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01x10 - Rapunzel

Posted: 02/22/24 09:57
by bunniefuu
none well then tell cookie to make a

regular salad

you know with lettuce ah-ha again this

doesn't make any sense

i've just bought no that's not it

here it is look at this look please four

dozen heads of lettuce

delivered yesterday were they delivered


so where are they you're asking me i

don't know

please junior find the lettuce or

figure something out i gotta go buy lamb

chopper a birthday

let's see here four dozen heads of


that's four dozen in two days that


somebody must have taken oh stool

somebody stole the lettuce is that

dangerous let us think on the loose

no that's too silly how many times do i

have to tell you little fuzzies

don't talk with your mouth full you hear

what i'm talking

he is like those you should be able to


children children say hello to your

uncle cookie ready

one two three hello uncle cookie

they're so cute are they yours

they're rabbits i know that would be

mine i thought maybe they resembled

their mothers

all their mothers such hard working


really yeah well one of them works for a

magician another

sits all day in the window of a pet shop


poses for chocolate easter bunnies

career rabbits

now you got it and these are their


you've got it again what are they doing

with you they care

daycare yeah i'm bunny sitting bunny


yeah i tell them stories we sing songs

we have a nap we do

lunch the lunch you're doing is the

salad i was gonna serve at the party

party children children your favorite

uncle cookie has invited you to a party

no no no no don't worry by then the

manners will be perfect

cottontail get your elbows off the

garbage bin

listen to me oh they're not invited to

the party

why how much lettuce could a bunch of

little bunnies eat

four dozen in an hour you think i do

think and i wish you would think too

all right what about my tab that's


if you're going to be responsible for it

done at your table

where were you i was off buying your

birthday present

oh sorry it's so it's so

small yeah well

guess what it is do i eat it no do i

look at it no well yeah you sort of look

at it

you talk to it it's a dog that was the

last time you saw me gift wrap a dog

yeah what do i do with it you open

it oh it's what is it it's an audio

cassette tape recorder

oh never in my loveliest dreams did i

imagine you get me my

very own audio cassette tape recorder

turn it on okay

there say something i'm testing one two

is that other number okay

and now you can record all of those

songs that

you always make up

this is crooked

i love to hear me sing


and what i love to do

you start to taste mushy

record a song or two

and when my singing's done

hey it's the coolest thing

to play the whole thing back

i love to hear these things


now we press rewind


now the tapes re-round all right i'll

turn it off

now we hit play




and there are songs in



i love to hear these things


well good and now you can record all of

the stories that you make up

so that you won't forget them yeah i

want to record you

so i won't forget you oh that's very


and if you're going to record me i got

to do something what do you think

yeah i don't know uh i could tell a

story oh i love stories i'm excited

oh but i know is it scary i don't know


what story shall i tell i don't know

well i'll record whatever it is

and then you won't forget the party

oh okay if we're going to record the

story so that we won't forget the party

i want to be

in the story because after all it is

my party okay what story should we tell

well here's my notebook it's called


once on the top of a

very tall tower rapunzel and her


were trapped in the power of a wicked


who'd stolen them away tossed them in

that tower

and said where you'll stay

and so they did they couldn't escape i'm

recording this show

i got it on tape good good but why did

you interrupt the story

because i have a question my question is


no this is a one question when yes a win


ramble it to and away from

the tower yeah like rapunzel just

run down the stairs run around your

union and

escape escape well there were no

stairs on the tower aha

yes now that brings me to another


what um if there were no stairs to the


yeah how did the witch get up to the top

of the

tower yes

elevator nope escalated nope

no i know i know i know i know

the witch flew up to the top of the


on her broomstick no they only do that

at halloween

oh yeah i give up

the witch would stand at the base of the

tower and call

her silky strands of hair were made into

a long strong

lumpy braid up the braid the witch would


did your thunder lived there a very long


when they were babies she and the others

rapunzel and her two brothers were

kidnapped and

trapped in this tallest of towers

i can't see the grass i can't see the


they've never heard any music at all

is that because this power's so tall no

the witch hated music

so much when she heard music

she made such an awful noise

it drowned out the sound of music made


miles around what is a horrible noise

sounds like naked they didn't do it no

i'm going to record it no

even if i could i wouldn't make that

horrible noise it might hurt your sweet


make so much noise all along she didn't

the other half of the witch's g*ng was

her trusted

assistant my name is clang

rapunzel has only seen the witch but i'm

sly so i hide here in this ditch

ouch one day a young prince stopped

under a tree

his sidekick's initials were l

lc it sounds like me it is you

is that what i have in this story a

sidekick why not

you're my sidekick oh yes

now this prince was a singer who

traveled around

i sing my songs from town to town

because i'm a minstrel


not a mini stroll minstrel a traveling


oh i get it and this princess sidekick

lc had a new tape recorder

just like you yeah and elsie was taping

everything the prince sang

can we get on with this oh sorry

let's rest near this tree and i'll sing

a bit ah

here on my manly chest i can feel my


can you feel it it goes lub

dub lub dub i like that beat and to it i

will sing my

song my heart

bumps out a feet that began when i first

saw the light

of day and i write

most of my songs to the sound of my


as it comes away

what do you mean you write your songs to

the feet of your heart

well music is done to a beat you can

feel the beat of your heart

go ahead put your hand on your heart

feel it

it goes love dub lub dub

