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01x05 - Matt

Posted: 02/21/24 11:58
by bunniefuu


♪ There's something in the shadows ♪

[DRIVER] Everything's blocked off.

I don't know if you're going
to be able to swim today.

I'm not here to swim.



- Oh!



Hey, Tess?

[TESS] This is supposed
to be my safe space.

Well, as someone with safe-space
issues, I feel your pain.

[RAE] Tess! Hey! They called you in.

I know the place. I swim here.

Victim is Sabrina Chalke,

Looks like blunt-for,
possibly drowning.


Any chance it was a slip and fall?

I mean, I'd have to clean her up
to confirm, but I'm guessing no.

[JAKE] Hey.

So, uniform's combing the campus.

We found a partial shoe tread,

picked up a droplet of blood.

It looks like there
might be more traces of it

in the hall garbage.

So our perp might have
dumped something on campus?

- Mm-hmm.
- Not the brightest bulb.

Security cameras?

Line was cut around 5:45 p.m. yesterday.

Which would mean the body
could be floating 15 hours?

Based on skin creping and
early vascular marbling,

- yeah, it's possible.
- All right, thank you.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

- [TESS] Did you call me onto this?
- [JAKE] I don't have that authority.

All I can do is ply the
big guy with a gentle nudge.

Well, then thanks for
the nudge. [CHUCKLING]

You've got this, though, right?

Being an outside consultant?

It's solving cases like
always, just better coffee.

There's a lot of eyes
on you this time is all.

- The irony.
- I deserved that.

All I'm trying to say is watch your...

- Oh, my God...
- You're really doing great.

- What do we know about the victim?
- Single. She lived alone.

She had an office here in the building,

and according to the staff,
she liked to work late.

Sound like anyone we know?

Yeah. A dedicated
professional, I like it.

Where are we at with the swim team?

The women's team trained with
her yesterday at 4:00 p.m.,

and might have been the
last people to see her alive.

Mind if I take the first crack at them?

I'm a swimmer.

Why else do you think we brought you in?

[INSTRUCTOR] Let's go!
Higher jumps, come on!

Come on, come on, let's go!

Knees up!

Palms flat!

Higher, let's go! Come on, come on!

Earrings, Emma?

No bling. This isn't a Beyonce concert.

Liniment, Faith?

Gross. Come on, you know the rules.

No perfumes, no oils, no scented soap.

Hit the showers, you reek.

Come on, let's go! Knees up!

Knees up! Let's go,
higher jumps, come on!

Let's go, ladies! Let's go!

- Come on, no slacking!
- [SUNNY] It's a real bootcamp.

Man, this is giving me
serious PTSD flashbacks

to my own high school Mean Girl.

I know you had your own version.

That girl that just knows how to work

- everyone's weaknesses.
- [INSTRUCTOR] Come on, let's go!

- Sunny?
- [INSTRUCTOR] Hurry up!

Oh, she's looking right at us.

Take five, ladies.

You and you...

Can I help you?

Kendra, right?

I'm Tess Avery, Metro PD.

You know, most people, when
someone close to them is m*rder*d...

Coach Chalke taught us

that no one is more
important than this team.

She'd be proud of us for keeping to

the schedule and working through it.

It's our way of processing.

So you saw her around 4:00?

- Yeah.
- Anything seem unusual?

Anyone hanging around,
waiting for you guys?

Campus is pretty dead on Sundays.

- We were alone.
- What about your coach?

Remember anything unusual about her?

Not really.

Coach never small-talked.

She always kept us on task.

That's what made her
the best in the country.

So it's true some of you
were going to the Olympics?

Four of us are in contention.

Coach worked hard for that.

I'm not letting that fall apart on her.

What time did you guys finish up?

Around 5:00.

Do you remember seeing
anyone stay behind?

I went to the mall with
Faith. We left right after.

[TESS] Can you think of anyone who
might have had it in for your coach?

She's looking away from you.


There is this new girl.

She's really weird.

Strong swimmer, but she
couldn't take the pressure.

