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03x09 - The DogVinci Code

Posted: 02/21/24 14:21
by bunniefuu
Aw, come on, Blossom, smile.

What? You say no one ever smiles for portraits?

Oh, yeah, I guess you're right.

What about the Mona Lisa? She's smiling.

Huh, I wonder why?

It's kind of mysterious... (gasps)

Great Uncle McRuffmantosh. No time for chit-chat, Ruffy!

I'm in grave danger!

In fact, by calling you, I've put you in grave danger!

Oh, the millions of viewers of FETCH! are in grave danger!

Okay, thanks for scaring everybody, Uncle.

Why are we all in grave danger?

Because of the Secret Order of Cats.

They know the reason the Mona Lisa's got that grin.

They've known the secret for years,

but they don't want anyone else to know.

But I brought this, and it might reveal the secret

once and for all.

What, Blossom? It looks like half a page

from a sketchbook of Leonardo da Vinci?!

No, my lad and lassie, 'tis even better.

The sketchbook

of da Vinci's dog. (gasps)

You mean...?

Aye... Dogvinci!

RUFF: * Life was missing its mystique *

* My squeaky toys had lost their squeak *

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

(instrumental jazz playing)

* Pitched my vision for a show

* They loved it, thought I was a pro *

* They got my contract back to find *

* To their alarm, a dog had signed *

* FETCH! * Oh, I like that name.

* With Ruff Ruffman *

* I didn't wait to renovate

* Found six contestants, all were great *

* And now I'm on the road to fame *

* I've got a game show and its name is *

* FETCH! *

It's very catchy.

* With Ruff Ruffman *

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop. * With Ruff Ruffman. *

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

Funding for FETCH! with Ruff Ru And here come the contestants now.

He's a counselor in training at rock-'n'-roll band camp.

He can't speak French, but he can speak with a French accent.

His favorite place in the whole wide world-- home sweet home.

Her least favorite household chore is... sweeping.

They say the early bird gets the worm,

but if she had her choice, she'd sleep till noon every day.

Her favorite place to visit is the local bookstore.

Let's get an update on the scores.

Noel has slumped to sixth with points.

Harsha up to fifth with points.

Sammy is in fourth with points.

DJ still in third with points.

Sam out of the top spot.

He's in second with points.

And now Jay is on top

with points.

Hello, and welcome to another

heart-racing episode of FETCH!

ALL: Hey, Ruff.

I don't know, Uncle,

this might be too dangerous for my FETCHers.

Uh, you guys remember my Uncle McRuffmantosh, right?

Yes. Yes.

We're familiar.

Hello, lads and lassies.

Hi, Uncle McRuffmantosh.

This mystery needs

to be solved, Ruffy.

Well... all right.

Uncle McRuffmantosh has something to tell you guys.

I need you to open your minds up

to a story so crazy

it has to be true.

Leonardo da Vinci painted this years ago--

the Mona Lisa.

And ever since,

people wondered about her mysterious smile.

I've been working for years and years

to unravel the mystery of her smile,

and I've stumbled upon a major clue.

There's a clue.

Half a page from the sketchbook

of da Vinci's dog--



Wait... I'm not sure how it fits,

but I believe Dogvinci knew

why the Mona Lisa is smiling.

Now, there's a Secret Order of Cats--

a sneaky cat club.

They know the secret of the Mona Lisa's smile,

and they'll want to stop you.

(Scottish accent): So watch out for them cats.


RUFF: He means "cats," Sam.

Tell them about the puzzle.

I've learned that the cat society

has hidden their secrets inside one of these...

a scroll puzzle.

You'll need to find letters

hidden around the city.

Those letters will unlock

the hidden scroll puzzle.

This is a symbol of the Sneaky Cat Society.

You'll need to go to the headquarters.

There you will find Dogvinci clues scattered about.

Take this sketchbook page to the office,

and see if you can find another just like it.

it will help you.

RUFF: Harsha, Noel, Sam,

Sammy, DJ, Jay, the sketchbook page

and your instructions are in the mailbox.

So go...

(Italian accent): ...a-fetch.

All right, guys.

Let's fetch this.

Oh, cool. Let's go.


lads and lassies. Bye, Ruff.

RUFF: For our six contestants out on the challenge today,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

Now let's follow the fantastic, fearless FETCHers.

