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04x05 - Ruff's Just Fueling Around

Posted: 02/21/24 17:38
by bunniefuu
Oh, hi! I'm interrupting today's program

to teach you about an important topic: global warming.

When certain gases enter the atmosphere

in sufficient quantities,

they act like a blanket, trapping in heat.

That's global warming.

And it all starts with me, carbon. Chet?

I hook up with oxygen, or O.

When the carbon and the oxygen here bond, voilà,

carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas.

Okay, that's lunch, people.

Uh, Chet, the key to this lock's on the table.

Can you get it, buddy? Great.

Wait. No, not that heating grate.

Great; meaning "good."


Okay, don't panic.

Now, I keep a spare set of keys in the band of my sun hat,

which I took on my outing last week...

and didn't bring back.

Okay, Chet, it's only miles from here.

Go fetch my hat. Hurry, Chet!

Right, Blossom, let's swing to the ledge.

[grunts] Oh-oh, the thermostat!

Oh, it's getting hot in here now. [whimpers]

Oh, the plug to the freezer! The ice is melting!

Blossom, carbon dioxide is a real problem.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show ♪

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate ♪

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪

It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

It rolls off the tongue.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman. ♪

Can somebody tell me what happened to the singing cats?

Funding for FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman has been proAnd here comes the contestants now!

He enjoys playing whiffle ball. Brian!

His favorite place in the world: Hershey Park.


He thinks he can break the world record in powder donut eating.


She doesn't like eating mush.

Really? Bethany!

If she could have any super power,

she would want to stop time. Liza!

What does she want to be when she grows up?

Just an author, photographer and entrepreneur.


Let's get an update on the scores.

In fourth place, Brian with points.

Liza and Sterling tied for third with points.

Isaac and Talia tied for second with points,

and Bethany is now in first with points.

Hi, and welcome to...


...another episode of

FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.


Why are you swinging in the air?

Now hold on.

Blossom, try to grab on to that candelabra. [grunts]

LIZA: Poor Blossom,

she's chained to you.

What about poor Ruff?!

Poor both of you.

I'm suffering, too.

Anyway, I'm gonna blame

global warming and Chet.

Yes, Blossom and me.

It's all very simple.

I'm sure this happened

to at least a few of you.

Haven't you ever given a lecture

about climate change?

So, of course, you and your partner dress up

as carbon and dioxide

and you lock yourself together, but then you lose the key

and smash the thermostat and break the freezer,

so everything keeps getting hotter and hotter

while your living room is flooded?

Yeah, all the time, Ruff.

[all talking]

Every day.

It doesn't really happen, does it?

All right, well, it doesn't matter.No.

Blossom's got an awesome CO racing game

set up for you guys.

And we'll just have to watch from up here.

Ow! Blossom, you're choking me!

I-I need air

to do this show!

And speaking of air,

you'll need to keep the air clean in this race.

What?Your goal is to travel miles using all different kinds

of transportation.

If you can do it without emitting much CO,

you'll wind up doing something very cool.

If you release too much carbon dioxide,

you'll wind up doing something,

but that something won't be cool.


Okay. Cool. Cool.

Okay, you need to find pizza boxes.

They have puzzles in them.

Blossom provided the puzzles, and I provided the pizza boxes.

You're also looking for people wearing official

FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman T-shirts

driving official FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman vehicles.

And here we go.

Talia, Isaac, Brian, Liza, Sterling and Bethany,

all your instructions are in the mailbox, so go fetch!

Let's go. Bye, Ruff.

And remember,

don't put out too much CO.

We're getting hot in here.

ALL: Bye.

Bye, guys. [laughs ruefully]

For the six kids out on our challenge today,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

So let's swing on over to the and get the latest.

Is it in here?

Welcome to the first FETCH! Green Race.

Here's how it works.

I'm splitting you up into two teams.

You're each traveling miles.

The team that emits less CO in miles, wins.Yes!

