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05x02 - Footsteps

Posted: 02/21/24 07:29
by bunniefuu
Can I have more pancakes?

You've had six already.

Yeah, but I've been
eating cereal all week.

So if we average it out,

that comes to around
one pancake per day.


I'll make you another batch.

No, Ray, it's okay.

You know the reason you've
been getting cereal all week?

It's because I'm cramming

for my dissertation defense on Tuesday.


Well, after Tuesday,

can Ray still come over
sometimes and make breakfast?

You know, not just on weekends.

Why don't you go brush your teeth,
and get ready for soccer?

All right.

You want to answer his question?

- What question?
- Oh, come on now.

Look, I'm just trying to figure
out where we are, all right?

You're as bad as Caleb.

Can't you see
I'm a little overwhelmed here?

What happens on Tuesday
is gonna determine

mine and Caleb's future.

Am I a part of that future?




I really cannot have
this conversation right now.

[CHUCKLES] All right, fine.

How about I take Caleb
to school Tuesday,

if that helps you out?

That would be great.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Don't blame me.

Reverse, then you have
to meet me at the kitchen.

- I did.
- Every time, Dad.

You need to remind me.

I'm used to playing tennis
like a real man.

[LAUGHS] Wii Tennis, yeah.

Yeah, exactly.

I can't believe we got our asses kicked

by a couple of chunky soccer moms.

Yeah, well, the one in
the sweatpants is kind of cute.

Oh, you mean the one who was ripping

your backhands for winners?

Hey, I'll show you what
a good backhand looks... like.



All right.

Come on, Dad.

Come on. Come on.

Yeah. Mr. Backhand.

It's just pickleball, okay?
We can play next week.

What's wrong?


I think I know that guy.

From where?

That's him.

You're sure?





Talk to me, Hana.

A car b*mb exploded yesterday

in the parking
of a Long Island rec center.

k*lled inside the vehicle
were father and son

Michael and Matthew O'Hearn.

Matthew was NYPD?

Yeah, assigned to a precinct in Queens.

His father was also in the department,

but he retired eight years ago.

They both live on the same street

in Shirley on Long Island.

Whose car was it?

The father's, Mike O'Hearn.

Good chance he's the target.

Why'd we catch this one?

An employee at the rec center saw

a gold Toyota with New Jersey plates

speeding away after the expl*si*n.

The presumption is interstate flight.

Not to mention two dead cops.

Do we have a partial on the plates?

Unfortunately, no.

Well, if I'm the bomber,

I'm not posting up there
in my own car, so.

I'll flag the Jersey databases

for a stolen vehicle
that fits the description.

Barnes, talk to Matthew's CO.

Hana and Ray, to local PD.

Nina and I will talk to their families.

Let's roll.

When you marry a cop, this is always

in the back of your mind, but...

on Matthew's day off, and...

[CHOKING UP] And he was with his dad.

It's okay.

Apologies for the intrusion,

but the sooner we get the lay
of the land, the better.

We understand.

Who knew they were gonna be
at the rec center yesterday?

Uh, nobody, really.

Matthew and Jennifer live
down the street.

Matthew came by and talked Mike

into getting out for some exercise.

Ten minutes later, they were gone.

Is there anything going on

in their personal lives
we should know about?

What do you mean,
like an affair or something?

An affair, money problems,

maybe someone holding a grudge.


If you want to step away
in private, we can.


Mike had a fling with a coworker.

But that was before
he left the department,

like, nine years ago.

It was ancient history.

People tend to get close

when they do dangerous work together.

That wasn't the situation.

Mike worked in
the traffic enforcement unit.

His whole career?

Most of it, yeah.

Uh, he said that the work was low stress

and, uh, it made him happy.

That's all I really cared about.

Appreciate your candor, Mrs. O'Hearn.

If anything comes to mind,
please let us know.

Of course.


That's right.

Got any leads?

Still early. You family?

Paul Mullins.

I worked with Mike for years.

You do me a favor.

When you find the skell that did this,

you give me a couple minutes with him.

Let's put a pin in that.

I'm dead serious.

So am I.


I saw it on the news last night.


Matthew O'Hearn worked Patrol?

Ever since he graduated from
the academy three years ago.

Things are pretty quiet
here in Forest Hills.

That's a cushy assignment
coming straight out the gate.

He have a rabbi?

Sounds like you were on the job.

Manhattan North Narcotics.

How's the bureau treating you?

Well, for starters,
the uniform's better.

For real.

O'Hearn's father retired
as a lieutenant.

Matthew looked up to him,

talked about him like
he was some kind of w*r hero.

He might have pulled
some strings for his kid.

I don't really know.

Was Matthew into anything

that could have gotten him k*lled?

He was good police.

