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08x09 - The Pike River Cull

Posted: 12/08/14 03:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

I've been convincing myself that we're good, but I'm not so sure right now.

Amy: We are good.

Ty: Amy, listen to me. You've changed.

Amy: How have I changed?

Ty: You're not the same girl.

Amy: So you miss Casey.

Tim: Yeah, yeah, I do.

Amy: Then what are you doing, dad? You were the one who told me to fight for what you want. You know, you wanting us to get back together might be one of the smarter things you've done in a while. Ungh!

Casey: You asked to get back together with me! (Laughing)

Tim: Good call on my part.


Amy: You're hung over, you look terrible...

Ty: Let's just say that beer and business don't mix.

Of all people, why did you call me?

I just didn't really know who else to call.

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves plod heavily, horse pants)

(Black horse snorts and whinnies)

Will: How're you doing?

(High-pitched whinnies)

(ATV rumbles nearby)

Matt: (Yelling) You know you got fences down?

Will: What?

Those wild horses, they're all over my land. Ate the grass. There's nothing left for my cows.

Oh, come on, Matt.

No! It's all your fault, Will. Encouraging them like you do!

Will: I don't encourage them.

But these horses have been up here for years.

Well, what do you call putting hay out for them all winter, huh?

Now, let me tell you something! I'm pushing for that cull to happen. And when it does, those damn horses are gonna be the first to go. Ain't nothing you can do to stop it.

Is that right?

(ATV rumbles away, Will coughs)

(Birds chirp)

(Dish and cutlery clanks)

(Truck rumbles outside)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

Joanna: Hey, dad! Got your breakfast all ready.

Will: That damn fool Matt Pincher, you know what he's doing? He's gunning for my little horses! It's a good thing his dad's dead, because if he were alive he'd be kicking him from here to Thursday.

(Birds chirp in the silence)

Oh, yeah? W-w-what's all this?

I told you I'm gonna sell.

Oh, this is a great day.

Joanna: Listen, dad... Dad, I know this is hard. It's hard for me too.

Yeah, yeah, I know. You got your reasons for wanting to go. I'm clear on that. I want you to come with me, I told you that!

Will: And I'm not leaving my house, and I told you that. I'm not!

Listen, dad. This is the best step for both of us.

Both of us?

I don't know...

I don't why it's so hard for you to understand, but I'm not gonna leave Pike River without you!

I'd say we got ourselves a problem, Joanna.

'Cause the only way I'm leaving my farm is in a box.

In a box!


I got nothing more to say.

(Door bangs shut, engine starts)

(Rooster crows, birds chirp)

Lou: Why don't you just call him, Amy?

Jack: Lou, let it go.

Amy: No! Why should I call him? Ty hasn't even thanked me for picking him up from jail when he was thrown in. He should be calling me.

Relationships take work, and nothing happens unless you make it happen.

Amy: Well, I'm not gonna force it to happen, Lou.

You know, maybe I should just let go and move on.

Tim: Sometimes you have to give it a second chance.

(Screen door bangs shut)

Amy: No. I don't.

Georgie: Has Peter called yet?

Lou: Uh, he texted. His flight last night was apparently... canceled, but, um, he's flying in this morning... I think.

So are we still going to the dude ranch for our family "staycation."

Lou: Yes, we are. We planned it and we're doing it.

Georgie: But what if he doesn't get here?

Amy: Maybe you should give him a call, Lou.

"Nothing happens unless you make it happen."

(Phone rings)

Lou: Very funny.

(Phone beeps)

Jack: Hello. Yeah, speaking.

Well, Joanna Hawke? It's been a while. How're you doing?

Oh? What seems to be the problem?

Is Will okay?

The Pike River Cull

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer...
♪ Oh, oh, oh...
♪ You dreamer...
♪ You dreamer...

Georgie: What's a cull?

Lou: The um... a government committee decides there are too many wild horses, so they give out permits to capture them. But then they re-home them, right?

Amy: That's the intention.

Tim: They usually end up in the slaughterhouse.

Amy: Dad!

Georgie: What?! How could they? They're so beautiful!

