01x08 - Sharing Is Caring

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x08 - Sharing Is Caring

Post by bunniefuu »




(Alarm rings)

- Okay kids, you know what time it is.

All: Yay!

- Lunch time!

(Munching sounds)

- Owen, put those cookies away,

it's not lunch time it's show and tell time.

(Squeaky wet slide) - (Shudders)

today's show-and-tellers are Courtney and Beth;

who wants to go first? - I would love to go fir--

- Let's do it alpha-Beth-ically.

This is a collection of the things

doctors have pulled out of my nose.

There was snot too but I didn't include it

cause, you know, gross.

All: Phew...

- But ya, lots of schnoz goo.

- Mega boogers. - (Whimpers)

- Green goblins. - (Gags)

- Nose nug'its. - (Retches)

Times up! (Shudders)

Courtney's turn.

This is a mint condition eggstreme-osaurus.

All: (Gasp and wow)

Announcer: It's the eggstreme osaurus,

a toy so extreme only kids can get one,

skateboard with one, surf with one,

skydive with one,

get one before your kids think you're lame.

Warning: eggstreme-osaurus will hatch as soon as

you take it out of the box.

- Giant egg. Very nice.

- No. Eggstreme-osaurus

is an egg that hatches into your very own,

amazing, interactive stuffy.

- It's just like a real baby that isn't yours.

- It's was voted toy of the year.

- Big deal.

It wasn't even in your nose.

I want it so bad!

Even though it wasn't in her nose.

- I asked for an eggstreme osaurus for Christmas.

Know what I got? Jack squat.

(Jingle bells jingle)

- Hi. I'm Jack. Jack Squat.

Ready and squat, squat, squat.

- Really?


- My mom got me underwear.

- What's underwear?

Courtney: Ahem!

My turn is not over, thank you very much!

It's not just an eggstreme osaurus.

It's the limited edition one

that hatches into a drago-chicken.

Each one is signed and dated.

Only were produced world-wide.

- Can I touch it? - I am so jelly!

- I'm glad you brought in something

everyone's so interested in

because today's lesson is about sharing!

- I don't like where this is going.

- Courtney? Can you share your toy with your friends?

- Ya! Let's hatch that chicken-thingy!

- Drago-chicken. And no.

- Now now, Courtney, remember the golden rule:

sharing is caring.

(in unison) Sharing is caring!

(Phone rings) - I'll be right back.

Courtney, I know you'll do the right thing.

Hello? A survey on house cats?!

(Giggling) Well, I do love cats.

- You heard, Chef - sharing is caring.

- Fine! Each of you can have seconds

to look at my eggstreme-osaurus while I hold the box.

- That is not sharing.

- Pretty please can we play with it?

- No one is playing with it, Owen.

Not even me!

- But it's a toy.

- For me it's an investment.

I can't even open the box,

because it has to be in mint condition.

- Wait. That thing's worth real money?

- And it's made of mint?

- If I keep it long enough it'll be worth thousands.

Maybe a kajillion!

- A kajillion bucks?


This is the life, eggstreme-osaurus egg!


(Money flutters, foghorn sounds)

- Anyway, when I sell it I'll use the money

to set my life plan in motion.

First I'd ditch this place for a school for gifted youth,

then attend an ivy league college,

double major in finger painting and paper mache,

create the next toy empire,

sell it for a bazillion dollars, save the whales,

win an award the documentary,

and become president of the world.

- Wow. I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend.

- I'm going to a petting zoo!

- You're gonna let people pet you all weekend?

- No, the animals are the... I'm not gonna be...

I hope not!

- I can't share my eggstreme osaurus. Sorry!

- It's okay, we understand.

- Really? - Sure.

You can't open it, but I can...

so just give it to me,

and I'll hatch that turkey saurus for you.

- UGH!

Owww. - Hey!

- So... close.

- My favourite thing about cats?

Oh, it's gotta be the cuddling!

