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01x04 - Blow Hard

Posted: 02/22/24 09:58
by bunniefuu

flying like a chinese gong


music pizza


what kind of music would a pizza maker



absolutely nothing pizza music pizza


would you send beethoven to music school

would you send picasso to art school

would you send this piggy to charm


man you know this is not just a regular

cookie school this is a health food

cooking school

did you know that some olives are higher

than others

in zinc chromium and iron why don't i


review it besides who is going to run my

my kitchen who you you oh

i i i can handle it you can handle it


that's so easy for you to say it really

and truly is but what about all the


sweat and olive oil that i have invested

into making this

a food palace i think i forgot to tell

you that you're going to get paid

extra for going you know on second

thought i think maybe you can do it

okay sherry uh take up enough room for

these two

i wish that you were here to help them

charlie will you take that noise outside

we're trying to do business in here

will you take that business outside i'm

trying to make noise in here

charlie can you please the harmonica

you're blowing to

oh thank you for sharing i had no idea

you look like an expert my t*nk

my turn no it's not your turn it's my

harmonica it's not your moniker

you found it in jerry's closet i found

it together i found it so it's mine no

it's not yours

you're just playing it for spies charlie

tell me

why don't you let the sister have a tune


sherry germs i i just don't want her to

catch my germs

being tom jeff is not contagious

everybody i'm not yes isn't he bothering


you see now i'll stop oh no no i don't

want to go outside

please outside no no i can't i'm waiting

for threat

but wait outside sure why you shouldn't

be so hard on charlie horse

i mean he's still practicing well yeah

but you know he doesn't know but he

gotta understand though

it's not easy he has to practice yeah

you gotta play bad

before you play good


you gotta hit the notes that you

shouldn't before you hit the notes that

you should

you know of course you gotta hit

the clunkers and clinkers you gotta hit

the glass and the stinkers you gotta


bad like charlie

before you play again but that's nothing

but noise

sorry remember how i used to sound

before i became a case singer i know you

find it hard to believe but i was


what are you trying to say


before you sing




sherry do not scar i could be for

reaching the clock

but i could never know until i tried

that is for me for you oh before you


fall on your face before you


before they stand on opening night


how do you get the carnegie roll you

practice all right

guys wait a minute too much noise



sharing if his mama stopped rishnikov

when he tripped at the turn

how would burst nicole ever have a word

what he said

mama please let me make a mistake


you gotta play back back


what do you mean you can't place

volleyball today

don't you understand a part about him

not being my best friend anymore

well you're not playing with me these

days so who's your new best friend

my grandfather what do you expect us to

believe you're playing

beach volleyball with your friend father


after that i'm gonna play beach

volleyball with my best friend

who may or may not be

let's try the things i gotta do like why

like open a can of beans and turn on the

flossers in his bathtub

he's old enough to be your grandfather

he's old enough to turn on his own tub

no he's got arthritis in his hands old

people get that

sometimes yeah but why today because i

promise yeah well you promised to play

in the volleyball game with me

you know we are supposed to be a team

come on charlie it's my grandfather

he's my friend too she had to never see


yeah don't bother you're no friend of


oh hey joey right come on i gotta move

this table

go ahead go ahead it is heavy oh listen

maybe when chris comes the two of you


help me move it chris yes

your best friend i don't have a best


uh-oh what happened oh he's traded me in

for a grandfather

what you should have heard him no i

can't play in the game with you today

he said no i got so many things i got to

do for my grandfather why does anybody

want to hang around with an old guy

boring boring boring things i hate to

shake you upstairs

but there's a lot of only people who are

not born

if you want chris to get done sooner why

don't you go

help him with his grandfather

did i say something wrong no you said

something right

ready doggies steady

kitty oh hey look at you

wow that was great but but did you

really like those doggies

not dolphins what's a doggy

that's what cowboys call a baby cow a


yep you know we drove their critters up