Lou: But why you, grandpa? I mean, what does Joanna realistically think you can do?

Jack: Well, she figures he might listen to me. I'm probably his last friend standing.

Amy: Okay, but wait, wait, wait. Grandpa, if Joanna called, she's obviously seriously worried, so we better go out there, and... Besides, maybe I can help gentle some of the horses and re-home them?

Georgie: I'm going too.

Lou: No, no, no. Georgie, this weekend is planned. And besides, your arm.

Georgie: My arm is fine, and I can still help Amy with the horses.

Georgie, Peter was really looking forward to some family time.

He's not even here.

Well, it's probably best if just Amy and I go.

You've never met Will.

He's not exactly the most social guy in the world. The less people, the better. Believe me.

Tim: I see an opportunity.

Jack, you gotta make sure that Ty goes to Pike River too.

Jack: Why is that?

Tim: It'd be a good chance to throw him and Amy together - to talk.

Since when did you become a fan of getting them together?

Since I got sick of watching Amy mooning around here all the time. I can't stand it. You heard her in there. Pike River holds good memories for them. Once they're together, they're gonna be forced to deal.

Jack: Yeah, or not.

Don't be so negative. This is a perfect plan.

Ty and Amy need to work their stuff out on their own. You leave it alone.

(Loud clank)

Ty: Okay, so... Will's refusing to move out of his house?

Tim: Yeah. Jack wants to go help his old buddy - drive up there, see if he can change his mind.

Really. That's a long drive.

Tim: Well, it seems Will's health's not so good either.

And there are some wild horses involved that he's been looking after - they need medical attention, and there's talk of a... of a cull.

Yeah, I've heard about that, but uh...

I'm not so sure you came all the way up here to talk to me about Will.

It's about Jack.

You haven't been around a lot lately, but he is really going downhill.

I don't think that he should go alone.

So, what? You're saying that I should go up there too?

I hate to ask, you know?

But I didn't come here for a visit.

But I get it.

I know, you're busy. Forget it.

Ty: No, no, no, no. I...

Tim: No... no. Forget it.

Tim, I wanna help Jack, okay? It's just...

My truck's pretty unpredictable right now and I'm not even sure if I can make it up there.

Tim: Well, mine's good.

Ty: Uh...

Tim: We can go together.

Ty: You and I?

Tim: Yeah.

Ty: Uh... well, it's a long drive.

It's for Jack. It's...

It's not... It's for Jack.

Yeah. (Trailer door opens)

(SUV doors open and close, gravel clatters)

Lou: Look, Georgie, honey, I know you're disappointed, but it's gonna be a really great weekend, okay?

I promise. Let's unpack, come on.

(Vehicle rumbles)

Lou: Well, look who it is.

(Taxi rumbles)

(Door opens)

Katie: Daddy!

Peter: Hey, you! Hi! Hey!

Georgie: Hi!

Peter: Let's get this party started!

Katie: Come on!

Georgie: All right.

It's nice of you to come.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means I know your flight wasn't canceled last night.

I checked online.

(Truck rumbles)

Jack: Boy, what a mess.

Amy: Wow. Joanna's selling?

Jack: Looks like it.

(Engine shuts off, doors open)

(Doors bang shut)

Joanna: Hey! It's so good to see you!

You too, Joanna! Hi.

Amy: It's been so long!

(Sharp exhale)

Joanna: (Sighs) You think it looks bad now?

Believe me, it's way better than it was right after the flood.

It's kinda quiet around here.

Well, people left... To live with relatives, temporary housing. You know.

And even though it's getting cleaned up now, a lot of people just haven't come back.

Amy: So how's your son doing?

Joanna: Sam? You wouldn't recognize him. He's this tall.

He's in first year university in Calgary.

Amy: No way.

Joanna: (Laughs)

Jack: All grown up.

So when do you want me to go see Will?

Joanna: (Sighs) We had a little disagreement this morning.

You might wanna wait till tomorrow.

Wait till he's cooled off, I guess.

Jack: Oh. Hmm.

Joanna: I figured you guys might wanna stay here again.

(Awkward silence)

Is that okay?

Jack: Of course.

