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04x08 - Doggie Duties

Posted: 02/21/24 17:41
by bunniefuu
I did it! I won!

I can't believe it!

I won a Golden Blobbie.

A Golden Blobbie.

What's a Golden Blobbie?

Only the biggest award in the dog world. Hello!

It's also... [grunting] the heaviest.

Phew! So what do you think?

I got it for

"Best Screaming by a Dog During a Luge Race."


It's not ugly.

You want it off your desk this minute?

Okay, I'll get to it, but, uh, uh...

can I just use the bathroom first, 'cause it was a really long ride, and I...

You want it off your desk this minute?


Where-where should I put it?

Chet, can you help me out here?

Put it in the bathroom?

Ooh, great idea.

Two birds with one stone.

I'll just put it on the shelf above the toilet.

[splash and loud crash]


The Blobbie broke the toilet.

Quick, call the plumber.

They can't come until tomorrow?

But I really have to go!

Blossom, when a dog uses a litter box,

he's no longer a dog.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH! Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is ♪


It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman

It rolls off the tongue.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman

I'll get the fire extinguisher.


Funding for FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman with captioning

And here come the contestants now.

He says he has bad handwriting.


He enjoys solving puzzles.


He was once att*cked by a shark.

Luckily, it was just a dream.


One reason she admires her dad--

he runs into fires and rescues people.


She once trained her frog

to climb through one of her bracelets.


She finds it annoying when people ignore her.


Let's get an update on the scores.

Brian in fifth place with points.

Liza in fourth with .

Bethany and Isaac now tied for third with and a half.

Talia up to second with .

And Sterling in first

with and a half points.

Hi, guys.

ALL: Hey, Ruff.

Hey, I know you're going to do well today,

'cause you're all whizzes.


What's that, Blossom, you're making peas for lunch?

Save me a pea.

Yeah, a big pea.

Ruffy, I have a wee question.[bagpipes playing]

I'm making a wee bagpipe for your wee mousie.

It's got a wee tassel and a very wee bladder.

[screaming]: Not now, Uncle!

Chet, will you please turn off that water.

Ah, thank you.

Ruff, what's wrong?Nothing.

I'm actually just fine.

I-I couldn't be bladder... better.

I couldn't be better.

Do you have to pee?

No, no, no, no. I just, uh...

My toilet broke.

But I will not use kitty litter. And I refuse to go outside.

It's okay for other dogs.

In fact, that will be challenge number one.

Help some of my dog friends with their duties.

Uh, "du-ties."

Ah! Sterling, Liza,

you're in the business

of helping dogs with their business.

Your instructions are in the mailbox,

so go fetch!


Yeah, yeah, hurry up, guys.Plumbing.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Bye.Bye, guys.

Uh... challenge number two.

Oh, challenge "number two"?!

I need a new toilet. One that won't break.

I mean, NASA should be working on this.

What, Blossom?

NASA is working on this?

Stephanie Wilson's on the phone? She's an astronaut?

You've got a real astronaut on the phone?

Hold on a sec, FETCHers.

Hello, Stephanie?

Hi, Ruff.

I heard you need some help?

Uh, yes, I do need help, as a matter of fact.

Uh, with a rather delicate situation.

Ruff, I think I can help you out.

We have to go to the bathroom, too, when we're in space.

That's not really helping me here.

We have some very smart engineers

working on this very problem.

I'm going to put your FETCHers in touch with Bob--

my colleague at NASA.


Isaac, Bethany, everything you need to know is in that mailbox,

so go fetch!

Yeah, guys.

Go, go, go, go, go, guys.

I love ya, but you got to move.

Bye. Bye, Ruff.

All right, great, thank you very much.

Okay, as determined by the FETCH ,

Brian and Talia have stayed behind in the studio...Yeah.

for today's show,

but you'll be eligible to earn points

during the Half-Time Whiz Show--

Quiz Show, Quiz Show.

The FETCH! Fairness Guarantee

is still in effect, of course, guys.

