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03x10 - The Geekers/The Golden Hydrant

Posted: 02/21/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
♪ One fine day with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline-canine little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world is the little catdog ♪

♪ Out on the road or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters putting catdog down ♪

♪ Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along ♪

♪ Gotta walk together, gotta sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world is the little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog♪

♪ Alone in the world is the little catdog. ♪

[ Laughing and talking]


[ All screaming]

All: greasers!

[ Screaming]

[ Humming]

Greaser: catdog, come out and play.

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Lock the windows. Bar the doors.

Dial !


Out the back door!

[ Panting]

[ Nervous laugh]

Hi, guys.

Now, I wouldn't call that being very hospitable.


[ Banging and yelling]

[ Laughing]

Faster! Faster!

Ice cream.

Ice cream.

I love to lick my ice cream.

I love to lick my ice cream.

[ Screaming]

This scooter's lame.

Well, you lost the bicycles.

I told you, someone took them.

Just keep pushing.

You probably sold them.


[ Laughing]

Hey, look at this.

I like it when they come pre-pounded.

Save some for me, guys!

I want to pound catdog.

I can pound him!

I'm a good pounder.

Zip it, you pest!


[ Laughing]


Uh, funny when the squirrel goes splat.

What are you laughing at me for?

I just want to be one of you guys.

I want to be a greaser.

Dream on, runt.

Yeah, none of youse pathetic geeks could ever be greasers.


More like geekers!

[ Laughing]

The nerve of them.

Yeah, they're nervy, all right.

Aw, they broke our scooter.

That's the last straw!

You big bullies, you can only push

Eddie the squirrel so far.

As of right now, I say nuts to the greasers!

Shouldn't he be saving those for winter?

They can't treat people like that.

It ain't right.

I'm tired of living in fear.

You know something?

This annoying, insignificant little twit is absolutely right.

I am?

Yes, we've got to band together.

That way, everyone will leave us alone.

Yeah! We'll start our own club.

That way, we'll be able

To go wherever we want to go.

And do whatever we want to do.

And we will call ourselves the...



Cat: dog?


The first meeting of the geekers is about to begin.

All rise for the secrety, secretish geeker salute.

[ Humming]

[ Humming]

You may be seated.

[ Clears throat]

Fellow geekers, the end of living in fear is nigh.


Nigh. Near. Be quiet.

As long as we stick together, we'll be okay.

Through thickerer and thinerer

We will band together to protectify the weakly

Yes! Safeguard the innocent

Right!and champion the unpressed masseuses!

And that is good.

Thank you very much.

Are you quite through?

Did you get the jackets?

Even better.


Hey, do you have any idea

How much leather jackets cost, mister?

What did you make these out of--

Shower curtains?

Yes, I did.

They've got ducks on them!

[ Quacking]

In holland, they use geese like att*ck dogs.

[ All cheering in approval]

Gimme a "g"!


Gimme an "e"!


Gimme another "e"!


Gimme a "k"!


What do you got?


It's... Go time!

♪ We are the geekers ♪

♪ Me and me and me ♪

♪ Geekers are the only thing we ever wanna be ♪

♪ Geekers! That's right, you heard us right ♪

♪ We talk the geeker talk ♪

♪ And all the girls go crazy ♪

♪ When we walk the geeker walk ♪

♪ Geekers! Absolutely, positively ♪

♪ Geekers through and through ♪

♪ We only like to do the stuff that geekers like to do ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boom-chucka-boom, chucka-boom-chucka-boom ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boom-chucka-boom, chucka-boom-chucka-boom ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ We yell, we stomp our feet, we pound our scrawny chests ♪

♪ Everybody's jealous 'cause geekers are the best ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boom-chucka-boom, chucka-boom-chucka-boom ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boom-chucka-boom, chucka-boom-chucka-boom... ♪


[ Yelling in german]

[ Screaming]

Hey, come back!

It's just us.

Did you see that?

They were scared of us.


