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Red Right Hand (2024)

Posted: 02/22/24 22:33
by bunniefuu
Morning, Uncle Cash.

Some heavy reading

for ninth grade.

It's one of mom's

old college books

by this British guy,

Eric Padgett.

He's like a philosopher,

writes about ethics

and how to be good.

So you're reading textbooks

for fun?

I guess.

Well, don't hurt yourself.

Your dad up?

- Oh, what time is it?

- Time to feed.

- I'm going...

- Come on.

- I'm going.

- Let's go.

All right, all right,

all right.

Mr. Bright-Eyes

and Bushy-Tail,

just give me a minute.

We ain't got time

for a Lamaze class.

Let's go!

Come on, let's get on it.

We got some

hungry hippos out here.

Here, chick, chick, chick.

No need to shove,

there's enough for everybody.

C'mon, little guy, let's go.

In you get. All right.

There you go.


Come on now.

Let's go.

How's he doing?

Been lappin' up that zinc

for over a month now.

No reason he shouldn't be

trying to breed

with a heifer on the lot.

Rachel would know.

It's like the damn thing

talked to her.


Never said sh*t to me.

Yeah, me neither.

But I keep listening.

You okay, girl?


What the hell's got her

running out here

like the house is on fire?

- What's going on, darling?

- Come quick!

You all right?

It's coming!

Hey. Hey, there she go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy,

easy, easy, easy.

Easy, girl.

Easy, girl.

Yeah, I'm not liking this.

She's pushing hard.

Yeah, and ain't nothing

coming out.

Whoa, whoa.

All right, mama,

I'ma take a look,

make sure things are in order.

Oh, yeah, I see the problem.

What's wrong?

Foal's stuck.

She's got one foot forward.

Wanna get a vet?

Probably long gone,

the time she get here.

You got 10 to 15 minutes

in this state.

And I say we on the tail end

of that.

- Oh, keep her still, Cash.

- Whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Easy, my girl.

- I got her.

Pull the tail back.

Dad's trying to fix it.

- Got it?

- Hold on. Got the hoof!

- All right.

- Just gotta get the hoof, girl.

Easy, Flagen.

- Step on back now, she got it.

- Yeah.

She got it.

- There it is.

- All right.

She got it.

Yeah, she precious little thing.

Just think, most people

still sleeping on a Sunday.

Sensible ones anyway.

- Their loss.

- Yeah.

Welcome to the family.

Come on.

Savannah, let's go!

- Gonna find it?

- Yeah.

It gets lost now and again.

Oh, you look beautiful,

baby girl.

- Thanks, Dad.

- Yeah.

Why don't you come with us?

Oh, not really feeling

too churchy these days.

'Sides, I need to get

that tractor running.

I've been saying I would

for the last month.


come meet us

for lunch at the grill.

Bringing out the big g*ns.

Do it for the patty melt.

Well... buying?

Hot and on the table

when you walk in.

All right, damn it. You got me.

Knew it would.

Y'all have fun now.

Get that thing fixed then.

Oh, I'm on it.

Well, we're just gonna

keep asking him.

He just misses Mom.

- Yeah.

- I do, too.

She would have been proud

of him this morning.

Yeah, she would.

When I was a boy,

my daddy would

take me out hunting.

We'd wake up before sunrise,

traipse through the cold

and the dark,

leaves crackling under our feet.

Some of you know

what I am talking about.

I see you nodding, Andy.

And look, I stand before you

now a preacher.

I'm just a sinner,

just like you.

Just like you.

There was a time

I was a real son of a bitch.

Hell, you can look it up.

They got a file on me down

at the police station.

I know a little something

about that.

All right.

Not a word out of you, Sheriff.

But I was in those same woods

that I'd go hunting

with my old man.

And I had a revelation

and I realized

God is always there.

He's always been there,

listening, waiting, ready

to open his arms to us.

- Amen.

- Give me another amen.

- Amen.

- Thank you.

'Preciate it.

Just wonderful, Pastor.

Appreciate you taking the time.

I wouldn't miss it.

Beautiful way

to start the morning.

- All right.

- Sheriff.

Well, the Lord is quicker

to forgive than your fellow man.

How's Finney holding up?

Touch and go.

You need to get him off

that Memphis Blind.

Is he hunting?

Not hardly.

Well, it's worse than I thought.

- Yeah.

- How about you, Savannah?

Has your uncle taken you

hunting yet this season?

We have,

but all I get is skunked.

That's not true.

You've been close on a couple.

Go on, show him

what you picked out.

What you got?

Oh, that is some prime

cutting steel. Look at that.

Reckon she's got about, what,

six months of morning chores

before you pay it off.

Oh, your uncle's

a prickly bastard, isn't he?

A miser, too.

Now this one's got you figured,


Yeah, she's a regular Dr. Phil.

I'll tell you what,

I'm gonna be eating

your dad's patty melt

if he don't make it here soon.

You should.

I'll be right back.

Finney, where the hell are you?

Twelve-dollar burger's

getting cold.

What's this now?

Cash. Didn't think you'd mind.