This is it. Yeah, it's it.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: They're entering the Cat Society's headquarters.

Ooh, they have to be careful. Hello?

JAY: Looks like we've got some Mona Lisa fanatics here.

Look at this symbol. It's right here.


there's stuff all over their office with

with yarn symbols on it.

Some are red and some are green.

DJ: I found the other side of the map!

MCRUFFMANTOSH: The other page of Dogvinci's sketchbook.

It's this.

The sketchbook pages have clues on them.

What? Clues!

This symbol seems to be on all these

little red things.

And this one has all those green things.

Do you want to find all the things

that have symbols in them and just pile them up here? All right.

You guys, this one has a green symbol in it.

That's awesome. It's bocce.

RUFF: They're collecting red and green symbols.

I found another red, guys.

RUFF: Wow, look at all those clues.

Maybe we should split up into teams.

RUFF: A red team and a green team.

Now the Red Team has got a pastry box

from Mike's Pastry,

a business card from a coffee shop,

a ticket from a parking garage

and a set of car keys.

The Green Team has got a gondola picture,

a funny hat and a bocce poster.

On this side it says

" cannoli."

RUFF: Oh, that's a Roman numeral .

And then "can" plus "oli" makes "cannoli."

They need to get cannolis.

Now where are they going to get that? At Mike's Pastry.

I think we might have to go to Mike's Pastry. Yeah, that makes sense.

Okay, the Red Team's first destination

is Mike's Pastry.

We have the hat.

Gondola. Yeah, the gondola!

RUFF: Gondola drivers.

They have those very same hats.

Call her up, call her up. Put stuff in the backpack.

RUFF: Okay, Team Green needs to find a gondola.

I don't know what is going on here.

There's Mike's.

All right, let's go.

RUFF: Oh, sweet biscuits, look at the cannolis.

And we need a dozen cannolis. Okay.

Oh, man.

Even if they don't solve a -year-old mystery,

at least they get cannolis out of this.

Ruff, we're going to eat them

and see if we can find something inside the Mike's cannolis.

RUFF: Just, you know, don't eat a clue.

And get DJ a napkin.

Ruff, you're making us destroy all these beautiful cannolis.

I can't understand what you're saying, your mouth is full.

Careful what you bite into.

This is yours...

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Got to go through

every one of them, Ruffy.

I'm sorry, my precious cannoli.

There's nothing inside any of these.

Oh, I found something.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: She's found a clue, Ruffy.

I need a napkin.

What's it say?!

RUFF: I don't know.

They have to clean off the delicious cream filling.

"Crunchy on the outside..." "Crunchy on the outside..."

"Creamy on the inside." MCRUFFMANTOSH: "Creamy on the inside."

See these lines? It's I-N-S-I... D-E.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Aye. It says "inside."

And the "I" is highlighted.

Write that down.

So these are our clues.

RUFF: Okay, what do we got?

"Inside." "Inside."

Underline "I."

MCRUFFMANTOSH: That letter "I" could be used for the scroll puzzle.

Try to find another clue

in our backpack.

DJ: Card of a coffee shop.

Maybe we should go to this coffee shop.

Let's check it out.

RUFF: Okay, let's check in on the Green Team.


I'm Megan. RUFF: Hello, Megan.

We've been given clues that have led to gondolas.

The Green Team needs to take a gondola to a clue

that the cats have hidden.

MEGAN: And we are off.


So do you sing when you row?

I don't sing when I row.

RUFF: Well, I'm sure my FETCHers would be happy to sing.

(singing operatically in Italian)

Actually, guys, uh, let's, uh, eh...

Let's not sing. Whoa, what's that?

There's a clue in the water!

I think this might be our clue.

Okay, it's says "Piazza Isabella."

And the "I" is different in "Piazza"

and the "L" is different in "Isabella."

MCRUFFMANTOSH: That's two more letters for the scroll puzzle.

Is there a place called Piazza Isabella?

There is a place called Piazza Isabella.

RUFF: Piazza Isabella...

Oh! Oh! Piazza Isabella-- it's in the Gardner

Art Museum!

Guys, what is that? MCRUFFMANTOSH: Look, Ruffy!

A clue hanging from the bridge!

SAMMY: We can cut it down. Here, here. Go, cut.

