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03x15 - Monster Truck Folly/CatDog's Gold

Posted: 02/21/24 20:05
by bunniefuu
♪ One fine day, with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline, canine, little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it, got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together, got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world was a little catdog. ♪

[ Dog imitating truck]

[ Crash]

[ Revving engine]

I am sick and tired of your barbaric, uncivilized



What are you talking about?

I'm playing monster truck!

Dog, monster trucks are for uncivilized g*ons

Who haven't learned to channel their aggression!

[ Clangs]


[ Giggles]

[ Breathing hard]: no... More...

Monster... Trucks!


Will you do something with all this junk

And stop playing with that monster truck?!

[ Clanking metal]

[ Electric tools whirring]

[ Satisfied yawning]


What in the ta-dah is that?

I built our very own monster truck!

I call it the catdog-inator!

Uh, you like it?

[ Sighs]

Cat: oh, can't you get this

Four-wheel trash can

To the dump any faster?

I know a shortcut.

[ Tires squealing]

[ Squawking]

[ Cheering crowd]

[ Singing in monotone]: ♪ oh, say can you see ♪

♪ By the dawn's early light... ♪

What are we doing here?

Dog: it would seem my shortcut leads through

The nearburg monster truck rally...

What kind of a shortcut is that?

The long kind...


Can we stay-- please, please, can we stay?

Monster truck rallies are moronic and totally uncivilized.

Announcer: what-what-what...

A last minute entry?

Let's meet the daring drivers

Of this iron w*r-wagon!

[ Crowd roars]

Nice monster truck.

No, it's just plain monstrous.

It's some rusty junk we're taking to the dump!

And you, you should all be home reading a good book!

[ Crowd boos]

Rancid: well, get a load

Of mr. Fancy-pants!

[ Crowd jeers]

Just sign this waiver, boys

And in the event of an accident

I take possession of all your vital organs.

[ Evil laugh]

This is crazy, and we are not participating

In this stadium of stupidity-- I can feel my i.q. Dropping.

We're leaving!

Can I have your spleen?!

[ Tires squealing]

[ Engines roaring]

Oh dog, please tell me that's not the greasers.

Hey, catdog are here--


Yeah, we've never pounded them with machinery before!

[ Giggles]

It's the greasers.

I asked you not to tell me!

Duh, when can I play with the radio?

[ Cheering]

Oh, cat, did you see the choppers on their truck?

Winslow: hey, dog...

How did you get cat off his high horse--

Bribe him with tea and crumpets?

[ Cackles, beeps horn]

What are you, nuts?

[ Coughs]

Winslow-- I should have known...

My turn to drive, look out!

You let go, it's my turn!


Everyone loves monster trucks.

No, only classless g*ons with no self-control or self-respect...


Lola-- what are you doing here?

Oh, wait, I see, you're only here

To study this primitive behavior, right?

Lola: not this time, cat-snob!

I'm here for the action, baby!


Hey-- let's just sit back and watch the festivities.

[ Engine roaring]

[ Laughing maniacally]

[ Glass breaking]

[ Metal smashing]

[ Chanting "losers"]


[ Wheel pops]


[ Screaming]


[ Chanting "losers"]

[ Growling]

[ Snarling]

[ Steam whistle]

Control... Must... Control... Anger!

Dog: cat, are you all right?

Yoo-hoo, cat, count to ten... Make it .

[ Panting]

[ Chanting "losers"]

You guys want to dance?!

[ Cheering]

Then let's dance!

I thought you said this was an uncivilized way

To channel your aggression.

[ Snarling]: enough with the psycho-babble!

Monster, monster!


Well then, hi-ho-diggity!

[ Yelling excitedly]

Demolish... Demolish!

Hey look, there's winslow!

Good-- time to kick some blue rodent butt!

Seriously, folks!

Take it easy, cat, my sarcasm is just a mask for my pain!

Ooh-- so much for the little blue guy.

Mervis: my turn to drive, let go!

Let's crush those whining brats.

Um, their truck you mean-- right?

Crush their truck... Cat?

[ Snarls]

[ Screaming]

Hold me.

[ Groaning]

Ooh, that's got to hurt!

Nice driving, cat!

[ Mad laugh]:+ lola-- must squash lola!

[ Squealing tires]

Hey, hey, take it easy, cat-- this is just a game, remember?

Lola is our friend!

[ Laughs]

And I'm your friend, too, right, pal?

You... Fix truck... I drive truck-- I crush!

Whatever you say, tarzan.

Hey, catdog, you want a piece of me?

Well, I do have a hankering for poultry!

[ Crazy laugh]


Bye-bye birdie!


[ Roaring]

I love monster trucks!

I liked it better when you hated them!

[ Rattling expl*si*n]

What do you say we kick some catdog butt?

[ Crash]

Hey, catdog, thanks for clearing the field--

More room to crush youse!

[ Catdog screaming]

[ Thuds]

[ Cheering]

Cliff: beautiful--

We gave catdog's truck a monster pounding!

Time to collect our prize!

[ Laughing]

[ Evil laugh]

My truck may be finished

But I'm not!

Dog: cat-- stop, please!

Remember: museums, poetry

Opera, culture...

