled me.

Sheriff Davis was on him.

No. He got away.

Guys, behind you.


- How was I?
- (LAUGHING) Dude,
you were awesome.


Oh, this stuff is sticky.

I am having a heart attack.

You guys said to
make it real, so...

Yeah, you almost nailed us
with that thing.

- 39 bucks on eBay.
- Sure it was.

Get this, the ad says
this is the real hook,
straight from the legend.

Yeah, right. Okay.

Damn it!

Roger, give me the hook, man,
get undressed.

- How was P.J.'s move?
- It was awesome.

Oh, God, it was sick.
Everyone saw it.

So where is he?

Yeah, where's P.J.?

COLBY: Who moved
the mattresses?

What the hell are
they doing there?

whoa, hey, hey!

POLICE OFFICER: Right there,



Clear a path, people.
Let's get this ambulance...

You should've double checked
the mattresses, Roger.

Somebody moved them.

Anyway, that was P.J.'s job.

just pass the ball to him.

- This was your idea!
- What?


Guys, we have to
go to the police.

And tell them what?
That it was a big joke?

It was an accident.

Was it?

What if we don't do anything?

The man's a genius.

ROGER: Look, I want to
go to college.

Everybody here
wants to get out
of this hellhole.

And you're gonna be
the next American Idol.

Screw you.

Look, everyone
at that carnival

thinks that some psycho
in a raincoat did it, right?

ROGER: Why should they
think anything different?

COLBY: We go to the police
and what'll happen?

P.J.'s dad will
try to nail us.

He never liked
us to begin with,

and in this small-ass town,
innocent or guilty,
we're dead.

So we tell him
that we're not doing this.

ROGER: Think about it, Zoe,
because we only get
one chance at this.

Screw it, I'm in.

The guy came out of nowhere.

We ran for our
lives just like P.J.

and everybody else.

Okay, but the only way
we pull this off

is if we stick together
and we keep it a secret.

It dies with us.

You really think
it's that easy?

Amber, telling the truth
isn't gonna bring P.J. back.

Everyone saw him cut you.


The secret dies with us.
Say it.

The secret dies with us.

Secret dies with us.

ROGER: Amber. Say it.

The secret dies with us.

Burn it.








♪ About time for you to see ♪

♪ The error of your way ♪

♪ You can't recall
the ballroom's small ♪

♪ Because you're stuck
on children's aid ♪

♪ What did you say again ♪

♪ Communicate with me,
my friend ♪

♪ There's no use speaking
in tongues ♪

♪ So if you're trying
to fight ♪

♪ Well, then get up
on the course ♪

Look who's still in town.

Hey, Lance.


Why, I figured
you'd be long gone
from this place by now.

Nope. One more boring summer
at Broken Ridge
and then I'm free.

Oh, you're going to
kick ass out there,
I know it.


And you'll
probably sell a bunch of

artsy photos
of your hometown,

get rich and famous,

make us look like
a bunch of hillbillies
on the way up.

AMBER: What about you?
What have you been up to?

LANCE: Oh, you know,
working for
the mountain resort.

LANCE: Grounds crew stuff.

Keeps me outdoors,
so I like it.

Saved up for
a new motorcycle.

LANCE: It's fast as hell.

I know, sounds boring to you.

What? No.

You're doing your own thing.

There she is!

Kelly's got this new
guy that she's after.

Sorry, sorry. He is so hot!

Hot like the guy
from the bike shop, hot?

You ragging on me?

It's hard to keep
them straight, Kel.

Hey, who held your hand
all year

while Mr. Perfect Boyfriend
was away at college?

Okay, well, don't worry,
in a few weeks
I'll be back with Colby

and you can forget
all about me
and the hand-holding.

What do you mean?

Turn around.

SC girls are freaks.

'Cause, you know, most of them
are de-clawed now.


Amber, hey, what's up?

COLBY: I was just gonna
call you.

AMBER: Hi. Could you
excuse us? Thanks.

What are you doing here?

The internship thing
didn't work out.


Yeah, don't even ask.

I just figured
I'd come home
and work at the pool again.

And--and this is
how I find out?

Oh, babe, chill.

At a party?
In front of all of my friends,
like a total idiot?

You really want
to do this now?

It's your freshman year,
maybe you shouldn't be
tied down.

And this all just
occurred to you.