Doe here is just having

a little bite to eat.

Might lose my appetite

looking at that hand though.


Get up. Let her out.

You left her all alone.

We were just being polite,

keeping her company.

Come on, Savannah.

Fly away, little butterfly.

We just wanna have a chat

with your uncle.

Come here, sweetheart.

Go get a dessert at the bar.

I won't be long.

It's all right. Don't worry.

Sit down.

What do you want?

We don't want nothing.

Big Cat does.

I got nothing to say to Big Cat.

Big Cat got something

to say to you.

About your farm.

About my farm? What about it?

All right, come on.

All right, come on.

There she is.

There's my girl. Church good?

I thought

you were coming to lunch.

Oh, I'm sorry, kiddo.

Savannah, give me a minute

with your pops, will ya?

Go on, darling.

Let me talk to Cash.

I'ma make another one.

Now, you let me know

if you have a change of heart.

This you being funny?

Are you really trying to f*ck

with my sobriety?

You still smoke.

And that's some nasty-ass sh*t,

let me tell you.


...this you being an assh*le.

Mm, I'm just saying.

You can throw them back

as good as anyone.

I was a drunken dumbass,

now, you're throwing 'em back

for both of us.

Now that... that is a truth

you won't hear on the radio.

See, you missed lunch.

The Buck and Doe

joined us at the diner today.

They're under the impression

that you're in Big Cat's debt.

That you owe.

Let me tell you something

about this farm, Cash.

Like a bucket with a hole in it.

Did you give the note

on my sister's place to Big Cat?

I took a loan on my place.

I had to, or this farm

would be gone any damn way.


You need a loan,

you go to the bank.

Oh, who do you think

I owe the money to?

You think they just

keep giving you more?

Look, I'm telling you

I did it right.

A clear agreement,

I can pay it back

once them cows

are ready for the sale.

It don't matter.

You go through their office,

you sign a bunch

of bullshit paperwork.

That's Big Cat's money

all the same.

Goddammit, use your brain.

I'll tell you what,

you ain't paid a cent

for that cabin.

That might help fill the hole

a little bit, don't you think?

You gave the devil an inch,


What was I supposed to do?

You got an extra 100 grand?

No, sir.

All right,

so don't worry about it.

I'll handle it.

No, I'll handle it.

I know how these animals feed.

You need to dry out.

Quit hanging around the house.

Go huntin', take Savannah.

She wants to go with you.

Well, all I'm in the mood

to sh**t is this bourbon.

But for you, I'll do it outside.


They're cooking right out

in the wide open, man.

Making pills inside.

Yeah, we come back here,

four or five guys all armed up,

they ain't gonna know

what's what for.

In and out of there with

every one of them damn pills.

All right, look it. I'm gonna

go around the building.

Get a better look.

You stay here, keep an eye,




There he is! Freeze, assh*le!

Oh, sh*t.

Hands up! Get 'em up!

Leave 'em up!

Look, I appreciate

you got a job to do.

Sir, I know it's important,

but Mr. Barkley

has a very busy day.

I'm happy to schedule you

a time to come in.

Well, you best make it now.

'Cause, I'm not leaving

until I talk to Zeke.

It's all right, Sue.

He's with me.

What you up to?

Just homework.

Honey, you're gonna run off

to some fancy school

and leave your old man here

home alone, ain't you?

Right now I'm just trying

to pass trig.


Well, let me take a look.

You know, I used to get down

with some math

back in high school.

So, Cash.


What can I do for you?

I'm here to find out

what Finney owes,

so we can take care of it.

I'm sorry, Cash.

You seem to be confused.

I don't think this is even math.



Oh, hell, I don't even think

that explanation's in English.

Hey, honey, you stay right here.

Uncle Finney, open up!

Who is it?

I see him!

Okay. Go hide in the back.

Go hide in the bathroom.

Hey, he's trying

to get out the back!

Come on, Finn.

You don't wanna make us

kick this door in!

I'm just trying to figure out

why you're b*ating

on my door unannounced!

Open this door, Finney.


Hey. How you doing, Buck?


Big Cat just wanted us

to pay you a little visit.

Said to check up

on our investment.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I'ma...

I'ma pull it together.

I mean, it ain't even due yet,

so you know.

Leave him alone!

It doesn't look like

you're pulling together sh*t.

- Stop!

- Shut that kid up.

Don't you touch her!

- Lay off!

- Hey, hey, hey.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Damn straight. This here...

Get him, boys.

Far as the contract

is concerned,

the farm belongs to Big Cat.

Now maybe you can earn it back.

But it's not the kind of debt

that you can just

walk in and pay.

Even if you had the money.

No, the debt's settled

when Big Cat says it's settled.

Until then, you don't own

the ranch.

Now, Cash,

is there anything else

I can do for you?


All right, little darling,

I ain't gonna hurt you.

I'm sorry.

Buck... Okay. Okay.

Look, you sh**t me,

ain't nobody getting paid.

It's got nothing

to do with money.

What happened?

They put a g*n

to his ears and fired.

- Finney?

- I can't hear sh*t.