All the contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by the Grand Finale.

Oh, I need a finale.


For the four kids out on the...

Stop laughing.

He said stop.

For the four kids out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

So let's get going already and get the poop from Sterling...

I mean the scoop from Sterling and Liza.

The latest...

It's a term meaning information.


Hi, I'm Drew.Hi, nice to meet you.

I'm a pet butler.RUFF: Wait a minute.

Pets have butlers?

DREW: This is Fenway.

I'm going to teach you all about taking care of dogs today.

Look what we have here. RUFF: Oh!

Sorry, folks. Didn't see that one coming.

What do you think that is?

Poop.Horse poop. Horse poop?

And why do you think the owners of the horse

didn't pick that up?

Horses are allowed to poop wherever they want to,

apparently, in the nature-ey world?

Yep. the main difference is,

it's vegetarian based.

'Cause that's all they eat is hay and grass.

Fenway's poop is protein based, because he eats meat.

And with that,

there are diseases

that could contaminate the water streams in the area,

and that could be very bad.

That's why I'm very careful about where I go.

I clean up after myself.

I don't have a butler do it.

So you guys ready to walk Fenway on your own? Yeah. Yeah.

I may have to change my thinking about going outside.

A walk is starting to sound good right about now.

We're gonna have you walk Fenway

and some of Ruff's other friends. [whistles]

STERLING: Oh, yeah.


LIZA: Look at all the dogs.

This is Theo.

This is Lucy.

BOY: This is Riley.

Anybody want to take Maggie?

DREW: There's a couple more over here you have to get.

MAN: This is Zoe.Who wants Chloe?

STERLING: All righty, then.

Guys, guys, let's help my FETCHers out here.

Let's not get tangled.

Ruff, this is a lot harder than it looks.

[phone ringing]Hello.

Hey, Sterling, it's Ruff. How's it going?

It's a little complicated. I'm walking three dogs at once,

and they're getting all tangled up.

Well, don't worry, I'm sending some assistance to you.

It's family feud time.Family feud time?

A little help

from Mom and Dad.

Hey, guys.

There's Sterling's dad and Liza's mom.

They're here to help.

Chet, do you have to have lemonade right now?


Okay, let's check in on my space toilet.

This is cool.


This is huge.

RUFF: Wow!

ISAAC: Oh, that must be Bob.

I'm Isaac.Hi, Isaac.

Hello, I'm Bethany.Hi, Bethany. Welcome to NASA.

Ruff Ruffman sent us.

He's having a problem.

His hydrant broke.His hydrant broke.

My toilet, my toilet.

Just looks like a hydrant.

At NASA we've been working on ways to take astronaut urine

and collect it and turn it back into clean drinking water

that they can use over and over again.

Ew.That sounds gross.

Wait, what?!

Look, I just need a toilet, not... ugh.

Have you heard of something called the water cycle?

Yeah.Oh, yeah.

ISAAC: Like when water evaporates

and then condenses into clouds

Right.and then it precipitates to come back into the soil?

The water filters down to different dirts

and sediments in the earth,

and you wind up getting

a purification of that water

as it goes around in that cycle.

Now on Space Station, we've had to come up with a system

to do that a lot faster and to take up a lot less space.

So how does it work?

Well, we evaporate urine and then we condense that water

and then we process it through filters

that remove the solid materials.

We call those particulates.

We then send it through multi-filtration devices,

and all the different contaminants

that are in the water get removed

by those material.

Will you look at all those machines they need

to take the bad stuff out of the urine!

You have any idea how much water

the average person uses every day?

Ten gallons?


Even more than that.

gallons of water every day.


Wow, that's a lot.

What do you think we use that water for?

Uh...To stay hydrated?

What else?

Uh, washing your car?


Washing... BETHANY: Doing dishes.

Doing dishes...Washing laundry.

...watering plants, watering your lawn.

That's a lot of water.