Come on, we both felt it.
What happened last summer
changed things!

Colby, moving to California
was my idea.


- Hey.
- Hi.

You need a ride?

No. I'm fine, I got my truck.





Deputy Hafner, you scared me.

You okay?

Yeah, uh, just girl stuff.


we've known each other
for years, right?

So really,
if you ever want to talk,

get something
off your mind, call me.


Drive safe.










See, Colby,
I knew you couldn't
break up with me.



Give me five minutes, guys.

BAND MEMBER: All right, Zoe.

Hey, Zoe.

Sorry, you look familiar,
do I know you?

Can you not do this now?

Okay, when?

After I call you 10 more times
and send you 20 more flyers?

Zoe, I'm sorry, I really am.

I need your help.

Zoe, I don't know what to do.

Somebody sent me this.

Is that supposed to be funny?

Zoe, did you tell anyone?

I wrote a song about it,

but don't worry,
that single's not out yet.

Okay, could you get serious
for one minute?

I never said anything.

What did Colby think?

I haven't told him yet.

What's the matter,
trouble in paradise?

Zoe, I'm not tough like you.

my parents are out of town.

I can't go to Colby's.

So could you just ask me
to crash here for tonight?

Couch is over there,
bathroom's in the back.

ZOE: He fixes ski lifts?

This is his summer job?

No wonder he hasn't
called anybody.


This doesn't feel right.

Maybe we should just
meet him in town later.

Jesus, Amber, chill out!

- (SCREAMING) Okay, okay,
let's go!

I don't like this place.
Come on.


What is this, a reunion?

We need to talk.

Roger! It's important.


Would you shut
that thing off?

AMBER: I got 50 of these
last night.

AMBER: The number's
totally blocked.

That's impossible.
We got rid of everything.

Someone knows, Roger.


Which one of you
opened your mouth?

We were gonna ask
you the same thing.

You got the message. Not me.

What about Colby?

AMBER: He's your buddy.
He say anything to you?

Are you kidding?

Hasn't even talked to me once
since he went to California.

We gotta go to the cops.

We had our chance
to tell the truth, Roger.

Somebody knows now.

What if this guy goes first?

After we lied
to everyone's faces?

Having the cops
chasing a k*ller for a year
that doesn't exist?

- Think about it.
- I have thought about it!

My life's jacked anyway.

ZOE: Let me talk
to Colby first.

And you keep your mouth shut
for now.


No, Roger, I don't want
any more surprises.

Say it!

We all keep our mouths shut.

We all keep our mouths shut.

What happened to us?

I don't want it to
be like this anymore.

ZOE: (SCOFFS) So what are you
going to say next?

That you miss me?

Well, you could send me
one more of your flyers.

Yeah, right!
Those cost me money.

They're like $1 a flyer.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I owe you like 10 bucks.

Uh, try $20.


Now that bass player of yours,
he's pretty cute.

Yeah, you two. I think you two
would be pretty cute together.

AMBER: Yeah.

Good God.

Sheriff Davis.


I'm just making my rounds
of the school.

It's kind of strange
without all the kids.

Anyway, I saw your car
and thought I'd say hi.

Haven't seen you
girls in a while.

I've been thinking about you.

You know,
with the 4th coming up again.

It's gonna be
tough this year.

It's gonna be
tough every year.


Yeah, you take care,
okay? Yeah.


BOY: I'm going to
the snack bar.

COLBY: This is a joke, right?

Amber's pissed,
you guys are just
messing with me.

You think I care
about your love life?

She's making
this whole thing up.

She's playing both of us.

Or maybe you're
the one that's pissed.

Got home late last night,
did a little drunk
text messaging to the ex?

You're crazy.

No one loves a good prank
better than you, right?


Listen, I kept our promise.

I shut my mouth
and I put this shit
behind me!

Well, someone's
digging it back up for us!

Why, because Amber
got messages
in the middle of the night

and we didn't?

P.J.'s death was a big deal
for this town.

I mean, say some freak
did pop out of the woodwork,

it doesn't mean he
actually knows anything.
I know!

That's what I
told Amber, but she...

So why are you
coming down here
busting my balls?

In case you and I are wrong.

I'm sorry,
it's not my problem anymore.

I always knew
you were a d*ck.

BOY 1: I got it.

BOY 2: ...my towel back.

GIRL: That guy is hot!






