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03x06 - How Not to Impress a Poodle's Mother

Posted: 02/21/24 14:18
by bunniefuu
from the library.

You see, Charlene is a complicated dog.

And that's why I love her.

And she's not getting

rid of me so easily.

According to the Poodle's Doodle, poodles love two things

most of all: their mothers and their own name.

This is Charlene's mother, and her name is Nell.

So I bought her this big, shiny dog tag.

Get it? N for Nell.

Oh, and I got her

a vase, a lamp, a paperweight.

Oh, she's going to love me!

And if she loves me, Charlene will love me.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I'm taking Nell to the Vienna Dogs' Choir tomorrow.

Ooh, you're right.

I've got to look my best.

You better give me a haircut.

Just a trim this time, Blossom.

Last year, you made me look like a cat-- here.

Just think what would impress Nell

and cut accordingly.

Now, let's see, Nell's going to the beach today,

so maybe an N-shaped beach ball.

No, no, no, that won't work.

Oh, well.

I'm sure I'll come up

with something entertaining.

(chuckles, then screams)

I look like a... like a poodle!

RUFF: * Life was missing its mystique *

* My squeaky toys had lost their squeak *

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

(instrumental jazz playing)

* Pitched my vision for a show

* They loved it, thought I was a pro *

* They got my contract back to find *

* To their alarm, a dog had signed *

* FETCH! * Oh, I like that name.

* With Ruff Ruffman *

* I didn't wait to renovate

* Found six contestants, all were great *

* And now I'm on the road to fame *

* I've got a game show and its name is *

* FETCH! *

It's very catchy.

* With Ruff Ruffman *

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop. * With Ruff Ruffman. *

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

And here come the contestants now!

When she was three, she cut off her sister's hair.

Probably not a good look for her sister.

He likes regular hugs, but not surprise hugs.

If only he weren't so darn huggable.

She likes her eggs scrambled,

but probably not her French toast.

* Sugar

I like singing it, he likes eating it.

Does she like shopping?

If Studio G were a store,

these flamingos would already be in her cart.

He nailed a basketball shot from half court

when he was only seven.

Let's get an update on the scores.

In sixth place with points, we have Harsha.

Sammy holds on to the five spot with points.

DJ has slipped to fourth with points.

Noel has dropped to third with points.

Jay has leapfrogged into the two spot with points.

And Sam's still on top with points.

Hi, guys, welcome to FETCH! Uh, where are you?

I'm here, I'm-I'm not hiding.

It's a new thing I'm working on. No, you're not.

The host you can't see. (laughs)


All right, fine!

(all kids laughing)

What's on your head?

I look like a poodle, right?

ALL: Yeah.

Well, my budget supervisor and hairstylist,

Miss Blossom Pepperdoodle von YumYum,

thought this look would endear me

to Charlene's mother.

(laughs) Oh.

Yep, I got a new plan for wooing Charlene,

and it's making a good impression on her.

Yeah, yeah. Ew.

That's Nell, Charlene's mother.

Not only is she the mother of my future girlfriend,

she's also the inspiration

for challenge number one.

(all cheer)

I have it on good authority that Nell and Nell's person

are attending a sculpture exhibition later today,

and that's why DJ, Sam and Harsha,

your pail and shovel and instructions

are in the mailbox. Go do it, guys.


Bye, guys. Let's go. Bye.

And look for the big sign. You can't miss it.

Good luck! Bye.

Challenge number two is a mystery challenge.

Jay, the only info I'm giving you

is an address, All right.

and it's waiting for you in the mailbox.


Cool, all right, see you later. Bye, Jay. Bye.

All right, buddy.

As determined by the FETCH ,

Noel and Sammy are staying behind in Studio G,

but they'll be eligible to win points during the...

Whoo! Yeah!

Unfair, you say?

Take that back, sir.

The FETCH! code of honor means I do nothing

without the...

All the contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by the grand finale.

For the four kids out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

So, let's get to it with Sam, DJ and Harsha.

You are about to witness

some professional sand sculpting.

Sign for FETCH!?

Wow! You guys see anything?

Look at that one!

HARSHA: A sign for FETCH!

DJ: FETCH! over here!

Ah, Jabba the Ruff.

Hello. That's sand art.

Well, you know, the sand adds ten pounds.

DJ: What are we supposed to do?

All right, let me give these guys a call.

(phone ringing)

Hello, Ruff?

DJ, hey, welcome

to the Hampton Beach Sand Sculpting Exhibition.

Check out all the pros

creating their own works of art.

That's pretty cool, huh?

DJ: Oh, that's so cool.

