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01x07 - The North

Posted: 02/22/24 09:50
by bunniefuu
[waves rolling]

[wind blowing]

[suspenseful action music playing]

Prince Zuko, the Imperial Guard, they're
coming to take the prince into custody.

- What?
- The Imperial Guard?

- They're already on their way.
- Lieutenant Jee, slow down.

I was just on Admiral Zhao's ship
going over the latest... fuel usage figures.

Lieutenant Dang and I
were burning the midnight oil.

[laughs] So funny, your face. Oh!

[Jee] Dang stepped out to take a message.

Keep drinking.

I overheard them discussing new orders.
Orders from the Fire Lord himself.

He sent his personal guard
to bring Prince Zuko back to Capital City,

where he is to stand trial...

For treason.

- Treason?
- [Iroh] Are you certain?

Yes, sir. I heard Dang
order his men to shore to meet the guard.

Tonight? That means
he'll be here any minute.

This is Zhao's doing.

Somehow, he's convinced Ozai
you've turned against him.

Pohuai, Zhao's figured out
you were the one that freed the Avatar.

Prince Zuko, you need to leave, now.

Do not start the engines
until you are well clear.

Stay off the main roads,
and travel only at night.

Uncle, we can't let my father believe
I've turned against him.

I know, but first you must get to safety.
Let me sort things out with Ozai.

[mysterious music playing]

Thank you, Lieutenant Jee.

Stay safe, Your Highness.

[Dang] Jee had no idea.

[suspenseful music playing]

It was all too easy
to get him to take the bait.

What will you tell the Fire Lord
about his son?

I'll tell him the truth.

That the prince chose to put his needs
over those of his countrymen.

And that his son was a traitor.

Blasting jelly.

[Jee] The prince!


Now I need to deliver my condolences
to General Iroh.

I'm sure he's been through
a terrible shock.

[dramatic music playing]

[mysterious music playing]

[Aang] Zuko's on his own,

and he wasn't anything
like I thought he'd be.

He just seemed so alone.

I'm shocked.

Sokka, Aang made a connection with him.


I just realized Zuko and I,
we both have a lot on our shoulders.

This whole time, I've been worried
that I don't know what I'm doing.

And the truth is, I don't.

I haven't learned
any of the other bending skills,

and I'll probably continue messing up,

but at least I'll be able to do it
with my friends by my side.

That's right. Team Avatar.

[Appa grunts]

What is it, boy?


It's the Northern Water Tribe!

[sighs] We did it. We finally made it.

[dramatic music playing]

[Appa grunts]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [woman] They're here!

[man] Avatar, welcome

to Agna Qel'a.

[Appa groans softly]

[indistinct chatter]

This is...


It's perfect.


[indistinct chatter]

- [man] We've been expecting you.
- [Appa groans]

- [girl] Mother!
- [man] Your beast is in good hands.

My men will take him
to our buffalo yak stables,

which are in a heated grotto
with plenty of light and space.

Make sure he gets seaweed.

Lots of seaweed.

[man] Of course.

Welcome. I'm Arnook,
chief of the Northern Water Tribe,

and I offer you our hospitalities
and our protection

in the name of the Ocean and Moon Spirits.

Thank you. You don't know how long
we've been looking forward to this.

I can't tell you
the joy it brings us to welcome

a long-lost brother and sister
from the South.

This is Master Pakku.
He is our senior waterbending master.

And this is my daughter, Princess Yue,
our tribe's spiritual leader.

There's something I need to tell you.
You're in danger.

Avatar Aang...

[Aang] I know it sounds crazy,

but I've seen a vision,
and in it, the North is under attack.

We know.

Several days ago, our scouts picked up
a Fire Nation fleet steaming this way.

We've been keeping track of them
ever since.

We are grateful to have you with us.

With the power of the Avatar on our side,

we'll teach them a lesson
they won't soon forget.

Citizens, it is a great day for our city
as we welcome mighty allies,

and we shall celebrate their arrival
with a feast.

- Feast.
- [Pakku] The spirits have protected us...

- Stop staring.
- Huh?

I can't help it.
There's something about her.

- Have we met her before?
- No.

Now quit it before they think
something's wrong with you.

More than there already is.

I swear, I will not rest
until I hunt down these villains.

Our enemies can't be allowed
to get away with such a brazen crime.

And I know where to start the hunt.