Must destroy-- need... To... Crush!

[ Squealing tires]

[ Clanging metal]

[ Tremendous crash]

[ Cheering]

[ Grunts]

Oh, oh wow.

I don't know what came over me.

I'm so sorry.

So embarrassed-- I guess I had

A little uncivilized beast in me just dying

To get out...

Cat, are you okay?

Of course-- um, I apologize

And I'll never act uncivilized again.

Um, who's in the mood for a museum?

Hey, sports fans...

Tickets still available

For the extreme dirt-bike sword-fight to the death!

Sunday... Sunday... Sunday...

[ Snarling]

Dog: cat, cat?

Oh boy...

[ Crazy laugh]

[ Buzzing electricity]

Dog: you know, lola, studies show

That breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Except for maybe lunch and dinner.

Bring it on, baby!

I just finished my last research project

And I am starved.

Check it out, a genetically engineered ostrich egg.

No thanks, we're having pancakes.

Oh, pancakes mean honey, hi-ho-diggity.

Honey, honey, honey, honey, I love honey!

Enough is enough!

I know, and I haven't had enough.

Dog, honey doesn't grow on trees, you know.

Honey doesn't grow on trees.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

So what good are all these trees?

[ Grumbling]

Dog, bees make honey.

In fact you could get bees to make honey

Right in your own backyard.

Honey, honey, honey, I'd be able to eat it all the time!

It certainly would cut costs.

Oh, honey's gone.

Let's do it!

Cat: you take that end.

You carry... Just pull it apart, dog.

Easy, easy, easy.

[ Yelling]


[ Groaning]


Lola: well, boys, there she is.

My newest research project and our first beehive.

It's beautiful.

Yeah, but it feels like something's missing.

I can't quite put my paw on it.


Well, I was thinking satellite dish

But yeah, bees would be good, too.

Yeah, how are we going to get the bees, professor?

Yes, follow me following the bees.

Cat: I can't see them.

Dog: I feel something.

Are bees hairy?

Lola: their thoraxes do have some hair.

Dog: are they about eight feet tall?

[ Roar]

Look, there they are.

They're busy as bees.

Who cares?

How do we get them into our hive?

We have to convince them to move.

No problem-o.

Hold it-- let's do this right.

Dog: are you sure about this, lola?

Lola: you bet I am, baby, tell me something--

Who else is a bee going to listen to?

This is humiliating.

Come on.


Oh, the yellow brings out your eyes.

Dog: where are the bees?

Found them.

Wait... Wait.

Just follow my lead.

Good afternoon, your majesty.

Are you ready for a golden opportunity?

Just take a look at this beauty.

A palace befitting a queen.

Bee... Yep... The perfect beehive for the perfect bees.

Yeah, roomy, close to shopping.

[ Clears throat]

And we're thinking about installing

A satellite dish.

Yes, this honeycomb is strictly state of the art

And it's all yours for the low, low, low, low

Low price of...

Absolutely nothing.

What do you say?

How does it look?

I don't speak bee, but it's looking pretty good to me.

Cat: lola, I recognize a great idea when I see one

Of course, they're usually mine, but... Good work.

Gracias, mi amor.

This was a pretty successful research project.

And now it's time for my next one.

Adios, amigos.

Dog: what about the honey?

Oh, right, okay, give it a week.

You'll have a whole lot of honey, honey.


The honey should be ready by now.

Oh, yeah, give me some of that sweet, funky stuff.

Little miss know-it-all didn't show us how to do this.

I guess you just...



Question, how do wild mountain goats

Get to the top of the mountain?

Up, up, up...


New question, how the heck is this goat going to get

To the top of the mountain?

[ Chuckles]

Nature is indeed magical and mysterious.


What are you two doing here?

And how come you're all lumpy?

Because we tried to get our honey

And we got stunged.

Why didn't you just use the smoke?

What smoke?

Oops, you have to use a smoke machine.

That puts the bees to sleep and then you can get the honey.

Okay, anything else you forgot?

Ahh... Nope.

Fire up the smoke machine, dog.


Put on your gas mask.


Stop talking like that.


Cat: they're all asleep.

To the honey, dog!

Cat: it's liquid gold, dog, liquid gold.

Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey...

I can't eat another drop.

Well, that's a first.

Help me get more honey.

But cat, we already got all the honey we'll ever need.

[ Burping]

Please, please, please, that was lola's lame plan.

But my genius plan is to sell all the honey

And make a million, oh, no, no, a billion.

And then the world will see my brilliance!

Oh, cat...


We have to get the honey before these stupid bees wake up.

All right.

And stop that buzzing-- you sound just like those...

Ooh... Bees.

Back, back, it's mine, it's mine, mine I tell you.

Mine, yours, why quibble?

So ah... How's the new place working out?

Well, we harvested your honey for you.

Just helping out.

Yeah, sure, you just take it easy.

We'll put the satellite dish in for you...

Hola,catdog, you're not going to believe

What these mountain goats have been up to.


Where's catdog?

One little honey for the cart and a skooch more for me.

You're right, cat, this is a genius plan.

Oh, man, I wish this suit came with a stinger.

♪ And it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline, canine, little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it, got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together, got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