Now on Space Station, astronauts still need

about three gallons of water per day.

But it still adds up to a lot of water over the course of a year.

So we figured, if we could come up with a way to use the water

that's already on Space Station,

and use that over and over again,

then we could put more important stuff on the shuttle.

So, why don't you go see

my friend Mary Beth? She can tell you all about it.

Okay, cool.Okay. Thank you.

All right. See you.

Chet! Do you have to water that plant right now?

The first part of this challenge is an obstacle course.


It's the yellow team against the orange team,

and the first one to the finish line wins,

but there are obstacles there.

It's the canine obstacle course.

Dog-walking is the first dog duty they need to master.

We've got a trail with lots of canine distractions.

There are other dogs, banana peels, some picnickers,

tennis balls, and small children.

Yellow team takes all the dogs.

LIZA: Hey, yo!

RUFF: On your marks, get set, go!

Ooh, ah, ooh, that's close. Maybe I shouldn't say, "go."

Come on, doggies. Come on, dogs.

Okay, first obstacle is... another dog.

Control them, control them, Sterl.

Sterling, slow down!

STERLING: What are these banana peels?

All right, let's not trip on those. Ooh, pizza.

Don't eat the pizza.

Now, if I can't eat that pizza,

well, then you guys can't eat that pizza.

Oh, no.

Tennis balls!

Ooh, no dog can resist them.

Oh! Oh, watch out for the girl.

STERLING: Oh, man.

Oh, wow!

Okay, orange team, it's your turn.

They're pretty excited about what's out there.

Another dog.

Other dogs are very distracting, for some reason.

And... one of the dogs is slowing them down.

There we go.

There's pizza.No, no, no, no!

And don't eat the pizza! LIZA: No.

Ut, ut, ut! Put down that plate.

That's not your plate. Sorry about that.


Tennis balls. Good, they're getting through.

Here comes the finish line.

Thank you!

Oh, and Liza's exhausted.

Well, you both did a great job.

Sterling, your team was a little out of control.

You wiped out a little girl.

Sterling, what's up with that? You took a kid out.

Now, Liza, you got through the dog walker fine,

but one of your dogs ate a slice of pizza.

Your time was a little bit slower,

so I would have to say

that Sterling's team is the big winner.

And team yellow wins.

Sterling and his dad take it. Good job.

Chet, do you have to test out the sprinkler system right now?

MARY BETH: This is the Payload Operations Center,

where we can command experiments

and talk to the astronauts.

I'm building hardware

to make the Space Station into a home.

I work on bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens,

and then on life support, recycling air and water.

Right now, the Space Station holds three crew all the time.

We're going to be able to go to six crew,

'cause we're going to be able to recycle urine.

That doesn't seem too healthy.

I agree with Isaac.

There's so much salt in your urine. That salt is the trick.

They system is going to take care of all of that.

By the time it's been processed through Bob's system,

it's perfectly clean, pure water.

In fact, it's cleaner than what you get in a bottled water.

Cleaner than bottled water?

Does it go through something and then it just comes back out

into, like, a faucet or something?

Sort of. Yeah.

You pee into a, um...

essentially, like, a vacuum cleaner hose.

Um, don't do it at home, 'cause it will make your moms mad.

A vacuum cleaner? Are you kidding?

I hate vacuum cleaners.

And there's a little bit of air flow

that pulls the urine away from your body

and into a t*nk.

And then Bob takes over from there.

Okay, they're going to learn how to filter liquid waste.


Now, we could make a multi-filtration bed,

just like those ones out there, but those are kind of expensive.

So, maybe we could build something

that uses materials that Ruff can afford to buy.

That would be good. I like to keep it within budget.

So, we have activated carbon, gravel,

sand, like you would find on a beach, crushed stone.

RUFF: Ah, so the rocks and sand and stuff

will filter the dirty water,

kind of like how rocks and sand filter water in the water cycle.

And we have uncooked macaroni.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Are we filtering pee or are we making pasta?