Well, you guys are going to build your own structure

for everyone to see.

Are you...? What? What?

Your challenge is to construct the letter N out of sand.

Charlene's mom's name is Nell, which starts with N,

and I'm trying to impress her,

so make a big N.

It needs to be at least as tall as DJ.

Are you serious? No way.

That's going to be really hard.

Well, that's why I'm contacting my good friend, Grady.

He's a sand-sculpting professional.

I'll send him right over to you.


Grady! Hey, Ruff Ruffman.

Hey, Ruff, how you been, man?

Excellent-- listen, I need your help.

I've got three FETCHers participating

in today's show-- they're going to make the letter N.

I told them you'd help them out.

Is that cool? No problem.

Uh, I'll be right over, okay?

Great! Thanks!

I hope this works.

Oh, good, here comes Jay.

Moody Street.


And I believe that's his expert holding a head!

She's holding a head!

Where am I?

Oh, wait a minute, that's not a real head.

JAY: .

Oh, okay, Blaine!

Yes, that's Maryanne.

Hi, Jay, my name's Maryanne. Hi.

I'm the director of education at Blaine!,

and I teach cosmetology.

Cosmetology involves hair,

skin and nails.

Do you have any idea

what your challenge might be?

Think we might be working with hair. Yes.

This is Sandy.

Hello, Sandy.

She's going to be your partner for the day.

And your first challenge is going to be to cut.

Jay's going to learn how the pros do it in a real salon.

Hey, guys, what's happening?

Ruff just called me.

He said you're having a little problem

making an N over here. ALL: Yeah.

Well, first thing we need here is some water.

Why do we need water?

We need water to bind it together.

It's like, um, the glue of sand sculpture.

Once we get a little moisture in there,

we'll be able to pack it together

and be able to pick that up.

You can't pick that up here.

RUFF: Okay, to make a good sand sculpture,

the sand needs to be packed together tightly,

and then you need water to glue everything in place.

Water is very important when we're doing sand sculpture.

There's two things: adhesion and cohesion.

The adhesion is the water sticks to the sand.

The cohesion is the water sticks to itself.

So, cohesion's when water droplets stick to each other,

and adhesion's when water droplets stick

to the sand. Got it.

The first thing is that we have to have moist stand.

Everyone, get a handful of sand like that.

All right, let me get a handful of sand here.

So now we're making a snowball out of sand.

The test for the sand to see if you can carve it or not

is to try to pick it up with two fingers.

See how it all fell apart? Uh-oh.

Oops, uh, mine broke.

You did notice it did stick together.

It did have adhesion,

but it didn't really bind really good.

I happen to have some really good stuff right over here.

Now, everyone take a handful of this sand.

Oh, so you also need the right kind of sand

in order to make a great sculpture.

So, what is sand made out of?

Minerals, seashells, and this sand, silt.

Is that silt? That's silt.

It's adhering to your hands.

Oh, so silt is like really teeny-tiny pieces of rock.

So everybody make a ball.

Look at that. Wow!

Is that good sand or what?

Wow! Grady's sand really works.

GRADY: The sand particles are finer,

and they stick together like that.

Let's try something here.

Get this here moist like we did the other sand.

The water is making this not stick together. All right?

The particles can't adhere because it's too wet.

It will eventually fall apart.

You telling me that,

if you add too much water to the sand,

that the sand particles aren't going to be able

to touch and stick together as well? Exactly.

Correctemundo, DJ.

The first thing that you're going to do

is wet the mannequin down

because it's much easier to cut wet hair.

Blossom, I hope you're paying attention.

Twist it around.

And I'm going to give you a clip so that we hold

that out of the way.

These are hairdressing scissors.

Make sure that you only cut

with the tips of your shears.

Only the tips.

The very, very first thing that we're going to do

is create a guide at the top part of the head.

Pull this up as straight as you can,

and then you're going to get your shears,

and you're going to cut a guide.

Bring it straight up.

Little tiny pieces. Now let's comb it up and see how you did.

That looks nice and even.

Not bad, huh?

Jay made a guide.

And comb the hair up

to the guide that we created.


You ready? All right, good. Think so.

Hold it nice and tight and now cut it.

Cutting across only with the tips.

Looks good!

And then you're going to comb it

right up to this guide.

Oh, that doesn't look too hard.

So why does my hair keep looking like this, Bossom?

I think I can blow-dry some hair...

See how it's starting to dry and form a style?

All right, I think I can do this.

Think you're ready? Yeah.

Very nice, very nice.

Hair's getting nice and dry.