- You okay, miss?
- Yeah.

What--what happened?

Oh, I--I just had a problem
with my bike.

Well, listen, uh,
it's about to storm,

so you better
get down the hill.

- Let me get you a lift.
- Okay.








I'm telling you,
that's the hook.

If you say so.

What makes you
think you're not next?

He sent you a message,
too, Colby.

COLBY: Come on,
Amber, you want us to believe

you got
att*cked on a gondola?

50 feet in the air?

Oh, why am I even
talking to you?

So who do you think
is doing this, Amber?

Maybe somebody
who was close to P.J.

is trying to punish us.

AMBER: Roger's right.
We have to go to the cops now

before they get the story
from somebody else.

Roger won't even
return our call.

That's how much
he gives a shit.

Roger's whacked.

COLBY: How whacked?

ROGER: So how was I?

ROGER: It was an accident.

ZOE: Was it?

ROGER: What if
we don't do anything?

AMBER: We had our chance to
tell the truth, Roger.

ROGER: Somebody knows now.

- ROGER: This was your idea!
- COLBY: What?

AMBER: After we lied to
everyone's faces?

ROGER: It was an accident.

ROGER: It was an accident.

COLBY: The secret dies
with us.

ROGER: The secret dies
with us.

ROGER: The secret dies
with us.

ROGER: The secret dies
with us.


(ECHOING) Hello?

MAN: Hello?

(ECHOING) Who's here?

MAN: Who's here?






Oh, my God!


There's blood here, too.

He was living here.

Holy shit!

He k*lled himself.

- Freeze!

We found him here with this.

He k*lled himself.

What are you all doing here?

- Rawlings.
- Yeah.

Take care of this.
Make sure you
contact the boy's family.

RAWLINGS: I'll take care
of it.


So he didn't tell
you about any of it?

The fights in college,
failing classes?

Leave of absence?

We didn't hear
from him much
this year.

I guess he couldn't get over
what happened last summer.

If there's anything
you guys want to add
to your statements,

anything you
think I should know...


Okay... We're done here.

- Thanks, Officer.
- Mmm-hmm.

Call me.


Uh, I know that you're
alone for the weekend

and, uh,

I don't have to
worry about you, do I?

No. No.


Don't worry.
This is over.

You can go home.

I'll call you.

If I have any
more questions. Yeah.
- Uh, yeah.


- Rawlings.
- Yeah.

Get that to the Sheriff
for me. Thanks.


ZOE: I can't believe Roger
was behind this.

I can't believe
he got the hook
out of the lake.

This was not
our fault.

Someone else
is dead now.

COLBY: Yeah, and we're all
safer for it.

ZOE: How do you just move on?

COLBY: Because it's over,
for good.

So it wasn't Roger.

Of course it was.

He's crazy,
he k*lled himself.

Did he?

Because someone
just did this.


COLBY: Lance.


Take it easy,
timber boy.

Whoa, man, you almost
got yourself a free
nose job there.

We just want to talk.

I don't know if you
heard about last night,

Yeah. I heard.

I'm sorry.

Tomorrow's July 4th,
a year since P.J.'s death.

It must've pushed
Roger over the edge.

Yeah. I guess.

Well, we just wanted
to stop by and see
how you're doing.

What is this,
some kind of
group therapy session?

Yeah, it is.

Here's a piece
of advice,

nobody likes
a troublemaker.

That's funny,
coming from you.

we were all
P.J.'s friends.

AMBER: Lance, if there's
something that you know
that's bothering you,

just tell us.

Okay. How about this?

I never understood
why you dated
such an assh*le.

- Got your notes, jackass.
- What are you talking about?

Colby, just stop it.

You think we're scared? Huh?
You think we care?

You know what,
you've got a lot of nerve

coming down here
starting shit with me!

You should worry
a little less about me,

and a little
more about my uncle.

Sheriff Davis? Why?

He came down here yesterday,
asking about some secret.

Lucky you got a chainsaw,
douche bag.


All right,
Colby, do you honestly think

the town sheriff
is running around

in a fisherman's outfit,
playing hide
and creep with us?

The guy was Special
Forces in the Army.

They live for
this kind of shit.

his own son died.

we have to do something.

We have to tell him
that we know he's on to us.

Colby, it's the Sheriff.
Not Lance.

It's not like
we can just walk
up and accuse him.