We've got waste water here.

We've put some sand in to simulate particulate matter.

We have some salt.

We have some hair. In fact, it's cat hair.

[groaning] Cat hair.

Oh, this keeps getting worse.

And then, for one final touch, we've added some food coloring.

Thank you for making that look so real.

Your job is to turn this water into clean water.

The first thing we'll want to look at

is whether it looks clean,

and that will be able to tell us a lot,

but it won't be able to tell us everything.

So, we've got a special instrument behind us

that we can use to measure the purity of the water.

It's a measurement we call electrical conductivity.

Ew. That fake pee can conduct electricity.

And I can conduct The Half-Time Quiz Show.

Hi! Ruff Ruffman here in Studio G. You guys want

to get some points?Yeah. Yeah.

Now, let's brush up on the rules, shall we?

points are available. You have seconds to answer

as many questions as you can.

Ten questions available at five points apiece.


Then let the quiz begin.


FETCHERS: gallons!RUFF: My goodness.

Five! [buzzer]

Incorrect. Water is naturally purified on Earth

through a process called the water cycle.

Precipitation. Evaporation, precipitation.

And... Condensation. Yes!

Solid material. Pee. RUFF: Oh, good, yes.

Chloe. Chloe.

And? And?

Come on, three of them. I need two more.Pass.

True or false?


What are they going to measure?

Solid materials.RUFF: No!

Because they eat vegetables.

No, because they eat meat.

Which is it, vegetable or meat?FETCHERS: Meat.

Yes! Oh, we are out of time.

FETCH , how many did they get right?

Five out of ten-- that's points.

Let's go over the ones you got wrong or skipped and missed.

An astronaut aboard the Space Station

needs how much water in a day?

The answer is three gallons.

You skipped number five,

name three of the dogs other than Fenway

who Liza and Sterling walked.Chloe...

There's a lot of them. There was Chloe, Lucy,

Riley, Maggie, Zoe...


Electrical conductivity.

Ah, that's the one we couldn't remember.

Let's call it a decent

Half-Time Quiz Show.

Okay, we'll call it...We'll call it half-full.

Yep. And now, will Isaac and Bethany find a way

to recycle waste water, or will future astronauts

have to use kitty litter? Let's find out.

Okay, so let's brainstorm some things that we want to add.

What if we take some of these things?

Coffee filters?

I was thinking maybe we could...

We could cut off this end

and then we could put, like, something like this

on the end. Okay.

Aquarium gravel?

I was thinking that maybe we could use the macaroni.

A little bit of activated carbon,

a little bit of macaroni.

Look at that huge hunk of hair just floating there.

Come on, it's only urine and hair.

In fact, it's not even real urine, it's fake.

Oh, and kids, if you're trying this at home,

I think your parents would appreciate

you using fake urine, too.

Look at the water coming through.


Oh, wait a minute.

Oh, wait a minute.

I think it looks more yellow.

Bob!BOB: How's it going?

Not so hot, Bob.

We figured out how to strain it,

but that's the easiest part.

Well, let's see.

Well, I'll bet it's cleaner than it looks.

[chuckles nervously]

BOB: This is a conductivity sensor.

If your water has a lot of contaminants in it,

this sensor will read a lot of electric current.

Let's check to see how this sensor works

by first measuring how clean

a sample of what we call deionized water is.

Deionized water?

What's that?

Oh, it's water that's had all the ions removed, like salt.

Thank you, Blossom.

BOB: See that number at the top?

That means its conductivity value is about . microsiemens

per centimeter and that's just the fancy unit of measure

we use for conductivity.

Okay, so the clean, deionized water comes in at about one.

Doesn't conduct electricity too well.

BOB: This is a sample of your waste water,

so we're going to check the conductivity of that.

RUFF: Now, this is the unfiltered contaminated water.

Now, stir it around a little bit.

Make sure you've gotten a good sample.


BOB: Yeah, about and a half.

RUFF: Yeah! and a half?!