She looks like she's ready to go out

for a night on the town. What do you think?

It looks great. Yes.

Think back at what she looked like

when you were introduced to her.

Compared to now, you notice a huge difference?


Remember you're going to the beach

and you-you take the sand

and you put in a pail and you pound it Yeah.

and you turn it upside?

That's exactly how I do it.

Except I'm using Chinese food cartons.

We do the same thing, only that's what we call forms.

The bottomless five- gallon bucket.

So we have this turned upside down.

We're going to put water and sand in it

and we're going to use this

to pack it in.

Okay, so packing the sand helps it stay together.

This is one of your bases.

But it's like a pyramid

but the bottom has to be bigger than the top,

so it'll support it.

This is going to be your N.

Oh, yes, that'll be a perfect arch.

How do we do that? To connect the two

together you need some sort of a support.

Whatever you're using

to support it, it's got to remain stable.

If it's too wet it's going to fall apart like that there.

You got to have it just right, all right?

So you got a challenge ahead of you.

Good luck. Okay.

You're going to be applying makeup

to this mannequin.

So the first thing that we're going to apply

is foundation. Foundation

kind of sets the face to be able to accept

the makeup evenly.

Nice and even. Yep.

We're going to be applying blush next.

Accentuates the cheek bones.

Eye shadow.

Can use a... eye shadow applicator.

You look like a pro with eye shadow.

We have eyeliner.

We're going to use the black. He's good.

Only thing that we have left to do...

Lipstick? Lipstick.

Ooh, use purple! Is that a good color?

I think it'll match the blush, actually.

I think it works.

Hey, hi, Ruff!

That's cool in a very weird way-- but cool.

SAM: So let's plan it out.

That's right, Sam.

Always a good idea to do some brainstorming

and planning before you actually build.

I think we should just go straight across.

HARSHA: Can we do that?

I think it would work.

Or, no, bending it would work more,

'cause it's two weights leaning on each other. Oh!

It's evenly balanced.

We should like make a mixture

and see which is the best.

Blossom, what are they doing?

Oh, they're mixing different amounts of sand

and water to see what mixture holds

the sand together the best.


Maybe we should start off with a half

bucket of water and do you want to try

a whole bucket of sand, guys?

SAM: All right, yeah, yeah, definitely. All right, just,

let's pour it in at once.

Ooh, it's very, very, very watery.

ALL: We need more sand.

Now we're doing two buckets of sand.

Yeah, I think we're going to start needing some,

a little more water.

ALL: / of a bucket of water...

And two buckets of sand.

Try to make a ball and do the two finger test.

Remember, if they can hold the sand with two fingers

it's a keeper.

I think we need more sand, guys.

/ bucket of water...

Three buckets of sand. And,

yeah, this is pretty good.

Yeah, look it.

I think this is our recipe.

RUFF: Yes, we have a formula!

It's going to be great!

Hi, Poodle Ruffman back in Studio G

with Noel and Sammy.

Yeah! Woo! Yeah!

It's time for you guys to earn some points of your own

during the Half-Time Quiz Show!

Yes! (cheering)

Here are the rules:

points are available.

You have seconds to answer as many questions as you can.

Ten questions are available at five points apiece.

Are you ready?

Then let the Yeah! Yes!

quiz begin!

That's sand art!

Correct. As tall as DJ!

First thing we need here is some water.

Because it holds it together.


True or false?

Um, cohesion.

No, false!

GRADY: The cohesion is the water

sticks to itself.


Um, Sandy! Sandy!


And speaking of Sandy...

Um... Silt and seashells.


RUFF: True or false?



And you're going to hold this up

as straight as you can.

Yes! Guide!

/ cup of water...

cups of sand!

Yes, excellent!

These are hairdressing scissors.

The, um... The...

the tips of it!


'Cause it stays up, so it stays up.

All right, yes.

Woo! Support.


And we are done.

FETCH , how many did they get?

Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Let's go over the one you missed.

True or false?

That is false.

If you keep adding water

it gets too thin and then it will not stick together.

So, Oh.

that brings us to the end

of another exciting

Half-Time Quiz Show.

And now,

DJ, Sam and Harsha

are they energized or entirely over their heads?

Let's find out at the Great Sand Sculpting Challenge.

So, it'll be

much easier-- instead

of cups we're using buckets.



A little more sand.

A little more water.


Charlene's mom's going to be so impressed.

Let's get another one of these things.

There we go.

Now we need some water.

Look at that, they're following the recipe

and mixing the sand and water together

right in the forms.

For the last part make one of these.


Sand in the bucket.

Now we need the water. Yeah.