Coach cut her a few days ago.

She lost it,

made a big scene.

Jewel Corson.

You know where I can find her?

So I heard from your teammates

that you and your coach
got into it pretty good.

Yeah, I mean...

she cut me after a bad race.

It happens.


'Cause I heard it dropped
you from Olympic contention.

- [SUNNY] She's picking at her fingers.
- She was frustrated with me,

and I don't like being shouted at.

[SUNNY] It's like she's nervous.

Now she's fidgeting with her shirt.

It says "Kiwi Jr." on it.

Uh, Kiwi Jr., what is that, hip-hop?

Indie. If The Strokes
and Pavement had a baby

while partying with
the Velvet Underground.

Oh, you had me at Pavement.
I've gotta check 'em out.

[SUNNY] That's odd. No reaction.

So, where were you yesterday afternoon?

I was at the park with my boyfriend.

[TESS] How long were you guys there?

- [JEWEL] All afternoon.
- [TESS] And after that?

I was studying in my room.

Calculus is across campus, I have to go.

[SUNNY] Wow.

She seems a little bit defensive.

Yeah, well,

it's not unusual to be nervous
in this type of situation.

So, what are you thinking?

I gotta talk to Matt.

[MATT] I still can't
believe that Sabrina's gone.

I know.

It's like in high school
when Mr. Johnstone died.

[EXHALING] That was a terrible day.

- He was the only cool teacher we had.
- Yeah.

Remember how we cut class to
go toast to him at the pond?

[CHUCKLING] With that cinnamon whiskey.


I can still taste them cinnamon hearts.

And I totally thought
you were gonna kiss me.

I guess it was the booze.


[SUNNY] Guys?

You do know that I'm here, right?

[MATT] Sunny! Sunny, uh, yeah.

Shouldn't you two be out
there finding this k*ller?

Yeah, you know what, we do.

She's a student here.

Her name is Jewel Corson,

but her alibi is really questionable...

[SUNNY] Her body language reads guilty.

I know, but I'm... I'm
just not sure, okay?

I can't get a read on her.

I used to be able to
read people like a book.

How they held their bodies,

the tilt of their head,

their hands,

it was like reading minds,

and now...

it's just voices and shadows.

[MATT] Did Sunny describe
her body language?

Yeah, and, usually,
it matches what I hear with their voice,

but with Jewel...


just because people can see

doesn't mean they understand.

Maybe you're tuning into something
that you might have ignored before.

Are you telling me to "use the Force"?

Well, yeah, I-I wanted to,

but I know how you feel
about Star Wars stuff.


What I'm saying is trust your gut,

and, uh...

don't ignore your instincts.

Do you know Jewel?

Well, I know one of her profs.

Say the word,

I'll look into it.


[KYE] It's Kye.

You probably know that already.

- Hi!
- Hi.

I got a package for you.




Hey, I do a little
reno work on the side,

um, in case you wanted
to outsource your DIY.

Not that there's anything wrong
with your handiwork, though,

it's kinda abstract.

I was going for early Kandinsky.

- Yeah. Right, no, yeah.

- I have to get this.
- Yes. Yup.




God, it is so weird

hearing you and Matt
talk about the past.

You know, sometimes I
feel like an interloper.

Yeah, well, that's the Faustian pact

we made with each other.

Hmm... which one of us is...

... selling our souls?

Both, unfortunately.

Hey, where are we with
the swim team line-up?

Oh, good.

So I've got all six of them here,

with ages and short summaries.

[TESS] Mean Girl Kendra on there, too?

Is it really fair to call her that?

You know what a "Mean Girl" is, right?

I have seen the movie, three times.

Huh. Then why didn't you answer me
when I asked who yours was?

I was distracted.

Come on, every school has one.


It was me.

Okay? I was the Mean Girl.

I was the Mean Girl, I was the Kendra.


- I did not see that twist coming.
- Yeah, well,

I moved to a new school
in my senior year.

I never really had that much confidence.