Amy: Yeah.

Joanna: Anyway, when you're ready, come on down, I'll make some dinner.


(Amy sighs heavily, cabin door opens)

Jack: (Laughs)

Boy, this brings back some memories, huh?

(Door creaks closed)

Ty: Oh, thank you.

Amy: You're welcome.

(Fire crackles)

Ty: All right.

Ty: Comfy?

Amy: Mm-hmm.

Amy: (Laughing) Are you cold?

Ty: (Laughs)

Amy: I'll make you some tea. It'll warm you up.

Ty: All right. (Faucet squeaks)

Amy: Or... not.

Ty: Oh, forget it.

(Water spurts violently)

Ty: Oh!

Ty: Agh!

Amy: (Laughing)

Jack: Amy, remember that one night, it was so cold we all had to bunk in front of this fireplace.

(Sighs) I'm here to work, grandpa.

No place for a diamond ring.

How're you doing?

I didn't think it would be this hard.

(Flap rustles)

Peter: (Chuckles and groans) Whoa.

Georgie: Wow!

Peter: You sure you wanna sleep in here?

Yeah! Absolutely!

Okay. Well, we'll clean it out then, I guess.


I can stay in here with you if you want, you know?

Oh, no, it's all right. A few cobwebs don't scare me.

(Chuckles) Okay. If you say so.

Hey, you know what? Uh...

Mom said that you were kind of bummed that you didn't get to go to Pike River.

But selfishly, I'm really glad you didn't because I've been travelling so much, I never get to see you guys and I miss you.

Georgie: I miss you too. So does Lou.

A lot, actually.

She really wants you to spend more time with us.

You know, she gets really angry when you don't come home when you say you Will.

She goes on and on and on.

Hmm. Good to know.

(Door opens and closes)

Chad: Well, look who it is.

Amy Fleming and Jack Bartlett! The horse rescuers!

Jack: Chad! Good to see you, man.

So what brings you here?

Amy: Oh, we're visiting Joanna.

Yeah, and Will.

Chad: Oh, is that all?

It wouldn't have anything to do with, you know, the cull now, would it?

Amy: Uh... maybe.

(Sighs) Well, here we go again.

No matter. Welcome back!

Amy: (Laughs)

Jack: (Chuckling) Thanks.

(Low hum of chatter)

(Old country music) ♪...Won't make me happy, but it surely pays the bills ♪

♪ I keep going down town, spending it, honey- ♪

(Engine cuts out)

Tim: Wow!

That went by pretty fast.

Nothing like a good cd to help time fly by, huh?

Ty: Yeah, especially when it's on a loop for five hours.

Tim: Yeah.

Ty: Yeah.

(Door opens and closes)

What the...?

Hey, Jack.

You're looking good. Really good.

How're you feeling?

I'm feeling just fine. Why?

What are you doing here, Tim?

Chad: Ty Borden!

Ty: Hey, Chad! Good to see you!

Chad: Good to see you. Tim.

Tim: Chad.

(Amy and Joanna chatter)

Ty: Amy.

Hi, Joanna.

Joanna: This is a surprise. Ty, it's good to see you.

What're you doing here? Grandpa?

Don't look at me.

Ty: I came to help with Will's horses.

Tim said they need medical attention.

Matt: Will's horses?

You talking about his wild horses?

'Cause there's no helping them, buddy.

And if that's what you're here for, I'd go right back where you came from

'cause, those horses, their time is up.

Dad you can't be serious.

Chad: Look, uh... I don't like Matt t Pincher or the way he goes about things, but those horses have got to go.

I... I... I agree with him.

Amy: How can you agree with him?

Those horses have every right to be there.

I mean, you can't cull them. That's wrong.

Chad: No offence, but you can't possibly know how much of a problem it is unless you've lived here.

I can't count the number of times they've taken out my fences. But... but never mind that.

It's a, it's a total environmental concern.

Amy: How?

Chad: Because they eat the grass, and so do the deer, and the elk, so it's a case of overgrazing.

Jack: (Frustrated sigh) We're talking tens of thousands of acres here, Chad.

They're not exactly overrunning the countryside!