Let's get you inside.

Come on.

Come on.

I am so sorry. I'm sorry.

- Easy. Just breathe.

- I'm so sorry.

Just breathe it out.


I cut one of 'em.

Which one?

The one that's always giggling.

The Doe.

I'm gonna get this figured out.

I need you to look after

your dad, okay?

I'll be back

in a couple of hours.


Mr. Williams?

Sheriff will see you now.

Looky here.

Finally turning yourself in,


Good to see you too, Duke.

Cash, come in.

Always figured I'd have you

sitting in a cell.

Not across from my desk.

What's this about?

I got a Big Cat problem.

Now, this ought

to be interesting.

Well, Finney went to her

for a loan on the farm

and she's tightening the screws.

Seems anyone should know better,

it's him.

Oh, come on, Sheriff.

I mean, she's the damn queen

of Odim County.

That's something you sure

as hell had a hand in, Cash.


So if you wanna talk

about that, we're all ears.

As far as the loan,

I'd say you talk to Zeke.


Yeah. Well, did that.

Look, we wanna take her down

just as bad as you do.

But we need proof of wrongdoing,

not just accusations.

So how about it, Cash?

You got some information?

If you did, it could solve a lot

of problems for both of us.

I'm just trying to hold on

to my sister's place.

Then bring me something concrete

I can take to a judge.

Hang my daddy's g*n.

Here. Here.

Lazarus, you're gonna have

to excuse me.

I really like your ideas,

but I'm gonna have

to ponder them.

Yeah, yeah, no problem.

What's up, man?


Wanna tell me why you're putting

the screws on me and my family?

Having your men put their hands

on a little girl?

You're upset.

sh*t Finney's ears out

in front of Savannah.

His ears

will be ringing for a few days,

no doubt about that.

But the message was for you,


You missed it before.

When I have to send a message

a second time,

it comes with more volume.

I don't want your cows

or your land.

Hell, I didn't wanna give Finney

a loan in the first damn place,

because I knew

the drunken son of a bitch

would piss it away.

So here I am

doing the honorable thing,

giving you the opportunity

to work it off,

so I don't have to put Finney

in a hole

next to your sister, Rachel.

I'm out.

We had an agreement.

I've grown since you left.

It's no longer just

plants and pills.

I'm into empire-building, Cash.

I got my fingers and hands

in everything.

It's a delicate time

in my enterprise.

We're on the verge

of something big.

And I could use an extra hand.

Now, I got good, strong boys,

raised on my rules

and dedicated, every one of 'em,

but they don't have your gifts.

You were always so good

with people.

But then you could be

a cold-hearted son of a bitch

just as easy.

That's what made you so good.

I'm not sure

what I'm supposed to consider,

unless you give me

some specifics.

Three jobs of my choosing.

That's what it'll take

to pay back the debt.

If I decline?

You can take the silver

or you can take the lead.

I do this,

it's to pay off a debt.

Three jobs and I'm done.

Simple and plain.

Of course, baby.

No need to be complicated.

How you doing?

Worst g*dd*mn thing

that happened

in front of Savannah.

I don't disagree.

Grown man, can't take care

of my own land.

Couldn't take care of my wife.

Now, my little girl.

You're not the only one twisting

yourself up about things.

No. Maybe I just wasn't cut out

to be a father.


You gotta quit

talking like that.

That's not helping anyone.

- I know.

- Especially Savannah.

I'm just tired of thinking.

I'm tired of feeling.

Tired of drinking.

Being hungover.

I'm so tired of drinking.

It's not gonna be easy

drawing off.

But I'll be there for you

every way I can.

How much trouble are we in?

What can I do?

Keep reading. Keep studying.

So you don't make

the same mistakes we have.

Don't talk to me like

I don't understand.

I know you do.

I can help.

I know you can.

I just want you to stay focused

on what matters.

That's not some stupid books.

That's dad, you, and the farm.

I can't fault you there.

You're right.

But we got this

worked out, okay?

There's nothing you can do

on this, I promise.

How about we go find your dad?

He's got a fire going

and everything.

I can't promise you s'mores.

What's your name, son?


Harlen. As much pain as you're

in right now,

I can promise you it's gonna get

a lot, lot worse

if you don't tell me

who you're working

with on this thing.

Nobody, heard you were

making pills out there.

Figured we'd see if we could get

a little for ourselves.

That's it.

That doesn't sound

very sophisticated.


Please, I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

I would like to believe you,

but I gotta be sure.

And I can't rightly have you

running around...

with those thumbs attached

to those thieving hands.

No, wait, no, no, no, no.

I won't come back. I swear.

No, no, no, please don't sh**t.

No, wait, don't sh**t.

Please, please, please.

- Are you sure?

- Just take my thumb.

That's a good decision.

No, no.

Hold on. Okay.

There you go.


Thanks for coming out.

Do I have a choice?


Get your f*cking ass

out of here.

You trash piece of sh*t.

Hey, give me one of them.

Where the hell are you, man?


Well, hurry the f*ck up,

they already dropped me.

You're such a d*ck.

Go see what we're dealing with.