Now mix.

Whoa! If feels like it's stuck in here.

Uh-oh, it's stuck!

Neat little trick;

if you tap it all around

and then grab it from the bottom and whammo.

All right.

Oh! Yeah!

Wow, that was a neat little trick!

Thank you, Grady.

Oh! Yeah!

So how do you guys plan

on making the arch?

We need to put something to go across.

Maybe we should just put this.

That's a good idea!

They'll build their arch

over the bucket,

then the sand will lock in place.

And then they'll take the bucket away.

Uh, whammo!

Right, he said, he said "whammo," right?

This sand's got to go all the way up here.

Now you do side to side.

Now you're building up your thing,

pat it down a little bit, go to the next side.

Good luck, guys. Thanks, Grady!

Let's get that arch

for Charlene's mom!

It's a good thing her name doesn't start with a W.

Just wait till it dries a little bit more.


Okay, we're going to go meet your client.

Now it is time to cut hair on an actual human being.

This is Tom.

Hi. You're going to be cutting Tom's hair.

He is?

Uh-oh, we have a nervous client.

Jay's actually going to be cutting your hair today

and I'm going to be here to mentor him through the haircut.

Ah, yes, yes, don't worry about it.

Have you, have you done this before?

I think he's ready for this challenge, Tom.

You're going to be just fine, Tom.

You're going to put the cape right around him

and you are going to snap it.

Murray, could we get a look at the cape?

Look at me!


You know all this stuff?

Yeah, he's all set.

You've never seen one of these, right? I've seen them.

Okay, turn it on.

You put this right against the head.

When you get up to this area

I want you to lift off slowly.

So you're going to do that all around

the whole entire head.

Then we're going to switch to a pair of shears.

RUFF: Good, good, using the tip.

Am I paying the same amount?

'Cause you're like a... You're actually paying double.

It's nice.

RUFF: Nice? You hear that? Nice.

This will be a winner with the ladies.

Thank you. Good luck in your career.

All right, Ruff, chalk one up for me.

Consider yourself chalked.

I'm Jay. I'll be cutting your hair.

Here we go.

RUFF: Same type of haircut-- buzz in the back.

I guess the ladies like the buzz cut.

Okay, everybody's already got short hair coming in here.

We need a hippy.

Uh-ho! Now he's got to cut some longer hair.

Oh, here's a curly one.

This is going to be tough.

He's cutting a lot of hair today.

Let's see how I'm going to do this.

RUFF: That's, uh, Pete Townsend.

How are you?

Pete Townsend's coming in to get a haircut.

Now I'm just going to use this little buzzer.

RUFF: Little buzzer on the back.

Clean that up there, sir.

Send this man out for a date.

There you go, looking good!

Just going to wipe you off.

Go get yourself a baseball hat.

RUFF: Yes, baseball hat, or maybe a football helmet.

Okay, let's tap this so it can come off.

One, two, three.

Please stay, please stay, please stay!



We have our arch!

He's taller.

He's taller.


Uh-oh, DJ's taller.


Hold on. We can

solve that problem.


Wait. What?! Wait a minute.

What's Sam doing?

Hey, that's cheating.

Taller than you. Yeah!

That counts!

Ruff, you didn't say anything

about where he's standing.

All you said was where...

if he's standing up.

All right, Sam, you got me

on a technicality, I guess.


All right, now we have to

work on taking this stuff off.


It's awesome!


Oh, Charlene's mom

is going to be so impressed!

This will be the greatest N

in the world!

Made out of sand.

You look a little tired.

Did you have

a tough day?

A little bit.

I am very impressed

with the work that you did.

I think you're ready for your

final ultimate challenge.

You're going to be doing

a complete makeover on a VIP.


That's right.



There she is.

It's Jay's mom.

Hey, Jay.




And that is a VIP.


Are you willing to let me cut

your hair and do makeup?

Cut my hair? Huh.

Okay, I'll strike

a deal with you.

You can cut my hair.

Then you have to trust me

to pick your next haircut.

We have a deal?



Whoa, that's a tough deal,

but he's in.

This isn't fair. Look at the

predicament you've put me in.

Let's get it over with.


What? Come on!

It's your mom.

She wouldn't mess up your hair

if you messed up hers.

I mean, I didn't ask her that.

This is my chair.

Want your hair layered?

My hair is

layered, yeah.

Do you want it layered more?

Freshen it up.


Freshen it up, Jay.

The customer is always right.


All right, good.

Pick the color you like.


Ooh, we've moved on to makeup.

I like the orange one.


Orange. Are you putting on


Ah, I like that color.

