01x01 - Venthalla

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x01 - Venthalla

Post by bunniefuu »




(Running footsteps, door opens)

Guys! Guys! Guys? Guess what?!

(Hard thump, groans in pain)

- What?

- I finally won at "Toy Crane Prize Surprise!"

Kids: (Gasp)

Singer: ♪ Toy Crane Prize Surprise! ♪

- I like the way it challenges my gross motor development.

- Did you scoop up anything good?

- Last year alone there were crane-related deaths.

- Gwen, that might be a statistic about real cranes.

- The article just said cranes.

- Aaaaanywaaaaay,

I scored this!

It's an uberball!

- Sweet.

- And it only cost me $ in quarters.

(Change clinks)

(Quarter clatters, crane whirs)

(Quarter clatters, crane whirs)

Awww! (Change clinks)

(Quarters clatter, excited gasp, item clatters)

(Shrinking poof, lever clanks, crane whirs)

(Frustrated groan)

(Shrinking poof, quarter clatters, frustrated growls)

(Lever clanks, crane whirs, metallic clank)

(Excited gasp, crane whirs)

(Angel choir sings)

- Careful, Owen. You know what Chef does

when he catches us with toys from home.

Chef: Mine. Mine!


- (Gasps) Right!

I should put it away.

Duncan: Pfft! What's the point of showing us your uberball

if you're not gonna bounce it?

Whenever there's a chance to cause anarchy,

I like to take it. (Air hisses)

(Loud pop)

- Uh, bouncing, it is a bad idea.

- Or... is it the best idea?

(Struggling grunts)

- On the one hand, Noah is right.

On the other hand, Duncan is right,

On the other hand, uh...

Heyyyy, who's hand is that?

(Squeaky retreating noise)

I'll bounce it... once!

(Dramatic music, lightning sizzles)

(Powering up)

(Ball pings wildly) Kids: Ahhhh!

(Glass smashes, ball ricochets)

(Glass and canvas smashes, whooshing loudly)


- Who brought this into my daycare?

(Door thuds)

- (Giggles nervously)

Please, Chef, please don't--

- You know the rule.

Any toy from home brought into my daycare without permission

belongs to me.

Uh, you kids have been losing toys to me for years.

Think you'd learn, but nope... (Scanner whirs)

- Hmm... - No one here ever learns.

- Does that make you feel like you're failing as a teacher?

- Ask that question again.

- Someone's feeling a little touchy this morning.

(Beeping and whirring)

(Doors whir and whoosh open) - (Hushed gasp)

All: (Hushed whoas)

Owen: Remarkable!

(Tinkling pings, Angel choir sings)

All: (Gasp)

- Did you see all those toys?

- It was like Christmas in a closet!

Only... it's not Christmas and that's not a closet.

(Ball thuds lightly, doors clang shut and lock)

- I hope you learn something from this.

- He's learned that you're a big meany!

- Uberball! I love you!

(Door bangs shut, hard thud) - Oof!

(Groans woozily, uberballs chirp)

(Gasps in fascination) - You are so funny!

Did you see what you did?

You were like boo-bah, boo-gah! (Giggles)

Duncan: (Muffled groan) (Owen thuds heavily)

- Ahhhh...

(Excited gasp, grate creaks)

With a few supplies from that cabinet

I can finally escape from this daycare.

I'll need their help, so I gotta convince them

that this is about Owen's ball.

If we work together, like the best friends we are,

we can reunite this beautiful, beautiful boy

with the uberball he so rightfully deserves.

- I never knew we were such good friends, Duncan,

but I guess we are. - (High-pitched groan)

- Let's get my ball back!

Kids: Yeah!

Duncan: I made a map of the vents

to get us into Chef's office.

And Izzy knows the codes to the keypad locks.

- Beep-boop boop boop-boop beep-beep... - Great. Great.

Stop! Stop it! - Beep!

- Um, what about the rectal scan?

- (Sighs) For the last time, Jude,

retinal is the eye, rectal is the--

- But how will we open that lock?!

- I got one of Chef's eyes.

(Shrieking violins play)

All: Ew! - Relax! I'll put it back.

And he won't know it's gone

'cause I stuck a big marble in it's place,

which he can't see with his other eye.

(Blinking plinks)

Noah, why don't you stay behind

and make sure Chef doesn't notice we're missing.

- Or I could stay behind.

- No dice, princess.

You'd rat us out first chance you'd get.

- (Proudly) I absolutely would.