I was an easy target for bullies,

and so I decided to change it up.

So you and I were on opposite ends

of the high-school hierarchy.

Yeah, but I didn't even
realize I was doing it at first,

and then I learned to pull
secrets from other girls

to help fuel my popularity.

Oh, I see, so you were an operator.

Yeah, with great hair

and a push-up bra.

I was Queen Bee that year,

and all the girls were feeding me
gossip in order to get close to me.

Sunny, if the Queen Bee gets all
her gossip from her Worker Bees,

maybe we gotta talk to one of them.

[SUNNY] There's stairs to the left.

Kendra is my friend.

She had nothing to do with this.

Tell her gossip always flows up.

[TESS] No one is saying she did, Faith,

but, you know, gossip flows up,

and maybe she knew something.

Mean Girls live to humiliate.

Look, I saw how she singled you out.

I can't believe she
humiliated you like that.

[SUNNY] Stop.

She's turning.

Yeah, Kendra can be hard on us,

but she knows what it takes to win.

- Meaning?
- She wanted us to be one.

We eat the same, talk the same,
even smell the same.

Smells can be distracting.

I should have never used liniment,

I just get muscle cramps.

Secrets are a one-way street.

You know, you say that
your team has no secrets,

but did Kendra ever give up hers?

Oh, I think you're reaching her, Tess.

Faith, you don't owe her anything,

especially not after
how she treated you.

I told the police I went
to the mall with Kendra,

because she asked me to...

but the truth is I went alone.

[SUNNY] The police already
checked the girls' lockers.

[TESS] So?

[SUNNY] 10 steps straight ahead.


To your right, 3:00, what's in there?


The shower's on, that's weird.


[TESS] Is somebody here?

[SUNNY] I don't see anyone.

It's just us.

Straight ahead.

Five steps forward...

Stop. To your left.

[TESS] You sure this is Kendra's locker?

Yeah. I screen-captured
the list from Jake.

Um... there's towels and some socks.

Why don't you try the next one?

It's Faith's.

A bra...

gym shorts, a t-shirt.

That's empty.

It's Jewel's.


- Did you feel that?
- [SUNNY] From 3,000 miles away?

No, a vibration,
like something is loose.

[CHUCKLING] Tess, I...

What is that?

It's soft, it's like
a sweatshirt, or a... ?

a towel?

[TESS] It's heavy.

[SUNNY] It looks like a door stop.

Oh, my God.


It's Jewel. She did it.


we matched the blood on the
door stop hidden in your locker

to Coach Chalke.

Do you know how it got there?

You said you were at a park?

With my boyfriend.

We ordered pizza from Romano's,

spicy Italian,

and I was reading the new Stephen King,

and he was reading "Blood Meridian",

which actually means

that he was checking baseball scores.

She seems wound up.

She's picking at her
thumb, her leg is shaking.

You doing okay?

It's hot in here.

Is that... a bruise?

At the back of her neck.

Could I see your neckline, please?


[SUNNY] It looks big.

I think it goes down her back.

Jewel, can I ask you to
stand up and turn around?

Could you lift your shirt a little bit

so I can see your back?

Where did you get those bruises, Jewel?

Field hockey.


You can take a seat.

I'll be back in a little bit.

[JAKE] Okay, unless the
rules of field hockey

have changed dramatically
since I was a kid, she's lying.

- What were those... defensive wounds?
- On her back?

I don't know, I mean,
Chalke was a strong woman.

Maybe there was a struggle,

she grabs Jewel, slams
her into something?

- She...
- Nah, you're reaching.

We found a m*rder w*apon in her locker.

Yeah, with no prints on it.
It could have been planted.

Yeah, but we've got motive, right,

so we bust open an alibi,

then we have opportunity.

What's wrong? You're...

You're not buying it.

You're protecting her for some reason.

I want to know why.

Look, everything that I see there

tells me that this girl is guilty.

Yeah, well, maybe that's the problem.

I would like to be supportive here,

but I'm not going to
patronize you, okay?