Fact is, the population's way up and there isn't enough predators to naturally cull them out.

Not enough predators?! Are you kidding me?

There's wolves, cougars, coyotes, there was the flood and the bad winter...

Chad: Look, guys, you've got this fairy tale idea in your head of the noble wild horses running free.

There is way more to it than that.

Chad: Yeah? Would it be different if they were ugly feral boars running out there wrecking everything?

You'd sh**t 'em on sight.

Amy: No, I wouldn't, but you can't compare the two.

Chad: Yes, you can. It's called a double standard...

I'm sorry, Joanna, but that's the way it is, and the sooner your dad realizes that, the better.

I mean, y-you heard him. Matt's on the warpath, especially when it comes to Will's horses.

Joanna: That's enough, Chad, they just got here.

Let 'em eat.

Chad: Yeah.

(Door opens, crow caws in the distance)

Jack: So Amy and me, we're in Joanna's cabin.

Tim: Okay, well, Ty and I'll be at the hotel.

Amy: 'Kay. Good night.

(Low hum of chatter)

(Quietly) Thanks, Tim.

Why didn't you tell me that Amy was gonna be here?

You didn't ask.

(Crow caws, low hum of chatter)

Amy: Why is Ty here?

Jack: Look, I don't know what your dad told him.

He thought it was a good idea for you guys to talk.

I didn't agree.

But now that we're all here, Amy, we gotta get on with what needs doing.

But doesn't dad realize how awkward this is for us?

Especially here of all places.

It's just... It's too painful.

Help me keep a safe distance, okay?

(Door bursts open)

Tim: Joanna failed to mention that there is no water or electricity at the hotel since the flood, so I'm here with you.

Uh, so where's Ty?

He chose to stay in the truck.

(Crickets chirp, coyotes and wolves howl)

(Georgie sighs, rustling sounds)


(Frightened, but determined sigh)

(Door closes, slow, even footsteps)

(Cupboard opens)

(Padding footsteps, loud gasp)

Amy: Oh... (Sighs) Ty. I didn't- I didn't know you were here.

Ty: Sorry.

Amy: I'm just getting some orange juice.

Ty: Getting some water.

(Tap runs, fridge closes)

Do you remember the last time we were here, that water was so... (Laughing)


Yeah. And the blocked chimney and all the smoke...

Hey, Ty, thank you for standing up for me tonight.

I like Chad, I do, but really, all that stuff about those horses not having any predators...?

It was a bunch of crap.


Hey, Amy... (Whispering) Is Jack okay?

Yeah. Of course. Why?

Ty: Well, your dad said that he...

Never mind, it... it's your dad. I should've known.


Good night.

Good night. (Receding footsteps)

Amy: What was that?

Ty: It's the damper! Ugh!

(Fire crackles)

Amy: Oh... (Laughs)

Ty: Oh, man.

Ty: (Coughing)

Whoa! It's like your dad rigged the place.


(Door creaks closed)

Katie is fast asleep, finally.

(Wolves howl in the distance)

(Blows out breath) So, I need to know, Peter.

Why... why didn't you take that flight last night?

Why did you tell me it was canceled when it wasn't?

How do you think I felt? I go online, and there it is.

Flight status: On time.

What am I supposed to think?

Why didn't you just tell me?

Peter: Because Lou, um, if I told you, I was afraid that you would just...

You're head would just explode like it usually does, okay?

I would rather you just told me the truth.

Okay, well, I'd had two weeks of incredibly intense and stressful negotiations, I was at meeting, after meeting, after meeting, and I just needed one night...

One night to just decompress before I came home.

What about my night to...?

I never get a chance to decompress, honey.

Okay... point taken.

(Sighs heavily)

You know what? Georgie's been telling me how angry you get when I don't come home as often as you think I should.

So, apparently, now you're sharing all these negative feelings with our... with our kids?

Lou: No, I don't.

Peter: So I'm always the bad guy?

You can't involve them in our personal issues like that, Lou. It-it's not fair.

They shouldn't have to shoulder that burden.

If anything, I am covering for you.