Now you're looking for puzzles in pizza boxes.

The puzzles will determine your mode of transportation.

Each time you get a puzzle right,

your vehicle will emit less CO.

But if you get the puzzle wrong, you'll emit more CO.

Stay in green.

That's right, Bri. Stay green.

Get the puzzles right, emit less CO than the other team.

Okay, here are the teams. are team BLT.

[all cheer]'re team IBS.

So find your pizza boxes.

And what the FETCHers don't know is

that they're racing to an amusement park.

The team that emits less CO on the way there gets to ride

on the cool rides.

[riders screaming]

The team that emits more CO will be on rides far less cool.

Like the dangling cat-and-dog ride. Whee.

"If you answer this first, you're riding in one car."

"If you answer it last, you're riding in three.

"There are nine squares

to fill using the numbers one through nine."

RUFF: Okay, fill in all nine squares

with the numbers one through nine. Got it.

"Everywhere, you must add up to ."

RUFF: All right, so it's gotta add up

to up, down, across and diagonally.

Hey, like tic-tac-toe.

Colors are the key.

It's so easy. Do I have to spell it out for you?

But how do you spell with numbers?

Wait. So the colors are the key? I don't get it.

Colors are the key? I don't get that either.

What does that mean, Blossom?

You can tell me. It's my show.

Oh, blue. B-L-U-E-- four.

RUFF: Blue's got four letters. That's tricky.

Okay, now the other colors.

Red is three letters.



RUFF: Red plus green plus purple.

Four plus five plus six. That's !

Okay, three and five is eight.

This is a nine! This is a nine!

Four plus three is seven.

Yes! We got it! We got it! [squeals]

BRIAN: Moment of truth.

RUFF: Moment of truth. Open the pizza box.

KIDS: Nine, two, five, seven... [all cheer]

Team BLT gets in first!

They did that a lot quicker than us.

They ride in just one car

while Team IBS has to ride in three.

BRIAN: "Congratulations.

"You get to travel in one car

"instead of three.

"You only emit . pounds of CO.

Proceed to the Bunker Hill Monument.

Team BLT is getting a bag of charcoal.

Now it's two-and-a-half pounds

because their one car emits two-and-a-half pounds of CO.

That's good thinking, Blossom.

"Sorry. You each have to ride in your own car.

"Your CO emission will be a lot more than the other team.

Proceed to Malibu Beach."

Ah! Team IBS gets

a seven- and-a-half- pound bag of charcoal

because they're emitting seven-and-a-half pounds of CO

with three cars.

TALIA: Oh, I see it, I see it. It's like a huge tower.

I know. Excuse me.

Have you guys seen any clues?

RUFF: No? Oh, please say yes.

Excuse me. Have you seen a clue in a pizza box?

Okay, that's okay. Thank you.

Have you seen a pizza box?

Over there. I'm not sure, though. Oh, we have a yes.

I hope a squirrel didn't run off with my pizza box. I see it!

It's over here. Looks like the ingredients to a sandwich.

Good thing Team BLT got this clue.

TALIA: "If you get this right, you're riding in a pedicab.

"If you get it wrong, you're riding in a taxicab.

Put on gloves and start your stopwatch."

They get it right-- pedicab.

Wrong-- taxicab.

Blossom, is a pedicab like a pedicure?

Oh, it's like a tricycle wagon thingy.

So a pedicab wouldn't emit any carbon

because it doesn't burn any fuel.

"Your pedicab driver is particular to his sandwiches.

"Or you can have...

The bread has to be on the top and the bottom."

You know, it'd be great if we could play along.

Okay, you've got all

the sandwiches ingredients on you. Of course, you do.

So it's like logic.

The lettuce is above the turkey and below the cheese.

Lettuce above turkey, below cheese.

Lettuce above turkey, below cheese. Remember that.

TALIA: The cheese can touch the bread.

This is a puzzle sandwich.

Cheese touches bread,

but bread can't touch tomato,

so that goes like this.

