01x12 - The Bad Guy Busters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x12 - The Bad Guy Busters

Post by bunniefuu »




- (Head shake)

been sorting receipts all night.

Just , more to go.

You can do it, Chef.

- Hey Chef! Chef! - Ahhhhh... Arg!

- Hey Chef! Chef! Chhheeeef? Chhheeeef?

Do birds have hands under their feathers?

Asking cause last night I had chicken fingers.

Huh? You can't have fingers without hands, right?

- I-Izzy, I need to finish my taxes today.

So please go do something.

- (Gasps)

Can we flush everything down the toilet?

Sure, go flush everyth-- no!

I'll put on a movie! It's a movie day!

- Yay! Chef says it's a movie day!


Stop flushing things down the toilet!

(Toilet flushes) - Oh come on!

- With Greed Gremlin caught we can rest, fire woman.

- Evil never rests, Eagle hero,

so we can't either.

(Whooshing, flames sizzle)


- Let's watch it again!

- Or... (Gasps)

we could play a game where we're the superheroes!

The bad guy busters!

- Wicked. - Okay! - Let's do it!

- (Giggling) We'll need costumes!

♪ The bad guy busters

♪ Do bad things, they'll mess you up ♪

♪ The game ends when their moms picks them up ♪

♪ Yeah!

♪ The bad guy busters

- I'm marshmallow man.

I can do this...

(Rapid spitting)

And there's plenty s'more where that came from.


- I'm bee girl.

Break the law, you get stung!

Buzz! (Whooshing)

But if you're good you get honey on your toast!

- I'm Dude Boy.

With the power to chill any situation.

- And I'm super donkey.

With the kicking power of normal donkeys.

E-aann! E-aann!

- Heeya. - Yeah! - Cha!

- What do we do now?

- Can't be heroes without a bad guy.

- Then we'll find one. Let's fly.

(Flying sounds)

- Duncan, will you do us a favour

and pretend to be a bad guy?

- Um, according to this lick and stick tattoo

I am a bad guy.

And real bad guys can't be bad as a favour.

That's being good. Now beat it...

I'm colouring a kitten!

- Courtney will you please pretend to be bad?

- No. I can't pretend to be bad.

But I can pretend to be a doctor, a lawyer,

an astronaut, a child psychologist.

(Gong sounds)

- Harold, could you pretend to be a bad guy for us?

Never! A true ninja would never join the side of evil,

even when he's playing pretend!

More gonging!

- Ughhhhhhh...

- Well, this game has turned to poop.

- Bummer. I guess I'll go put my pants back on.

- (Gasps) Let's ask Chef to be our bad guy!

He's big, scary and mean.

He's perfect!

- $ in juice boxes?

How did I spend-- Izzy: Ah-em!

- Oh right. Superheroes. Nice.

But I can't play. I'm almost done sorting these--

- Show him our powers!

(Battle cry) - Whaaaa...?

- Ee-aann! Ee-aann! Ee-aann! Ee-aann!

- Eee no! Oof! No!

(Rapid spiting)

- Oh! (Angry growl)

Out. Out. Out!

- Awww, no bad guy, no game.

Owen: I guess that's the end of the bad guy busters.

- Hmmm. Can I borrow these?

- Ouuuut!

- Thanks, Chef.

(Small effort grunt)

Chef's weights gave me an idea.

That's why I went like this.

That's my idea face.

When I have no idea I do this face...


And this is the face I'll make if I'm ever poisoned.

Uggghhhh. Arrrggghhhh. Ack!

(Landing thud, hand squeaks on glass)

Courtney: Weeeee!

- Bad guy buster!

Suit back up and come with me.

There's an emergency.


- I used the blocks to make the-the-the Ferris wheel.

Just like the picture on the box.

(Crying) And then I went to get some juice,

and when I got back it was smashed!

(Hysterical crying) Why?

Sounds like we got ourselves a bad guy.

"the smasher".

- Yes! - Allllrighhht!

- Whao-ho-ho.