I know who did this.

It was Ozai.

Ozai's lost all shred of humanity.

He's become so obsessed
with conquering the world,

he cannot tolerate anyone
who would get in the way of this,

not even his own flesh and blood.

I see.

[foreboding music playing]

I sympathize.

It does make what I'm about to say

a bit awkward.

The Fire Lord

has given me the honor

of leading a great armada

with orders to conquer the North.

We know the Avatar is headed there,

to the last great Waterbender stronghold,

and so I am setting out to take it.

Forgive me, Admiral,

but you weren't the first to come to mind
for such a... prominent mission.

I admit
that I have little experience in battle.

Of course, that also means
that I have no track record of failure.

Unlike you.


[action music playing]

- [grunts]
- [grunts]


- [grunts]
- Ah!


That's enough.



[man] The Fire Lord deems your performance

below average.

But I defeated him!

You should've finished him
at least two moves earlier.

Thus, you will undergo
another trial tomorrow.

[mysterious music playing]

You realize
he's playing games with you, right?

Didn't feel like a game
when that boulder was flying at my head.

Just saying your father already knows
you're the best.

He just doesn't want you to know that.

Let my father empty his prisons.

Send every bender he has at me.

I'll burn everyone in the world
until he admits the truth.

What truth?

That I'm the one.

[calm music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

Why don't you just go and talk to her?

And say what?
"Hey there. Sokka, Southern Water Tribe."

She's just a girl.

[Sokka] She's a princess
and a spiritual leader.

She probably sleeps on a throne
and only eats dewdrops and sunshine.

No way.

Stewed sea prunes. My favorite.

Is it good? What's it taste like?


like home.


I just wanna say thanks
for helping me get here.

I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

A world I wouldn't have seen
if it wasn't for you.

So enjoying the food, are we?

It's delicious.

You say you were entirely self-taught.

Yes, I feel like I've come pretty far,
but I still have so much to learn.

That's why I couldn't wait to get here
to meet other Waterbenders

and especially esteemed masters like you.

It must've been difficult
to grow up cut off from other benders.

The Fire Nation's att*cks
took so much from you.

From all of us.

The worst part was I...
I couldn't do anything about it.

What's important is you survived.

That is what we do.

Water is the element of change.

And we Waterbenders
have always adapted to the flow of life.

Tomorrow morning, go and find Yagoda.

She is one of our finest instructors,
and she can start you on your journey.

Thank you, Master Pakku.

[indistinct chatter]

How about some cloudberries?

[magical music playing]


[Yue] Here you go.


[girl] Thank you.

You can help me finish this.


Come on. It's pretty good.

What do you think?

It's delicious.

When I was a kid, I used to hide out here
when my dad would meet with the elders.

He said he wanted me to see
how things worked in the tribe

because, someday,
it would be my responsibility.

Not very fun.

Hmm, so I'd hide out here with the grans
and make dessert.

You are just a girl.

Did you think I wasn't a girl?

No, no, no. I just figured
with you being a princess and all...

- That I was stuck up?
- Yeah. I mean, no.

I mean, that's what I thought,
but, no, you're ordinary.

Not ordinary,
because that wouldn't be good,

and I think
I should stop saying words now.

[Yue chuckles] I get it.

I know out there I seem all...

but that's what they expect me to be.

Don't get me wrong.
I love serving my community,

but every now and then,
I just have to go somewhere and...

Make dessert?


No, I get it.

You know, back home,
it was my duty to protect the village.

I took that seriously.

Katara would probably say too seriously,
but the thing was...

It's your responsibility.


Yeah, and if I didn't do it,

who knows what could've happened.

You know, I made a promise to my dad,
and I was gonna keep that no matter what.

But there are times it would've been nice
to not have to worry.

Times I wish I could be...

Just a boy?


[tender music playing]

How do I know you?

[Hahn] Princess Yue.

They're ready for the evening blessing.

Thank you, Hahn.

You didn't have to leave the feast.
One of the priests could've come.

It was no trouble at all.


[curious music playing]


[dramatic music playing]

[Arnook] Welcome to our ice wall.

It has withstood att*cks
for over a century.

Chief Arnook, if you don't mind,

I'd love to talk to our brother
from the South. Some combat advice.

Me? You wanna ask me about fighting?

You have something none of us have.


Tell me, Fire Nation armor. Is it metal?