Her body is telling a
story that you can't see.

Simple as that.


I can hear, Jake,

and when body language reads as guilty,

the voice matches.

There's a tell when the
brain registers fear,

a quiver, a subtle lilt, something.

I heard nothing.

This is our first case
since you've been back.

Why do we have to be
on opposite sides here?

I'm here for the truth.

You were a little hard
on Jake, don't you think?

He can take it.

[SUNNY] You know, if there's
one thing that I miss,

it's fancy coffee.

Wandering into Joe's down the block...

He's not in there.

Their brown sugar latte?
[CHEF'S KISS] M'wah.

Well, that's what delivery is for.

Ew, no, I can't be one of those people

who has a single drink delivered.

Sunny, you're agoraphobic.

You're why delivery
exists in the first place.

You know, it's embarrassing.

I can't even let anyone inside.

I mean, except for my ex-husband,

no one has stepped foot in here


- Until?

My concierge.

He's actually offering
to help with a reno,

and I'm too afraid to let him inside

- to do the work.
- Oh, he sounds cute.

How could he possibly sound cute?

Because you sound disappointed.

[GRUMBLING] I hate how
good you are at this.

Yeah, well, let me know how it goes.

Oh, and, hey, get him a beer,

the menfolk like that.

You're giving me dating advice?

One of us has to have a love life.

Boy, are you betting on the wrong horse.

Incoming. Oh, and he
is looking fine today.

- Tess...
- Hi.

So I talked to Jewel's Sociology prof.

Standard stuff. Sits in the
back, quiet but bright,

underachiever, but, uh...

she thought that Jewel might
be suffering from abuse.

Based on what?

She saw her in the washroom on Friday,

dabbing makeup on her neck.

She had bruises.

She filed a report, but I don't
think anything came of it.

Friday is two days before the m*rder.

I think it's time I talked
to Jewel's boyfriend.

I'll see you.

[SUNNY] Oh, that's him.

Near the old smoking area.

[TESS] How do you know
there's an old smoking area here?

You know, every school had one.

He's three steps forward.

Griffin Lording?


Hi, I'm Tess Avery, Metro PD.

I understand you know Jewel Corson?

Um, is this about Coach Chalke?

Because I've already given my statement.

It's about Jewel, actually.

Specifically, the bruises on her neck.

Yeah, they happened a few days ago.

She slipped on some water, I think.

Oh, that's funny,

because she told me she
got them at field hockey.

I guess that's possible.

Jewel can be a little clumsy.


She said you two were together

the afternoon her coach was m*rder*d.

Could you tell me more?


We were at Vanier Park having a picnic.

We ordered pizza from
Romano's, spicy Italian.

Jewel was reading the new Stephen King,

and I was taking a s*ab
at "Blood Meridian".

Mostly checking baseball scores, though.

Um, that's about it.

Well, thanks, Griffin, and hey,
if you think of anything else,

please give me a call.


Well, those details
were almost identical.

[TESS] Yeah, funny, that.

Kind of like they rehearsed it.

Question is who's covering for who?

[SUNNY] Well, there must be something.

What does the ground
look like around here?

[SUNNY] Hmm, concrete,
a little bit of dirt.

[TESS] I heard a crunch.

Any chance there's a shoe print?


a little to your right...

Oh, bingo!

[TESS] You're no longer
just a person of interest

in the m*rder of Sabrina Chalke.

You're a suspect.

The m*rder w*apon was
found in your locker,

you lied about your bruises,

which my partner thinks
are defensive wounds.

We found a shoe tread
at the crime scene.

It matched your boyfriend's sneaker,

but you said he was at the park.

We have a witness who saw your bruises

before your coach was m*rder*d.

This is the part where
you tell me the truth.

What are you hiding?

Where did you get those bruises?

They're defensive wounds,

from when she tried to
keep me from hitting her

with the door stop.

I k*lled Coach Chalke.

- She is lying.
- She just confessed to m*rder.

Come on,

she practically parroted
my words back at me.