Must've read my mind.

Goddammit, Harlen.

I told you to be careful.

They got Reggie. He's dead.

And she cut

my f*cking thumb off!

We hit these m*therf*ckers

back tonight. Huh?

Let's go! Get loaded up!

Call the boys, Bobby.

All of them. Get f*cking ready.

Five guys. Look like locals.

All strung out.

Talking about revenge

and calling in the boys.

Calling in the boys, huh?

Looks like we got us

some big-timers.

Talk to me.

What do we got?

Yeah, it's just like we thought.

All right,

we'll go in the front.

Why don't you go

in the back, Cash?

I'm gonna need a g*n.

I got your g*n.

Yeah, baby.

Ready, brother?

All right, boys. Move out.

Gimme the f*cking g*n,


Here you go. There's your g*n.


Shut the f*ck up, man.

Here's what we're gonna do,

we're gonna...

There's the son of a bitch.

Look at that, Cash got him.

He almost got him.

My g*n wasn't loaded.



you just passed the sh*t test.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.


All right


You're up early.


How long you been

standing there?

Long enough to know

you mean business.

- Yeah.

- You ready?

I never needed something

more in my life.

Twelve o'clock.

Oh, g*dd*mn.

I'm shaking like an old man.

Stay focused on the task.

In other words, God.

- God.

- Family.

- Family.

- Survival.


Damn, I got it.

All right, come on.

First things first,

gotta remove the skin.

Start at the top.

Just work your way down.

Just little cuts. Got it?

There you go.

Thank you.

She's got me hemmed in.

That's what she does.

But you're still sitting there.

A lot of people in that same

situation can't say that.

Remember that kid, Tyler Mack?

- Yeah, the dealer?

- Yeah.

Barely. I was out by then.

I liked him.

But he was reckless, you know?

Deep into pills.

Hey, that hillbilly heroin?

Razor-sharp claws.

That was my preferred ticket

to oblivion.

Me, Rachel, and Finney

we'd all party with Tyler.

Get loaded for days.

At that point,

it wasn't even fun.

In so deep.

All any of us cared about

was getting bent.

We were all just right there

on the edge.

I could feel it.


Then I get the call

about my sister's overdose.

Doctor said the pills dampened

the electrical signal

to her heart.

Snuffed the spark right out.

- Hmm.

- Hmm.

Spent the next two weeks

getting wasted.

Missed my own sister's funeral,

I was such a mess.

That's when I knew

I needed help.

Took losing her for me

to see that.

A lot of people never get

on the right track.

Is that what I'm doing?

You think

I don't experience doubt?

You think I'm not struggling?

Cash, you're making progress.

That's all any of us can do.

Don't sell it short.

What was it that drew you out?

It's nothing quite so dramatic.

I had a revelation.

Pure and simple.

My eyes were opened like Saul

on the road to Damascus.

Yeah, that's pretty dramatic

to me.

Maybe you're right, I guess.

Hell, we got the scars

to prove it.



No, I'll handle it.


What's the word?


His number's up.

Why's that?

Got some side hustle going.

Big Cat don't approve.

She wants an example made.

So, he'll be coming with us,

but he's not coming back.

That's a pretty big change

of plans

to be dropping last minute.

It's f*cked, man.

He's been working

this deal for months.

Could open up a whole lane

of East Coast distribution.

But you know Big Cat.

She makes the decision.

You gonna be able

to handle this?

Yeah. Easy, no question.

Just make it clean.

Nothing fancy.

I got it. Jesus.

Oh, boy.

Just about jumped out

of your damn skin.

Yeah, thanks, assh*le.

All right, my brothers.

How's about a little 'cid

for this trip? Huh?

That's how you wanna go

into this?

Well, I do my best work

on a tab.

Two tabs, that's too much.

That's over the top.

Ain't that right, Wes?

Come on, man.

Stop messing around.

g*dd*mn, man,

y'all need to relax.

These dudes, they like me.

They're gonna get spooked by all

your f*cking stressor vibes.

All right, let's roll, baby.

Time to become legends, boys.

Now make a left there,

cross that bridge.

You wanna give us

a hand here, Wes?

Or you gonna keep pacing

a hole in the ground?

What's the deal, man?

You've been acting f*cking weird

all day.

You run out of Percocet

or something?


The f*ck did you just do?

He knew something was up.

The only thing he knew

is you were acting

like a g*dd*mn jackass.

You said do it clean.

I did it clean.

After. Do it clean after.

It's his deal, isn't it?

His contact.


Yeah, sh*t.

Help me get him

in the g*dd*mn van.

Wanna get off the tarp?

Are you gonna help me get him

in the van?

I think I'm gonna f*cking puke.

Just get the phone.

It's them. sh*t.

They're 15 minutes out.

Write back, tell 'em

he can't make it,

but his boys will be there.

It's f*cking locked. I can't...

Here, channel your best Lazarus.

Right. Okay.

What happens if they ask

about Lazarus?

When they ask,

you let me handle it.

Stay cool and get the deal done.

Can you do that?


All right,

here they f*cking come.