The reference we have
has spikes on the shoulders.

Uh, no metal. Leather.

And, uh, they don't have
shoulder spikes anymore.

The rest of the platoon should hear this.
Would you mind coming to talk to them?

Um, sure.


Tell me, Avatar Aang,

what do you think is the best approach
to the coming battle?

Might I suggest
you lead the offensive front?

You could spearhead an attack...

Actually, airbending is primarily
a defensive discipline.

Our style is to evade and avoid conflict.

But you're not just an Airbender.

You're the Avatar.

Truth is, I haven't mastered
any other bending.

But that's why I came here,
hoping someone could teach me?

But we've heard stories
of how you've saved communities,

defeated the Fire Nation platoons,

even battled monsters.

How were you able to do all that?

My friends help me.

We work together.

It would've been wise
to have focused on your training

during your journey.

[Arnook] It seems we won't be able
to count on the Avatar.

[woman] Water is life.

Water allows life to flourish.

And to heal.

[uplifting music playing]

Master Pakku told me
we'd be having a special guest today.

Thank you for having me.

I'd heard stories of water healing,

but I didn't think
it was still being practiced.

Oh, yes, it's a vital part of our culture.

Would you like to try it?

Feel the flow of energy through the body.

Connect that flow
to the energy in yourself.


is more than a physical process.

It's about empathy.

You must understand
what it means to feel pain.

Then take that pain away.

You are a natural.


I've gotten good
at picking things up quickly.

We had to think on our feet a lot.

Nothing to focus your mind
like a fireball coming at your head.

Which reminds me.
When do we get to fight training?

Excuse me?

I think my basic forms are pretty good,
but I could use help

with accuracy and increasing power.

I'm sorry, but women don't fight.

We use our skills to heal, not to harm.

I don't want to just heal.

Healing is a noble and sacred tradition.

The highest of callings.

No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that.

It's just that... I think
my skills lie more in combat.

So if it's okay, I'd like to train
in fighting techniques.

In the Northern Water Tribe,
women aren't allowed to fight.

Aren't allowed?

That's not right.

But that is our way.

[somber music playing]

[door opens]

[door closes]


They seem like a good group.

We've trained them as best we can,

but none of them know
what we're about to face.

None of them have seen real battle.

Hey, I'm sure they'll do great.

Especially with you leading them.


Princess Yue.

She seems great.

Yue, she's dedicated, kind, generous.

She represents the highest ideals
of our tribe. She is the best of us.

You like her.

[Hahn] Um...

The princess and I,

we were betrothed.

It was arranged by our parents when we
were children, but when she turned 16,

she broke it off,

which is her prerogative.


But she never gave a reason why.


you would've gone through with it?

You would've married her?

Thank you for coming
to pay your respects to Avatar Kuruk.

I'm here to do
a little bit more than that.

I'm hoping Kuruk can help me
make a difference in this fight.

Is that a problem?

It's just been a long time
since anyone went to Kuruk for anything.

The truth is,
his memory has faded for most.

During his time as the Avatar,
Kuruk didn't engage much with the world.

Some say he became enamored
with the Spirit World

and spent most of his time there.

Unfortunately, that meant
he wasn't around much

to help us deal with our problems.

So he didn't do his job as the Avatar.

He let everyone down.

I believe there must be more to his story.

I hope you're right because I need help,

and he's the only one who could
possibly understand my situation.

[mysterious music playing]

[mystical whirring]

[suspenseful music playing]

Hello, Aang.

I see you made it to the North.

Yes, because
the Northern Water Tribe's in danger.

Avatar Kyoshi showed me a vision

of Agna Qel'a being destroyed
by the Fire Nation.

I need to stop that from happening.

You can't.

If she showed you
the North being destroyed,

then it will happen.

But the battle's outcome
is still uncertain.

Whether the Fire Nation prevails,

whether the Waterbenders survive,

all of that is up to you.

I'm just one kid.

No, you are the Avatar.

When I was at Kyoshi Island,

Avatar Kyoshi helped me unleash
these incredible energies.

The Avatar State.

Yes! She said it gave me the strength
of a thousand benders.

I can use that power to save the North.

But to gain control over it,

you need to first
master the other disciplines.

Except she was able to take control.

She could channel the power
through my body.

She was in control. You can do that.

That's not possible.

- Yes, it is. Kyoshi did it.
- I'm not Kyoshi.