By the book, got along with everybody.

If he was targeted,
it wasn't about work.

Nobody in this bougie neighborhood

is knocking out car bombs.

It was a cell phone-triggered IED

secured to the car's
undercarriage with a magnet.

So it can be transmitted from anywhere.

True, but case studies tell us

he's usually on hand for the detonation.

That makes sense.
I mean, we got a description

of the vehicle fleeing the scene.

Are any of these fragments traceable?

It's a fairly sophisticated device.

The circuit board is more typical

of a European cell phone.

To be honest, I've never seen
one quite like it in New York.

Well, it sounds like it's not
our bomber's first rodeo.

I mean, a unique design like this

has got to be a signature, right?

Possibly. You guys would
have better resources on that.

All right. We'll see what we can find.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

The b*mb's on its way
to TEDAC for analysis.

Did PD turn up any other eyewitnesses?

A kid in the parking lot.

He said he saw the gold car
zooming past,

and there was a cr*ck in the windshield

and two people inside.

Which means this could be a duet.

And they stuck around long enough

to make sure the device worked.

Or for the emotional
satisfaction of seeing

their victims blown to smithereens.

So check this out.

Matthew O'Hearn's CO mentioned

he idolized his father as a hero.

That doesn't really square with
a career in traffic enforcement.

Unless he holds the world record,
for writing parking tickets.

I doubt it.

According to this NYPD database,

there is no record of Mike O'Hearn

ever serving in
the traffic enforcement unit.

- Hey.
- Eduardo Juarez?

- Yeah.
- There's a package for you.

Uh, I wasn't expecting anything.

It says it's from
the New York Police Department.


All right.

Do I need to sign for it?


All right, thanks.

I was in the basement doing laundry.

I heard the doorbell ring,
and a few seconds later,

the whole house shook.

How's your husband doing?

He's in surgery.

He lost both of his hands,

but the doctors think
they may be able to save him.

Well, we're hoping for the best,
for you and your family.

Thank you.

Eduardo is retired NYPD.

Did he know an officer
named Michael O'Hearn?

Eduardo and Mike worked together.

I called Mike to tell him what happened,

but he didn't pick up.


Mike and his son were k*lled
by a car b*mb yesterday.

Oh, my God.

That's... another b*mb?

What kind of work did they do?

They were in traffic enforcement.

Are you sure about that?

Because there is no record of
Mike ever being in that unit.

That can't be right.
I'm sure that's where they met.

When your husband gets out of surgery,

we'd like to talk to him.

I understand.



Traffic enforcement, my ass.

Remember that linebacker Mullins?

Yeah, the one who wanted to, uh,

spend some quality time
with our suspect?


I'd like to have
some quality time with him.

Barnes is ex-NYPD.

I'll have her meet us there.

It's like I already told you,
Mike and me worked together.

With Eduardo Alvarez?

Eduardo, yeah.

He was junior to me and Mike, but, uh,

he was one of our guys.
In traffic enforcement?

That's right.

I think you're lying.

And why would I do that?

You tell me.

Sounds like I'm hearing George Santos

spin his résumé on Cameo.

I don't buy that either.

When I was NYPD,

traffic enforcement was
for scrubs and washouts.


Well, you know what I think?

I think you all should leave

before I say something I regret.

Just so you know, Eduardo was m*nled

by a package b*mb today.

He lost both of his hands.


In his living room.

Somebody's targeting retired
traffic enforcement cops.

And we think you could be next.

So it's time to cut the crap, Mullins.

What the hell is going on here?


Okay. Okay.

Come here.

The three of us worked
for the department's

Counterterrorism Bureau.

That's why Mike's son was so proud.

Why would Mike and Eduardo
lie about that to their wives?

We were part of something
in CTB called the Ghost Squad.

It was a team formed after 9/11.

We were tasked with
administrative dispositions.

There is no such thing.

Cops outside of CTB weren't in the loop.

We specialized in
breaking down t*rrorists.

What does that mean?

Interrogations using physical,

psychological t*rture?

[SCOFFS] t*rture.

You call it what you want, all right?

Our city was att*cked.

And there was a w*r going on.

We saved more American lives

than you could possibly imagine.

You know, and... all right, here,
I-I'm guessing that you,

you worked at 26 Fed,
November 2008, yeah?

I was just starting out.

Yeah, you're welcome.

One year later,
game six of the World Series,

Yankee Stadium, you're welcome too.

The only bombs going off
that night were from Matsui.

Okay, so help us out here.

Who did the Ghost Squad break down

that might be looking for revenge?

We went balls to the walls with a...

with a couple dozen pretty bad actors.

I mean, I don't know.

- All right, Mullins.
- I-I don't know.