(Door opens)

Georgie: Can I sleep with you guys? I mean, it is way too scary out there for me to sleep by myself!

Lou: Shh... Katie is sleeping, okay?

Peter: Hey, I'll tell you what. Why don't you and I bunk together in the teepee?

Georgie: Oh, okay.

Peter: Huh?

It's been a while since I've slept under the stars myself.

Georgie: (Giggles)

Lou: Peter...

Georgie: You got bug spray? Bear spray? Good night, Lou!

(Door shuts, fire crackles)
(Birds chirp)

(Truck rumbles)

Will: Well, would you look what an ill wind blew up right here. Jack Bartlett!

Jack: How are you doing, you miserable old dog?

Will: You watch who you're calling a dog.

Jack: (Laughing)

Will: Good to see you! Oh, Amy! This is a nice surprise. It's good to see ya.

Amy: You too.

Ty: Hey, Will.

Will: And Ty!

Ty: Good to see you.

Will: Yeah. Looking good. I don't suppose you guys remember that pregnant mare you rescued? Look over there. That's her foal, Lucky, and that's his younger brother Sky, who's a bit of a character.

Jack and Amy: (Laughing)

Tim: It must have been pretty rough here after the flood.

It was. I think it changed people.

Well, you haven't changed.

Ah... (Laughs) You know, actually I have.

I'm uh... I'm sorry I didn't call you.


Life gets in the way.

I didn't call you either.

So with this place for sale, what're your plans?

Joanna: Well, there's a nice area near Okotoks I'm looking at. It's close to Calgary, so I'd get to see Sam a lot more.

What about your dad?

He's digging in his heels as usual.

I'm hoping Jack might change his mind.

I'm afraid I used the wild horses as an excuse to get Jack and Amy up here.

Guilty of the same offence.

Ty's studying to be a vet...

Joanna: And you lured him up here too? Because of Amy?

Well... they're engaged. They were engaged.

They-they... They should be engaged.

And I just thought if I could throw them together...

You could trap them up here.

We're bad.

(Laughs) Yeah, we are... Well, in a good way.

It's really good to see you.

You, too. (Mugs clink)

Amy: I remember the night Lucky was born.

It feels like so long ago.

He seems pretty interested in the wild horses.

Will: Oh, he is that.

Sometimes I worry that he's gonna take off with them.

Amy: Would you mind if I got a closer look at the herd?

Will: Well, sure, if you want to. I mean, they're pretty wary though.

Jack: Hey, Will.

Will: Yeah?

Jack: You got time for a chat?

Will: Well, sure. You want some tea?

Jack: Well, I'd love some tea.

Will: Well, let's go.

Will: What's going on with you?

Jack: Well... I had a heart att*ck.

I had three.

Jack: No kidding.

Will: Yeah.

Well, okay, I guess you got me b*at.

Will: Again.

Jack and Will: (Laugh)

I'm the big winner.

Since I last saw you, I got married.

Will: No you didn't!

Jack: Yes, I did.

Who the hell'd marry you?

Only the most beautiful woman you've ever seen.

Will: Really?

Jack: Yup.

Yeah, my heart att*ck almost put an end to us.

She couldn't cope?

No. No, she was great.

It was me that couldn't cope.

It makes you look in the mirror, you know?

Yes it does.

Anyway, we're married. Independent.

She travels. I don't.

Will: Isn't life weird?

Jack: (Chuckles)

Will: It is, you know?

You know, here it is we kinda come up together, started out the same time, and we rodeoed...

Jack: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Will: Played music.

And then we met these wonderful women, we had kids.

But you... you're still right there, aren't you?

Well, I think you need to get back in the centre of things.

See Sam, move with Joanna.

Will: Okay. Now I get it. 'Cause it's not like you to show up outta the blue anywhere, is it?

What the hell business has she going and involving you in our private affairs?!

She's worried about you, Will.

She wants to move, be closer to Sam, she wants you to go with her.

Will: Well, I'm staying here! (Slaps table) Right here!

I really don't need anyone coming here handing out stupid advice.

You're just wasting your own good time, and you're wasting mine.

Now what the...?