Oh wait,

no it's the purring. Ya.

- Oh, Courtney. What a surprise.

Wanna play house with me?

- I guess that'll be okay.

- Great. That's great, great.

You stir the pasta. While I make the pie crust.

Let's pretend we're roommates!

Two girls trying to make it in the big city.

By day we cut sheet metal,

but at night we party and dance at the--

what are you doing?

(Gasp) You're trying to hatch my eggstreme-osaurus!

- No I wasn't!

- Game over!

- I don't even care about your silly egg!

(Door slams) I need to see what it does!

Duncan: Nice try.

But that egg is all mine.

- Yeah? Then why aren'tcha holding it?

- I will be. Watch and learn.


- Well, my cat, Dr. Pumpkin looves tuna.

Now he's not a real doctor.

That's just the name I gave him.

(Mic feedback) - Attention:

this is a fire drill.

Drop everything and exit the daycare immediately.

- Kids, there's a fire. Time to panic and get out!

- Ahhh!

(Bell rings)

- Somebody think of the children!

- Forget that, save the fooooooood!

- Now I go find where Courtney put down her egg

and become a rich boy.


- You can turn the alarm off, Duncan.

- I knew I shoulda just started a real fire.

(Alarm stops)

- Good. False alarm.

Okay, kids, nap time. Go go go.

I got an important phone call to continue!


- (Waking whimper)

- She can't stay awake forever.

- Nope.

- (Waking whimper) Come on, Courtney.

Toughen up! (Slap)

You've said goodbye to your sippy cup. (Slap)

You shouldn't (slap) even need (Slap) a nap anymore!



- Whaaaaa? - Merry Christmas, Leshawna.

- Ho ho ho.


- (Laughs) - Gotcha!

Aw, come on!

- Hey! Sharing is caring!

- Ah! (Gasps)

Oh phew, still here.

(Gasp) My eggstreme-osaurus!

(Beep, car whirs)

- Whooaaaaa!

- Yes my cat is definitely afraid of cucumbers.

And no, he can't play the piano,

not without sheet music.

- A trip wire? Oh please...

(Thud) Ahhhhh...

- Ha. The tripwire was just a distraction!


- Sharing is-- get back here!


- One lump or two?

- No lumps please,

just sugars.

- Hide me! They're coming for my egg!

- Where is she?! Where's Courtney?!

- She's definitely,

absolutely not hiding under the table,

that's for sure.

- Ooooowennnn...!

- Those words were a bad choice

but I think I got away with it.

(Cups clink) - Rrragh!

- Share like you care. - Share.

- Ya, come on, come on, come on.

- I believe that friends should share with friends.

But the decision to share or not,

has to come from the heart.

So, Courtney, it's your decision.

(in unison) Awwww.

- That was inspirational, Bridgette.

- (Blows)

It was like being kicked in the heart

by beautiful words.

- Okay.

- (Hopeful exhales)

- I'm still not sharing it. All: (Gasp)

- What? That's so not fair. - Yeah!

- Get that egg!

(Angry yelling)

- Catch it, Owen!

- I've got it! Ugh...

- (Gasps)

(Egg cracks) All: (Gasp)

- (Sobs)

My drago-chicken!

- I'm sorry courtney. Maybe we can fix--

- It's no use.

Once the egg's out of the box it starts to hatch!

It's all over... (Crying)

- On the bright side - now you get to see

all the amazing things your drago-chicken can do.

All: (Gasp) - It's happening!


- There it is!

- The legendary drago-chicken.

All: Wow...

(Tiny peep)

All: (Disappointed) Hmm.

- Is that all it does? - I guess so.

Okay, this thing is kind of lame.

Who wants to play dodgeball?

- Oh bring it!

- I'm a team captain! Beth: Let's do this!

(Click, rotors beat, whooshes)

(Electricity crackles)

(Heavy metal music plays)


(Rockin' guitar riff, fire whooshes)

(Tiny peep)
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