The lettuce can touch the tomato, but not the turkey.

The tomato goes in between 'cause this can't touch this.

Did they get the right order?

[drum roll]

They've got it! Got it! Yes!

Bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato, turkey, bread.

I got it, too. Oh, no! I wanted to eat that.

Come on!

BRIAN: You guys, we had two minutes.

LIZA: Were we over?

TALIA: We were at three minutes, seconds.

Uh-oh. They didn't get it in time.

BRIAN: "Sorry, you have to travel in a taxicab

"instead of a pedicab cab.

"Your CO emission will be five pounds.

"Proceed to the bus stop at the corner of Bunker Hill Street."

Well, let's see how team IBS is doing

with their seven-and-a-half pounds of CO.

And Blossom, do you realize

your claws are in my shoulder right now?

It's very painful. Pardon me while I scream.


What is that? I see it!

RUFF: Okay, they found the pizza box.

If you get this right, you're riding on scooters.

If you get this wrong, you're riding in a big car.

Start your stopwatch.

They get it right-- scooters.

Wrong-- they're in an old car.

Carbon dioxide and methane are G-R-E-E----...

Oh, what's this next one, Blossom?

Do they need a PhD to solve it?

STERLING: This must be the letters of the alphabet.

You know, one is an A.

RUFF: Yeah, the numbers stand for the letters of the alphabet.

Ha-ha, Blossom.

Wait, wait. What's the nd letter of the alphabet?

Wait a minute. There's a chart with lots of letters.

Oh, look. This is the Periodic Table of Elements.

Blossom, what exactly is the Periodic Table of Elements?

It's a table of all the chemical elements arranged in order

and of course you have one on you.

All right, let me see this thing.

Oh, hey. There's me, carbon.

And look, you, oxygen.

So, they first element on the Periodic Table is hydrogen.

ISAAC: We could put the H there.

RUFF: Wait. The numbers represent different elements.

So, GREE... Seven, seven...

Ooh, that's nitrogen! "N"!

ISAAC: N-H-O... is "U." ...


RUFF: Greenhouse...

is "GA" and is... , ... is "S."

Contribute to...


Um, "N"... "G."

Okay, stop the stopwatch.

Carbon Dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases

that contribute to climate change.

Ha! The secret words are "greenhouse gases"

and "climate change."

We had two minutes.

:! :, yes!

They did it! They get to ride scooters!

Well, it's looking better for team IBS

and not so much for team BLT.


Oh, Blossom, I think I'm allergic to you.

[horn honks]

Wow. That sounds like a tugboat.

That trunk just magically opened.

Uh, hey.

And there's a guy.

Wearing an awesome shirt,

thank you very much.

Ruff wanted me to give you this

and the scooters are in the trunk. All right.

Okay. "Congratulations. You get to travel on scooters

"instead of a big luxury car.

Proceed to UMass, Fox Point Pavilion."

Team IBS gets scooters and no additional charcoal.

They are still at seven-and-a-half pounds.

Ruff, look! We're energy efficient!

Team BLT and Team IBS are now tied,

both at seven-and-a-half pounds of CO.

Okay, we're at Bunker Hill Street.

Look, there's a pizza place right there.

Well, there's a pizzeria. Bound to see a pizza box here.

Is there some pizza from Ruff?

Okay, they found the pizza box, Blossom.

"If you get this right, you're riding on the bus.

If you get it wrong, you're riding in a limo.

I want to ride in a limo!

Now, now. You can ride in a limo at your prom.

Let's get to the puzzle!

All right. Start your stopwatch. All right.

Carbon dioxide has letters and right below are sticks.

Without removing any numbers, make the into six.

Blossom, I don't get this, either.

How do you make into six?

Six what, though?

Oh! Six is written in, um, letters, but is written...

In numbers.In numbers.

Does that have anything to do with it?

We have to make six. Oh!

Ah! They need to spell out "six" with the sticks.