She wanted to end the conversation.

It was a hell of a mic drop,
and, uh... granted,

something... something is off,

but even if she is lying...



Maybe wants to protect Griffin.

His shoeprint is a match.

I mean, maybe he helped cover it up.

Look, let's just give it a day, okay?

If we're wrong,

our k*ller is still in holding,

but if we're right,

our k*ller is still out there.

Jewel's confession just
completely came out of nowhere.

Well, trauma makes
you do strange things.

Well... maybe Jake is right.

I mean, maybe...

maybe my radar is off.

Or everyone else's is.

Tess, you read me like
a drugstore paperback

when I was talking about my concierge.

Your instincts are as sharp as ever.

Was there ever anyone you couldn't read?

Now, another flight,
about ten steps forward.

I mean, I've met a few
sociopaths in my day,

but Jewel isn't calculating.

She does stare at you
intensely... step down...

- or can't look you in the eye at all.
- Wait...

you never mentioned this before.


Ten steps down.

Well, her fingers twitch,

and she's always picking at her thumb,

Kendra called her "weird",

and her eye contact
is noticeably atypical?

Could she be neurodiverse?


How could nobody have seen this?

The same way no one
can tell I'm low vision.

She's been masking.

Well, you know, autism does
go under-diagnosed in women.

I mean, there's so much
pressure to fit in, that they...

They learn to fake it.

And do what the Queen Bee says.



Okay, that's for me.

So, I took, your advice

and I ordered my
first brown-sugar latte

in over a year.

[TESS] Well, go get it.

I'm almost there.



- Hi.
- Hi.

I intercepted your delivery guy.


There you go.

[SUNNY] Ah...

Did you have a chance to...

think about our renovation?

Our conversation about
your... renovation?

Nice work, but it's
not exactly "Blue Rider".

I googled Kandinsky.

I'm sorry about the...

I'm in. Let's do it!


Okay, yeah.

Fantastic, all right, um...

I... have an errand to run,

but are you going to be here later?

Yeah, I'm not going anywhere.

Right. [LAUGHING] Yeah, that...

Okay, uh... I'll be... Yeah.

[SUNNY] Oh... Mia alert.

- [MATT] Hey you.
- [SUNNY] 12:00.10 paces.

Uh, Mia, what are you doing here?

We had a session, remember?

Ah... yes.

Yes, we did, I'm, uh, I'm sorry.

- I've been a little busy.
- You were ignoring my texts,

so I thought you might be...

What, lost again?

No, avoiding me.

So I called Matt,

and he told me what happened.

Yeah, Mia thought I
could use some cheering up

about Sabrina.

Hey, give us an update.

Should we tell Matt
that Jewel confessed?

Uh, okay, well...

we're looking at the boyfriend,

and, I don't know, I
can put him at the scene,

but I need more.

Wow, if this was a British crime show,

this would be the part where the
Bobbys make an elaborate plan

to try and get the guilty party to act.


- could Wilbur pass as K9?
- Oh, man.

Wilbur can hardly
pass for a service dog.

- Hey.
- Don't they usually use labs?

Well, yeah, but there was a shortage,

so they graduated a few mixed breeds.

- Didn't they?
- Actually, Mia might be on to something.

Think about it, we don't need
to convince the whole world

that Wilbur's legit.

We just have to convince one person.

Right, well, if we're doing this,

then I have to be Wilbur's partner.

- Whoa...
- He's my service dog.

Those are the rules.

Your clothes are way
too bright to be a cop.

Hmm, right, then, we're going
to have to improvise, aren't we?

Try this.

Looks like the k*ller's going down!

Yeah, they brought in the K9.

Did you know those dogs can smell blood

from five miles away?

[QUIETLY] Tracker's in.


[TESS] Okay, I'm in position.

All right, Griffin's heading up Chestnut

near the brush by the park. You got it?

[TESS] Got it.

[SUNNY] Hug the bush, it curves left.


We got him.

He's kneeling by a bush.

He's digging.

