01x24 - A Licking Time b*mb

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x24 - A Licking Time b*mb

Post by bunniefuu »



(Cheering) (Toilet flushes)

Duncan: Again! Again! (Toilet flushes)

(Laughter and cheering)

- Okay! What's goin' on in here?

- We're at the casino!

(Toilet flushes) (Laughter and cheering)

- Whaaat??

- My dad just got back from Atlantic city.

He said it was like flushing his money down the toilet.

- He's not wrong. But--

Is that my wallet?!

- Well, it isn't ours.

(Toilet flushes) (Laughter and cheering)

- Out. Out! Out!

I'm gonna teach you kids the value of a dollar.

- Should we tell him about his car keys?

Chef: Okay. So the game,

is you each need to create a business.

You'll all be given "play money" to spend.

If you spend more money than you make,

you go broke and you're out of the game.

- Chef, I'm broke.

- What? How could you be broke already?

- I bought these three magic beans.

- Who from?

- All sales are final.

- Well, I'm hittin' the casino!

- No, Owen, no more flushing money down the toilet.

- (Frustrated groan)

Just when it was ready to pay out.

Chef: Come on, Cody,

let's have a look at the booths the other kids made!

- Free compliments and hugs!

- I'll take one hug please!

- Aw, isn't that nice.

Terrible business plan, but nice.

- What kind of business is this?

- Pet funerals.

- Oh. I don't have any pets, just a little brother.

- We do those too.

- O-kaay.

Hey! Let's see what Izzy's doing.

What is your business, Izzy?

- For $, I'll teach you to alpha-burp!

(Glug, glug)

(Huge burps) A, B, C.

- Wow. - That's nothing.

For $, I'll teach you how to alpha-fart!

- Can I have $?

Please! Please! Please!

- All right but only if you tell me what you learned.

Jude: Get your food on a stick!

Home of the butt burner spicy chicken stick.

- I'll try that chicken.

Mmmm. Look's good.

Mmmm. What's in the sauce?

Ghost peppers.

(Alarm rings, hissing)

(Flames whoosh) It's hot!


(Cody farts)

(Izzy farts)

- Hey there, Noah, what's your idea?

- It's not my idea, it's Owens.

I just invested in it.

- .How much should we charge to heat up people's pants

in this oven?

(Flames whoosh) - Pants!

Fire! Fire pants!

(Extinguisher whooshes)

- I never said it was a good idea.

- I think you boys need a new business plan.

Owen: This is great!

Selling cookies we baked using your nana's favourite recipe

is a way better idea than asking people to pay us

to burn their clothing.

- Oh yeah. The only thing sweeter than my nana

are her cookies. Now we just need customers.

Owen? Did you just lick the sprinkles off all the cookies?

- Nope!


Okay. That's all of them!

Sorry. Should we bake more?

- Hmm, that sounds like a lot of work.

Let's just...

There! Good as new.

- Are you sure no one will know?

- Only one way to find out!

- Hey, Leshawna, wanna buy a cookie?

- Sure. I'll try one.

I am so mad at you two...

(Both gasp)

- For not baking these delicious cookies sooner!

(Relieved sighs)

- Guysss! Cookieeeeeeees!

(Laughing and cheering)

- Looks like we're in business, pal.

- Look at all this play money!

We're play rich!

- So when's the next batch of cookies, ready, guys?

- Oh, sorry, but Noah's nana's cookie shop is now closed.

Buh-bye. - Too bad.

They were so good the other kids and I,

were ready to pay real money for 'em.

- They'll be out any minute!

- Did she say real money?

- Yup! Owen do you know what this means?

If this takes off, we could live our life long dream

in the cookie business! Together!

- (Long gasp)

It's always been a dream of mine to own a cookie factory

with my best buddy.

(Production line whirs)

- You're just in time to add the secret ingredient, Owen!

- (Sniffs, slurps)

And my favourite part is hanging out with my best buddy.

Okay, we got away with the cookie licking last time

but keep your tongue off this batch. Got it?

- Got it.

- All right. It's cookie time.

(Cash register dings)

(Spitting and gagging)

- Blech! These aren't the same cookies!

What's going on?

- (Coughs) What kinda scam are you pulling?