Come on. We got it right. Do I have this?

Yep. Sorry, Brian, you got it right. Six.

That would be five minutes, seconds.

Now, how long did they have to do this?

You had two minutes.

Oh, they went over the time limit.

I guess we're riding in a limo.

This adds more CO than a bus. Yeah.

Blossom, why is a limo worse than a bus?

Doesn't a big bus emit a lot of CO?

Huh? Oh, if all those people riding in the bus

each had their own car,

it would add up to much more CO. Got you.

Thank you, Ruff. You rock.

You're welcome, guys.

But you know, you should be feeling guilty

about riding in a gas-guzzling limo.

And if I rock so much, how come I'm handcuffed to a cat?

Ah, there's team IBS with . pounds of CO

and riding scooters. Okay.

ISAAC: Fox Point Landing. I think this is it.

BETHANY: There it is. Look.

They found their next puzzle.

If you do this,

you are in a sailboat. If you don't do this,

you're in a motorboat.

Wind power emits no CO.

Using your lungs, blow this feather feet in seconds.

Gosh, I sure hope they don't blow this challenge.

[laughing]: Get it? "Blow the challenge"? 'Cause....

Ah, never mind.


Man, that feather's really moving.

Sweet biscuits.

It worked. We did it!


seconds? Some powerful lungs those three have.

I think I saw some boats down there, so let's go.

Oh, what a lovely day to sail.

Wouldn't it be great, Blossom, if we could be out sailing

instead of hanging here, stuck to each other?

We're taking a sailboat.

"Congratulations. You get to travel in a sailboat

"instead of a smelly motorboat.

"You won't release any CO in the atmosphere.

Proceed to the Kowloon Restaurant."

Ah, Kowloon. My old stomping ground.

FETCHers: No carbon emissions! Whoo!

Team IBS is in a sailboat.

No additional CO for them.

They're still at seven-and- a-half pounds, but Team BLT...

BRIAN: You guys, we got more coal.

Their CO is piling up.

That's five more pounds.

Now they're at twelve-and-a-half

"Proceed to Franklin Field."

And they have to listen to horrible elevator Muzak.

Well, it's all I could think of to punish them in a limo.

No celebrating.

I've never seen FETCHers so happy to lose.

I'd rather be in the sailboat than the limo.

You don't have to stick your head out any windows

on a sailboat.

There she is.

Oh, yeah.Let's plant a tree together.

Why are they planting a tree, Blossom?

What does this have to do with the carbon game?

We took a limo to plant a tree?

That's what I wondered.

This is where we're going to be planting our tree.

So, we're going to need to start digging this hole

and then you're going to put all the dirt right onto this

to keep the ground neat.

As the tree gets bigger, it turns CO,

with the sunshine, into leaves and bark.

They call it biomass.

Trees are really important

because they help make oxygen, right?

That's right.Don't they, like, breathe in carbon dioxide, too?

Nice. That's the other side of it, definitely.

So, trees breathe in CO

and breathe out oxygen.

[ding]What's that, Blossom?

It's part of the carbon cycle.

Does that mean that, in a way, carbon dioxide

is a good thing because that's what trees breathe in?

Yes. It's just the amount. As we've been

driving cars more, heating our house more,

we've been taking some of that carbon out of the earth,

and it's coming out into the environment

and that's something that we just don't have the capacity

to deal with.

RUFF: Oh, I see what's going on.

Fossil fuels like oil and coal

are made of carbon.

As long as that stuff stays buried underground,

it's not bothering anybody.

But once it's taken out of the ground and burned,

it adds more CO to the carbon cycle.

CO that wouldn't have been there in the first place.

BRIAN: Worms are a good thing.

Here's another one.

[whining] Ew!

Don't forget this one.Hey!

TALIA: That's so gross.

You can put those three in the shade under that bush.

So, now, you guys get your shovels again

and we're going to take all the dirt

and we'll put it in the hole.

Oh, it's a shame I'm not out there.