- But you still could!
- No, I can't!

[wind howls]

After I became the Avatar,

I discovered
dark spirits were on the verge

of crossing over into our realm
from the Spirit World.

I had to stop them,

so I spent my life fighting them.

The w*r I waged on the spirits

damaged my body and corrupted my soul.

In my condition,

I wouldn't be able
to control the Avatar State

any more than you could.

And despite all my sacrifices,

I still couldn't save the one
that mattered the most.

A predatory spirit came
to seek vengeance on me.

Ummi, my beloved,

paid the ultimate price.

The spirit stole her face.

- Koh.
- [Kuruk] Listen to me, Aang.

The Avatar must walk alone,

or else the ones you love will suffer.

Oh, sorry. I was looking for Katara.


I should get going.

Is something wrong?

No, I'm just

a little tired.

Mm. I guess you need to go
and "recombobulate."

I knew it! It was you!

- [Yue] Yes.
- You're the fox!


But how?

Not long after I was born,
I got very sick,

so my father pleaded with the spirits
to save my life,

and... a miracle happened.

The Moon Spirit answered his prayer

and imbued me with some of its essence
and restored my life.

That's the night my hair changed color.

So you're a spirit?

Part spirit, mostly human.

Being of both worlds has meant
that I can be a bridge between the two.

That's why I became a priestess,

is to help people connect
with their spirituality.

It also means I have the ability
to visit the Spirit World

in my dreams.

So you pop over there just for fun?

Wouldn't you?

It's magical.

Not quite the word I would use.

You didn't like it?

What's not to like?

Nearly being mauled by a spirit monster

or getting my face eaten by a predator
or reliving the most painful memories...


It was nothing.

Never mind.

Don't do that.

Don't make it less than what it is.

It was something that happened
when I was a kid.

I overheard my dad saying
he was disappointed in me.

That I wasn't cut out to be a warrior.

That he didn't believe in me.

Do you know what I remember about you
from the Spirit World?

You were worried about your friends.

You knew they were in trouble,
and you had to help them.

Your heart.

That's what sets you apart.

That's what makes you a warrior.

I have a feeling if your father
saw you now, he would agree.

I need to know something.

Why did you turn down Hahn?

Hahn is wonderful.

He is everything that a girl could want.

But he is not the boy of my dreams.

[magical music playing]

My friends mean everything to me.

I can't do this without them.
It's how I made it this far.

And with their help is how
I'll make it through this battle.

We're Team Avatar.

There is no Team Avatar.

There is only the Avatar.

Stop thinking about what you need,

and think about what's best for them.

Being the Avatar means
being the one who bears the burden.


[Sokka] I made... a carving this out.

[Yue chuckles]

[Yue] A bear!

Uh, actually, it's a fish.

See? It has a fin.

[Yue] Oh.

[Yue chuckles]

[wind blowing]

Hey, so did you talk to Kuruk?

Was he able to help?

No, he couldn't help me.

I'm on my own.

Ah, Katara, how was your time with Yagoda?

[Katara] Great, but I wanted to ask.

Where will I be stationed
during the battle?

Women aren't allowed in combat.
I thought you knew.

No, I didn't.
I wouldn't have accepted it if I did.

It's not a matter of accepting anything.
It's how things are done.

It's stupid, and it's wrong.

This is not up for debate.

I've been fighting Firebenders
ever since I left home.

Can any of your men say that?

- Doesn't matter.
- Why not?

This isn't about them. It's about you.

You're not strong enough.
Women aren't strong enough.

You haven't been training and preparing
to lay down your life for everyone here.

And I'm not going to let what happened
to the Southern Tribe happen here.

[somber music playing]

[Katara] They won't let me fight.

They've been stuck behind this wall
for so long,

they've become frozen in time.


Maybe we should talk to Yue.

- Or maybe...
- Maybe we should listen to them.

Maybe it's better if you didn't fight.

This battle, it'll be like
nothing we've ever faced before.

People are gonna get hurt and die.

I can't lose you and Sokka.

Aang, you're not gonna lose us.

[Aang] But just the thought I could
is gonna hold me back.

These people need the Avatar.

And I can't be the Avatar with you around.

[dramatic music playing]

[Zhao] I wonder what they'll call me
when the news reaches Capital City.

I quite like "Zhao the Conqueror."
It should have some flair.