That's much more than the clean water.

It's a lot more contaminated.

Eww...A lot more contaminated.

The next thing we're going to do

is we're going to check the processed water.

RUFF: Now, this is the water that they poured

through their filtration system.

I think that's going to be, like, nine.

Well, let's see. Stir it around.

What's it looking like?

It's disgusting.It's ..

Wow, we didn't take,

like, anything out of it.

Oh, man, it's about the same.

It's a start.


It's a start? I have to finish.

If you had to do it again

and-and used a lot more of the materials,

you would have really done a good job cleaning that water up.

Oh, Blossom,

the filter's not going to cut it.

You need to get me one of those vacuum toilets

that Mary Beth was talking about.

[dialing] [crying]

You used your brains a lot today,

but I'm wondering if you could do me favor

and maybe use your muscles to help us out at NASA.

We have a special test facility here

where we get volunteers to come in

and exercise for us.

We use that to test our space station water recovery system.

[sobbing] Let's check in on

Team Liza and Team Sterling.

We're here at the second part of our event today.

RUFF [sighs]: Look at those trees.

It's like a land full of toilets.

DREW: We're gonna pick up after what dogs do best.

Oh... [chuckles]

You're gonna have a bucket and a spade.

You're gonna pick up as many piles as you possibly can.

All right.

Challenge number two-- literally.

It's the Poop Scoop Relay.

Now, if you take care of dogs, you got to clean up after them.

And this includes their poop.

Oh, come on, Liza.

It's not a big deal.

On your marks, get set, scoop!


Ah, looks like their strategy is to pick up the poop

with their hands.

It's okay; they've got gloves.

Calm down.

Come on, this is important, guys.

I know it's not pretty, but you got to clean up after your dog.

DREW: Stop!

Time's up!

Let's see who wears the poop scoop crown.

Oh, wait. You probably wouldn't want to wear that.

DREW: That was a great competition.

Liza's team won by a poop.

LIZA: Yes!

RUFF: Liza's team by one poop!

One poop made a difference. Wow.

That was the closest poop scoop race I have ever seen.

And the only one.

ISAAC: Whoa.

BOB: This is our test facility,

where we get people to come in

and exercise for us.

And by exercising, you generate a lot of sweat,

and you breathe heavy.

And that water vapor is collected,

and it's turned into condensate.

RUFF: That thing's gonna suck the sweat right off them.

Go, Bethany. Work that sweat!

Come on, Isaac!

Come on, guys.

We got to help these astronauts!

BOTH: Two, three...

RUFF: They are working up a sweat.

Which an astronaut may eventually drink.


Oh, Chet, must you install a Roman fountain

in my doghouse right now?


Okay, FETCHers, we're at the third part of our competition.

RUFF: This is their final dog duty--

the Mess 'Em Up, Clean 'Em Up Relay.

If you're gonna take care of dogs,

you got to keep them clean.

Liza and Sterling and their parents will each get the dogs

as muddy as possible.

And then they are swapping dogs.

The team with the cleanest dog at the end wins!

On your marks, get set, go!

STERLING'S DAD: Come on in.


Ah, yes!


Ah! The guys weren't ready for the shake.




Here you go.

Got one dirty dog.

Come on, Sophie.

RUFF: Now, this will be a little bit harder.

Dogs love to be dirty.

Oh, why did I give them a challenge involving a hose?

DREW: Is that a chocolate lab?


RUFF: Wow, Liza.

That's a FETCHer who wants victory.

Now we got to dry it.RUFF: Oh, there we go.

Dry off the fur. Good.

DREW: Liza, Sterling, you did a great job.

But I have to say, Liza, your dog wins.

RUFF: The cleanest and most beautiful canine.

Thank you for teaching us so much about dogs today.


RUFF: Peace, Sterling.

See you at the garage, Ruff.

RUFF: It's Studio P, Liza.

Oh, I mean Studio G.

Oh, I'm going crazy.