For the first time in my life

Someone is scared of me!

All: geekers!

Hey, guys, shouldn't we use our new powers

For goodness instead of scaredy-ness?

Just a thought.

Ice cream, ice cream...

I love to lick my ice cream.

♪ We are the geekers ♪

♪ We make a geeky sound ♪

♪ You know you're gonna wet yourself ♪

♪ When geekers come around ♪

♪ Geekers ♪

♪ Nonstop geek-o-rrific! ♪

♪ Geekers till we die ♪

♪ And all the wimps ♪

♪ In nearburg town ♪

♪ Will whimper, whine and cry ♪

♪ Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo ♪

♪ Geekers! Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo... ♪

Say it, boys!

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo ♪

♪ Geekers! ♪

♪ Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo... ♪


What are you doing?

Well, until you interrupted

I was dropping this ball on that little...

Would you just look at yourselves?

Picking on little kids!

You think that makes you cool?

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh, my.

Dog's right.

We shouldn't be picking on little kids.

Look at us.

We should be picking on really bigkids!

I say we go get the greasers!

Geekers, let's ride!

Um... Wait. Excuse me!

That's not what I meant.




Anybody else been wondering

Where the pesky catdog's been all week?

Maybe they finally learned their lesson

And moved back to loserville.

Here you go, cliff-- extra starchy.

All I'm saying is

If I never see catdog again

It'll be soon enough.

Cat: greasers, come out and play.

Ooh! I had to say it out loud.

Greasers, come out and play!

Cat, this isn't what I had in mind.

What are you supposed to be?


That's what they get! Yes!

Give me some skin!

Hey, why aren't they scared of us, like usual?

I don't know, but I don't like it.

And what's with those crazy scarves?

We're the toughest guys in nearburg now

And if you don't like it

We're going to have to teach you a lesson.

You'rethe toughest?

[ Laughs]

We got underwear tougher than you.

Duh... Yeah

And it's more absorbent, too.

That does it.

Geekers, att*ck!

[ All screaming]

And that's why I like them extra starchy.

Man, did you see the way

They pounded us?

They're the best!

I still want to be a greaser!

Come on!

Let me in, let me in, let me in!

Well, geekers, that was it.

Our big chance to get back at the greasers

And we blew it.

At least we stood up for ourselves.

Yeah, and look at the bright side--

We can't get any more pounded

Than we are right now.


Um... Guys?

Hey, there they are!

[ All yelling]

[ Yelling continues]

[ Leaves rustling]


You know, dog, you should really landscape yourside of the yard.

[ Dog sniffing]

Wait a minute, cat.

I'm onto something.


[ Panting]

Dig, dig...






[ Sniffing]

I smell something good.

Trust me on this.

[ Cat yelling]

Cat: please, please... Please.


[ Ecstatic panting]

[ Kissing sounds]


You just found a revolting dirt clod.


We, cat...

Are in the presence of...

The golden hydrant.

Excuse me, did you...

[ Gasps]

Did you say go-go-go-gold?

Every dog dreams

Of finding the golden hydrant.

According to doggy lore...

Leaving your mark upon the golden hydrant

Means good luck forever.

Now, pardon me.

Good luck and nature calls.

[ Stammering]: are you crazy?


The golden hydrant is legendary.

Dog, people will pay a fortune to see it

And you want to whiz on it?


Put that leg down.

Got to go, got to go, got to go, got togo.

Dog! This is a priceless treasure, a work of art

And we're going to milk it for every penny we can.

Help me get it inside where it'll be safe.

Come on, come on.

Ha! What the...?

What's going on, cliff?


We greasers are in the presence of...

The golden hydrant.


Duh, duh... Can we sprinkle on it?


We're going to steal it, lamebrain.

Thenwe're going to sprinkle on it.


Hey, steady down there.

I'm trying...

Hiya, greasers.

Plotting... Planning.

Clue a squirrel in, will you?

I'll do anything

To be a greaser.

Get lost, you pest.

