01x37 - The Price of Advice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x37 - The Price of Advice

Post by bunniefuu »



Izzy: (Humming happily)

Done! - What is that?

- This is my free advice booth!

- You're gonna give advice? You?

- Yep. Hh-huh. You betcha!

- But aren't you a little... coo-coo?

- Would a cuckoo make her own business cards...

with mustard?

- Yes.

- (reading) "World's best life advice giver person."

If it's on a business card it's gotta be true.

- Beth, are you crazy?!

You're not actually gonna listen to Izzy!

- Why not?

- Because from what I remember

she makes bad decisions.


- Ahhhh! (Bees buzz)

- Kids, what happened to my poisonous pet Cane Toad?

- I mailed it to Australia.

- Huh?

- This just in...

Australia is officially closed! (Ribbit)

- Oh no, we're out of fish food!

- That's okay, he can have my rock'n'pop candy.

(Muffled scream)

- Believe me, I know bad decisions.

- Actually, I could really use some advice.

And mustard.

- Oh, this I gotta see.

- I love bees. Big time.

But they fly away when I try to hug them.

How can I make bees my best friends?

- Hmm. I drew a cowgirl on a dolphin,

but I was also listening.

Bees love honey.

Beth, you gotta be honey. - How can I be the--

(Squirting sound)

- (Laughs) That's advice is the wor--


- (Gasp) this is the best day ever!

You really are the best life advice giver person!


- What is it you were saying?

You'll see.

I'll prove that I'm the world's best...

life advice giver person!

Owen: Ugh! Izzy's giving advice?

- Who'd take advice from someone

who calls farts "bum burps"?

Izzy's advice is the best.

And she has business cards!

- Business crds?! - Izzy is legit!

- Unbelievable. It's Izzy!

Nothing good can come of her advice!

- What does Duncan know?!

Being an advice giver has been my life long dream

ever since my grandma gave me this career sphere.

You cab shake it, (grunts)

On my first try it said

I was gonna be a "garbage inspector."

- What are you doing?! - My job!

Giving advice is way more fun!

And it stinks less.

- Whoaaaa-oof!

- (Laughing)

- Life going bad, Chef?

Let me give you some advice.

- Ha! Watching people crash and burn is fun.

So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Yeah, you should totally definitely listen to Izzy.

- I've been so stressed lately.

I never get a moment to myself.

- You need a relaxation retreat.

I can't just leave!

(Hushed) There are cameras.

- You don't gotta leave.

Turn your office into an oasis;

close the door and let the stress melt away.

- Oasis?!

(Foghorn sounds)

All: Hey Chef! Here Chf! - (Slurping)

Man, Izzy was so right.

I'm feeling relaxed already.

- Chef!

Oh, don't try to tell me that Izzy's advice is working.

- It is. I feel... great.

You should go see Izzy,

she really know her stuff.

(Upset exhale, slams door)

- It's okay little tree,

I'll replant you.

- (Growls)

- How is my latest client?


- Pfft. Anyone can give advice to someone who wants it.

Duncan's right.

If I wanna be the best I need to help people

who don't even know they need it!

Izzy: (Gasp) Har-old!

You've got really beautiful eyes.

- I-I do?

- Yaa-ah! Two of 'em.

- Thanks Izzy, no one has ever-

- But not with your glasses on. Yuck.

- Aw! - Ditch them glasses.

Let the world see those pretty peepers!

- Well, Beth and Chef seem happy with your advice

so why not?

(Glass shatters)

(Chipper whirs)

- What was that sound? - Hm? Never mind.

Now go show off your gorgeous eyes!

- Whoa. Who's the new handsome kid?

- That's Harold. He's glasses-free now.

My idea. He didn't even ask.

- Wow. Izzy's really good at advice.

Beth has her bees.

Chef is relaxed.

And Harold's a super model.

- No. No. This is impossible.

No way.

(Traffic sounds) Harold: Huh.

How come none of the other kids are in the play area?

And where did the swings go?

(Engine rumbles)

- Whoa!

(Objects thud)

- Ahhhhh!

(Tumbling thuds, screaming)

(Bus rumbles up)

- A little space please!

Do you mind?

Aw, come on!

I can't go with all of you watching me.

(Sigh) Having bee pals

hasn't been as great as I'd imagined.

They're kind of clingy.

It was nice at first

but now you gotta help get these bees off'a me!

Hm... I drew me, on an elephant

which looks like a vacuum cleaner

so you should use a vacuum cleaner!

- Great! I'll finally be able to poop.

Thanks Izzy. You're the best.

- (Panting) Izzy! I need your advice.

I'm starving.


- Hm. Have you tried eating?

- My mom packed sushi for my lunch

and I can't eat it cause...

it's staring at me.

- Hm. Let's use that green stuff!

Spread it all over, then that way

you won't be able to see the fish seeing you.

- Oh, I've never tried the green stuff.

Is it good? - Sure!

In Japan they use it just like ketchup.

- I love ketchup!

Thank, Izzy.

- Izzy just saved my life.

If you need help with anything, anything,

you should ask her.

- Wow, maybe I should ask Izzy for advice.

- So you finally see that I am

the world's best advice giver person?

- I had my doubts, but it's pretty clear

you know what you're doing.

- Yep. I'm amazing.

Whaddya need?

- A way to get outta here!

- What have you tried so far?

- Pfft. Everything!

- (Growl) - Aghhhh!


(Ferocious roar)

- Oh hey, Duncan.

- If going down doesn't work, go up.

Trust me - you should definitely,

%, build a rocket.

- Are you sure?

- Have you ever seen me give bad advice?

- (Reluctantly) well yes, but not today.

- You'll need cardboard boxes,

Lots of tape and something explod-ey!

- Explod-ey! Now you're talking!

I'll do it!!

(Vacuum whirs)

- Izzy's right. This elephant vacuum works great!

Time to drop the kids off at the pool!

(Bees buzz) - Ahhhh!!

(Bus rumbles)

(Soft snoring)

I-I should find my napping bear.

There he is.

Hmm. This teddy's a lot bigger than I remember.

(Bear roars)

(Relaxed exhale)

This is nice. Relaxing.

Itchy. Wait,

is there's cucumber in cucumber slices?!

I'm allergic to cucumbers!


- (Flames whoosh)


- (Screaming)

- I can't believe it.

I'm actually getting out of here.

And it's all thanks to your advice, Iz.

You really are the best!

- I didn't choose advice giving. Advice-giving chose me.

- Rocket rides? Alright.

- Izzy that vacuum idea sucked.

I got stung... a lot.

(Bees buzzing) Ahhhhhh!

- Izzy, your advice was the worst!

I got mauled by a bear

and had to call my nana to borrow her glasses!

- Wait? Izzy's advice is no good?

I'm in a rocket she designed with lbs

of fire crackers under my butt!

- The green stuff

(Fire whooshes)


(Fire whooshes)

Ahhh! Abandon ship!

- What does abandon mean?

- Let me double check with my career sphere.

Oh! (Laughs) Silly me.

I'm not supposed to be a life coach.

I'm supposed be a doctor!

- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

(Whistling) - What's that sound?

Is that a slide whistle?

Oh boy! I love slide whistles!

- Weeee! (expl*si*n)

- I need a doctor!

- It's okay. I'm a doctor!

- Hey, can fix my burnt tongue? - Sure can!

- Do you treat bee stings? - Yes!

- Can you treat rabies? - Heck-yeah!

- What? You guys can't be serious?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

- Then here's a prescription for more.

- I saw planets!
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