01x17 - Hic Hic Hooray

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x17 - Hic Hic Hooray

Post by bunniefuu »





- Blech! Blech!

Chef! Help!

I accidentally ate a worm and it was so gross,

and now my mouth tastes like worms! Blech!

- What?! How do you accidentally eat a worm?!

- Well...

Hey, everybody!

Watch me go down head first!



- (Gasps) - Noooooooooooooooooo!

- (Whimpers) - (Gulp)

(Slurp) Blech!

I can't get this taste out of my mouth.

- Okay-okay-okay!

I'll find something to get the taste out of your mouth.

I ran out of juice this morning.

What's this back here?


Where'd this come from?

- (Gasp) Yes, please!

(Jumping grunts)

- Uh huh. You know the daycare rule:

No soda pop until you're this tall.

I have a list of rules,

you have to be this tall to drink from a real cup,

this tall to go to the bathroom without a buddy,

and a full grown adult to drink a soda.

- But this is the worst taste in the world!

Please! Pretty please.

- No.

- Oh please! Please. Pretty please.

Pretty please with sugar on top.


- (Sigh) Just hurry up.

We can't let the other kids know or they'll--

(Tab pops, soda fizzles, sounds echo)

Hurry up, Bridgette,

I can't let the other kids see you dinking--

(Door bangs open) - Soda!

- (Shrieks, slams door)

All: Soda!

- Driiiiiiink!

All: Soda!

- Ahhhh! Save yourself!

All: (Zombie like) Soooda! Soooooooda!

- (Huge belch)

- What just happened to us?

- How did we get inside?

- Ugh. That hurt my brain.

- (Small slosh) Empty? Ah!

Chef, can I have a soda? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can--

- That's a hard no.

- No fair! Bridgette got one!

- That was an emergency.

Bridgette ate a worm,

and had to get the taste out of her mouth.

- So all I gotta do to get some sweet, sweet soda

is eat a few worms? Sold!

And you know who knows how to get worms?


(Burbling) I've got a questions for all of you,

have you seen any worms?



Ahhh! There's gotta be better way to get a worm!

- Mmm. Yay!

No more worm taste in my--(hic)

Whoa! What was that?

It felt like a dance party jumping out of my face!

- You have the hiccups.

- (Hic) These are (hic) hiccups?

Ooh they're really (hic) fun!

(Giggles) (Hic) Okay.

I (hic) hate them now.

I want them to (hic) stop!

I (hic) gotta (hic) get rid

of (hic) these hiccups! (Hic)


- Have you tried holding your breath?

- (Hic) Great idea!

Except (hic) if I don't breathe (hic) I die.

- So are you going to try it or...

- I have a better idea.

Back in my day we used to surprise the hiccups

out of each other!

- (Hic)


(Hic) Ahh!


(Curtain rasps)



I know just the thing.

(Slow tune play, lever cranks)

(Pop!) (Girlie scream)

How is this not surprising you?!

- I guess, I kinda saw it coming. (Hic)

- Ooh! I'm great with surprises!

Close your eyes and come with me!

- You go on ahead, old Chef needs to

slow his heart rate down a bit.

(Boing, screams)

- Okay. Open your eyes, surprise!

(Heavenly singing)


♪ Fa la la

♪ It's Christmas time

- Whoaaaaaaa...

- Yeah! Christmas is always the biggest surprise

because you never know when it's coming!

(Record scratches) - Huh?

- Umm... - What?

- Here. - (Small giggle)

All: Awwwwwwwwww!

- No way! A puppy?!

This is the best surprise I've ever (hic) had.

- Ugh. Didn't work.

Okay, let's clear it out, boys!

(Fire poofs)

(Electricity fizzles)

(Bulbs smash)

- What? No, wait!

Where's Christmas going?

Christmas was great!

- Surprise Christmas is ruined.

- (Sighs) (Hic) (Sighs)

- Here worms, worms, worms, worms!

Phew. Catching worms is way harder than I thought!



- Ohhhhh yaaaaaa.

Cheep cheep?


Cheep cheep?


- (Chirping)

- Cheep cheep? OUF!

(Landing thud) Oh! OW!

- (Hic) (Sigh)

- (Sighs) Still got 'em, huh?

Well, that isn't good.

- (Hic)

- Are you gonna miss your family?

- Miss my (hic) family?

Why? (Hic)

- You mean you don't know about...

(Sinister whisper) Hiccup Island?

- (Gasps) (Thunder cracks)

Noah: It's a secret place

in the middle of the south pacific with no food,

or water, or wifi.

And if you can't stop hiccupping,

you get sent there to break rocks forever!

- (Shocked gasp) Parents really do that?

- Sure. I mean all that (hic hic hic)

is annoying.

They don't wanna listen to that!

- You gotta help me stop hiccupping, Noah!

(Hic) I don't wanna go to the Island! (Hic)

- Hey, there might be a few things we can try.

But you need to do exactly as I say. Deal?

- De-(hic) de-(hic)...


(Hic) Still hiccupping.

- Weird. Pushing people on a swing almost always works.

- Almost finished your leaf jumping pile,

just one last bit!

- Woo-hoo-hoo-hooooo!

(Leaves rustle, light thud)

Bridgette: Yay! Great jump! (Hic)

Awww, it didn't work.

- Strange, let's try something else.

- (Hic) Doing your (hic) art project

isn't helping either!

- Huh. This must be a real bad case.

Doing someone else's work for them

usually relaxes the hiccup maximus muscles.

I know, try more glitter.

- (Hic, poof!) (Sighs)

- What? I'm helping her.

So is it wrong if there's a little something in it for me?

- (Chirping)

Owen: Cheep, cheep?

Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.

Cheep, cheep.

- (Chewing sounds)

(Vomit sounds)

- Ah! (Gags, vomits)

- Why make a meal at home

when you can eat right from the restaurants mouth?


That was more worm than I wanted.


Hey, baby bird buds.

Wait. You're not mad at me for eating your dinner, are you?

- (Pecking) - (Owen screams)

(Video game sounds) - Little faster. That's it.


- (Hic)

(Frustrated groan)

- Still? Try the grapes.

- (Hic)

Why isn't this working?! (Hic)

(Sad moan)

- Well, we tried...

I'm gonna miss you, Bridge.

Hope you make some new friends on Hiccup Island.

Oh, I forgot, friendship is illegal there,

so probably not.

- What?!


- Aaanyway, it's pickup time, so... lates!

- Bridgette, your mom is here.

- Oh no!


(Engine hums)


- Maybe don't mention the worm. Or the soda.

- (Sobs) This day was awful!

First I ate a worm, got the hiccups,

then got a puppy, but the puppy got taken away.

And I'm covered in sparkles and Macaroni!

And then surprise Christmas got taken away too.

I don't wanna go to Hiccup Island!

I'm not hiccupping anymore?

(Excited) I'm not hiccupping anymore!

- You're welcome. - (Happy gasp)

Oh, Noah, thank you!

- (Grunt) Okay! Ha. Ow. Easy!

No, there's no Hiccup Island,

but fear is a great cure for the hiccups.

See? I told you I was helping.

(Smirk) Not sure why you ever doubted me.

- (Whistling)

Owen: Ow, leave me alone!

- Wow. Look at the size of that bird.

Wait... oh, no.


- I need soda pop!

I ate worrrrrrrrmssss!

- Pull up, kid! Pull up!

- Ahhhh! (Smacks)

Ugh. Can I have my soda now?

- I only had the one can.

- Wish I'd known that this - morning. OUF!

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