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02x02 - A New Dawn: Part Two

Posted: 11/23/14 19:55
by bunniefuu
Deep within the Royal Vault there is a statue called the Palladium.

It is said Atlantis will never fall while it remains within its walls.

Less than an hour ago the Palladium was stolen.

If the army find out about this they will desert and the city will fall.

You want us to retrieve it?

We have to keep moving.


They were caught deserting the city.

Ready the men. We attack tonight.

(growling overhead)

(loud roar)


(clanging of swords)

(clanging and chanting nearby)


(battle cry)

I find it strange they choose to die.

They should have surrendered when they had the chance.

Ariadne is young and inexperienced.

She will realise her mistake soon enough.

M'lady, Dion is asking for re-enforcements.

Then we must send the Palace Guard.

But that would leave you undefended...

If the city falls, I fall with it.

Give the order.



(deep growling)

Still think it's bats?



Me, neither.

Which way?

(breathing echoes)

Any way that gets us further from whatever that is.

(beast sniffs and growls)


(heavy thuds)

Heave...! Heave...!

(heavy thuds)

With me!


We must see to your wound.

I can't leave my men.

You are no use to them dead.

You should rest.

I must return to the battlements...

We will need more men like you if we are to survive this.

I'm a coward. I thought about leaving you and saving myself.

But you didn't.

May the Gods be with us all.

(he groans)

Oh, no. We need to head back.


Perhaps if we stay here, it will pass us by, and go on its way.

There's no time. We must return the Palladium to Atlantis.

(sounds from beast echo)


So now we're heading towards it.


I can't hear anything...


Perhaps we lost it?

Or perhaps it found us.

Hold him.

(jason groans)

Sh! Sh!

(Sorry!) Sorry.

(beast roars)

What was that thing?

I believe it was a Cyclops.

Did you k*ll it?

Almost certainly.


There are dozens of tunnels back there, it'll never find us.

(beast growls more loudly)

It appears to be tracking us.

Then we have to outrun it.

We'll never outrun it - not while we're carrying Jason.

You think we should leave him?


No! Me neither! Shame on you for suggesting such a thing.

(beast roars)

Stay hidden, I'll see if I can draw it away from you.

What if you fail?

Then you will die in the knowledge that I failed heroically.

(it growls)

(it sniffs)

(jason groans)

(in distance) Yoo-hoo...!



(loud roar)

(it shrieks)


There's nothing to fear.

It's stumbling around as helpless as Rodas.

Who's Rodas?

Rodas, the blind baker we steal bread from.

(low growl echoes)

I believe there might be more than one of them.

(soldiers in battle cry)

The Colcheans have breached the walls.

Get all these wounded into the citadel.

Save yourself.

They're slaughtering everyone in their path.

This is our city.

I will not see it fall to these Colchean savages.

Stay close. Trust to your instincts.

We have to move faster!

What's happening?

We're being chased by a hoard of one-eyed man-eating monsters.

One-eyed monsters...?

Do you smell that?

It's fresh air!

It's too steep to climb.

Then we'll have to jump.

If it's too shallow, we'll break every bone in our bodies.

(roars echo)

One of us must jump first to determine how deep the water is.


(he gasps and splutters)


(jason yells)

What is it?

How long is it since you've slept?

When I close my eyes, all I can think of is what will happen if Pasiphae takes the city.

Perhaps you should get some rest.


What news?

The barricades have held. The Colchean soldiers have retreated.

That is better news than I'd hoped for. And what of your men?

We've paid a heavy price.

Many are dead, or wounded, and men continue to desert.

And tonight, when they strike again?

The truth, please.

There are too few of us left.

They will break through.

We have captured some deserters.

Do you want an example made of them that will discourage others from following their lead?


No, if I become a tyrant, then what is it we all fight for?

Release them.

And ensure the Colchean dead are returned.

Let us hope they show us the same courtesy.

You believe I should have had the deserters ex*cuted.

That is not the person you are.

They have retreated to the upper town.

When will the city be ours?

We must regroup and bury our dead.

We attack again tonight.

What is it?

I thought he was someone from my past.


My son.

Whose idea was it to retrieve the Palladium?


We have... to return it to Atlantis.

It's been many years since I last saw you.

I was unsure if I would ever return.

I'm certain that your presence must be a great comfort to the Queen.

You seem troubled.

Who is it that you pray for?

I pray for the city, as we all must.

My Lord, not even the Gods can spare us from our own conscience.

Minos misjudged you.

But do not let his mistake poison your heart.

I fear it is too late.

In the eyes of the Gods, it's never too late.

(he winces)

You fainted.

Your fall reopened your wound.

Ah, you're back with us.

Thank you for... for not leaving me.

We should have done.

You're nothing but trouble.

So why didn't you?

It might be your job to save all of Atlantis, but it seems it's our job to save you.