Here we go.

I recognize that!

It's a Kiwi Jr. concert shirt,

that's Jewel's favourite band,

and it's covered in blood.

Griffin, talk to us please.

We get how it is.

You had a fight with Jewel,

things get out of hand,

you didn't mean to hurt the girl...

No, no, no, I had nothing
to do with Jewel's bruises.

I would never hurt her.

- But you do know where she got them.
- No, no, I had no idea!

[TESS] Then when did
you first notice them?

Thursday night she canceled our
plans, without telling me why,

and then on Friday, I saw her,
but she was acting different.

She wouldn't let me touch her.

That's when I saw her
covering up her bruise.

- Did you ask her about it?
- Yeah. She snapped at me.

Later, she told me she
slipped on a wet floor.

Tell us what happened on Sunday.

Sunday, Jewel was up early for trials.

She was cut, and I was there

when she flew off the
handle at the coach,

but it wasn't like her,

and then she said she was
gonna skip on the regroup at 4:00,

so I offered to take her for
smash burgers. Her favourite.

She can't have that while she's
training, but she just never showed.

So there was no picnic in the park?


When she didn't show, I figured
she went to the swim regroup anyway.

- [TESS] And what time was that?
- Around 6:00.

There was no one there,
but the back door was open.

The pool area was covered with blood.

Coach Chalke was dead.

I was gonna call the police, but then...

I saw Jewel's shirt shoved
in the garbage, and...

I couldn't let her go down for this.

When did you next see Jewel?

I found her under the bleachers.

That's where she said she used to go

when she was upset at swim meets

back home when she was a kid.

What was she doing there now?

She went back to
apologize to the coach...

but she found the body,
and she went into shock.

She hid.

She swears she didn't do it.

And you believe her?

I have to.

[JAKE] What happens next?

[GRIFFIN] I said we
should come up with a story

to tell you guys, like an alibi.

- The spicy Italian alibis.
- Yeah.

We're familiar.

Is Jewel on the autism spectrum?

[GRIFFIN] I don't know.

I mean, yeah, I guess, um...

She's never been to the doctor
about it, as far as I know.

Her parents are clueless.

Good at denial, you know?

She said I was the first
person to ever really see her.

Look, she-she didn't do this, okay?

She couldn't.

I'm just saying, if
Griffin was involved,

then he would have
buried his own shirt, too.

True, but I'm not so sure
he thinks she's innocent.

I don't buy her as the k*ller, Jake.

Neurodiverse does not
mean innocent, Tess.

Fair enough, I will give you that,

but she's been going through life

with a completely
different operating system

than everybody else.

She has no idea why.

Let's just give her a chance.

For once, I don't think I disagree.

- [SUNNY] He's smiling.

Come on, Tess, smile back!

Let's get the band back together.

[JAKE] Oh, I gotta take this.

[SUNNY] Would it k*ll
you to flirt a little?


Speaking of,

is that your concierge?



Oh, my...

Are you going to be okay without me?

Girl, I'm fine.

Go enjoy a good flirt.


[JAKE] So... autopsy's in.

Cause of death is from cranial trauma

and not from drowning.

- So the body was moved?
- [JAKE] Oh, it gets better than that.

The head wound had a distinct curve

that did not match the door stop, so...

Confirmation of what
I already suspected.

Jewel has been framed.

Let's go.

I'm afraid this is not just a patch job.

We're gonna need to
re-plaster the whole wall.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm-I'm... you know.

It-it's been a while
since I've had anyone...

- here.
- Yeah, I know.

- I'm your doorman.

- Oh, God, this is a bad idea.
- What?

I really shouldn't be
letting anyone in here,

even if I find them attractive. It...


I can't believe I said that, I'm sorry.

I-I'm a bit of a mess.

Can I give you a little
secret from the reno business.


The biggest messes?

Usually where you find the real gems.



Okay, I'm going.

Hey, uh, if you, um...

you know, when you're ready,

just let me know?


[JAKE] I'm sorry for doubting
you about the whole Jewel thing.