- This is a job for...

♪ The bad guy busters


- First thing we gotta do is question the suspects.

And it could be anyone!

- Nope, don't look at me.

- Wasn't me.

- Nope. - Nuh-uh.

- Whoa. There's only one person we didn't check with, dudes.

All: (Gasp)


- You go ahead. I'll catch up.

Or maybe smash up! (Giggle)

- I feel like the answer is right under our noses...

- Oh. (Squishy wet sound) - Ew.

- Nope, just a bat in the cave.

Let's go grill Chef 'til he cracks!

- Yeah...

- No, I am not "the smasher". And stay out!

(Door slams)

- If it's not chef or anyone else, who could it--

(Objects clatter) Courtney: Ahhhhhhh!

Someone smashed my x

and almost squished my doll!

- Bummer. That x was a sweet ride.

- (Panting)

Sorry guys, I was somewhere but not here-whoa!

Our bad guy struck again, huh?

What'd the smasher look like? Tell us.

- I don't know. Whoever it was moved so fast.

- Sometimes we remember more than we think.

Close your eyes and draw the person you saw.

(Marker rasps)

- Huh. Looks like someone, uh, we know,

but, ah, yeah, I can't think of who. Ha ha.

Hmmm. Very odd.

- Izzy, where were you when this happened?

- I was in the-but you don't think that I'm the-

you'll never catch me!

(Boom!) Ha ha!


- (Gasps) You're the smasher.

- Ha ha ha ha!

Congratulations for figuring it out, bad guy busters.

But you'll never catch the smasher!


But you can try.

- Izzy's really getting into this.

- This game is amazing!

- I know what you're thinking -

how did she become so evil so quickly?!

Oh, it's a fine line between good and evil.

See? Good. Evil! Good. Evil!

- (Slurping)

- Smash! - Ahhhhh....

- Whoa. Cody looks smaller than usual.

- Smasher dudette,

the bad guy busters are here to stop you.

- Yeah, cause we swore an oath to protect the world!

- (Evil laugh)

can you save Cody and battle me?

I doubt it! Hahahaha!

(Evil laugh)

- Ahhhhhh...

- Okay, I'll catch Cody. You catch the smasher!

- Ahhh! (Landing thud)

(Pained groan)

- Bee girl power!


Ha. Caught you!

- Aghh!

- (Muffled) Ugh, I've been stung.

- Not strong enough on your own, bee girl.


- Leave it to me, dude boy.

- (Muffled) Get her, dude boy!


Prepare to chill, smasher!

(Fan whirs)

- Ahhhhh! - Whoooa...

- (Thud) - (Evil laugh)

The smasherrrrrrr....

- (Pained groan)

- She is so good at being bad!

(Evil laugh)

All: Hi-ya! (Gasp)

- (Panting)

Back again...? (Laughs)

I'm gonna smash all of your favourite things

one by one.

- Not the doll house!

Super stinger.


- Ha! You can't win, busters!


All: Noooooooooo!

(Evil cackle)

- Not the computer!

I haven't finished my game

Marshmallow blaster!

(Rapid spitting)

Ow! Ouch!

(Evil laugh) (Smash)

(Evil laugh) All: (Gasp)

- We can't let her smash the TV!

I don't think I can live without it.

- Guys, we need to do the one thing we haven't tried yet -

we need to use our powers as a team!


(Whooshing) - (Gasps)



No! You win, bad guy busters.

You winnnnn...


- Yeah! - All right!

- I'm so proud of those bad guy busters.

They finally figured it out.

- Okay kids your parents are here to pick you up so--

What in the name of apple turnovers happened in here?

- Thanks for letting me borrow these.

None of this would've worked without 'em.

- (Angry groans)

- (Laughs) Awesome day!

- Let's play that again tomorrow!

- Yeah!

- (Whooshing) - Weeee!

- Rest well, bad guy busters.

Because tomorrow you'll have to battle

The Lava Queen.

(Evil cackles)

Ooh! That's hot!

(Evil cackles)
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