I'd love to spend some quality time

with that tree right about now.

What? I'm a dog. You realize how long we've been up here?


And they did it!

They planted a tree.

The US forest service says that each tree

can absorb pounds of carbon per year.

pounds! Wow!

By planting this tree,

you get to take five pounds of your coal away.


BLT goes from twelve-and-a-half

back down to seven-and-a-half.

Nice job!Have you seen a pizza box?

Yeah. I saw it over there somewhere.

I think I saw it by a big potted plant.

Okay. Thank you.Yeah, it was kind of that way.

Thanks, guys!Thanks a lot. Bye!

Team IBS should be back on land by now.

Hey, nice shirt.

An official FETCH! vehicle.


Hey. My car doesn't run on gasoline.

It runs on vegetable oil.

Oh! Oh! A car that runs on cooking oil!

That-that's a grease car.

Restaurants are full of vegetable oil.

Could you get me some?

Sure. Okay. Thanks a lot.

I ran my whole doghouse on cooking oil.

Hi. We're looking for vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil?

This is it right here.

What do you guys need this for?

We're trying to fuel a car.

Oh, you probably want to take

the big ones 'cause it's more fuel.

Be careful, it's heavy!

Take care, good luck!

RUFF: Thanks a lot!

Wow, that's a lot of vegetable oil.

Okay, we got the vegetable oil.

That's beautiful, thank you so much.

I really appreciate it.

For helping me out, I'm going to,

uh, take five pounds of carbon from you.

Team IBS takes off five pounds!

They're down to two-and-a-half!

So, the reason I'm doing that is because this car

actually helps reduce my carbon footprint.

It's burning a plant oil,

and those plants, when they're growing,

take the CO out of the air.

Hey, just like the tree.

How do you put it into the car? I'll show you.

He's using oil from plants

instead of from fossil fuels underground.

So, he's not putting any new CO into the atmosphere,

and that's because burning the oil

makes exactly the same amount of CO

that was absorbed by the plants during their growth.

Hey, by any chance, did Ruff leave a pizza box lying around?

I didn't see it but knowing Ruff,

he just hid it around here somewhere.

Thanks a lot, guys.

Team BLT found their clue!

Oh, I see it, it's right there! Oh, so did Team IBS!

"If you get this right, you're riding in a hybrid car.

If you get this wrong, you're riding in an SUV.

Carbon dioxide has people talking.

See how many words you can get out of it.

Using the letters, carbon dioxide,

write out all the words you can in two minutes.

They have to be four letters or more.

Blossom, you gave

each team the same puzzle?

How about "bone"?

Ooh, bone's good!

I would've thought of that eventually.

"Race." Race, good.

"Dare" Dare, hmm, I like that.

That's a good one.And brace.

Ride. Ride.

Oh, they're getting a lot of words.

They're both doing great!

"Diode." Diode?

Okay, stop. Time's up, guys.

All right, time's up.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten, eleven, okay.

Eleven words!

Sterling, Bethany and Isaac have eleven.

"Now, call the other FETCHers and see who got the most words."

Ooh, call the other FETCHers, awesome!


Sterling? Yeah?

It's Liza, how many words did you get?

We got words.

Yes! We got !

Team BLT wins, to !

They don't know it yet,

but they're going on some roller coasters.

[sighs] Grass.

I guess this is our ride.

Gas guzzler. Whoa!

Hey, guys, I've got something for you compliments of Ruff.

It comes with a note.

"Sorry, you have to travel miles in a greasy truck

instead of a grease car.

That's pounds of CO. Bleech!

Ah, that's more pounds of CO for Team IBS.

That's -and-a-half total!

Here's the hybrid.

There's their hybrid ride.

"Congratulations, you get to travel

miles in a hybrid car.

That's only . pounds of CO.

Wow, that is so much less!

Proceed to Canobie Lake Park!

[screaming] Whoo-hoo!

You get to go to Canobie Lake Amusement Park!