Make a list and send us

whatever intel you can
get your hands on.

Yeah. All right.

Um, it's been a long time and, uh,

might ruffle some feathers.

Good. I like to ruffle.

It's my thing.

Especially when I'm chasing
a cold-blooded k*ller.

I grabbed this from a doorbell cam

on Eduardo Alvarez's street
right after the b*mb exploded.

So that's the Toyota
from the rec center.

- Still can't see the plates.

Mm, same car, two retired cops.

Hey, I think we have
a serial bomber on our hands.

I got analytics from TEDAC.

The O'Hearn b*mb payload was C4.

Components are polyimide tape
and flux core solder.

Run that through
our known bomber database.

- No hits.
- The county b*mb tech said

that the circuit board
components could be

of European design, so maybe
we want to check with Interpol.

Here's one.

Jeyla Osman, 26-year-old
Turkish national.

She emigrated to the UK with her mom

when she was seven years old.

Any relatives, associates?

No. That's it.

She was top of her class
at Imperial College in London

with a degree in chemical engineering.

She was suspected of building the b*mb

that k*lled seven commuters on
the London tube three years ago.

Wait, all right, look, Jeyla was a kid

when Ghost Squad was operating,
so what's the connection?

How did she go from science whiz

to a suspected t*rror1st?


All right, it's been a long day.

Why don't you go home and get some rest

and figure out how we're
gonna find this woman.

I'll stay here in case anything pops.

Good night.

Who are you, Jeyla Osman?

What the hell do you want?


That must be him.

Be careful, Father.

Remember, he has a g*n too.

Not one of these.

I need a hot chocolate as well.

- You got it.
- All right, thank you.

Ooh. What's up, little man?

You got your homework and your lunch?

Homework is turned in by email, Grandpa.

Oh, grandpa? Wow.

sh*ts fired.


I can't thank you enough for doing this.

It's no problem. I'm just glad
work didn't get in the way.

Hey, you want a coffee for the road?

I'm good. If I have any more caffeine,

I could fly to LAU.

Well, good luck today.

- Okay.
- Good luck, Mom.

Don't tell your mom, all right,

that I bought you hot chocolate, okay?


- So I'm a grandpa now, huh?
- Yeah, I guess.

Y-yeah, you guess?

Some bad news to start the day.

Eduardo Alvarez d*ed last night.

Damn, that's rough.

Any progress on Jeyla?

No. There's no record of her entry

into the U.S. in the last year.

I mean, if she came from London,

she's traveling on phony papers.

What about her accomplice?

Mullins sent over this list
of Ghost Squad detainees

from the past 15 years.

All right, work backwards.
Deep dive into anything

- that seems promising.

Our flag on the Toyota
may have paid off.

From New Jersey State Police,

a gold Avalon was reported
stolen in Paterson, New Jersey.

Paterson's not far.

BOLO that plate.
Have Barnes and Ray meet me there.

The Avalon's registered
to a Gerti Mae Crowder.

She told local PD it was taken
from her garage.


We got b*mb components.

Heads up, this place could be wired.


TV's on in the living room.

FBI! Open up!

Who else is here, Mrs. Crowder?

Nobody but me.

- Clear.
- Clear.

Why is there electrical
wiring in your trash?

I don't know.

And why are you being so mean to me?

I'm not. That's just my face.

Nobody likes a wiseass.

Listen, it's my car that was stolen.

I reported it in.

And as far as the trash,
it's probably from my tenant.

What tenant?

Jeyla, the British girl that
rented the apartment out back.

Rented... so she moved out?

Three days ago.

The same day your car went missing?

Yeah, well, I didn't even notice
it was gone until this morning.

Well, you don't think she had...

Is this Jeyla?


Wait, and there was an older man

who spent a lot of time with her.

I was not happy about that.

We need to see that apartment.

Okay. Let's go.


Dresser drawers are empty.

Same in the kitchen.

Empty burner phone boxes.

IMEI numbers have been torn off
so they can't be tracked.

Six phones?

That means more bombs.

Sure does.

Damn it.

How much longer?

It's almost ready.

Are you?

What do you mean?

Why didn't you sh**t?

Because the boy was there?

The boy was not the problem.

I'm certain that was the right building.

The other two addresses were spot-on.

The man was too young
to have been in New Orleans.

Are you sure?


We're doing this for a reason.

I'm not interested
in harming innocent people.

You've gone soft
after all these years, Father.

And you've grown harder, child.

I stopped being a child

when the Americans came for me
in Antalya.


Close this up.

I'll find us the proper address.

Owner of the Toyota
is a 77-year-old lady

who rented out her basement
apartment to Jeyla.

There were boxes
of six more burner phones

and corroboration that Jeyla was working

with an older male accomplice.