So just remember who the real heroes are here.

You must give it a chance to heal.

I need to get back to Atlantis.

That's what you said last time, just before you collapsed.

This is ridiculous. You're too weak.

He won't listen.

Let him fall flat on his face.

He won't get more than ten paces.

Eight, nine...

That's ten... 11, 12, 13, 14...

Damn that boy.

Don't just stand there with an idiotic look on your face.

Thank you.

You're going to get us all k*lled while I'm still in my prime.

It's funny. I don't see you as ever having had a prime.

I'm in my prime, now. This!

This is my prime.

Prime of my life!

Fires have destroyed the barracks behind the sacred way.

On the northern barricade, only a few men are still standing.

On the western ramparts, the situation is even worse.

Dion, do you think I should surrender?

That is not a decision I can make.


I cannot advise you.

You must follow your heart.

I still have faith in Jason.

We fight on.

The young girl that I was so fond of has become a courageous and wise queen.

What if I'm wrong?

Thousands will die...

You must not blame yourself.

Who else is to blame?

I swore an oath to protect Atlantis.

The city is in flames and will soon fall.

If anyone is to blame, it is I.

Why do you say that?

Because it's the truth.

All those years in exile...

Pasiphae came to me and said I could have my revenge on Minos.

I could destroy all he had achieved.

There was one condition.

That I help her steal the Palladium.

You betrayed me.

I was blinded by my desire for revenge. I am truly sorry.

I trusted you.

The city may fall, but you will not live to see it.



Take him to the cells.
We caught more deserters by the Telapias Gate.

Less than half the garrison remain.

Then tonight we should take the city.

The Gods willing.

There is something I must ask you.

What are we to do with members of the Royal Court?

Any who swear allegiance shall be spared.

And Queen Ariadne?

It should appear she died while trying to escape.

She is Poseidon's servant.

Which is precisely why I cannot be seen to execute her.

The people should believe their queen fell to her death whilst deserting them in their hour of need.

If you do not have the stomach for it, there are plenty that do.

It shall be done.

I'll never walk straight again.

I'll stagger around lopsided like the town drunk.

You are the town drunk.

That was uncalled for.

What happened here?


An army must be fed.

Villages such as this are easy pickings.

We should check for survivors.

There won't be any.

It's the Colchean way.

Leave no man, woman or child alive.

We need to get back to Atlantis.

Lord Sarpedon has asked to speak with you.


There is nothing you can say that will make me forgive you.

I do not deserve or seek your forgiveness.

All I ask is a chance to redeem myself for what I have done.

And you believe that to be possible?


What if there was a way to shatter the Colcheans' morale?

It may be your only chance to save the city.

And how do you propose I do that?

By k*lling Pasiphae.

She is surrounded by an entire army.

No-one could get close enough to k*ll her.

A traitor could.

How do I know this isn't a ploy to save yourself?

I didn't have to confess.

I did so because I came to realise that I was fighting for the wrong side.

If you succeed, they will k*ll you.

I take what I did to you to my grave.

Let me also take Pasiphae to hers.

How much further?

We should reach the city before dusk.


Drop your weapons!

It must be a Colchean patrol.

We're surrounded.

Can't let them take the Palladium.

Drop your weapons, or die where you stand!

Jason, we have no choice!

It's su1c1de. If we drop our weapons, we draw them close.

We might just stand a chance.

You're Atlanteans. Thank the Gods!

Who are you?

I'm Hercules.

Has Atlantis fallen?

Not yet, but it will.

They've breached the city walls.

It's only a matter of time before they take the citadel.

You're deserters?

We refuse to give our lives when there is no hope of victory.

The Palladium is no longer in the city.

I did not want to flee.

As much as it shames me, there is nothing any of us can do.

And if the Palladium were restored?

What's your name?


If you feel shame... perhaps there is a way you can redeem yourself.

How? Surely the battle's lost?

That depends on you.

All of you!

The Colcheans believe you to be cowards.

The last thing they're expecting is for you to return and for you to fight.

It seems Queen Ariadne is ready to surrender.

She has at last come to her senses.

Escort Lord Sarpedon to my tent.


How does it feel to have finally returned to Atlantis?

It was not quite what I expected.

Your loyalty will be well rewarded.

You have the scroll declaring Ariadne's surrender?

How is Ariadne?

Poor girl will be quite crushed when she's forced to kneel before me.

I'm sure you are right.

Where is the royal seal?


(loud bang)

It seems you've had a change of heart.

Ariadne is a better queen than you will ever be.

She will only be queen for a short while longer.


The Colcheans are preparing to attack.

It seems Lord Sarpedon has failed.

What would you have me do, Majesty?

I cannot order you and your men to die.

You have no need.

We fight till the last man falls.

I will fall alongside you.

The entire city's surrounded.

We'll never make it through the Colchean lines.