SHERIFF DAVIS: Kent, we got to
figure out what's
going on tomorrow

because we're
short a couple of guys,

calling in sick on me.

So if you could get on that...

You really want
to sit back and see
how this psycho

plans to celebrate
the anniversary
of P.J.'s death?

We'll just have the usual.

Look, I know
what I'm doing.

You're just going
to have to trust me.

Yeah, I tried that before.


♪ Meet me at the coliseum ♪

♪ Don't tell a soul ♪

♪ Meet me at the coliseum ♪

♪ Don't tell a soul ♪

Hey, Zoe. Yeah,
I'm almost done packing.

I'll be there in,
like, 30 minutes.

Okay, bye.

♪ Meet me at the coliseum ♪

♪ Don't tell a soul ♪

♪ Don't tell a soul ♪

♪ Don't tell a soul ♪




MAN: Don't jump.




Turns out we
didn't get to finish
our conversation today.

I'm sorry.
Things have been crazy,
we didn't...

Oh, come on, Amber.

This is part of your
guys' game, isn't it?

It's Colby's idea, right?

I don't know what
you're talking about.


I know what you
did last summer.


P.J. told me.
Before it all went down.

It's funny,
I'd never even heard
of this stupid Fisherman

until you guys thought
that he should come visit.
Lance, it was an accident.

But you guys just
couldn't get enough.

A year later,
and the pranks
just keep on coming.

You tell Colby that
if he tries anything...

Lance. You're in trouble.

We didn't do this,
you have to believe me.

So who did?

I don't know.


What the hell?


My uncle didn't do this.

Who invited him here, anyway?

The guy who
played arts and crafts
on my bike.

So, Lance,
who do you think it was?
I don't know.

A lot of people
got pissed off
about last year.

we have to go to Hafner.

He's your buddy,
he said he'd help us.

He's the only
one we can trust.


Let's just say
that it's Davis.

We rat on him
and he'll just tell
everyone about last year.

We deny everything.

We say the guy lost his mind,
he lost his son,
he's taking it out on us.

AMBER: You're the one
losing it, Colby.

Come on, Amber!
We're the victims here.

- What's wrong with you?
- LANCE: Chill out, man.

She's just trying
to figure things out.

Yeah, what if we're
wrong about the Sheriff?

We--we say we're sorry,
we--we panicked,
we got it wrong, whatever!

COLBY: The point is,
we got to tell Hafner
so we can be protected.

You know I'm right.


What's going on?

Hey, uh,

you said if we
ever needed to talk...

Yeah. Yeah, come on back.

Just having
a few friends over.

Oh, well, um...

Maybe this isn't such
a good time after all.

It depends on what
you want to talk about.

It's about P.J., isn't it?

The anniversary?

Hey, who wants
another one?

- MAN 1: Hey, yeah.
- MAN 2: Yeah, I'll take one.

Uncle Paul.

- What'd I miss?
- MAN: Something about your son.

We've, um, all been
having some problems
the last few days.

- It kind of stems back to...
- Tomorrow's the fourth.

And even though
the carnival's canceled,

that guy's still,
you know, out there.

What if he decides
to go after someone else?

♪ Business in the front ♪

♪ And party in the back ♪

ZOE: Everything we do
just makes this
worse and worse.

We've got to
get out of here.


What's that
going to do?

It's going to take
the big night away
from this freak.

Hold on, I'm not
going anywhere
with him.

LANCE: You better tell your
boyfriend to chill out.

Okay, you two stop it.

We're sticking together
and we're getting out of here.

And by the way,
he's not my boyfriend.


♪ I wish you would've told me
from the start ♪

♪ That you're a girl
with a very cold heart ♪

♪ Could've enjoyed my misery ♪

♪ Without the presence
of your company ♪

Wow! He's already
got driver status, huh?


Look what I got.

AMBER: What are you
doing with that?

I went and got
it from Roger's

so we can get rid of
it once and for all.

Chuck it in a damn volcano.

AMBER: Where's your stuff?

I don't know how
to say this. Um...

I just found out
there's going to be

some agents at
the show tonight.

They book clubs
all over the state,
maybe even L.A.

I'm sorry, I just
can't miss out on this.

Zoe, we had a plan.

I am going to be on a stage,
in front of a crowd,
with security all around.

What's safer than that?

Leaving town.

You guys go without me.