to the high country where the grass was


yeah then we move them on to marcus he

was a rodeo rider too

weren't you granny no no yeah oh no are


serious you used to ride those


absolutely how'd you stay on well you

know charlie most time i didn't

uh you should have put velcro on the cdf


yeah well you know i always roll tall in

the saddle that was because i was too

sore to sit down

but you know this arthritis sure does

make my fingers stiff ah

i wouldn't be able to take a bath or

open a can of beef

hey what's that what oh that's a


you blow into it no kidding yeah really

yeah you know that's what i usually do

with mine you got a harmonica

oh i sure do do you play you better let

me hear okay


great that was great i liked it how did


do that well here let me show you what

you blow into it just like you said they

see this harmonic

has ten holes and each hole has a number

right there above you always want to

hold the harmonica

with the numbers on top now that each

hole makes

two notes really yeah absolutely like

see that's a blow note when you blow

into it and then

when you draw your breath back in that's

a draw note

drag okay

you see you see i never can get just one

note i get a whole bunch in those all at

the same time

that's great that's a chord that's a

chord like

a chord a chord well it's two or more


that are played at the same time and

sound good together

right that's a chord now suck your

breath back in

but that's another chord son you'll be

amazed how many songs go with those two


now look when i hold my thumb down yeah

you blow out all right now see that's

the home court

thumbs up you draw in

that's the cord that's trying to go home

that's it yeah okay you ready cal post

ready for ride well chris and me we'll


you play wow


it's very simple that's all you have to


and you'll make beautiful music charlie

that i promise you

just remember in and out out in

you can play any composition

i sound like a musician


that is what it's all about

by playing those two chords my son you

can have a lot of fun

no i think i got it

when you turn your thumbs down i go

when you turn your thumbs up i go

okay i got it but can i play a song you

play your harmonica charlie

chris and i will sing along

she'll be coming round the mountain when

she's coming when she goes

she'll be coming round the mountain when

she comes



i'll find another one prettier than you

i'll find another one prettier than you

i'll find another one prettier than you

just come along my darling

boy i miss cookie oh me too

he made good pizza oh thanks a lot

all right dragon

oh do you think it's gonna stick up

there with the others i

uh certainly hope so uh-huh what are you

going to do now

uh same thing we did all day call


okay gramps your bath is ready the can

of beans is open

anything else no thanks then i'm out of


come on charlie let's go play ball

oh come on what's a hurry i just met the

coolest guy in my whole life

grant give me a hint um what do i do to

play just one note at a time

on this thing oh it's easy yeah yeah you

just make a little circle with your lips

like you're gonna whistle

and then just blow

okay i'll make my lips and ain't or

shankle and i blow

oh you see you see i thought you said it

was easy

well yeah you keep trying stick with it

i mean it took me a while but

now i can play a single note every time


come on charlie is waiting

hold it please gramps what was it like

to be a cowboy


yeah it does sound great doesn't it


oh oh put it back put it back


music pizza hello sherry it's cookie

hello cookie i was wondering how is my


oh uh it's very difficult

to describe you know really yeah

how does the movie twist the sound

what happened what happened it looks

like this place has been hit by a

tornado yeah well i told you i was

cooking up a storm

what did grandpa say i should do in

order to get one note at a time

oh yeah oh yeah i remember that okay

what do you think

good boy charlie frankie yeah

now now go ahead and

this is a blow that looks silly okay

here we go

now you want to do that every time you

just do it

he's awesome you're kidding the coolest

cowboy you ever met

oh no wait wait wait does this mean that

you like him

ah he's outstanding you ought to hear

the stories he tell

i'd love to why don't we invite this

great cowboy

to dinner excuse me did i hear you say


you expect me to cook for a cowboy sure

who do you think i am

wyatt burp i know what i'll make

rattlesnakes too yeah i got faith in you

cookie you'll think of something

come on let's go invite this great

cowboy to dinner

so a cowboy is coming to dinner big

deal settle this right away pranks and


there you go sherry said

a great cowboy is coming to dinner what