I may have been a little...

- Ableist?
- Okay, I deserve that.

Ah, you're not the
only one who misjudged.

I mean, look at me, I
was way off on Griffin.

- Back to square one.
- What about Kendra Delvecchio?

The Delvecchios have serious clout.

Honestly, they've given so
much money to the swim team,

I'm surprised they haven't dedicated

- a whole swim complex to 'em.
- So?

We don't have enough
on her, Tess, you know?

If we start digging around,

we'll be swarmed in high-end lawyers.

What if I look into it?


Let me file that under
"I don't wanna know".

Working as a consultant
does have its advantages.

[MATT] The good news
is Kendra Delvecchio

has given me lots to work with.

So far no selfies with
the m*rder w*apon, though.

Aw, that's very inconsiderate.

[MATT] Okay, say she did it,
how long are we talking here?

[TESS] Hey...

You okay?

There's a wake Friday for Sabrina.

I'm just not ready to say goodbye,

not until we figure this out.



Kendra has a second private account.

- Tess, if I can access this...
- [TESS] No.

No, I am taking this to tech
at Metro. You've done enough.

How many weeks is that gonna take?


But, Matt, you're a professor.

Look, this could
violate Kendra's privacy.

You could lose your job.

She was my friend.

Don't you need a password?


Not if I have a face.

My lawyer told me not
to talk to the cops.

Everything has to go through him.

Girls like Kendra need
to feel in control,

so you need to make her
feel a lack of control.

Absolutely. He's absolutely right.

- Oh, wait, your mascara's smudged.
- Where?

Get her to hold still.
We need the whole face.

No, for real, under your left eye.

Okay, two more seconds.

- Sweet music.

Ah, yeah, you got it.

We are in.

I tapped into Kendra's
deleted private photos...


... and I was right.

The bad news is...

you may not want to know about this.


Um, um...

Jewel is... against a tree,

and her back is exposed.

The swim team is around her,

and they're hitting her with towels...

It's a hazing.


[SUNNY] She's
half-dressed, she's crying.

Um... Matt, please.

Yeah, I may not be a cop,

but I know that none of
this is admissible in court.

Maybe not,

but the things we find out will be.


I beat Kendra four races in a row.

and then Thursday night,
she called a "Spirit Building Exercise".

Which turned out to be a hazing.

They do it every year,

it's a school secret.

The team captain steals a trophy,

and then the rookies
drink vodka from it,

and then they put me up against a tree,

and they started hitting me.

And that's how you got the bruises.

It was just using towels,

so it didn't really hurt at first,

but then...

Kendra came at me, and
hers was wet and hard,

like there were rocks in there,

and my body ached for days,


I tried to cover up
the bruises for trials,

but then I just couldn't make my times,

so then coach cut me.

So why didn't you
tell her what happened?

Because Kendra told me that if I did,

she would put the video
online, and everyone would know.

That would only implicate her.

You can't really see anyone
else in the video, can you?

I mean, you can sure see the
half-naked girl tied to the tree.

Kendra's dad would make it go away,

and I would be turned into a meme.

Here's the problem, it
still doesn't explain

why you would confess to m*rder...

I just wanted to skip
right to the inevitable

without having to wade
through the ugly parts.

[JAKE] You just thought the fix was in.

Story of my life.

Swimming is simple.

You just focus...

and you breathe...

the whole world goes away.

You know?


I do.

Kendra took that away from me.

Please, um...

please don't let that video get out.

We're gonna make sure no one sees it.


You have to tell us where
Kendra got that trophy.

Tell me it has a curve in it.

It has a curve

and a dent.

Sitting right here this whole time.

Okay, there's no cameras
here. It's a dead spot.

Her body was moved, so she could
have been k*lled in her office.

Yeah, we checked that.
There's no coverage from her office

to the edges of the pool.

Giving the k*ller the
chance to cut the cameras

before coming in.

If Kendra's our k*ller,

we gotta put this w*apon in her hands.