Everybody has their thing.

For me, it's one specific one.

My men know what it is

and they avoid it at all costs

just to not set me off.

He doesn't like surprises.

So, you can imagine

my gut feeling...

when I get a text...

10 minutes

before our scheduled meeting...

informing me

that I'll be encountering...

two faces I do not know.

Instead of the one

that I was expecting.


So I ask you...

where is sweet,

fun-time Lazarus?

And why the f*ck isn't he here?

- Look, there must be some...

- He couldn't make it.

We're here to handle it for him.

It's no more complicated

than that.

What did Lazarus say

in his text?


"I'm totally blown out

right now."

"My guys will be there

to cover me."

See, I know Lazarus.

Boy likes to have fun.

That's why he's so pleasant

to be around.

But this...

this is out of character.

We're all a little annoyed

and surprised

he couldn't make it.

But if you knew Lazarus

like we do, well...

it's not so out of character

for Mr. Fun-Time.

Nobody move, or I put you down.

Don't you do it.

Well, this is a major surprise.

There's an explanation,

but I'm not in a position

to give it.

Now, I'm gonna assume

that nobody wants to die

on this fine afternoon.

And we sure as sh*t

don't wanna tell Big Cat

why this turned

into a bloodbath.

So let's stay focused

on the matter at hand.

Can we do that?

If you can't play nice,

I'll take you

out of the equation.


Yeah, I understand.

Your product's all there.

We good?

Get the money.



All right, kid, let's slow down.

We can still work this out.

Wayne? You hear me, Wayne?

You m*therf*ckers!

Would you stop sh**ting

and just listen

to what I have to say?

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

We fired in self-defense.

You know that's true.

I need you to be smarter

than this.


Nope, drop it.

Do it now

or I'll sh**t you in the face.

This can play out one

of two ways.

I can k*ll you

and take the money and dr*gs

back to Big Cat

and roll the dice

on a busted deal.

Or, and this is

my personal favorite,

you take the dr*gs,

we take the money,

just like we planned,

you go on living,

we go on living.

What do you say?

Smart kid.

Come here.


Actually could have gone

a lot worse.

Get the bag.

Do I even wanna know

what that is?


You're in the back.

- Are you serious?

- Yep.

Get in there

and babysit your handiwork.

- You all right?

- All right.

So, three jobs, huh?

It settles us up.

That was number two.

That don't sit well with me.

Not one bit.


Well, it's not fitting too well

with me either,

so if you got any ideas,

I'm all ears.

There she is.

Hey, honey, how was school?

Good, I guess.

Everything all right?

Another day.

Tip top.

I'm gonna go inside,

so you can finish

whatever it is

you don't want me to hear.

I appreciate it, honey.

- Be in there in a minute.

- Great.

What if Big Cat

don't stick to her word?

That's why I got a backup plan.

There a reason

you came ready for w*r?

Is there a reason you invited me

out to the middle of nowhere?

I wanna give you Big Cat.

Oh, yeah?

How you gonna do that, Cash?

She's got labs

all over these hills,

all producing.

She's trading trucks

full of dr*gs for cash.

That's just for starters.

That sound

like a mighty good story.

But I'm gonna need more

than a story.

I need something

that's gonna tie her directly

to everything that's happening.

Can you give me that?

You tell me what you want,

I'll get it.

But I don't exist not

to anybody.

It gets out I'm feeding you...

...Big Cat roasts my family

on a spit, you understand?

I get it.

I understand what you need

and what it means

to take care of your family.

I got you on that,

I give you my word.

I could call my buddy down

at the DA,

we get into it and see

what we need for a conviction,

but I need you to not f*ck me

on this, Cash.

I want her gone.

Me too.


Pick a better meeting spot

next time.

Bottom right corner.

Breathe, relax.

Bottom left corner.

All right, snug

in your shoulder, loose hands.

I can be snug or looser,

I can't do both.

Well, pull it in with your arms,

not your hands.

Slow it all down, Savannah.

It's not about speed,

it's process.

See it, say the word,

squeeze that trigger,

you know what to do.

For God.



All right, second ring, good.

Team effort, there you go.


Oh, are we done?

- Heck no!

- That's what I'm talking about.

Your license and registration,


There you go.

What's that about?

That's gratitude, officer.

It's courtesy

from our first lady

of Odim County.

- It's for you.

- What's that, about 100 bucks?


Now, that's a handsome sum,

right there.


I'm gonna let you hold on to it.

Oh, you're all right, officer,

thank you.

I want you to step out

of the car.

Are you sure about that?

- One hundred percent.

- I don't think

that's in your best interest,

officer, I... I don't. I...

Well, I want you to step out

of the car,

I want you to pop the trunk,

so I can do a nice inventory

search of the old girl.

I'm gonna go bumper to bumper.

Yeah, I'm... No.

Woah! Let it f*cking go!

Get out the f*cking car!

It'll be all right.

Give me your f*cking arm!

Oh, yeah, you f*cked up today.

Oh, yeah.

Now you get to think

about what you just tried to do.

f*ck! f*ck you!