I'm going to deliver the Palladium to Ariadne, or I will die trying.

None of us are dying, least of all you.

What are they doing?

They're exchanging the dead, that they might receive proper burial.

Perhaps we will need to die, after all.

Some of these are still alive.

I need to get these bodies to the Atlantean lines.

What are you doing?

I still have the stench of death in my nostrils.

We need to get to the citadel.

I'm so sorry father.


I couldn't bare to think I would never see you again.

I gave you my word that I wouldn't fail you.

(hercules clears his throat)

One Palladium, as requested.

All of Atlantis owes you a great debt.

I more than anyone.

I fear it is too late.

So many men have deserted.

Just as word spread that the Palladium was no longer in the city, it will soon spread that it has been restored.

You must give them hope.

(loud cheering)

Ah, there he is...

The cheat.

Seeing as we are all probably going to die today I suppose I better forgive you.

I have to go.

I will pray for you.

I hope the Gods are listening.

I have dreamt of the day I would re-take the throne and now it is finally come.

Give the order to attack.

It's the waiting I hate.

Why can't they just attack and have done with it?

You'll get your wish soon enough.

The Queen was pleased to see YOU!



Shut up.

Where's Miras and the deserters?

They'll come.

How do you know?

I'm an optimist.

Mathematically, your optimism is entirely misplaced.

The odds suggest we will all be slaughtered.

(chanting and marching)




(chanting gets louder and faster)


(battle cry, barrage of arrows)

Any more of this and you'll be a dead optimist.

This line won't hold!

You must persuade the Queen to leave the city!

Hold this.

We don't have much time.

What do you mean?

There's no sign of the deserters returning.

Unless they do, the Colcheans will take the palace.

You want me to flee the city?

If you're captured, you will be made to suffer.

I will leave if you leave.

I can't.

Then neither can I.

I will not abandon my people when they need me the most.

I'll do everything I can to protect you.

But I don't know if it will be enough.

It is enough that you have tried.

I told you we shouldn't have pinned our hopes on deserters.

Once a coward, always a coward.

I don't suppose you could be persuaded to sneak out of the city?

I'm going to stay and fight.

At least we'll all die together.

There is some comfort in that.

No, there isn't!

Fall back! Fall back!

We're finished! To the citadel.

Save the Queen.




(battle cry)

The deserters, they've returned!

On me!

You came back?

I should never have left!


My Lady! We must go!

We fight to the last man!

The battle is lost, we have to go!

Why do you look so grim?

We won.

So many lives lost.

They died fighting for what they believe in.

They believe in you.

It is you they should thank.

All of Atlantis is in your debt.

I owe you so much.

You owe me nothing.

What's wrong?

Before he died, my father said that when I became Queen I would have to sacrifice everything I held dearest.

It's only now I understand what he meant.

We cannot be together... because you are not of royal blood.

Why does that matter?

Pasiphae will strike again.

And we will defeat her again.

Only if I am as ruthless as she is.

There are already those who tell me if I married you, the nobles would turn against me.

Many of them remain loyal to Pasiphae.

They will seek to exploit our union, to turn the others against me.

More than ever, everything I do must serve to protect Atlantis.

Then we can be united in that.

If nothing else.


I'm sorry.

Poseidaon Gaieokhe - semati toutei.

Thuomenou taurou kuptontos amuneo hemen.

What is it you wish to know?

I need to talk to you about someone.


I've seen something I can't make sense of.

What is it?

Why would Pasiphae spare Jason's life?

She k*lled one of her own men to protect him.

Why would she do that?

I cannot pretend to know Pasiphae's mind.

The look on her face...

You are a seer. You must know why.

The Gods do not permit me to know everything.

What is it you're not telling me?

I cannot help you.

Then I shall ask Jason.


Tell me, or you give me no choice.

Who is she to him?

She is his mother.

You must have known he was not like other men.

I knew there was something, but not that.

Like Pasiphae, he is touched by the Gods.

Jason doesn't know, does he?

He doesn't know who he is.

No. And he must never find out.

What he says about his destiny...

Is it true?

Atlantis is facing many perils.

Only he can save us.

You have been chosen by the Gods.

They chose me?

For what?

You must protect Jason, at all costs.

You cannot fail.

It'd be a lot easier to protect him if he knew who he was.

Swear to me!

Swear... that you will never tell him!

If it's really that important, you have my word.

I've seen it.

If Jason learns the truth... his heart will blacken.

He will be consumed by hatred.

He will be lost to us for ever.

We have to keep moving!

Pasiphae and a handful of Colcheans managed to break through our lines.

It's believed they're headed for the Kalabrian Valley.

Hunt her down.

There will be no hiding place.

And, Dion...

When you find her... k*ll her.

I'm here to win the heart of Ariadne.

(crowd applauds)

Am I too ambitious?

I'm not sure a prince can ever be too ambitious.