- OK, let's go.
- No, no, no, guys.

We got to stick
together here.

Fine. Then we're
all going to the show.

Look, you play
your song,

then we get in the car,
and we'll head out
of there.


I'm not hanging
around here all day,
I'll meet you there.

Buy me a ticket.


♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ This town will never see ♪

♪ If it could breathe at the
very bottom of the sea ♪

♪ Come on down, baby ♪


Here. This is how
we got the idea
for that damn prank.

What is this?

Zoe put
all this together.

We thought it was
a big hoax,
but it turns out

to be based
on a real guy.

On the 4th of July,
this guy goes crazy.

He kills a bunch of kids
in this little fishing town.

Supposedly it was
some kind of revenge.

Then a year later,

he goes after them again,

on some island
in the Caribbean
and dies there.

- Starting his own legend.
- Yeah.

They were all
stalked for a few days
before July 4th.

Hmm, sounds familiar.

♪ Falls, falls down ♪

♪ Go to depths with you,
baby ♪

♪ Depths with you, baby
Depths with you, baby ♪

I finally graduate
high school,
my real life

is supposed
to be starting
and look at me,

I'm-- I'm worried
that I'm even going
to make it through the night.

I'll be here with you.


You always have been.

♪ Let's leave nothing unsaid ♪

♪ Believe in me
and I in you ♪

♪ We can do whatever it is
you want to, man ♪

♪ To depths with you,
yeah, baby ♪

♪ To depths with you
You're a daredevil ♪

COLBY: Oh, aren't you two


- AMBER: Glad you could make it.
- Zoe goes on soon.

COLBY: Yeah, I can't
fricking wait.

- You're drunk.
- No, I'm self-medicated.

- You want some?
- AMBER: No, thank you.

So, Lancey Pants,
where's your uncle
who's not trying to k*ll us?

He's working.

Okay, let's move it along.

COLBY: The night's
still young, right?

Let's just go in.

♪ Gonna have a hangover
in the morning ♪

♪ Ain't gonna leave blind ♪

♪ Gonna have a hangover
in the morning ♪

♪ I think I'm gonna die
It's gonna be ♪

This sucks!

♪ It's gonna be ♪

I'm going to get
another cocktail.

♪ One of those nights ♪
AMBER: Colby.

- Colby, don't...
- I'll be back
in a second.

♪ It's gonna be
It's gonna be ♪

♪ One of those nights, yeah ♪


BAND MEMBER: Show time!

ZOE: Try not to die out there.

- BAND MEMBER: Let's roll.
- Come on, let's go.

Okay, people, next up,

let's get ready
to rock and roll
with Zoe and the Hooks!


♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ This town will never see ♪

♪ If it could breathe at the
very bottom of the sea ♪

♪ Come on down, baby ♪

♪ And that's all you need ♪

♪ It's to understand, please ♪

♪ What is going, going,
going ♪

♪ Going down ♪

♪ Shut your eyes
my sweet sugar ♪

♪ The ones that made
you proud ♪

- She's good.
- No. She's awesome!

♪ I've seen
your broken tears ♪

♪ 'Cause this time
it is real ♪

♪ So when you gonna
take me through that door? ♪

Your uncle's right there.

♪ When your house is crumbling
You better let it go ♪

Yeah, I found it, man.

Thanks for the hook up, dude.

All right, later.


All right.

♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ To depths with you, baby ♪

♪ Go, go, go down, man ♪


AMBER: Babe,
you rocked up there.

LANCE: That was incredible.

ZOE: An agent from L.A.
asked for my info.

- AMBER: That's awesome!
- ZOE: I know!

So, can we go now?

All right.

Would you chill?
Nothing's going to happen
in the next two minutes.



LANCE: Come on! Come on!


♪ Step, step, step
to the floor ♪

ZOE: Where is he?


♪ Step, step, step
to the floor ♪


LANCE: We got to find
a way out of here.

♪ Step, step, step
to the floor ♪

♪ So be real
with the real hardcore ♪

LANCE: Where the hell are we?

- Where's Zoe?
- I don't know.

Where the hell is she?

Amber? Lance?

Come on, please!

Come on, please!





LANCE: Oh, God.

No, don't.




I know, I know.
We got to get help.

Come on.

- Hafner, we got a problem.
You copy?
- HAFNER: Yeah, go ahead.

