01x30 - Gum and Gummer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x30 - Gum and Gummer

Post by bunniefuu »




- (Blowing) (Pop!)

(Glass shatters, squirrel screams)

- What was that?! That better not be gum.

- (Gasp, spits, splats)


- Huh. I thought those were electric.

- Phew. That was too close.

- What kind of butterfly are you?

You're sticky!





- Wow! Is it picture day?

Aw I always forget.

Someone lick their hand and slick down my hair.

Thanks buddy!

- Wow, Leshawna, you look beautiful.

- You know it.

- Why are you all dressed up?

- It's my granny's birthday.

Every year I get out of school early

to celebrate with dinner

and a special family photo at the steak n' bake.

- (Gasp) I love the steak n' bake!

Their potato bar has over three thousand toppings!

- Yeah, it's really gummy. Yummy.

Um, we're playing hide and go seek.

Bridgette, you're it. Bye!

- Beth is acting weird-er than usual.

- I guess you're not gonna want to play

hide and seek with us.

- Yeah. You'll get your pretty dress dirty

or mess up your fancy hairdo.

- Not me. I'm a clean, mean, playing machine.

- Cool.

- When muck sees this stare, it lands right there.

- Right. - We get it.

- Mess doesn't mess with me.

(All groan) - Can we just play already?

(Laughter, mud splats)

- Leshawna, look out!

(Splat) Whoa!

- Help! Guys, I think I'm stuck.

- With this great hiding spot no one will find me.


(Keys clack)


I smell strawberry, but not strawberries.

Chewable softeners, sugar...


Kids, what is my number one rule?

- No flushing toys down the toilet!

- No more pooping in the sandbox.

- No autopsies.

- (Sigh) Ugh, the other number one rule.

All: No gum in school!

- Bingo!

- Chef, why do you hate gum so much?

- Oh, I have my reasons.

Owen: (Knock) Chef?

- (Rip, gasps) Ahhh!

(Loud crash) Aghh!


(Wind gusts) (Chef shrieks)

Those kids floated off

and only one of them was ever seen again.

So when I find the child with gum,

they're gonna live in the time-out corner forever.

Where I can keep an eye on them!

- Like that guy?

- Is my time-out over yet?

I'm !

- No, Paul!

- Whoa!

- What's going on over here?

- Chef is going catch me chewing gum!


Hey, Chef. What is- how's it- hi.

- What were you doing in the vents?

- Uhh...looking for the gum chewer.

- Well, thank you, Beth. Proceed.

- (Sighs)

Phew, all clear.

That was a close one--- Whahhha!


I broke Leshawna's clean streak!

I should've swallowed it!

But does anyone really know what happens

when you swallow gum.

- I know what happens.

When you swallow gum it sits in your stomach

undigested for years,

grow roots, becomes a gum tree and then you die.

- I should tell Leshawna,

but if I do she'll tear me a new gumhole!

You know what she's like when she doesn't get her way?

- Ahhhhhh!



- (Humming) - Ahhhhhh!

- (Shudders)

(Gasp) I have a better idea!

- Tell us more about the steak 'n bake.

- I'm gonna order a baked potato with everything on it.

Beth: Yes! Gum to mumma!

- Woahh...

What is happening!

- Uh-oh.

- What is going on?

I sense a disturbance in my beautiful hair.


Who did this?

- I've gotta confess.

Tell her it's my fault.

She'll understand.

We'll probably laugh so much about this at our weddings.

Then - cake!

- Help! Hey, Mr. Evil tree squirrel!

Are you here to help me?

- (Cackles)


- (Sighs) Relax,

it's just a little piece of gum.

How hard can it be to get out?

(Horrified gasp)

(Screams) Beth: Leshawna?

- What? - Ah, I'm the one who...

- Yeah?

Ah, I'm the one who will get that gum out of your hair!

- Thank you, Beth.

And when we do, we're gonna find the vile creature

who put it there and then we're gonna tell Chef.

I heard he sends gum chewers to the gum dungeon!

- Gum dungeon?!

This isn't so bad.

- Wait till you meet the dragon!

- (Screams)

- The smell of gum is strong in this area.


Caught ya!

(Sniffs) Too old.

Looking for the fresh stuff.

- (Pants) Come back here!

(Gasps) Super bubble rubble gum!

Oh, wait.

Chef said no gum in school...

But he didn't say no gum in my mouth!


- It's my fault,

I've got tot help Leshawna.

My aunt told me a bunch of ways to get rid of gum.

Detangler brush!

- Ow!

- Time to switch to ice.

Gum's mortal enemy.

Is it working?


I've got a couple other ideas we can try.

- (Screams)

Our fancy family photo is ruined!

Look at me, my hair is a disgusting blob

of peanut butter, ice cream, lemon juice and tape.

- I was sure that combination would work.

- Granny's going to be so sad!

The only thing that will make me feel better

is finding out who gummed my head!



- Hellooooooo. Ughhhhh.

- You can't hide from me! Gum chewer!

(Angry groan)

- Ah! I mean... ah, hey, Leshawna...

what happened to your hair?

- You got gum in it! - What?

It can't be me.

All my gum is still in my mouth. See?

- I'm telling Chef,

and he's going to send you to the gum dungeon!

- Gum dungeon?! Ahhhhh!

What's a gum dungeon?

- A stinky old dungeon with a big scary dragon

who eats gum chewers for breakfast

and sh**t fire out of its butt!

- Ah! I don't want to be burnt by a fiery dragon butt.

- You shoulda thought about that

before you got gum in my hair. Cheeeeef!!

- This is so bad!

Now Owen is going to the gum dungeon

with the dragon's butt fire forever

and all because of me and my dumb delicious bubble gum!

- I smell aspartame, red dye number

and traces of peanut butter and tape!

- Chef! - (Shocked gasp)

Leshawna! What happened to your hair?!

- I'll tell you what happened. It was Owen.

- (Pop)

- Owen you are in so much trouble.

(Growls) - (Whimpers)

- (Gasps, worried moans)

Ahh! Ahhh!

Wait! No! It wasn't Owen.

(All gasp) - Whatever.

I spat the gum in your hair, Leshawna.

But was an accident!

- You?! You ruined my fancy family photo hair

but pretended you didn't? Shame!

- You were gonna let Owen go to the gum dungeon!

- The what?

- No! That's why I'm telling you now.

I'm sorry, Leshawna.

I really tried to fix your hair.

- With tape and ice cream?!

What where you thinking?

(Snapping) - (Gasps)

- Ahhh!

What did she just do?!

- I got rid of the gum.

How did you not solve this earlier?

- (Shrill scream)

(Glass shatters)

- I guess the best way to be forgiven

is for somebody else to mess up even worse.

- Um... ding, ding, ding it's the nap time bell!

- Get me a mirror.

Someone. Get. Me. A. Mirror.

- Here ya go!

Granny was right.

There isn't a hairstyle I can't rock!

- Phew. That's a relief.

Beth, since you came clean,

you get time out for half an hour. No dungeon.

- Half an hour?! No fair!

- Can it, Paul!

- Well, maybe I'll get out in time for my th birthday!

- And Leshawna, your folks are here to pick you

for your granny's party.

So have fun and don't forget,

you love your hair.

Paul: Got you any gum?

Beth: Nope. Cody: Help!

- Did you hear something?

- I am ! I'm lucky to hear anything.

- Hello?

(Playful laughter)

Guys! Guys!

I'd like to go home now! Guys!
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