(Horse whinnies)

(Wild horse snorts threateningly)

(Snorting and stamping ground threateningly)

(Horses whinny)

I've been feeding these horses for years and never got that close to 'em.

That's Amy for you. She's got a way.

Will: Wow.

I know you think I'm just being kinda stubborn about all this, but I just really can't leave them.

I can't leave them, Jack. Not now.

I get why you wanna protect 'em.

Will: You know it's my neighbour, my good friend there.

We looked after these horses, and there were some serious cold days.

Without us, they definitely would've d*ed.

Malcolm Pincher, what a guy.

Painted 'em! Really good painter.

You should see some of his paintings. Beautiful.

Malcolm Pincher? It's uh... related to Matt Pincher?

Yeah. Father and son. That's his father.

Jack: No kidding.

Will: For God sakes.

So look, Jack, it's always great to see you.

Jack: Yeah.

Don't ever get me wrong on that point.

But, you know, Joanna should never have called you.

She should never have brought you all the way up here.


Jack: Well, listen.

Before I go, can we just... see if Amy can help those horses?

And what is it do you think she can do?

Well, she can gentle some of 'em.

And find homes for 'em.

I don't know. It feels wrong to me somehow.

Well, if there's a cull, it's a better alternative wouldn't you say?

Will: Oh... (Groans) Oh, God...

Hey, are you okay? Hey, hey, hey...

Yeah... yeah, I'm good.


Just gotta sit down.

Amy: It's okay. You don't need to be afraid.

(Horse sniffs and snorts)

Hi... hey...

That's it.

Come on! Here!

(Spartan grunts)

(Spartan grunts)


Aren't they incredible?


Casey. You're breaking up.

Case? Hey! There you are.

No, no, no. The phone was breaking up, (laughing) Not-not us.

Yeah, okay, I miss you too. I'll see you.

Okay. Couple days. Bye.

(Phone beeps off) Oh...

I always forget you get lousy reception up here.

Thank you.

Joanna: So? It's your turn.

What's been going on in your life since I saw you last?

Tim: Oh, wow. Where do I begin?

Well, I found out that I have a son I didn't know about.

Yeah, that was a big surprise. His name is Shane.

He's a good kid. We spend a lot of time together.

Joanna: And his mother?

Ty: Uh... girlfriend from my misspent post-divorce days.

So we tried to spend some time together, make it work for Shane, but... it didn't, and now she's seeing a lawyer. A young lawyer.

Young, good-looking lawyer.

That must just about k*ll you.

I've come to terms with it. (Laughing)

What's new with you?

I thought you might be heartbroken when I didn't call you, but you seem to be fine.

Joanna: I am. I put the past behind me like you told me to, remember?

Tim: Yeah.

Joanna: Took me awhile, but I've met someone that...

I don't know, I think I could be serious about.

Tim: Good!

Well, I met someone too.

Yeah, her name's Casey McMurtry.

She runs rodeos.

Joanna: You should go for it.

Tim: Yeah, I don't know.

I don't wanna get too serious, too fast.

I don't have the best track record.

(Joanna chuckles, birds chirp)

(Canoe Bobs in the water)

Georgie, grab a life jacket! Let's go.

(Twigs clatter)

Lou: What're you doing?

We're gonna take the canoe out.

I can't wait to teach you how to paddle.

I was really good at it when I was your age.

Georgie: Okay!

Lou: Um, Peter, your daughter has a broken arm.

I don't know how she's gonna get in the canoe, much less... paddle.

(Laughs) Oh, yeah, right.

Georgie: Great.

Peter: Ah... okay!

Well, let's go fish off the end of the dock then?

Georgie: Same thing! How am I supposed to reel anything in?

Peter... she can't.

Peter: Sure you can. We can be a team.

You work the rod, I'll do the reel, if we're lucky enough to get something.

Go get the rods, come on!

Georgie: Okay, fine!


Come on.

(Running hooves, high-pitched whinny)

Amy: Hey, Ty, this one's got a bad cut on him.

Do you have anything that'll help?

Ty: Well, I have my kit in your dad's truck.

He'll probably need to be dewormed too.

(Horse whinnies sharply)

(Wild horses thunder away)

Sorry about that.