did charlie horse say

charlie hort said he was the

coolest cowboy that he had ever seen

wait a minute if he's the coolest then

the greatest

he must be in the movies he must be a

movie star he must be

well clint eastwood is the greatest

coolest movie star

oh my goodness clint eastwood is coming

to dinner yes

i can't believe this i'm gonna cook for

clint eastwood

i'm gonna make a day what am i gonna

make not this

not this not this

i have nothing there's nothing here to

cook what am i gonna do

yoo-hoo take out come here

oh don't worry oh i'll clean up no no

don't clean up it's okay it's okay

here take this list take this shopping

list and i want you to get every single

thing on this list not so fast i can't

do it i want it

it's a shopping list for quincy's but

clint eastwood is coming to dinner i'm

gonna make his day

go go go go go go go oh cookies

it's your princess cookie uh

what's cooking well i have decided that


yes clint eastwood is going to eat the

finest italian cuisine

great how do you know because i

gonna cook her for him tonight yes yes


taking tonight off no no i'm not gonna

take the night off no

you said that the greatest cowboy in the

whole world has come from the prison


no no no that cowboy is

chris's grandfather chris's grandfather

was great

no no chris's grandfather is just

chris's grandfather that's it

cranks and beans


watch what you're doing i thought you

wanted some dinner fingers that's what i


good here's some more oh all right guys

i'm not ready for seconds i'm sorry

hey where's the pepperoni the what the

pepperoni by the

time it gets to me all that's left is

the crust no

meat no cheese no when toby which by the

way i could do without yeah

where are you going no time for an old

friend you're too big now

whoa fingers please well listen mr big


i remember you when you were when you

when it's when what

whenever who remembers garbage like that

but garbage like this

is worth forgetting see you later man

what's later that's

better than now dinner's later and

dinner's gonna be

great tonight oh good what time do i get

this you

yeah you know sherry doesn't want you up

in the restaurant

why not but you got another raccoon


huh there's a law that said you can't


two raccoons sitting at the same table

i'll tell you what

okay whatever we eat inside

i'll bring out to you outside how's that

right here you got it buddy

i really like the decorations

do you yeah if i wasn't really really ho

and how personal how pretty

i would feel right at home here that's

the idea

oh what's going on what happened the

lights ran out here so i see

you can see in the dark oh goodness what


time for a power failure hey gary what's

going on

power failure scary somebody turned off

the knights all over the world why did

he do that

nobody did it it's a passive destroying

two g*ns

you'll never guess what happened out

there it's happening in here

too oh what happened

it's okay it's okay

vandals just don't turn off i gave you

12 dollars for them

now for candles what did you think of a


candy no oh yeah you'd be surprised how

many candies you can buy for 12 gallons

oh no the lights are out today

and gramps is going to be here any


hey guys don't panic i can't eat in the

dark why not

i can't find my mouth don't panic hush

puppy just bought a big bag full of


the big bag was for the players and the


lamb chops panic oh this is so sad

this is really bad girl because we went

to so

much trouble to make that cowboy feel at


hey wait a second i know how we can make

the cowboys

really steal at home



like i said practice makes perfect thank

you you see i'm perfect

oh now i'll never get to play that


hey why would you want that old

harmonica when you could have

thank you that was nice charlie

so who brought you to play anyway oh no

one without folks you know they worked

real hard all day

but nice weren't a lot to do lots of

time to learn how to play this game

you're all alone no i had this

me and my monica we've been friends for

a whole lot of years

and just some of my monaco have some new


i brought harmonicas for everybody

now whether i'm home on the range or on

the lone

and my monika are perfect company

it's my favorite instrument and it's

always been my quest

to be known across the land as the

fastest mouth in the west




i feel

singing a song with roy rogers and tail

me and my mom

i wanna see a cowboy all dressed up in


because i am the good guy i always win

the fight

after i clean up the town the folks will

cheer a part

then i'll pick up my marker and there






you and me



but we could still be friends

i hope that i will still be friends

i know that we'll still see friends

we will still be friends