Oh, easy.

Don't s*ab her in the eye.

You all good?

You're much better

with the mascara

than you are

with the lipstick.

All right, now I'll

blow-dry your hair.


Mom's looking nice!

Thank you.

No problem.


And see, this is

the only client you can hug.

Seriously, Ruff,

I've done everything

you've asked me to,

so I think I'm done.

You are done, sir.

I'll see you back at Studio G,

and I'm bringing Sandy with me.


Okay, Jay, head on over!

Ha-ha! Get it?

A head? All right,

all right, fine.


One false

move could mess

the whole thing up.

Oh, guys!


Some of it fell.

Don't touch it!

Nobody touch.

Just do the column.

Think we should put

these beads on maybe?


Ooh, now they're decorating it!


That looks so cool.


Carve gently! Gently!

Oh, it looks so pretty!

Even a little bit

slanted now, so we...

we can't

take risks.

Don't overdo it.



Will you do...


The tower's going down!

Oh, no, it's an "I."

(kids shouting)




Oh, no! My N!


Oh, man,

that's a bummer!



My N and my FETCHer!

Wow, man, what do you

think happened to it?

Well, I think it fell.

I saw on one side

it was smaller,

and you had it slightly

tilted inward.


That might have had something

to do with it, also.


Hey, Grady, the time

to point that out was, uh,

well, before it fell.

Guys, I got

to take off, all right?

You guys have a good one.

I'm out of here.


All right, thanks.

DJ: Ruff, I hope you give us

some points, 'cause we tried.

Okay, guys.

Hey, you tried your best.

Just head on back to Studio G.

Well, we'll see you

back at Studio G.

I'll bring my beads

for good luck.


Well, at least

I look good... sort of.

Back in Studio G,

just call him Jay Scissorhands.

Get in here, Jay!

Is this Sandy?

This would be Sandy.

Hi, Sandy!


What's your favorite show,


Your show.

Well, thank you, Sandy!

Very kind of you.


'Course there's nothing like

a relaxing day at the beach,

and it was nothing like

a relaxing day at the beach

for Sam, Harsha and DJ.

All right,

let's get us some points.

(all whooping)


We start with DJ,

Sam and Harsha.

We should, like,

make a mixture and...


For working with glop

until you hit upon the recipe

for sculpting sand...

Yeah, this is pretty good...



There was adhesion,

there was cohesion.


There was an N

that certainly

looked taller than DJ.





And... then it fell down,

so I'm taking off ten points.


Still, that's good, good, good.

A very respectable points.



I'm Jay. I'll be

cutting your hair.


Not only did he learn

hair styling...

he risked it all by cutting

his own mother's hair.

Freshen it up.


For avoiding a follicle folly...




But is that all the points

a dog can give?



What time is it?


Bonus points!


I like a FETCHer

who looks danger

right in the eye and says,

"Bring it on!"

You can cut my hair.

Then you have to trust me

to pick your next haircut.

Jay, for letting

your mother decide

on what your next haircut will

look like...


Which means,

Jay with points--

you're today's daily winner.



Now, Jay, I have here two arches

made entirely

of wet, matted dog hair.

Under one arch--

something you'll dig.

Under the other--

something you'll probably want

to trade for wet,

matted dog hair.

Which is it going to be? A or B?

Um... B.

Well, then, Jay,

your prize is located

in the mailbox.

Go get it. Easy there.

What is it?

What is it?


Don't worry...

What'd you get?

Ruffman's Beach Comber Hair Gel.


That's right.

Hey, you almost got a trip

to the pink sand beaches

of Bermuda,

but you chose B instead.

Yes! You can turn your hair


into a day at the beach

with Ruffman's Beach Comber

Styling Gel.

Now with extra sand!

Try it, Jay.

Put some on,

put some on!

All right, g*ng, that's the end

of another awesome episode

of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

See you next time.


Bye, Ruff!



Oh, my date

with Charlene's mother

did not go well.

Turns out her name isn't Nell.

It's Knell.

Knell, a slowly

ringing bell.

Who names their

dog after a bell?

That silent K

messed everything up!

I needed K-shaped

knicknacks. Oh, and look.

Jay gave such a good

makeover to his mother,

I insisted on

giving one to Knell.

And she's not happy!


Oh, no! What do I do?

Chet, quick,

barricade the door!

I'm not here.

I'm at the vet.

(Ruff scatting)

* FETCH! *

* With Ruff Ruffman! *

(Ruff scatting)

Oh, whatever.

* FETCH! *

* With Ruff Ruffman! *

* FETCH! *