Admiral, if I understand
these battle plans,

you are attempting
a frontal as*ault on Agna Qel'a.

The city is surrounded
by impassable barriers on three sides.

Its front is protected by an ice wall.

What makes you think you can succeed
when so many others have failed?

Because I have something
none of the others had.

I have destiny on my side.

Despite what our propaganda
would have you believe,

the Waterbenders are neither weak
nor cowardly.

Underestimating them
will lead to tragic consequences.

[Zhao] That won't happen.

For one thing, the fleet has been
outfitted with new, deadlier weapons,

but... more importantly...

I have personally made arrangements

to ensure our victory.

What is that?


this is destiny.

He's attacking the fortress head-on,
like a bull in heat.

There may be more,
but he's keeping it to himself.

[suspenseful music playing]

I fear I've underestimated Zhao.
He's more dangerous than I thought.

Yeah, I figured that out

as I was swimming away
from the burning wreck of my boat.

We've almost reached the North.
Have you got a plan yet?

A plan?

The plan is to prove
my father wasn't wrong

to trust me with this mission.

The plan is to go in
and capture the Avatar once and for all.

The plan is to reclaim
what's rightfully mine!

So no plan?

I'm working on it, Uncle.


I'm still surprised by Zhao's boldness.

I'd have thought it beyond him.

It's almost as if
he's working with someone else.

Someone much smarter.

[man] Choose your opponent.

[suspenseful music swells]


- You must select one...
- No, I'm done.

- Azula, stop playing games.
- I'm not the one playing games.

This is your last chance. Fight or fail.


You dare!

[suspenseful music continues]

[Azula grunts]

[electricity crackling]



[onlookers murmuring]

You wanna test me?

Set me loose.

Let me go into the world
and show you what I can really do.

I'm through playing games here.

[suspenseful music swells]


Look, Pakku's an idiot.

It doesn't matter what other people think.

It doesn't matter if Dad didn't think
I'd be a great warrior,

but I can still be great in some way.

The point is, I get to decide,

just like you get to decide who you are.
Not Pakku or anyone else.

I'm gonna challenge Pakku to fight.

I know. He's a master.

He's probably gonna mop the floor with me,
but it doesn't matter.

All my life, I've held myself back,

and I'm not gonna let someone else
do it to me now.


Remember at the Southern Air Temple
when you said we had to go with Aang?

That we had to help him save the world?

You were right.

If we hadn't gone with him,

I wouldn't have seen
how two kids from the Southern Water Tribe

can measure up to anyone.

Firebenders, Earthbenders,
spirit creatures,

even strapping,
young Northern Water Tribe Warriors...

Sokka, if you're trying to talk sense
into me, you're not doing a very good job.

Sense? Who's talking sense?

No, what I'm trying to tell you is...

go kick his ass.

[uplifting music playing]

- [Aang] What's going on?
- [Pakku] I'm not going to fight you.

Because you're afraid of
what you might learn. That you're wrong.

[Pakku] Please.

Go back to the healing huts
with the other women.

[crowd] Whoa!

Fine. You wanna learn how to fight?

Study closely.

[action music playing]

[Pakku grunts]


[crowd murmuring]


[Pakku] Had enough?

[suspenseful music playing]

Is that all you got?

[adventurous music playing]





I'll say this.

You're an excellent Waterbender.

But you still won't let me fight.


[indistinct chatter]

[man] No one's pushed
Master Pakku like that.

That was incredible.
Those ice disks. How did you do that?

Can you show me?

Well, I doubt anyone's gonna say
you're not strong enough now.

No, they'll just say I lost.

Did you?

[uplifting music playing]

You said you're afraid of losing us,
and that's why we can't stay by your side,

but it's my decision to fight,

not Pakku's and not yours.

Yeah. Do you think we came here
just to leave you on your own?

Silly Avatar.

I don't know if I can protect you.

You can't.

Yeah, and worrying about
who will or won't get hurt,

it's not just the Avatar
who has to deal with that.

That's what it means to be a family.

Kuruk, Roku, Kyoshi.

They all said
that I need to do this by myself.

The Avatar must bear the burden alone.

This is the past.

Now, only one person
can tell you the future.

The person who'll write
The Legend of Aang.

She means you. You got that, right?

[Momo chittering]


[foreboding music playing]


The Fire Nation's here.


Time to fight.

[upbeat drum and flute music playing]