I got a dead girl
at the back of the lodge.

- Call for backup.
- Copy that.


Come out of there!

Uncle Paul, please,
you don't understand.

- Looks pretty clear.
- He's trying
to k*ll us.

Who's trying to k*ll you?
Where is he?



AMBER: Colby, where are you?

I'm having some vodka.
Feeling pretty good.

He's here.

- Who's here?
- The Fisherman.

- You mean Sheriff Davis?
- No.

No, he's dead, and so is Zoe.

He's after all of us.

Get the hell out of the lodge.

That might be a problem.

Colby, Colby where are you?

I'm in the kitchen.

Okay, don't move,
we're coming!


Are you okay?


Hey, you've reached Colby,
leave a message.

LANCE: Look! The door.


AMBER: Colby?


We got to get out of here.

AMBER: Oh, thank God.

John! You have
to help us.

Why're you covered in blood?

You don't understand.

something you don't know.

It's about what
happened last year.
I know.

I know what you
did last summer.

HAFNER: Roger told me.
Last week.

He was freaking out!
He wanted to
confess everything!

I told him it was too late,
he should just keep
his mouth shut.

I had no idea how
far he'd take that.

You knew?

And you kept it a secret?

I did it for you, Amber.

But everything's
different now, isn't it?

I searched your car.

I found a box with a hook!


Now get in the truck!

LANCE: No, oh...


Oh, God.

Get back.

It's you!

Look, I don't know
how this happened.

It's you.

Oh, my God.

All right,
assh*le, on the ground.

Hands on your head.

Put your hands up
or you're a dead man.

Put them up!


LANCE: Stay down, assh*le.


There's no way!

Go, go! Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Go, go! We got to go!
Come on! Come on!


Do it!

Come on!

No, no!


LANCE: Where'd he go?

He's gone.

What was that black shit
coming out of his arm?

AMBER: I don't know.

It's the guy
from 10 years ago
who k*lled all those kids.

Amber, that was not a guy.

It's the legend.

- It's become true.
- I can't believe this.

P.J. died,
we kept it a secret.

But we can hurt him.

- This hurt him.
- Come on, we've got
to turn ourselves in!

Think about it, Lance.
No one is going
to believe us!

I'm going after him.

Amber. Wait.

LANCE: Come on.

AMBER: Where are we going?

- I know this one is open.
- Hurry up,
I think he's coming.

LANCE: Go, go, go, go, go!
Oh, shit.
Hurry, here he comes.

- AMBER: This way?
- LANCE: No! This way.


- LANCE: Okay, come on.
- AMBER: Okay.



Put the hook right there.
Right there.

Right there. Okay.

LANCE: Come over here.

LANCE: Almost there.

LANCE: Don't move it
until I tell you.

LANCE: Okay, you ready?

Lance, over there!

AMBER: No, up there.




AMBER: He's gone.


Amber, Amber.

We got to keep going,
we can't stay here.

Come on, come on.
Let's go.


Lance, no!



The secret dies with you.

DETECTIVE: You sure you
can't ID this guy?

I couldn't really
see his face.

But he's not
from around here.

Just some crazy
guy who wanted more
of what he got last summer.

He won't bother
anybody again.


It's over.



LANCE: Hello?
- Miss me yet?

Hey! Where you at?

Nevada. Near the state line.

I should be back
in L.A. in four hours.

We are finally
going to be off
the long distance plan.



- What was that?
- I don't know.

I think I just blew a tire.

Amber, you okay?

Yeah, it's a flat tire.

I don't know what
could have done that.

Somebody around
there to help you out?

No, there's nobody out here.

You got a spare?

Lance? Are you there?

Lance, hello?



♪ (NY by Suffrajett playing)

♪ If you want it ♪

♪ You got to cash it ♪

♪ Try and cash it
if you want it ♪

♪ But you ain't gonna ♪

♪ Ever get me ♪

♪ Baby thought you said
I want you ♪

♪ Let's go to New York
We'll be streetwise ♪

♪ Get some
Freestyle ♪

♪ New York
Say why ♪

♪ She sighed ♪

♪ New York
Streetwise ♪

♪ Freestyle
Freestyle ♪

♪ New York
Say why ♪

♪ She sighed ♪

♪ We'll go to New York ♪

♪ New York ♪

♪ New York
We'll be pretty tonight ♪
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