RUFF: Easy.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: They've got it!

What is it? It's a picture of... the stone face.

It was back there.

Can we turn around? Sure can.

RUFF: Back to the dock.

Thank you very much.

Bye, Megan! Thanks, Megan!

All right, back to the Red Team.

So, we're going to Polcari's.

Guys, this is Salem Street. Salem Street.

! !

Okay, they found

Polcari's Coffee Shop.

What can I do for you?

We're on a mission

to find out why the painting, the Mona Lisa...

well, why she's smiling in it.

And we have to find

a word and a letter.

We have this,

and we're trying to figure it out.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Look for clues from Dogvinci's sketchbook.

All right, so this is...

It looks like a clock. Let's examine the room.

Right there! Oh, cuckoo clock! Cuckoo clock!

Wait, wait, you can see... you can see this through it.

What's it pointing to?

:. It's pointing to :. :.

Ha! It's see-through.

Hey, look-- there's a dog on the other side.

Whoo-hoo! I can see him!

MCRUFFMANTOSH: The dog's arm and leg are like the hands of the clock.

Turn it to :? Yeah.

Let's see what happens.

(cuckooing) Wait, there's a letter in there.

It's "B," "B," "B." "B."

Ooh! Another letter for the scroll puzzle!

So we have seven

of the letter is "V." Is "V."

Sounds like you have it.

They've still got that parking ticket.

They should go to the parking garage.

NOEL: We're going to another place.

Maybe we should go to the car?

Do you know where Commercial Street is?

Yes. When you leave the store here, you just take a left.

Good luck with the rest of your search. Thank you.

Okay, let's start a list, Blossom.

The Red Team's got an "I" and a "V,"

and the Green Team's got an "I" and an "L."

Now, what the heck is that?

SAMMY: What's that on top of it?

JAY: Oh!

There's the symbol-- it's that thing!


There's stuff inside.

Oh, cool. Paper!

Okay, so let's look at our sheet.

JAY: Maybe we're cutting this into the parachute.

Like an egg drop, make a parachute? Oh, yeah!

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Aha! An egg drop!

So maybe we're going to have to, like,

put the egg, like, somehow, like, in the parachute.

Maybe the egg will be at the bottom of the parachute.

And so we're going to have to drop the egg off something

without it breaking. Yeah, why?

Because the clues say so.

RUFF: Good point, Jay. All right,

I think we should start cutting. Yeah, all right.

Uh, wait, let me try that.

So, where does this fold?

On the solid lines.

It's a pyramid.


Folding is not my strong suit.

Wasn't da Vinci, like, an inventor? Well, yeah, he was an inventor.

He works a lot with physics, so maybe this is testing physics.

And this has got to mean something-- colors, numbers?

RUFF: Okay, there are three parachutes,

they're all different sizes, each one has

a word with a highlighted letter on it.

So, when we got, like, the...

Piazza Isabella, Uh-huh.

it was one letter, one word.

So I only think one of these letters is right.

I think we might've left something at the head.

Jay's going back to the head.

I hope he can find another clue!

It looks like he has something, Uncle.

Eggs. He has more eggs.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: He's found eggs!

¡Mas huevos!

'Cause we're going to have to drop all of them.

"Find the footbridge.

"Drop the eggs at the symbol.

The smallest parachute to save the egg reveals the clue."

So I don't really get it.

What does it mean, like, the smallest one wins?

If all of the parachutes work,

the smallest parachute is the one that holds the clues.

If they don't work, then what?

And if they don't work, then they just...

become useless.

We have to do a controlled experiment,

because they're all different sizes,

and if we drop one from here and one from here...

different results.

'Cause these are all variables.

I tell ya, this is some good thinking, FETCHers.

They want to keep everything the same

except for the sides of the parachute.

That way if some eggs break and some are okay,

they'll know it's the size of the parachute

that made the difference.

All right, I think each length of string

should be... arm's length?

Did da Vinci invent this, uh, parachute, guys?

JAY: I don't think da Vinci invented the parachute,

but he invented the concept.

It's true! Da Vinci sketched parachutes

hundreds of years before they were invented!

Genius, man!

That's kind of cool that he was, like,

an artist and a scientist. Yeah.

Art often is science-- if you're painting or sculpting,

you have to think about how heavy a sculpture is

or how much paint to use on a canvas.