- Yeah. It's my nana's recipe.

We didn't change a single thing...


- Delish!

- Will you excuse me for a moment?

It's your spit! You didn't lick these.

It's the only difference!

- (Gasp) That makes sense.

The inside of my mouth is always delicious!

Aw, too bad. Selling cookies was fun.

- What do you mean "was"?

- Hm? No-ahhhh!

We can't do that! Can we do that?

- Sure we can!

We just have to keep the secret ingredient a secret.

Why'd you say the 's' word?!

You know I can't keep a sss-sssssee--

Ahhh! Yes! They're like vegetables.

As soon as I have one in my mouth, I spit it out!

(Fart) - Who farted?

- It was me!

- I can't wait to see how this one ends...

- Gahhhhh. I've seen it!

He turns her into a vampire!

- (Angry groan)

- (Whistling)

- Noah, there's a surprise party for you!

It's in here right now!

And we're all waiting inside to surprise you!

Jude: Dude! - Oops!

(Disappointed groans)

(Blows party favour)

- This tastes delicious...


but feels borderline wrong.

- Owen. It's no big deal - We are kids.

Sharing spit is what we do.

See for yourself!

(Phone rings)

- It's for you. - Thank you.

- Hmm... I still don't know.

- It's just a little white lie.

You heard them, they like the spit cookies better!

You're doing some-thing nice for them by not telling.

- Well, I guess it's okay then!


(Gulp, mmmm!)


All: Mmmm!


- Glad the good cookies are back.

So what happened to that nd batch?

They were awful.

- Oh, it was a silly mistake.

Owen here forgot the secret ingredient.

- (Stammers)

Ha. Who I did. Did? Didn't!

Oh baby! Baby cakes!

Yazza doo! Bing bang boom! Bing bang boom!

Bing bang boom! Haaaeeeeeeeee!

- Whoa! Easy, buddy.

Yeah. Deep breaths.

You okay? - Yeah, I think I'm okay.

I just need to tell everyone!

Hey everybody!

The secret ingredient in the cookies is my--

Time to bake up another Batch

of Noah's nana's famous cookies!

All: (Cheer)

- See? They're happy! - That's true...

it's not like we're selling to grown ups, right?

- Ha! Grown-ups! As if!

- Owen! Noah!

There is a line up of grown-ups around the block

who wanna buy your cookies!

And this is a random bank man with a suitcase full of cash.

He wants to help fulfill your dreams

of opening Owen and Noah's yummy cookies factory.

Now go and whip up some more!

And don't forget the seeeeecret ingredient!

- Seee- see-eee. Sacrits.

Once I pooped in a sandbox!

- Excuse us a moment.

Be right back with more cookies!

Owen: (Shouts) I have a big fat secret!

- (Nervous chuckle)

Who hasn't pooped in a sandbox, right?

- (Agreeing chuckle)

Sacrits. (Stifle gag) Sacrits. (Stifle gag)

- Buddy. Pal. Keep it together.

We're just seconds away from our dream!

But adults can get a little bit weird

about ingesting other people's spit,

so we really have to keep our secret ingredient a secret.

Do you think you can do that buddy?

But--(big breath)

but the seee-- (big breath) the seee--(big breath, pop)

- I know, I know.

And you can tell all the secrets you want.

Right after we take over the cookie industry.

- Okay. I think I can make it.

- These really are tasty cookies.

I'm trying to put my finger on that secret ingredient...

Secret, secret,

secret, secret...

Why do I keep saying the word secret.

Secret. Secret-secret-secret.

- Gah! The secret ingredient is my spit!

- (Coughing) Ugh! - Gross! Yuck!

- Oh! That's really gross.

- No-no-no, no, no, no!

Mr. Bank man, wait...

- (Sighs) - I'm sorry, Noah.

That was our dream and I blew it.

- Aw, that's okay, buddy.

I shouldn't have tried to make you keep

a secret like that anyway.

- And I shouldn't have sold cookies to other people

that I already licked.

Oh well, no real harm done. Beth: (Clears throat)

(Seething) You two are gonna pay for making us eat spit.

- (Gasp) Wait.

C-c-c-can I just say one thing in our defense?

- What? - Ruuuunnnnn!

Beth: Get 'em!
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