01x49 - Look Who's Clocking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x49 - Look Who's Clocking

Post by bunniefuu »



Owen: Wooohooohoo! Hehehehaahaha!

- What has you in such a good mood.

- Because this place is so exciting!

There's morning snack, nibble time,

lunch, onesie and three's a chow!

- Except for lunch, those are all made up.

- And for the record, this place is boring.

Every day here feels two days long.

- Actually, days have gotten longer over time because of--

- Don't care!

(Pop, air whooshes)

- Leave it to Duncan to destroy the world.

- Morning, kids! Guess what?

- Oh! Is it taco Tuesday?

- You found Harold's pet rattlesnake?

- You're actually an alien who came to earth

to suck our brains out of our butts?

- Nope! None of those things.

Thanks to daylight saving time, today will be one hour shorter.

- Great, now we'll all die an hour earlier.

- What is daylight savings time?

- Every year on this day,

we move our clocks forward one hour.

- Why?

- Well, actually I have no idea why we do it.

But I'm going to listen to a podcast, become an expert,

and teach you everything I know!

So you guys keep it down and I'll be back soon.

- Move up the clock, hmm.

- Uh, Duncan? Are you trying to break out of here again?

- Yeah. All I gotta do is move this clock ahead

and it's home time for everyone!

- No! Stop!

If you mess with the clock, you could fracture time,

causing a rift in the space time continuum!

- The what-y?

- The barriers between time would no longer exist

and anything from any time period,

in the past or future could appear!

-Whoa. - Not cool.

- Oh, yeah? Says who?

- Episode six of the cracked mirror!

Only the coolest, creepiest sci-fi show ever!

Duncan never listens to me when I say

something bad is gonna happen.

Don't shake that soda bottle!

- Oh yeah?


- Don't step on that ant hill!

Ant: Aw!

- Hahaha! Whao! Agh!

- Don't touch that lamp! - I'm totally touching it!

- (Girly scream)


- Meh, I'm willing to risk it.

- Noooooooooo! - Aaaahh!

(Fizzles) (All gasp)

- Duncan tore a hole in the fabric of time!

- I did? Cool!

- No, not cool.

Don't you know what you've done?

- No, not really.

- (Roars) - (All scream)

- Whoooaahoho! An actual caveman!

- Ooga! Ooga! (smash) Ooga!

- This place is harshing my mellow.

- See?! I was right! We're doomed!

- No, we're not. This guy's awesome!

- Ooga!

- Hahaha! Smash!

Guys? I don't think the portal is done yet.


- Muh-muh-mummy! - Yaaarrrr!

Harold: Oh no he's going to eat Duncan!

- Mmwaaaawwwrr!!

- Aaaah! It's even worse! He's eating our lunches!

- I guess when we pulled him out of his eternal sleep

he woke up hungry.

- Well at least it can't possible get worse than a mummy.

- (Ferocious roar)

(All gasp)

- I think it just got a whole lot worse!

- Maybe something nice'll drop in next.

- Huh, huh, huh! Huh, huh, huh!

- (Gasp) I love Elvis!

- Thank you, thank you very...

aaaahhh! Not my blue suede shoes!

(Screams) (Chewing sounds)


- Okay, try not to make any sudden movements.

- Ooga! Ooga! - Run!


- Shhh. Keep it down!

Chef's gonna hear us and we're gonna get in trouble!

(Muted screaming)

- That's better!

(Loud eating sounds)

- And could you eat any quieter?

- Mmmmmrrrm!

- Smash! Smash! Aaaahhh!

- Caveman, nooo!

Chef is going to hear all this smashing!

- Come on! There's tons to smash outside!

Woohoo!! - Yaaaarrr!!

- Phew! Out-running raptors makes me hungry...

...for chocolate!

- Uhhh... Owen?

- Whahhhh!


- (Nervous laugh) Hey, none of this is my fault.

- It really is.