Da Vinci would apply science to art and art to science.

Uh-oh! Uh!

They're all falling off.

The weight is just too much.

Maybe just tape one around.

Tape it.

RUFF: All right,

keep trying, you'll get it.

I'm sure you will.


Come on, Sammy, you can do it.

I just want to see this, just for testing.

That looks better, actually. All right.

Holding it up, it looks like the egg will hold.

Looks like we're ready to go.

They have to try

all the different-sized parachutes.

SAMMY: "Find the footbridge. Drop the eggs at the symbol."


JAY: You found it? You found it?

All right, so we're going to drop them down.

The thing about the parachute is that

it slows down, because the air's pushing on the parachute.

But the small one won't catch

enough air, and so I think that one's going to break.

All right, Jay is predicting that this won't work.



JAY: Oh, man! Check that out.

All right, it looks like

that one is not the best.

Okay, the smallest parachute did not work.

Keep trying, guys! You'll get it!

Here comes the medium one. Three, two, one.

Ooh! Oh!

Oh, the medium didn't work, either.

JAY: So we're oh for two. Yeah.

Okay, now they're using the largest parachute.

This is it, it's the last one.

Three, two,

one, go.

What happened?

MCRUFFMANTOSH: What happened, Ruffy?! Is the egg intact?

It's... fine, completely fine.

Awesome! It's fine!

The biggest one worked to save the egg!

So that parachute must have the mystery letter.

The word is "letters," and the letter is "R."

Aye, so the word is "letters," and the "R" is highlighted.

I... I...

L... L...

R. R.

Ilr. Okay, that's it.



That-that spells...

I-I... It spells nothing.

So, guys, remember we had the, uh,

bocce. This is the only thing we haven't used.

Let's go! All right, here we go.

RUFF: Back to the Red Team.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Hoot, mon! They found the parking garage!

Maybe if I press this.

(alarm blares) Ah, the keys from the office open that car!

Check the trunk.

DJ: What in the...?

NOEL: Eggs?

It looks like painting.

Something that's used for painting.

"Dogvinci's Paint Recipe."

"Mix Egg Yolk & Color & Paint."

So the Red Team has to make their own paint.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Of course! Dogvinci's paint had eggs in it!

They need to mix paint according to an ancient recipe!

Look! These must be the colors.

We need to color the certain number

certain colors.

Paint by numbers, right?

But the clues are written in reverse!

The front-view mirror, the front-view mirror!

Giallo, nero and verde.

A mirror-- brilliant!

NOEL: Verde means "green," I think.

Maybe we should call Ruff.



We were wondering if you could translate a few words for us

with your Italian dictionary?

Okay, no problem.


Blossom, uh, what does giallo mean?

Oh, it means "yellow."

SAM: Yellow. All right, I remember that.

NOEL: Um, can you translate nero for us?

Okay, hang on a second.


Oh, that means "black."

NOEL: Black? Okay.

That-that's it? Okay, bye.

Okay, bye.

One is yellow, two is black,

and three is green.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Ha-ha! Paint by numbers!

I haven't done that since I was a wee pup.

I'm going to start separating the eggs.

So, I'm just going to help so it can get done quicker.

NOEL: "Mix Egg Yolk & Color..."

So we just need the yolk. Blehhh...

The egg whites go into the bowl, and then

you can keep the egg yolk in the shell.

Good thinking, Noel.

Back in. And back out.

Noel has apparently made an omelet or two in her day.

Here's the colors.

We put some in each one.

You can make the green, then I'm going to make the yellow.

All right, now I'm going to...

All right, we have our colors-- let's mix 'em up.


It looks like bird poop.

Uh, yes, it does, Noel.


thank you for pointing that out to me. Ew.

So, could I go start with mine?

SAM: So, what number are yours, though?

Nero is two. Yeah.

So every time you see a two, paint.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Now, a bocce court!

Bocce is a fun game from Italy. Bocce balls.

Are there numbers on all of these?

There's an eight on that one.

Oh, there's a three on this one.



The bocce balls,

they've got numbers on 'em.

RUFF: Well, what does it mean, Uncle?

So maybe we have to do something with the rope.

Maybe it's like connect-the-dots.

It's like a big version, a big connect-the-dots,

and this would be like you're pencil if you're connecting it.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Ah! She's a smart one, Ruffy!