How far back does our warrant
on the school cameras go?

We got a six-hour window
before and after the crime.

Well, the hazing happened
Thursday at midnight.

- We've gotta go back further than that.
- Yeah. Come on.

This is her?

Kendra Delvecchio.

With the m*rder w*apon under her arm.

Go get her.

You don't have grounds to
hold her, and you know it.

Well, our investigation is ongoing,

but we already have her
on as*ault with a w*apon,

Theft, and Criminal Negligence,

so I wouldn't be planning any
trips to the Caymans anytime soon.

Please escort her to holding.


[SUNNY] You're not making happy noises.

We don't have her on m*rder.

Yeah, but we will.

[TESS] Kendra got
Jewel cut from the team.

She got what she wanted.

Why k*ll Coach Chalke?

Well, Kendra has a mean streak,

so maybe Chalke threatened
to demote her from captain?

So she got stung by the Queen Bee?

You must feel good.

I don't. Not yet.

[SUNNY] There's a door
stop to your right,

Jewel's concert t-shirt
right in front of you.

The blood spatter is right in one spot,

- probably where Kendra put it.
- [BENNETT] Anything?



At least we tried.

Yeah, right.


What's going on, Tess?

Kendra didn't do it.

But I know who did.


She's at 2:00, five steps away.

Hi, Faith.

Hey, you ever get rotator cuff problems?

Because mine was bugging
me a couple years back...


could not lift a cup for a week.

And you're telling me this why?


Because I can smell it on you,

just like on Jewel's shirt,

the one you wore when
you k*lled Coach Chalke.

She's going to run.

You run, and I will find you.

Your next move is critical,

so talk to me.

When Jewel flipped out,
Coach knew something was up,

so she followed her to the bathroom.

So she saw her bruises?

She knew about the hazing.

All I know is when the
Coach called me into the office,

the cup was on her desk,

and she wanted to know everything,

and she expected me to turn on Kendra,

but that's not how I was wired.

You mean that's not
how Kendra wired you.

Do you know what it's like
to be on the cusp of the Olympics?

Failure was my weak
spot, and Kendra knew it.

I just kept hearing
Kendra's voice in my head,

how it was our job to protect the team.

I knew if the hazing came out,

we'd be finished, and... [SOBBING]

It was an accident.

I mean, it happened so fast.

Coach Chalke turned, and I
picked up the trophy, and I just...

I did everything I
could to bring her back,

- but she was gone.
- Then why frame Jewel?

I was trying to make it look
like Kendra framed Jewel.

[TESS] So you took Jewel's
favourite band shirt,

and dipped it in your coach's blood?


I tossed it in the nearest garbage,

and then I planted the bloody door stop

in Kendra's locker.

I thought the police would.

Except Jewel's boyfriend found
your fake evidence and hid it.

And Kendra must've found the door stop,

and put it in Jewel's locker.

I mean, for once, I just
wanted to control her.

But you made a decision, Faith,

- and it has consequences.
- No...

[SUNNY] She's in custody, Tess.

It's over.

Presents from Sabrina.

She never forgot a birthday.

Sounds like a hell of a woman.

She was.

To Sabrina Chalke.

I will think of you every time
I hoist one of your silly mugs.


One of a kind, Beans.

That is smooth.

Small-batch bourbon, aged five years.

Well, Sabrina deserves it.

So do you,

for giving her family peace of mind,

and me.

Seeing what you do up close...

I don't know how you deal, Tess.

Well, you know, this helps.


Well, Sabrina would have loved you.

I'm really sorry, Matt.

Wow, I am having deja-vu.


Toasting to Mr. Johnstone?


Even the pond is the same, wow.

At least the bourbon's an upgrade.


Amen to that.

For the record,

I had no idea you wanted
me to kiss you that night.


I thought I sent out the biggest signal.

I blame the nerves.

There's nothing that I wanted more.

I was young and dumb.

♪ Oh, I'm lost and found... ♪

♪ Oh, I'm lost and found... ♪