- Mmmwwaawwrr!

- What does he want from us?

- He's hungry! I think he wants your chocolate bar!

- He does?


- Now we have to feed him before he eats us!

- Owen!!

- What? I'm hungry!

- Sneaking is fun!

Why are we sneaking?

- So that raptor doesn't hear us.

- Woohoo! I'm over heeeeere!

- Oh no! I stepped on over here Eddy!

- Come and get me! I'm totally defenseless!

- Why do we even have this toy?

- Quick! Get rid of it!

(Chewing sounds) - Phew.

- (Roars) - Ahhhh!


- What do we do? - Just give me a few minutes!

I just need to watch episode of the cracked mirror

so I can fix this!

My mom wouldn't let me stay up late to watch the ending.

- Are you sure this place is safe?

- %! It's my panic room.

I built it in case of panic heh, and we panicked.

- It's made of cardboard!

(Raptor roars)

(Stomping footsteps)

(Knock on door)

- It's okay. Raptors can't open doors.

Clever girl!

- (Roars)

- Ahhhhh!

Quick! Into my escape tunnel!

- Smash! Smash!

- Good idea, Izzy.

I'm glad you thought of this game of slam-a-gopher.


- Oof!

- Ahhhhh!

- We're all out of food, Owen!

I guess we're the dessert!

(Sniffs) Wait,

why do I smell sausage? Owen!

- Okay. But I'm doing this in protest!


- Wow, he can sure eat a lot!

- I'm still not impressed.

(Stomach rumbles) - Okay, now I'm impressed.

- There is no way he's hungry after that!

- Good! Now I don't have to share my potato chips with him.

(Chips crunch) - Huh?


- No! Not the potato chips!

(Video game music)

- I think we're lost, it's like a maze in here!

- Relax! I know this place like the back of my hand!

- Don't you realize people's lives are at stake!

And by people, I mean us!

- We'll be fine! There's no way a raptor

can follow us through this maze.

It's just a dumb prehistoric animal

with the brain the size of a peanut!

She's standing right behind me, isn't she?

- (Roars) - Ahhhhh!

- Oh no. The gophers have quit playing.

- I have an idea!

(Whistles) Luuunch tiime!

- Smash!



- (Sighs) He is perfect!

- Grrrr... - Owen!

Just give the mummy the potato chips!

- Mwraaawwwrr! - But it's my favorite snack!

- Owen!

- Fine.

- We made it! - I told you we'd be fine!


(Roars) - Ahhhhh!

- (Smash) Ooga! - Whoooaaa!

- Me woooonnn!!!

Yay! Haha!

(Roars) (All scream)

(All scream)

Izzy! Use a barricade!

Raptors know how to open doors!

- Of course!

- Let me know if you wanna share.

- Giving up your potato chips was the right thing to do!

- (Sigh) I guess.

At least I've got my backup maple doodles!

- (Roars) - What are we gonna do?

That door isn't gonna hold forever!

- I just have to get to the end of the cracked mirror episode...

oh no! My battery died!

(All gasp) - We're doomed!

- Ruh-ro!

- Meh.

- Well? What now? - Quick!

Has anybody seen the ending of the cracked mirror episode?

- I have. - What happens?!

- Tell us! - Well...

- Whoa! Spoiler alert!

- Just spin the clock backwards.


- Hurry, Harold! That sound is really annoying.


(All gasps)

- I was wrong when I said we'll all die an hour earlier.

You're going to die right now.

Well, at least you will.


- Rrroooooaaar!! - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

- Huh?

- Bye little raptor!

Come back and visit anytime!

Aaaaahhhhh! - The raptor took Cody!

- You monster!

- Argghhh.

- No, smashy! Don't leave!

- Sorry, dude. It wasn't meant to be.

- Hey, kids. Who would like to learn

about daylight saving time?! (All groan)

(Whooshing sound)

(All gasp)

- I travelled through time!
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