(Birds chirp)

Hey, uh...

What do you think about taking Sky and Lucky out for a little ride?

Amy: Um... yeah, sure.

All right.

(Hooves plod lightly, tack jingles)

(Birds chirp)

Ty: What's this?

Amy: It's a horse trap.

(Whispers) Ty...

(ATV rumbles nearby)

(ATV rumbles to a stop)

(Saltlick thumps on ground)

Amy: He's baiting the horses with salt.

(Gate creaks open)

(Horse snorts)

(Birds chirp)

(ATV rumbles away)

(Birds chirp, fire crackles)

(Reel winds)

Georgie: Peter, I got something! I got it, Peter!

Peter: Oh, good, good, good! You're doing good!

Here. (Laughs) All right, hold it!

Georgie: Okay, okay, okay. I'll hold it, I'll hold it.

Peter: Okay, I'll reel it in.

Georgie: Okay. Oh!

Peter: Woo! (Laughing)

Georgie: Okay! (Laughing)

Georgie: Okay, okay.

Peter: You got him, you got him.

Georgie: Okay, okay.

Peter: Easy, easy.

Georgie: I'll try to reel him in.

(Water splashes) Okay, okay.

Georgie: (Squeals) Oh my God!

Katie: Mama, they caught a fish!

Lou: Yeah.

Georgie: (Laughing) Okay!

Peter: Closer, closer.

Georgie and Peter: (Laughing excitedly)

Georgie: We got one!

Peter: Good job!

Georgie: (Laughing) Woo-hoo!

Joanna: Hey, Jack.

So did you get a chance to talk to dad about the move?

Jack: Yeah, I did.

It seems his herd of horses is a bigger issue than you thought.

There's no way he's gonna even consider moving until that's put to rest.

(Door closes)

Matt: Listen up, everyone. I just came from the meeting.

Stamped, sealed and approved. The cull is on.

Here's my permit.

Chad: So you ingratiated yourself into that group, right, Matt?

I got the permit totally without prejudice.

(Laughing) There's no way that's true.

You can't make friends with all those reps and then give yourself the only permit before any of us even know the cull's happening.

I had no more knowledge of when or if this cull was actually gonna happen than any of you guys did.

Amy: Okay, so if you didn't know it was happening, then why did you build a corral in the middle of nowhere, just waiting and ready for those horses to be penned up in?

Chad: Is that... true?

Oh... so you did have an inside word before us.

You all knew that this cull was coming.

Anyone of you could've prepared, but you didn't.

Tim: Yeah, but like Amy said, sounds like you knew before anybody else.

Excuse me, who are you?

You tell your dad, he better not try to protect those horses.

'Cause if he tries to fight me, he's gonna lose.

Amy: Okay. Okay. So the cull has been ordered.

It's Matt, right?

Why don't we at least try to gentle some of the horses.

Ty: We could get them a clean bill of health...

Amy: And we could re-home them.

Matt: Yeah, that all sounds wonderful, but you're not gonna have time to put those splendid plans into practice.

You're a bit late to the game.

(Door opens and closes)

Hey, Amy.

I just wanted to say um... how proud I am of you...

For standing up to Matt like you did in there.

That was great.



I guess that's one good thing about being on tour.

I learned to deal with a very opinionated and aggressive group of people.

(Chuckles awkwardly, crow caws)

I can't believe what this flood did.

Look at this.

(Sighs) Yeah.

The whole course of the river's changed since we were here.

I'm gonna head in.

(Receding footsteps)

(Fire crackles, birds chirp)

Lou: So cute.

Georgie's reading Katie a bedtime story.

Yeah. She's amazing with her, eh?


So... um, we haven't had much time alone to talk.

I know... (Sigh)


You made it pretty clear to me that you don't feel like I'm supporting you in the way that I should.

I feel like I'm... outside this family looking in.

You know, that's- that's just how I feel.

That's not my fault, Peter.

I'm not trying to point fingers and blame, here.

I'm trying to...

Lou: You've done it to yourself, though.

You're away so much that you feel left out, and because you feel left out you stay away longer.