You just f*cked up big-time!

Oh, yeah, you got plenty of time

to think about this.

I got one of Big Cat's

f*cking mules

on the side of the road.

Cash, it's Duke.

Man, pick up when I'm calling,

I'm trying

to get a hold of you.

I talked to my guy at the DA

and he says if you can give us

these drug labs on a map,

we may be able

to put this thing together.

I'm gonna need you

to wear a wire.

You can't hide under a rock

on this one.

Call me back. Clock ticking.

Time to go, Cash.

Get in the car.

Where we going?

Don't worry about that.

You just get in the car.

I don't get in the car with you.

- Why not?

- I don't like you.

Because I think

you're an assh*le.

Well, we don't think much

of you, either.

So I guess we'll just have

to risk it.

Heard there was a real

clusterfuck in the woods, huh?

Oh! Oh, you're late!

Come on, boys.

Big Cat wants everyone

around the table.

- Zeke.

- Cash.

Quiet down.

I said quiet down.

I got something to say.

I want you to know...

that we are growing.

And with that,

I wanna draw your attention

to my son Zeke.

You did things for my business

that I never knew possible.

So I want it noted, in front

of all these reprobates...

...that I love you

and I appreciate you.

I love you, Mom.

To my baby boy, Zeke.


And now to this pouty-faced

son of a bitch...


Worked for me back in the day.

Things didn't go so well.

It got kind of ugly.

But I don't blame you, Cash.

I know

I can be a nasty old bitch.

But I thought I'd give you

another chance to do

right by these hills.

And boy, did you. Hm?

You salvaged a deal

that in anyone else's hands

would have been a goat f*ck.

But you delivered

like you always did.

I got big plans for you.

I got big plans for all of you.

I'm talking greenback dollars.

- Yeah!

- Truckloads

and truckloads

of greenback dollars.

Let's drink

to f*cking truckloads!

You want out of my crew.

You take the mark.

- Mm. Yeah. You too.

- Take care.

All right, you animals,

move it into the other room.

Get your asses in here.

Are you ready

for the entertainment?

Oh, sh*t.

Okay, come on, baby.

Let's show the boys who we got

joining us this evening.

Now we're talking.

There we go.

That's what I'm talking about.

You all know Duke.

Yup. Yeah.

He's our top-notch deputy.

Real fan of our work.

Probably got your picture up

on a cork board.

He's been a real thorn

in our side.

But what Duke here

failed to realize

is these hills, they talk to me,

they tell me things,

and they're telling me right now

to do such

savage things to you

that it spreads like wildfire,

and don't nobody wanna follow

in your footsteps.

Jett, come introduce yourself

to the deputy.

Ooh, Jett.

Straighten up now, Duke.

And say hello to Odim County's

badass brothers.

Now, I want you boys

to get creative.

Feel free to mix it up.



I got it all laid out for you.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hmm.

Yeah, buddy.

There a problem, officer?

License and registration.

Yeah, we got that.


I don't think I've ever seen

knees shatter like that.


I wanna see

just how badly you wanna live.

So if you beg just right,

I might

let you crawl out of here.

Would you like that opportunity?


Get that thing off him.

See what comes.

I... I got a son.

And my son needs me.

And I promise you,

I swear to God,

I swear on everything I love,


I'll walk away,

I'll never say anything

to anybody about anything.

I'm begging you, please.

That's good for me to hear.


But that's not enough for me.

I gotta send a message.


Somebody in here,

just f*cking help...

Nope, we're gonna

do this right and proper.


The only question is...

which of these goes where?

Any suggestions?

Seriously? Oh.

Come on now,

that is some weak sauce.


You gonna do us the honors?

I think everybody's had enough.

Just let me take him

out to the woods,

I'll finish him there...

then dispose of what's left.

Y'all reached your limit

on this?

If you're gonna survive

in these hills,

you need to get used

to a little blood.

Isn't that right, Cash? Eh?

Take him out back,

feed him to my dogs.

Then you can bury what's left.

And then I'm done.

You're done?


Three jobs.

That was the deal.

It don't matter what you think.

I say when it's over.

And that goes for your niece,

your drunk-ass brother-in-law,

and your sister's bones

buried at the farm.

You got me, boy?



Yeah. I got it.


Now get the f*ck

out of my sight.

Get me a drink. A whiskey.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, hey.

You sure as hell know how

to push that woman's buttons.

I can't say I've ever seen

Big Cat take so much

from one person

and still be breathing.


you better stay put

until she lands on a conclusion.


You're gonna wanna see this.

Had our guy get in

that deputy's phone.

Look who he's been talking to.

Get out.

How do you want me

to handle this?


Yes, ma'am.

Dad, you ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right out.

Yeah, hey, we about ready.

Gonna miss this one.

You do know I ain't been back

to that church

since the funeral.

You got Savannah there.

That's enough conviction

for the three of us.

No doubt about that.

What you got going on?

Backup plan went to sh*t.

I'm figuring a way to fix it,

get some evidence.

- You need some help?

- Sure don't.

I want you and Savannah

as far away

from this as possible.