Let's go! I guess they like going there.


Wow, you don't even need keys.

You just push a power button, that's cool!


Team BLT's emitting less CO than Team IBS.

They're going on the cool rides!

"If your accumulated CO

weighs pounds or less, you can ride this ride."

That's us! Yes!

Oh, but Team IBS--

not nearly as cool.

"You can only ride the teeny-tiny rides."

Come on, Ruff, I got all dirty for nothing.

ALL: Thanks, Ruff.

Okay, it's not as slow as I thought it'd be.

It'll slow down, trust me.

Ruff, you might want to plug your ears.

I plugged them, but I'm handcuffed to Blossom!


Team IBS, not exactly flying around.

Ruff, these are the rides I try to avoid!

We're emitting even more CO!


[screaming, whooping]

Well, not all their carbon footprints are large

but they'd better wipe their feet anyway!

Welcome back to Studio G

Bethany, Isaac, Brian, Sterling, Talia and Liza!

Hey, Ruff. Hey! RUFF: Hey!

All right, I think it's definitely time for some points.

ALL: Yeah!

Sterling, Isaac, Bethany, let's do the math.

So, you have a potential hundred points

minus -and-a-half, and we have, uh...

-and-a-half points!

[cheering]That's not bad.

Yeah, half a point.RUFF: Good, wow.

You can get a half point,

you can get a quarter point, I mix it up.

Okay, now, Brian, Liza and Talia.


You three started off

in one car, went some miles in a cab,

cruised in style in a limo, planted a tree

and then high-tailed it to the amusement park in a hybrid.

In miles, you created pounds of CO.

Nice, guys.Yeah.

Okay, so, we have a hundred potential points,

minus is points!


Nice job, guys.Good job, yeah.

But you guys were enjoying

the gas-guzzling limo a little too much.

Sorry.Where was the guilt?

We planted a tree after!

Yeah.We did.

Not enough, I had to deduct ten points.

Sorry, guys.Oh!

But still, that leaves you with a respectable points.

Nice. That's not bad.

But is that all the points a dog can give?

ALL: No!

What time is it?

ALL: Bonus points!

All righty, then.

Today's five points go

to the contestant who

didn't shy away from a worm.

Liza with points,

you're today's daily winner!


All right, now,

Liza, in front of me

are two egg rolls cooked in oil

that may fuel a grease car.

Under one half an egg roll, a fabulous prize.

Or hot mustard.

Under the other, a less fabulous prize.

Or hot mustard.

So, which will it be?

Egg roll half A or egg roll half B?

B.B, B it is.

Then Liza, you may go to the mailbox and retrieve

part one of your prize.

Part one?

That's right, part one.

Okay, I have an envelope.

That usually means something good!

The envelope is good.

The magic of the envelope.

Liza, you have won an ice cream party for you and the FETCHers.

[all cheering]

That's right, yes!

Now, the other half of your prize

is over on the scale near the license plates to the left.

Oh, it's an ice cream maker!

Yes!Oh, sweet!

It is a carbon neutral ice cream maker.

Because you don't plug it in, you don't release any CO.

Yeah! Yeah!

Somebody finally found a way to combine the awesomeness

of soccer with the awesomeness of ice cream.

A good ice cream maker, yes!

Until next time, watch those carbon footprints, FETCHers!

[all cheering]

ALL: Bye, Ruff!

Blossom, we just have to face the fact that we're stuck together forever.

But it's okay, think of the fun we'll have.

[ding]You can come to all my yodeling lessons with me.

When a dog yodels, you want to be right there next to him.

And you'll be able to see my new cologne experiments.

I'm working on something now I call "Eau de Chunky Beef."

It's a humdinger and, uh...

Oh, Chet, you have the key! Thank goodness!

Here, toss it up, and I'll unlock us.


You see, Blossom, I am a dog

of many... [gulps] talents.

[Ruff scatting]

♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

[Ruff scatting]




♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