01x31 - Invasion of the Booger Snatchers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x31 - Invasion of the Booger Snatchers

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Woa-ho-ho.

You really went all-out for picture day!

Oh! Just look at you all shiny!

- Yeah, look at us!

- I feel like I'm from another planet.

- (Giggles) I don't even recognize myself!

(Gasps) Get out of my mirror! Imposter!

- You all look perfect.

(Spray hisses) (Beth coughs)

- Harold, stop spraying that?

- My mom said I have to keep my hair hard as a rock

so it stays perfect.

(Spray hisses) (Beth sneezes)

- Great, now I have to comb it again.

(Effort grunts)

Uh-oh. It's still sticky.

- Ooh! Cool!

(Duncan chuckles)

Beth: Awesome!

Chef: Whoa whoa there, that's enough.

Harold go fix your head.

The rest of you stay lookin' good

while set up my fancy camera

for the fancy pictures.

♪ Picture day, picture day ♪




(Hard landing thud)

- (Grunts)

(Slithering sounds)

- (Humming)

There we go.



Uh, hello gross lil' worm thing.

You don't belong in here.

Shoo. Go on, now.

- (Big roar) - Ahhhh!

Whoa! was it something I said?

Ahhhh! No! No!

Get out of my nose.


First human has been acquired.

Now to take over the rest!


Harold: (Knocks) Chef,

I fixed my hair and I'm-- Whoa.

What kind of camera is that?

- Hello small human male.

- And what big, strange eyes you have.

And what a big booger you have.

(Growling snort)

Okay. I'm gonna go.

- So I flushes all his w*r medals down the toilet.

- Guys! Something's very wrong!

- No kidding! We look like dork-asauruses!

- No. It's Chef. He seems--

- Tiny humans. It's time for picture taking.

- (Sighs) Me first.

I want this over with!

- Be careful!

- Alright, let's do this.

- Smile and say, world domination.

- Whatever.


- Yes. - Yes.


(Phone rings)

- Duncan! Are you okay?

- I am feeling both o and k.

- Ahhh!

Did you see that? Duncan had a booger. Just like chef!

- Duh. We all have boogers.

I've been working on this sweet nugget for days.

Chef: Next tiny human.

- Not a hair out of place! Cheeeese-

- Is this gonna take long?


- I call this look, smouldering thunder.

- Guys? Have you noticed how strange everyone's acting?

- I knowwwww. Look at Cody!

- ♪ I'm a little teapot short and spout ♪

- Nah, Cody's always like that.

- True. But I was referring to those guys.

- Yesssss. - Yesssss.

- Yesssss.

- Yesssss.

- Yesssss.

- That is strange! (Gasp)

Almost as strange as Duncan and Leshawna's new handshake.

- Whoa, those are some seriously talented boogers.

I think I'm kind of jealous.

- (Gasp) I know what this is!

Wait here!

I read about it in one of my comics.

Beht: (Reads) "Unicorn date night?"

Uhhh? - Oops.

I meant this one! "bu-bu-brain snatchers!"

Aliens invade earth by taking over our brains

and driving our bodies around like human go karts.

- Ahhhh!

Go karts are so fun!

- No. You're missing the point.

- Oh Harold! That's just a silly comic book,

and just like cartoons they're not real.

That's not the point!

- He said the same thing about go-karts.

- Aliens are taking over the world, starting with us.

This is totally real!

- Harold. Picture time.

- Well, go on, Harold, your aliens are waiting for you.

- Ahaha, yeah go quick before they eat our brains!

Ouuuu - eat our brains!


(Pens rasp, Police radio chatter)

- Ha. They may take our picture

but they'll never take my brain.

Time to engage evasive maneuvers.

- What is on your face?

- My mom says I have to wear it because I have a soft head.

- But I want to see your beautiful nostrils.

A welding mask?

- Camera flashes are so bright. Safety first!

Clothespins are very hot right now.

Everyone's wearing them.

- Not today.

Here. You may wear this. - Oh. Great!

Now we will not need to even take your picture.

- Phew!

(Angry roar)

(Nonchalant humming)

(Crazed shrieking)




- ♪ ...over and pour me--

Whoa. Cool helmet.

Hello! I'm Cody!

(Panicked screaming)

- Remaining humans, you will join us.

(Growls) (All scream)

All: Yessssssss.

- (Screaming) Nooooo!

- Yessssss.

- (Screaming) Nooooo!

- I can't think of a way to beat them; we need to hide!

- Quick, in my cubby!

You know what? It's kinda cramped in here.

All: Yessss!

- (Screaming)

- Phew!

On man... - (Growls)

- Quick! Hop on!


- Woo-hoo! - Yeah! Watch out!


I don't want to say I told you so,

but I told you so! I told you all so!

(Beeping, engine rumbles)

- Green beans! Perfect. - Hard pass.

I'll have a yoghurt.

- The beans aren't for eating.

They're for blending in. Watch.

- Ewwww...

- Now they'll think I'm one of them!

Here, you try it.


- Hm. It feels weird.

But it's way better than eating them.

- C'mon. Let's go find Beth.

- Yes. Yes. Yes. - Yesss.

(Zombie like) Yesss...

- Mmmm. (Milk splats)

(Hard chewing)

(Door clicks shut)

- Whoa, this is heavy.

- Stay close, and follow me.

- Yessss. - Yesss.

- (Sniffs)

- Yes.

(Gulps) Yessss. - Yessss.

- Are you going to finish assimilating that?

Yesss. - Yesss.

- Hey Beth! Are you making room in there for us?

- Wow. You're really good at pretending you're an alien!

- Where'd you get the green bean?

- She's not faaaaaaakiiiiing!

- (Growling)

- Ahhhh! - Keep back!

- I'm not afraid to use... this?

(Spray hisses) - (Coughing)

Aaahhh-chooooo. - Ahhh!

Get out of here, alien! Take that!

- What happened?

- We put vegetables up our nose!

- (Screams, gulps)

(Big burp)

- Wow! That gives me an idea!

Time to save the planet!

Bird, go get your bird friends.

Leave it to me, I speak perfect bird...

Chirp chirp... chirp chirp chirp.

- I never thought of Izzy

as someone I wanted to be stuck

with at the end of time but she's awesome.

Chef: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

All: Yessssss.

- Oh! Alien worm creatures,

we're getting away!

All: Yess. Yess. Yess. Yess. Yess. Yesss.

- Oh! Here they come!

- Wait for it...

- You are doomed and soon your planet will be ours!

- Sorry but it doesn't look like your alien invasion plans

are going to fly!

- Run!

(Birds chirp)

(Pained grunts)

- Ahhh! (Spits)

What are we doing out here?

- You all had aliens up your nose

but the birds yanked 'em out,

ate 'em, and saved the world.

- (Chuckle) oh Izzy,

your stories are so... so...

You're not normal.

- Phew!


(Metal scrapes)

(Angry grumbling)

Ahhh! (Birds chirp)

- Okay. On three.

Wait. Cody, how come you're not smiling?


(Panicked screaming!)
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