I gotta go.

Hey, Cash. Ca...


- Hey.

- Dad, looking nice.

Thank you.

It's a little dusty,

but I think it'll work.

It's fine. It... You look great.

Oh, thank you. You ready?

- Yeah, I'm ready.

- All right.


Good morning, everybody.

Good morning.

Nice to see

your beautiful faces.

Today, I...

I think...

I think today I'm gonna deviate

from my planned remarks...

to speak to you from the heart.

We tend to focus on those sins

that bring tangible things

into our lives,

whether it's greed...

lust, pride.

Something we don't think

about much

is ridding our lives

of those sins

that have no worldly benefit,

like guilt, self-loathing,

anger at God,

or anger at ourselves.

These are the things

that weigh us down

and distract us

from what's important.

Honey, I think I gotta step out.

God doesn't want you

carrying the weight

- of your sin.

- I'll come with you.

He wants you to be present...

I'll be back.

...with those

who are with you now.

Dedicate yourself to them.

Let them be the benefactors

of your love and labor.

Hey, Dad.


You okay?

I am so sorry, Savannah.

It's okay.

I'm sorry I haven't been

a better dad to you.

Dad, it's okay.

Losing Mom is...

It's just been tough.

But I promise I'm gonna

be a better dad to you.

I love you.

Come here.

I think Mom would just want us

to be okay.

That she would.

Apologies, Finn.

I've been sitting

on that one for a while.

Might have got

a little overanxious.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, I thought it was beautiful.

- Hmm. It's good to see you.

- And you.

Maybe this means

you'll be coming around

a little more often.

Oh, sh*t.

I don't know.

I just wanna take care

of mine right now.

Well, when you're ready,

we'll be here.

I appreciate that.

Let's go.

How about you say we get us

a couple of patty melts?

Yeah, I'm down.

- You are?

- Yes.

Hey, Finney, where's Cash?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey. C'mon, c'mon.

Hey! Call the cops.

Call the cops right now!

- Get back!

- Hey! Get back. Get back now.

Dad! No!

- Savannah, run!

- Dad!

Back up!

Everybody, back the f*ck up!

Run! Run!

Back up!

Get the f*ck back, old man!

Back the f*ck up!

You're not too old to get sh*t.

You're gonna k*ll him!

Stop it!

You're gonna k*ll him!

You're gonna k*ll him!

Come on. Run!

- No!

- Go!

All right.

It'd be a real thrill

to put down a preacher.

Just take it easy, Doe.

Let's get out of here!

Now! Come on!

Let's go, let's go!

Finney. Finney. Oh, Jesus.

Sweet Jesus.

Is that help coming?

I'm sorry, he's gone.

I'll be right outside

if you need me.

Sheriff, what a nice surprise.

This a personal call?

Afraid not.

Finney Thompson was beaten

in front of the church today.

I heard about that.

He's since passed on.

See, things happen out

in broad daylight

in front of people.

It's hard for me to control.

It makes us both look bad.

Sounds like the boys

got carried away.

But it is what it is now.

I'm saying I need you to make it

a little easier on me.

People are watching now.

You might want to focus

on keeping

your own house in order.

I would hate to see

any more of your boys

get swallowed up by these hills.

Oh, and Lindsey,

it is a plum job you got...

with a lot of perks I provide.

A lot of folks

would like a nice job like that.

So you stay sharp...

'cause there is always somebody

waiting behind.

You have a nice day.

I should've done something.

I... I should've stopped 'em.


No, sweetie, no.

There weren't nothing

you could do.

Don't ever blame yourself.

Where are the police?

We have to tell them who did it.

They already know.

Then why don't they do


Because these people make

everybody afraid.

Well, what are we supposed

to do then?

We're gonna get you

to a safe place.

Get you to a safe place, okay?


I'm done letting her take

from this family.

Pray with me.

Pray with me now.

I don't think God's gonna

like what I have to say.

Just try.

Burdens change shoulders

when you pray.

Just speak your truth.


you took Rachel,

and now you've taken Finney.

And I got to be honest...

I just don't see a plan here.

I don't see how a loving God

could take my family

and leave that little girl

with no mom and dad.

It don't make no sense.

In fact, as long

as we're being honest here,

I wonder if you're there at all,

if you've abandoned us all

in this hell to suffer.

Wilder tells me you are there.

And that you test your servants.


And that this is my burden.

So I'm gonna do

what feels right.

And I'm gonna trust that,

because my blood is on fire.

But I ask you, Father,

I ask that you protect

what's left of my family

while I go about this.

I ask that you give me

the courage,

and the strength, and resolve...

to k*ll these bastards.

In your name, Father. Amen.


Man, you gotta get a new place.

You don't actually bring girls

back to this thing.

Less than I'd like, but yeah.

And it's resulted in f*cking?

More than you think.

Bullshit, give me that.

Here you go.

- Take that.

- Later, bro.


Didn't know you was trailing,

you little fucker.

Let's go, Cash!

You f*cking c**t!

f*cking keys. f*ck.

Found the family's truck

in the woods.

Even left his damn keys.