RUFF: Oh, I love connect-the-dots!

...and then four to five,

Aah, wait. five to six...

Six to seven, and seven to eight.

Then if you double it back...

All right. Nine over here.

To ten. Ten.

Ten to .

So it stops there.

It's definitely an arrowhead.

The string became an arrow

when they connected the dots!

HARSHA: Look at the words that we had.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: "Find the buried stone"!

Maybe it's, like, exactly here.

RUFF: Ah, they're digging in the direction of the arrow!

There's something, like... Oh, okay.

Oh, wait, let me see.

Ah, they found something!

It's a ball!


And the letter is "O."

All right, "rope," and the arrow is pointing to the "O."

So "O" is another clue.

Back to the Red Team.

They're starting to paint inside the numbers.

(heavy accent): We are doing a wonderful job, Ruff.

That-a you are-a, Sam. Good-a painting.

It kind of looks like a World Cup soccer ball,

a little bit, with the stars.

It looks like we're only doing a little section of it, like.

Wait a second. It's an "A." It's an "A."

It's an "A." "A." That's an "A."

So, I-I thought we'll take a soccer ball.

So the soccer ball is our word.

And that's an "A."

MCRUFFMANTOSH: It's an "A" inside a ball.

So, so far we have Inside--

I, Seven-- "V," and Ball-- "A."

So the Red Team's got an "I," a "V" and an "A."


That still means nothing.

I'm going to go out of my mind here.

It doesn't really make sense.

Maybe we should call the other team and see what they have.

Hey, FETCHers.


So, this is what we have so far: We have...

The I of "Inside," the V of "Seven,"

and the A of "Ball."

Uh, we have "Piazza," "Isabella," uh...

"Letter" and "Rope."

Blossom, pinpoint this location, please.

Thank you.


The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

That's where they can find Piazza Isabella.

You guys, it's probably:

Okay, maybe that one doesn't make much sense,

but I know we have to go to Piazza Isabella.

Guys! Piazza Isabella is in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

The Isabella Gardner Museum?

Uh, I guess we'll meet you guys there?

All right, guys, looks like we're going to the museum.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: The secret behind the Mona Lisa smile must be there.

So, let's check the stuff.

Now, they've got to go over their clues, Ruffy.

All right, so we got Piazza...

Isabella Isabella.

And then we got the letters I and L, then we got...

The letter. "Letter" as the word

and the letter in "Letter" is R.

And then we got "Rope" and the letter was O.

I-L-R-O. Ilro!

We have the I in "Inside,"

the V in "Seven" and the A in "Ball."

I-V-A. Iva!

Ilro Iva!

That's what I got.

Maybe we have to unscramble.

It's "Ravioli."

Yeah. Yeah, that's "Ravioli."

Ravioli! Ravioli! Ravioli!

It is. It's "Ravioli." Ravioli.

It's definitely "Ravioli."

Now, they know the code word,

but they need to find the scroll puzzle.

Let's write the words on a separate piece of paper.

Inside Isabella Piazza.

Seven letter...

Maybe all of the words are telling them something.

But how do you know that "seven letter" goes together?

It could be seven balls.

Maybe we'll be able to figure it out better

when we get inside the museum and see what's up.

Good thinking, Jay.

Yeah, we should just check it out.

Let's do it, guys.

Wow. Nice museum. Hello.

Do you think we should set up the tape? Yes.

You guys go that way. I'll just go this way.

All right.

See anything?

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Does it look like

they're finding anything, Ruff?

RUFF: Easy, easy, Uncle.

They'll find something.

They're really good at this.

It's a rope ball, you guys.

Unravel it. It probably has something inside.

Well, we know something's inside.

Maybe it's ravioli.

It's awesome.



The scroll puzzle.

There it is, mon.

I get it!

Inside Piazza Isabella there's a rope ball.

And the seven letters-- Ravioli!

Ravioli. Ravioli. R...

MCRUFFMANTOSH: They're very close now.

We're on the cusp of solving a -year-old mystery.

RUFF: "Ravioli" unlocked the scroll puzzle.

Ooh! There's another clue inside. Open it.

"Parting Gift: Uncover the truth behind the smile."

Mona Lisa smiles.

A parting gift?

What does that mean?