Hey, not so fast.

Eddie, my squirrelish friend.

The greasers may have an opening.

I think our treasure is safe now.

Not yet.

We must protect it

From enemies above...

And below

And just in case...

Everywhere else.


Multitudes will spend

Their hard-earned money

To gaze upon our golden plumbing.

Yeah, yeah, good plan

And when, exactly, do I get to, uh...

Flood the nile, so to speak?

Control yourself, dog.

There is no way you're going to rain on our golden parade.

Let's see the golden hydrant. What a thrill.

I can't wait. touch it. I have waited my whole life to see this.

Do you offer discounts for senior citizens?

Sorry, only for little childrens.

Oh, excuse me.

Go right in, little fella.

Cough up the green.

Oh, busted.


And our first day's

Grand total is...

[ Imitating drumroll]

Wow! We're swimming in cash.

We're flooded by it.

It's a... It's a waterfall.

Speaking of water, cat--

Can I please go splashy-splashy now?

It's hard enough to keep people from stealing it.

I shouldn't have to worry about you going splashy-splashy.

System armed, system armed, system armed.

Okay, dog.

Now we've got to guard our precious treasure

All night long.

Sector one, clear.

Sector two?

Sector two?

Hey, sector two?!

Whoops, uh, er... Sector two clear.

Oh, man, do I got to go.

[ Snoring]

Intruder! Intruder!

[ Alarm blaring]

[ Alarm blaring]

Caught you red-han...


Is now not a good time to go wee willie winkie?

[ Snoring]

[ Alarm blaring]



[ Alarm blaring]

Oh, stay away

From the hydrant, dog.

Can't hear you, cat-- I'm sleeping.


Intruder! Intruder!

I got it. I got it.

I ain't got it.

Remind me.

Why did we use eddie for this gig?

Cat: intruder! Intruder!

Hey! What's with all the door slamming?


Oh! Oh! Oh!

Come back

Little hydrant!

Oh, come back!

[ Signs in relief]

Yeah, you got it!

Reel him in!

Hey, hey!

Uh... You land him, I'll club him.

I got it, I got it

I got it.

I'm going to be a greaser now, right?

Uh... No!

[ Sneering laughter]


Not me, you knucklehead!

Say hello to the crocodiles.

[ Screaming]

Duh... Was we too mean to the squirrelly guy?

That pest.

We were too mean to the crocodiles.

Please don't leave me here!

Greasers-- let's get out of here.

Hup, hup, hup, hup.

Not so fast.

Let my hydrant go!

Hey... How about letting me go,too, huh?

[ Evil laughter]

Hey, crocodiles!

Save room for dessert.

[ Nervous laughter]

Duh... I got a great idea.

I made it! I made it!

That's going to leave a mark.

Cliff: way to go, greaser to be.

Bring it here.

Forget you, you double-crossing greasers.

The hydrant's all mine.

Boy, that squirrel's got moxie.

Yeah, let's go pound it out of him.

Move it, lube!

Duh... Coming.



[ Both yelling]

What's wrong with this picture?

Whoa. Either that hydrant's a fake

Or I got to get me to a doctor.

It's paint.

Nothing but gold paint.

Our hydrant... It's a fake.

My beautiful future...

Oh, no!

[ Sobbing]

Aw, cheer up, cat.

At least things can't get any worser.

Oh, yes, they can.

[ Snarling]

[ Both yelling]

[ All yelling]

[ Yelling continues]

[ Roaring]

[ Jaws snapping]

Cat: we've been swallowed by a crocodile.

Okay, now things can't get any worserer.

I don't believe it

I found it.

The real golden hydrant.

Ooh, hydrant...

I finally found you.

Oh, no. No!

Cat: well, at least we know this one's real.

♪ One fine day with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline-canine little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world is the little catdog ♪

♪ Out on the road or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters putting catdog down ♪

♪ Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along ♪

♪ Gotta walk together, gotta sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog, catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world is the little catdog... ♪