01x35 - There Are No Hoppy Endings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x35 - There Are No Hoppy Endings

Post by bunniefuu »



Beth: Wow. Chef went all out

with the Easter decorations this year.

He even brought out Hoppy, the Easter Bunny.

Hiya, Hoppy, how was storage?

Beth: (Effort grunt) Strike one!

(Effort grunt) Strike two!

- Wait! Don't smash that Easter egg.

I'll eat it! - Relax. It's white chocolate!

- Eww. In that case, smash it!



(Alarm sounds)

- UGH!

All: Ahhh!

- A little push, please!


- One more stroke and I'm done this masterpiece!

(Thud) UGH!

Who did this?!

(Thwack) (Birds chirp)



(Gasps) Wooohoooo!



(Angry mumbling)

- Uh-oh. Duncan lost his words again.

You can do this, Duncan!

Just focus and tell me what happened.

- You...Beth... Bat...

Ball... Face!


- Beth, do you know anything about how Duncan

got reverse face planted into his painting?

- Uh...

Hoppy did it!

- Hoppy. (Chuckles)

Well, Beth, as long as Hoppy is very sorry,

and Hoppy won't ever do it again.

Then I guess we can put this behind us.

- Hoppy is very sorry! And he won't! Promise!

- Okay then.

I sure handled that well!

Beth was scared and clearly regretted what happened.

And the kids?

They obviously got that I knew it wasn't "Hoppy".

I mean, come on.

- Chef actually bought that?! It's a stuffed toy!

- Out off all the stuffies, I'd say

Hoppy was least likely to do it.

I don't trust Gerald.

Yeah, I'm watching you, giraffe.

- Duncan, I'm really sorry for unforeseeable accident

that Easter egged your faced.

Let me get you some water to wash up.

(Angry chittering)

- I'm still mad at you.

But I have to admit that was pretty smart

pinning it all on Hoppy!

- I didn't think he'd believe me.

We could've been blaming our stuffed animals

for our bad behaviour this whole time.

(Water splashes) - (Gasps)

Hold up! Beth, you're a genius!

- I am?

- Don't you get it?! Hoppy is "bad".

- And bananas are evil!

It's like they're yellow, yellow, yellow,

and next thing you know,

they're brown. (Music sting plays)

Sneaky bananas.

- What I mean is, as long as we blame Hoppy for everything

we can do whatever we want!

All: (Gasp)

- (Big burp)

- (Humming)


It's a disaster!

All the chocolates and Easter eggs are gone!

Gone, I tell you!

Which one of you ate all the Easter chocolate?

- Hoppy did it. - Definitely Hoppy.

(Music sting)

He said something about being sorry.

- (Groans)

- Chef says we can't fly because we don't have feathers?

Well, I think I found a way!

(Wings flap)

Woo-hoo-hoo! Yay!

Let's go to the moon!

- Wow! Izzy is flying!

- I can see Neptune and Uranus!

- (Laughs)

- Looks like I picked a quitter.

- Ah. Now, Izzy is falling.

- This is fun! Aaaahhh!

- Who wants Easter eggnog?

Ugh. What happened?

- Hoppy did it.

(Music sting)

- That rabbit can't be real!

C'mon, Chef, don't let this mess with your head.

Everything's fine. Everything's fine.

Okay, kids, I set the thermostat on this brand new

super turbo climate control system to "sleepify".


- (Cackles)

Hello, super turbo climate control system!

How cold can you get?

- As cold as you wish.

- Coooool.

Hey guys, do you wanna build a snow bunny!

All: YAY!

- Set to Canada.


Let it snow!

- (Relaxed sigh) (Wind whooshes)

(Muffled scream)

(All scream)

- (Gasps) Snow on Easter?

Climate change is real.

I better order some mittens for me and the kids;

pink ones, blue ones...

ooohh! Rainbow coloured ones!

(Doorbell dings)

Wow, my mittens are here already!