now that is the beat well i write my

songs to the beat of my heart

love dub lub dub beat beat

now wandering from place to place one

day they came

face to face with the wicked witch

who filled the evening air wind

they were at times celebrated

the witch will hurt that girl i'm afraid

hey princess

why don't you get her to lower her brain

don't stare at me do it do it

roberto roberta let down your life

i know that's not it

rebecca rebecca no you

what was that girl's name

oh yeah on hearing the witch's voice


rapunzel lowered her lovely braid

i've written the words and the melody

too of a song i've created especially

for you

and i wrote your song to the beat of my

heart love

dub lub dub be beat beat beat i

know that you're there rapunzel rapunzel

lay down your long hair

i think of the moments i know we could


rapunzel rapunzel let down your long


i promise i'll climb it with warm loving


rapunzel rapunzel let down your long


when the witch said those words were

rotten and wrong

but prince when you sing them my heart

sings along

well that's the good news but here's

what's rotten

as they were singing they'd simply

forgotten clang

who often hung out in that ditch that's

right i've been listening

i'll snitch to the witch

now the witch was afraid of the prince


because of the musical things he does

yes because music which everyone enjoys

has much more power than a witch's noise

so the witch

did a really evil thing she sent

clang as a messenger from the king

i reached into my bag of witch's


and dressed clang


in a royal disguise

hello your highness my highness speaking

oh royal prince you must come

quick your daddy the king is

very sick and as far as we can tell

only your song will make him

well rapunzel pleaded

take us to the kids begged can't

we go with you the prince said since my

daddy is sickly

i'll be traveling rather quickly and

i'll be facing dangers too

i promise i'll come back for you



be heart in my heart is never

wrong so you can

know without question we'll all be

together before too long

ah three do you know what happened

then no what happened then

just as the vince and elsie were leaving

was so very upset that the prince was


that the prince's sidekick lc

gave rapunzel her audio cassette tape


now come on come on elsie give it to her

you gotta

it's part of the story and give it a

tape too come on

so that they could hear themselves

singing the prince's song

that's a good elsie mount chop

would you share your brand new birthday


yes i would as long as it's just for the


uh-huh well that's almost very kind

i know now the prince wasn't gone for

half an hour

when the evil witch ran to the tower

climbed rapunzel's braid and said

i'll cut this braid right off your head

she clipped it off she nailed it down so

it hung

she banished rapunzel and her brothers


but what is the banished banished is

something like vanished

she made rapunzel in the brothers

disappear from the tower

and magically reappear someplace else

where in a house far

far from anywhere

the woman who lived in that house was


when three kids popped up right before

her eyes

losing her braid has made rapunzel soar

but leaving that tape machine hurt even


far far from anywhere isn't so bad but

not hearing music

makes me feel sad but music isn't just

stuff you buy

you can make your music or at least we

can try

one two three one two me my heart

thumps out a beat that began when i

first saw the light

of day and i write

most of my songs to the sound of my

heart as it comes

away when i

travel around this incredible



well after a time elsie and the prince

returned to the witch's tower

and since they saw rapunzel's braided


they called rapunzel i know that you're


hearing that the wicked witch pushed the

recorders playback switch one

two three one two three she's singing my


i'll climb up the brain it won't take me


as the prince reached the top with elsie


the witch led out of frightening cry

she shrieked and she howled a horrible


so loud you could hear it from miles


what was the horrible noises which may

do it for

even if i could because then the same

thing that happened to prince

and elsie might happen to you and you

and you

uh oh what happened to vincent lc

the witch's noise was so horrible

that they were deafened what does

deafening mean that means they could no

longer hear

but although they were deaf and could no

longer hear

they searched for rapunzel for many a


till they wandered one day in total


toward the house fall fall from any room

and in it rapunzel all day long had

everyone singing

the prince's song now here's your pitch


one two three


and i write most of my songs to the

sound of

though i'm hearing impaired and i can't

hear the song

i think i can feel the beat of the music

pulsing through the ground underneath my


and the beat from the earth below me and

i knew right from the start

that was one that matched precisely the

beating of my heart

so what do you say we follow the beat

and we won't pause the moment to sleep

or to eat

and i'm thrilled with joy as we burst

through the door of the house that we

have been

searching for

oh my prince what will we do if the

witch sees me

or if the witch sees you we'll simply

start singing our favorite song

because witches and music do not get

along the love in our music will paint

her a lot

and either she'll vanish or die on the

spot and now

let's pick something to sing as we go

let's sing of rapunzel the kindest we


but i want the song that paves the way

for the happy ending we share today

now there might be a fight between

sister and brother some prefer one song

and some like another i've got a

suggestion let us see whether

these two little songs can be sung





and i write all of my songs


well that's it that's what the end the

end of box

the end of the story

i'm not going to tell that whole story

all over again that is it

for the present now my tape is good it

was it

for the present hey always turn it off

please now haley rewind it

please what are you doing well he told

the story and now i'm going to

rewind it and then we can listen to it


and again oh no oh come on

can i move in with you and again


it can't be mine but we

could still be friends

forever the fun

will never end

you can't be mine but we

could still be friends

i hope that we will still be friends

i know that we'll still be friends

we will still be