(Sighs) Fine. I'll go.

- You're all going to die up there, sooo... bye.

- (Enthusiastically) Bye, Gwen!

- All right, let's go.

(Kid-style Mission Impossible music)


(Computer game music and sound effects)


(Metallic clank and clatter, whooshing)

Owen: Ungh! Urrgghhhh!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! (Heavy thud)

- Come on. - I'm Okay!

(Heavy thud) Oh!

- Boop-beep beep-boop-boop bop-boop-bop-beep.


(Scanning whirs)

(Loud whirring and clanking)

- Free toys!

Oh yeah! - Woo-hoo!

- Score! - Gum!

- Uberball, it's me, Owen.

Remember all the good times we've had?

(Crane whirs, hard ping, uberballs tweet)

I guess it hasn't been that long.

- Har! Har! - Yay!

Courtney: Guys, stop playing with all these toys!

We're only here for Owen's-- (Loud squeak)

(Gasps) My Hanna Hug doll?!

(Excited squeal)

No. This is wrong. We need to put everything back.

Duncan, tell them to...

Duncan? - Uh, thanks, guys,

but this was actually an escape plan - for me.


- Oh no, he'zh gogd da map!

- The map?! Duncan, wait!

- Why is it so quiet in here today?

Noah: Your... eye! Oh, um, we, we are uh...

we are uh... playing, playing a game!

- Nice! What are y'all playing?

- Marbles. No! Not, not face marbles.

Uh... umm... ahhh...

Hide and seek, but it is so hard.

Yeah, they're... the best hiders on earth!

- Aw, don't be so hard on yourself, Noah.

You're bad at lots of things.

- (Whimpering) - Uh... wait now.

I-I-I didn't mean it like that.

I know, let's make a list.

We'll put a gold star for all the things you're good at

and a sad cat sticker for what you're bad at.

Hmmm... things you're good at...

(Clock ticks loudly)

Uh, let's start with things you're bad at; that'll be easier.

- (Sighs heavily)

(Kid-style Mission Impossible music)

Izzy: Trust me, I'm super good with directions

'cause I swallowed a compass when I was a bab--

(Resounding clang)

Courtney: Does anyone remember which way will get us outta here?

- Arr! Let a pirate lead the way.

(Stretching, hard thwap) Owww!

(Echoing) Ow, ow...

(Grate clanks) - Mission accomplished!

Phase , take care of number .


(Tape pulls with each jump)


- Arrgh! This pirate be lost, mateys.

- What?! Great!

We're gonna die up here.

- (Clapping) Gwen will be so happy.

Owen: (Sniffing)

- Don't cry on me, bro.

If your dam breaks, my dam breaks.

- I'm not crying. I-I smell something.


Is that...


(Excited laughter) It's pizza lunch day!

All: Hurray! Yay!

- C'mon, guys, this way!

All: Go pizza! Go pizza! Go pizza!

Chef: And you don't always make it to the bathroom in time.

Should that be a sad cat sticker?

Yeah... because it's kind of gross.

Oh, we're out of sad cats.

- (Whimpering) This is really taking a chunk

outta my self-confidence. (Crying)

- Okay. Okay. Hang on. Uh, let's do the other side.

Uh... you're the loudest crier I know, huh?

Yeah... Let's pretend that's a good thing!

- This was a brilliant...

(Screaming) plaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!

(Springing whoosh)

- We'll work more on the things-your-good-at list later

'cause the pizza will be ready soon, so-- (Hard thud)

(Sheepish chuckle, angry growl)

- The smell is getting stronger!

We're almost-- (Loud clank)

Okay, I'm stuck. Kids: ...Go Pizza! (Loud clank)


- I'll deal with you in a minute.

Hide and seek game over. Now!

- Come out, come out, wherever you are.

(Cracking and rumbling)

(Kids scream, heavy thud)

Owen: Ungh! Chef: (Growling)

(Robot thumps and chatters) - You didn't!

- I just wanted my uberball back.

Hey, where'd it go?

(Metallic rumbling)

All: (Gasp)

(Slow motion, lightning sizzles)

(Powering up, Super-charged whoosh)


(Supercharged whoosh)

(Kids scream, ball pings wildly)

(Kids scream in terror, clanging pings)

(Hard thud) - Ungh!

Izzy: (Muffled screams)

(Dramatic music)

(Rumbling crash)

Owen: We still get pizza, right?

(Loud crash) Ow.
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