A parting gift. A gift.

We're in a museum.

The gift shop.

UNCLE: That's it. Sam's onto it!

Come on.

To the gift shop.

All right, looks like I don't have any... Whoa.

Wait a minute.

Do you think that has to do with anything?

There's a painting of a cat.

That's not the Mona Lisa, though.

It's a cat.

See if we can take out the back.

Maybe there's something behind the picture.



UNCLE: This is it, Ruffy!

Good stuff here. Open it up.

(McRuffmantosh laughing)

RUFF: What?!

MCRUFFMANTOSH: The Mona Lisa's laughing

about a ridiculous cat.

Oh, it makes perfect sense.


Mystery solved, Uncle.

That's why the cat's wanted to keep this a secret.

(McRuffmantosh laughing)

Yeah. It's silly.

Now, back to the studio, me pups.

All right. Bye.

See you later.


Eh... What's the matter, Blossom?

Cat got your funnybone?


That Cat Society must have been asleep at the wheel.

Can't outsmart my FETCHers-- and here they come now.

Hey, Ruff!

Hey! Whassup?!


I can't believe you did it.

You solved the mystery.

Yeah. We did.

DaVinci's cat thought

this would be too embarrassing

to the cat species and so she

hid the sketch, and the Secret Order of Cats

has guarded the secret ever since.

MCRUFFMANTOSH: Aye, but we uncovered it.

Mystery solved!

Let's get you some points.

Points! Points! Points!



For helping solve the -year-old mystery

through teamwork and ingenuity--

how many points did they get, Uncle?

They should get points!

(FETCHers whooping)

Noel, Sam and DJ.

For your tireless pursuit of the goal and breaking cannoli codes,

another points.

(FETCHers cheering)

Bringing your total to an awesome points.

Jay, Harsha, Sammy.

You unscrambled the key word, "Ravioli."

You found the rope ball with the hidden message.

You're getting another points

for a total of points.

(cheers, applause)

Well, Ruffy, that's it for me.

I've got a whole plate of haggis to gnaw on.

RUFF: You sure you can't

stay a little longer, Uncle?

No, I can't.

It's way past the time to go.

Well, what time is it?

Well, I... Well, I don't know.

I don't have a watch there.

Kids, you want to tell him what time it is?

ALL: Bonus Points!

Oh, that's a good one, there.

I still don't know what time it is, though.

RUFF: Today's ten bonus points go to the FETCHer

who pointed out that the arrow was pointing

to a buried bocce ball.

Oh, are there numbers on all of these?


With points, you're today's daily winner!


Now, Harsha, I have here two delicious cannolis. I...

Oh, uh... Oh, yeah. I, I ate those. Sorry.


I have here two identical plates

of cannoli crumbs.


Under one set of crumbs, two plane tickets

to a certain Italian-speaking country.

Under the other...

A work of art. Kind of.

So what will it be?

"B." "B." I'll go with "B."

"B" it is. Then, Harsha...

your prize is next to my person's car

under the blanket.

Go get it!

Oh, she's going to love it.

(FETCHers laughing)


Put your face in it.


Sorry you don't get to roam around Rome,

but you do get a lovely piece of art--

the Harsha Lisa. (laughing)

Now, that's a smile.

That concludes another code-cracking,

-year-old art masterpiece

mystery-solving episode of FETCH!



Chow? Yum.

Ciao bella. Ciao bella.

Ciao. Ciao. Ciao.

Thank you.

* History leaps off the pages

* With The Art of Cats Through the Ages" *

* Yeah.

Hi, and welcome to The Art of Cats.

Today on our show we're going to explore

the most important contribution

cats ever made to art-- the "I Hate Mondays"

spaghetti-spilled-on- a-cat's-head poster

found in veterinarian offices all across America.

Face it, Blossom, cats were just made for this kind of art.

Ah, what's that? Spaghetti sauce?

Oh, smells great. Hey.

Why are you putting that in a slingshot? Wait a minute!

Aah! Stop!

Mmm. Delicious.

(Ruff scatting)

* FETCH! *

* With Ruff Ruffman! *

(Ruff scatting)

* Meow, meow, meow, meow meow, meow, meow *

(Ruff barking)

Oh, no. (cat slurping)


* FETCH! *

* With Ruff Ruffman! *

* FETCH! *