BOB: Where do you think all that sweat went?


That's right.

It all came out right here.

We're processing it through

the Space Station water recovery system.


You guys did a lot of work for us today.

This is a sample of the water

that's produced by our Space Station water system.

And since you guys worked so hard,

you guys get to drink some of the water.

A toast.Here's to a successful day.

Oh, please don't drink in front of me.

Oh, no, Blossom.

I don't think I can hold it anymore.

You've got to call NASA again, please.

I need that toilet thingy right now.

I don't care if I'm afraid of vacuums.

I'll use it.


What do you mean, my vacuum toilet

is on the Space Shuttle?

Which is launching right now?!

No! No!

My toilet!


Come back!

Well, isn't that always the way?

You finally get a replacement toilet,

but it winds up in orbit on the Space Shuttle.

Now, the duo

who did their doggie duties

with daring do, Sterling and Liza!


Hey, guys!Hi, guys.

Welcome back.

Oh, yeah!

It was fabulous, Ruff.

Thank you, thank you. I appreciate that.

All right.

Hitching a ride back on the Space Shuttle,

none other than Isaac and Bethany.

We brought something back for you.

What is that?

I have some purified water

made of only the best ingredients.


ISAAC: We have urine, perspiration...

Uh-huh....but no carbs or calories.

Well, Isaac, the last thing I need right now is water.

But, uh, pop it in the mailbox, anyway.

So, why don't we give out some points

before I explode, kids, huh?

ALL: Yeah!

Liza, you showed why thousands of kids

want to be a contestant on FETCH!

'Cause who doesn't want a chance to pick up dog poop?


And Sterling,

you completed that obstacle course with speed and agility.



Now, Liza and Sterling,

both of you took good care of my friends.

They didn't get tummy rubs,

but it's still good enough for points for each of you.


Bringing your total to for Liza and for Sterling!

Nice.Yeah, guys.

Bethany and Isaac, you showed why

thousands of kids want to be a contestant on FETCH, also.

'Cause who doesn't want to drink recycled astronaut urine?


For your commitment

to the scientific process

and your bravery, points for you guys.

Nice.Yeah, guys.

High fives, high fives.

But is that all the points a dog can relieve?

Uh, give?

ALL: No.

What time is it?

ALL: Bonus points!

Today's ten bonus points go to the contestant

who had knowledge of the water cycle at his fingertips.

Which means, Isaac,

with points, you're today's daily winner!

Now, Isaac, I have here

two identical space hydrants.

Under one space hydrant, a prize

that will make you go, "Whee!"

Uh, it won't make you go wee.

It'll make you say "Whee"-- sorry.


Under the other hydrant

is something not as good.

So which will it be? Space hydrant A

or space hydrant B?

Uh, I think I'm gonna go with B.

Nice choice, sir.

Please step up to the mailbox

and retrieve your prize.

[chuckles]: Ah.

It's a collar with, like, bags, so when I take

my dog for a walk...

Right.You even customized it, Ruff.

Hello!That's so sweet!

How sweet.

Under the other hydrant, there, uh,

was an all-expense-paid trip to the moon.


Okay, guys, I got to go.

And when I mean "go," I mean, I got to--

I think we've had enough pee jokes today.

So I will, uh, see you next time, guys!

ALL: Bye, Ruff.

[phone beeps]

The plumber will be here in an hour?

Oh, I think I can make it.

You know, Chet's been living here for awhile.

What's he been using for a bathroom?


Blossom, Chet's bathroom is incredible!

A stylish, state-of-the-art

environmentally-friendly composting toilet.

Ooh, I think I can make it if I could just

get my head through the--

Oh, oh, I'm stuck.

[sobs]: Oh.

Why didn't I just use the backyard, after all?

Okay, lesson learned.

You guys, get me out of here.

Blossom, Chet, help!

[Ruff scatting]


♪ With Ruff Ruffman!

[Ruff scatting]



♪ With Ruff Ruffman!