- What are ya doing here, big guy?

Throwing a mitten party?

Why wasn't I invited? I got hands.

- It's just a few Easter gifts for me and the kids.

- Whatever.

That's the third mitten party

I haven't been invited to this week!

I have got to stop eating garlic.

- (Chuckles) I don't know which ones are cuter!

Oh, what's that sound?

Oh boy! It's the ice cream truck!

(Tune plays)

Heheh. Huh?

Wait, ice cream in a snow storm?

What is happening?

Does any-- (Snowball thuds)

(Kids laughing)

- Hoppy set the thermostat to Canada.

All: Ya. Hoppy did it.

- (Low growl) Hoppy, huh?


Hoppy. I'm locking you up!

(Shocked gasps)

- Hoppy'll never survive prison.

He's too soft.

- You're grounded!

I had to remove Hoppy from the class.

He's become a bad influence!

I mean... I know Hoppy isn't really behind this.

'Cause... (laughs)

that would be impossible!



- Hi, Beth. How can I help you?

- Hey, Chef! What do you call two donkeys riding a kangaroo?

- Heh, that sounds like a fun one.

I dunno, what do you call them?

- It's not a joke. I'm honestly asking.

You're a teacher, you're supposed to know this stuff.

- That kid's weird.

Wha?! Is Hoppy actually alive?

(Loud crash) - What was that?

- Hoppy did it. - What?!

(Door rattles) Hmm...


(Chocolate wave splashes) Ahhhhh!

How did this happen?

- Someone left the chocolate fountain on.

I think we all know who...

(Sinister music sting)

- Come on, get a hold of yourself.

Stuffed! Animals! Aren't! Alive!


Why do I smell burnt chocolate?

That can't be good!

(Loud crash)

- Hoppy packed the simple bake oven with Easter chocolate.

It blew up.

It was Hoppy.

- Oh come on!

Both: Hoppy.

- Wooo-hooo!

- Whhaaat?!! - Hoppy.

- Oh no! - Hoppy.

(Rumbling, splash!)

Aarrgh! All: Hoppy.

- But- bunny- can't- did he...?

- Uh oh, Chef's losing his words again.

- Aaaahhhhhh!!!!

- I think we broke him!

- The man believed a stuffed rabbit was causing trouble.

He was already broken!

- What's happening out there?!

Is that rabbit really alive?!

- I can't believe Chef actually thought

that a stuffed bunny ate all the Easter chocolate!

- The kids were using the Easter Bunny against me.

Well, it's time to use the Easter Bunny against them!

(Playful laughter)

- Woo-hoo!

- Cody?!


Hi Chef! I'm a fish now.

- I'll show those kids the Easter Bunny...

(Maniacal laugher)

Who's got two thumbs and isn't going to blamed anymore?

This rabbit!

- Oops. Oh no. Oops.

I better go get Hoppy.

My evil robot just destroyed the playground.

- No. I need Hoppy cause I set off a stink b*mb

in the nap room.

- Guys! We're all about to need Hoppy.

- Why?

- Because it's time for... an Easter egg fight.

- Yes! - (Excited gasp)

- Woo-hoo-hoo!


- Is it just me or is Hoppy bigger?

- And uglier?

(Horrified screams)

- Hoppy's alive!

- Get him before he gets us!

Chef: Noooooo!!!!

(Hitting thuds, pained screams) (Bell rings)

- Hey, it's home time!

- Stay down, rabbit! (Toy squeaks)

- (Groans)

All: Chef?!

Chef: This is what happens when you pretend

you're a stuffed rabbit when you're really, you.

- So always pretend to be somebody else. Got it!

- (Groans)

All: Happy Easter, Chef!

- (Sighs) White. Chocolate.

Worst Easter ever.

But at least a stuffed animal didn't come to life

and turn evil. (Chuckles)

(Door creaks open)


(Gasps) Gerald! No!

Bad giraffe! Bad! (Shrieking)
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