We'll be taking care

of this in-house.

Anything you'd like me to do?

Keep this mess from getting out.

Will do.

You boys.

You spiraled

so far into the depths

of depravity that

you abandoned all

agreed-upon, basic courtesies,

even knocking.

Girl must have

a healthy appetite.

Oh, nope.

Old Rusty.

Loves a big piece of meat.

Yeah. There's a boy.

We're past time

for messing around, Pastor.

Where is she?

I told you, she ain't here.

I do take issue, however,

with the m*rder of her father.

No one gives a damn

about your issue...

I'm gonna ask one last time.

Where's the girl?

Well, I'm telling ya...

I'm right here.

Now leave him alone.


Smart girl.

She just saved your life.

Now you tell Cash,

Big Cat's willing

to make a straight trade.

His life for the girl's.

What the hell happened?

You didn't answer my calls.

My phone d*ed. Where's Savannah?

They took her from me.

I'm sorry.

They wanna do a straight swap.

Your life for her life.

I have myself a plan.

You being here might change it.


I think you

and I got the same idea.

Wanna get cleaned up?

Might splash some water

on my face.

Rather take

a clean shirt, but...

I like to get filthy

when I maul.

The most important

decision of your life right now.

Don't f*ck it up.

I ain't gonna do nothing.

Well, then do nothing

while you're putting

your hands behind your back.


- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Get your ass up.

Zeke, we're taking you to lunch.

You don't know

what the f*ck you're doing!


You m*therf*ckers!

- Stay. Good boys.

- You're f*cking dead! No!


Don't just stand there, Susan,

f*cking call somebody!

Don't do anything, Susan!


I never had a daughter.

I've had three sons,

but the hills took two of 'em.

There was an incident

at the law firm.

They got Zeke.

Zeke's phone. Huh.

Where's my boy, Cash?

Well, he's anxious

to get back under your wing.

Let's do a trade.


Zeke for Savannah.

We meet at the rock plant,

Avenue 280.

Here's how this is gonna work.

You be at my place.

Four o'clock with Zeke.

You don't show,

I'll put another member

of your family in the ground.

That doesn't work for you?

We each dispose of our wares.

Save us both some trouble.

Is that clear?

Four p.m.

How'd that go?

Change of plan.

- Well, that sounds encouraging.

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, you're f*cked.

I'm real tired of your family.

Keep your eye

on that little bitch.

Yes, ma'am.

You f*cking son of a bitch!

You've signed your f*cking

death warrant, you m*therf*cker!

You're f*cking dog sh*t.

You're f*cking dead.

No! Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t.


Anybody put a sh*t in my son

and you will be

on the receiving end.

It's all right, baby, I'm here.

Big Cat!

Hey, Wilder.

You got all mixed up in this.

Where's Cash?

Things will go smoother

if you and me make this trade.

Keep emotions out of it.

You come driving up

with my son as a hood ornament.

I thought you was reformed,


I'm more the Old Testament type.

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

Hell, now you're speaking

my language.

Let my boy down.

I don't like seeing him

up there like that.

We can make the exchange

at the same time.

I ain't cutting him loose

till I got Savannah.

And I know you ain't tailing me.

If that happens,

I'll drop him down the road.

Sounds good by me.

Go get her.

When Zeke's clear, take him out.

We're gonna stuff

and mount these m*therf*ckers.

Make a show of it.

Easy now, little girl. Okay?

Put the g*n down.

Put the f*cking g*n down.


Put him down.

Don't f*cking sh**t.

He's behind the car!

Get a flank on him.


Put a pinch on him.

g*dd*mn it, Zeke,

get out of there!


Zeke, get the hell out of there!

Stay! Stay!

Easy, boy.

Get the f*ck back.


Hate to tell you this, Savannah,

but that M1 only holds

eight rounds.

Know how many you got left?

'Cause I do.

Damn, kid!

All right, game over.

I'm gonna

take your f*cking face off.


End of the line, little girl.

No, g*dd*mn you!


Oh God, Zeke, oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

Oh, God. I'm sorry.


God damn you.

Uncle Cash!

Come here.

Shh. You okay? Yeah?


Uncle Cash!

What do I do?

Out that window. Keep going.

Get out of town.

Get out

of the whole g*dd*mn state.

- No!

- Savannah. Look at me.

For God, for family,

and survival. Go.

Go now!

Go now!

Savannah, go!

Get the hell out!

You better know there's no place

on this earth I won't find her.

I'll see you in hell.

My sk...

Good morning, everybody.

Good morning.

I missed you.

It's great to see

all your bright, shining faces.

As you know, I haven't been here

for a few months.

I cut myself shaving.

- Want something to eat?

- You bet.

Oh, how I have longed

to be here with you.

Continue our talks

about the Lord's word

and the Lord's will.

Today's lesson

is on divine vengeance.

"What if the breath

that kindled those

grim fires, awaked,

should blow them

into sevenfold rage

and plunge us into flames?"

"Or from above,

should intermitted vengeance

arm again his red right hand

to plague us."

How's she doing?


Little giddy, huh?