That... that makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense to me.

And then you lie about flights being canceled to justify staying away longer.

Peter: It was one time, Lou! That was one time, you know?

And I didn't say anything because I knew you'd react like this!

This is my fault because - wow! -

I react badly to being lied to?!

(Fire crackles)

(Peter sighs)

(Birds chirp, rooster crows)

(Hay rustles, low hum of ATV)

(ATV rumbles nearby)

Man: Yah! Yah!

Will: Oh! Matt!

(Horses whinny)

Riders: Yah! Yah!

Matt, what're you doing?!

(ATV rumbles)

Man: Yah!

(Horses whinny, ATV rumbles)

(Hooves thunder)

(Horses whinny)

(Horses whinny)

(Horses whinny)

Rider: Yah! Come on! Yah!

Rider 2: Keep that line!

(ATV rumbles)

(High-pitched whinnies)

(High-pitched whinnies)

Rider: Yah!

(Hooves thunder, horses whinny)

Rider: Got 'em, got 'em! Yah, yah, yah!

Come on! Yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah!

(Gates clank shut)

(Horses snort nervously)

Rider: Good job.

(Chain clanks, gate rattles)

Amy: Hey, Will?!

(Door bangs shut)

Ty: Will!

Amy: Will! (Phone chimes)

(Ty bangs on door)

Amy: Joanna, hi.

Whoa. Whoa, slow down.

(Ty rattles doorknob)

Don't worry, we'll find him.

Okay, bye. (Phone beeps off)

Matt's rounded up those horses, and Joanna can't find her dad.

Georgie: Give me something to carry, dad!

(Doors bang shut)

Peter: Okay!

Peter: There you go, buddy.

Georgie: Thanks!

Peter: And here's one for you, Kitty Kat.

Georgie: All right, come on, Katie. Let's go.

Peter: Good job!

Lou: So um... can you stay for a few days?

I know that wasn't the best "staycation" in the world, but... the girls really love having you around.

Um... can I say something here?

I don't think this is working out.

That's what I've been saying.

(Vehicle rumbles down driveway)

Peter: Yeah.


Um, we need to do something about it.

I agree. Stay home more and we'll work on it.

(Door opens)

Peter: That's not where I was going with this, but I...

Peter: Hi. Can I help you with something?

Abby: Are you Peter Morris and Lou Flemming Morris?

Peter: Yeah.

Abby: Abby Turnbull.

I'm with the child protection society.

(Metallic clanking and rattling)

Ty: Hey, Will, what's your plan?

Will: Let's get 'em outta here!

Let's go, let's go!

Ty: Yah! Yah!

Amy: Come on!

Let's go! Get on! Yah!

(ATV rumbles)

Matt: Hey! What the hell are you doing?

Ty: Whoa! Put the g*n down, Matt!

(Matt cocks the g*n)

Matt: Are you crazy?

I told you not to fight me on this!

Close the gate, Will! I mean it!

(Loud g*nsh*t blast, horses whinny)

(Hooves thunder)

Amy: Get 'em out!

(Hooves thunder, horses whinny)

Matt: You'll regret this! All o' ya!

Will: (Groans)

Amy: Will?

Will: I'm fine. Just keep going! Keep 'em moving!

(Horses whinny)

There's been a complaint.

A complaint.

About Georgie's living conditions and welfare.

Wh-who made this complaint?

Abby: That's confidential information.

You'll both need to cooperate with us fully or measures will be taken to remove Georgie from your household.

Excuse me?!

(Receding footsteps)

Ty: (Panting)

Amy: (Laughing) Can you believe what we just did?!

(Sighs) No. I can't.

That was completely awesome!


(SUV rumbles)

(SUV rumbles to a halt)

(Doors bang shut)

RCMP Officer: Ty Borden? Amy Fleming?

You're under arrest for horse theft.

Announcer: On the next Heartland.

I'm with the child protection society.

There's been a complaint.

You're trying to take me away from all the people that I've ever loved.

Announcer: The ties that bind break apart.

What do you want?

Announcer: What happens next when Heartland returns, Sunday, January 11th at 7:00 on CBC.