- How old?
- I don't know.

We're thinking it's somebody
that the Ghost Squad was after.

You get any leads?


Kamal Berk was one of
the administrative dispositions

in '03.

He was seized by Customs as a stowaway

on a Liberian freighter that was pulling

into the Port of New Orleans,

and at some point,
made his way to New York City.

He did 18 years at Sing Sing

on state charges for possession
of a chemical w*apon.

He admitted that he and his accomplices

were targeting the city's water supply.

He was released and deported
two years ago.

- Timing's right.
- Yeah, I mean,

most of the other detainees
are either dead or in prison.

I'm sure he has his reasons
for wanting payback.

Does he have any connection to Jeyla?

We're still working on that,
but interesting fact,

after Customs grabbed him,
they handed him over

to the FBI field office
in New Orleans for questioning.

The assigned agent's name is Ray Cannon.

What they mean is Ray Cannon Sr.,

my father.

Pops moved out here
about a month and a half ago

for a head of security job
at Hartsdale Financial.

He says he's too young to retire.

It's nice that he's closer to you now.



That was fast.

- How's it going, son?
- I'm good, Pops.

- How you doing?
- All right, all right.

Hey, listen, how's that young lady doing

you were telling me about,
huh... Cora, right?

Uh, uh, this is not the time, all right?

This is, uh...
this is my boss, Remy Scott,

and my colleague, Sheryll Barnes.

Sheryll, how are you? Hi.

- The roommate, right?
- Uh, no.

That would be Hana.

She's at 26 Fed right now, working.

Oh, okay, I see I'm batting a thousand.

Listen, nice to meet you folks.

- Come on in.
- Thank you.

So, guys, what's this big emergency?

Does the name Kamal Berk
mean anything to you?

Oh, boy.

What's up, Pop?

I don't know if I want to go there, son.

Still having nightmares from that one.

This is important, Mr. Cannon.

Did you deal with Berk in 2003?


Why don't we all take a seat, hmm?


I caught the Berk case
after Customs had found him

stowed away on a freighter.

And the man was traveling with
just the clothes on his back,

$4,000 in his pocket, and a notebook

with a bunch of New York
addresses and phone numbers.

No papers?

Nah. No papers, no ID, no passport.

I traced one of the phone numbers

back to a chemical supply house
in New Jersey.

Then I traced one of the
addresses to a mosque in Brooklyn.

Huge red flags in '03.

All right, so I decided to call
the Joint Terrorism Task Force,

and they insisted on sending over

a couple of guys from NYPD
to interview him.

Let me guess, O'Hearn and Alvarez.

How'd you know that?

They were k*lled with bombs this week.

Oh, man.

What happened at your field office?

Well, Berk wasn't telling them much.

So they got desperate,

and they started doing things to him

that made me uncomfortable.

Like what?

Ah, corporal punishment,
sleep deprivation...

They tortured him.

Well, it pains me to say it,

but it was a different world back then.

Everyone was living in fear
of another t*rror1st att*ck.

Yeah. Yeah, they kept at him

for a few days,
and he still wasn't talking.

So then that's when they decided

to tell him that back in Turkey,

the CIA had picked up
his five-year-old daughter,

um, Jeyla.

Jeyla was her name.

And to prove it, they played
an audiotape for him.

Then they left.

I mean, they left in a hurry.

Matter of fact,
they left in such a hurry,

they forgot to grab the tape.

I think I still got it.

I brought it back
from New Orleans with me.

I'll get it for you. Here, come with me.


This coffee tastes like
what they gave us in prison.


What's wrong?

I cannot go back to that hellhole.

We should go home
while we still have the chance.

We aren't finished.

We made our point.

Maybe that's enough.

It's not enough for me.

[WHISPERING] The police are closing in.

I can feel it.

We're smarter than they are.

We've covered our tracks.

You do not know them like I do.

They will not stop.

We will not stop

until they pay for what they did to us.

Every single one of them.

[SCREAMING] Baba! Baba!


Baba! Baba!


Now, I don't know if this tape is real

or if it's something they fabricated.

But Berk believed it.

So he thought they had his daughter,

and it destroyed him.

The next day,
O'Hearn, Alvarez, and Berk,

they were all gone.

You know, they told me that
Berk had been transferred

into NYPD custody.

No extradition? How's that work?

I have no idea.

Couple of days later, I tried
to contact O'Hearn and Alvarez,

you know, just to get an update,

and I was told that
there were no detectives

by that name at the JTTF.

Welcome to the Ghost Squad.

And there was no Kamal Berk
in the system.

And when I called them out on that,

I got this captain on the phone

who basically read me the riot act.

Gave me this big lecture
about 9/11, the Twin Towers,

and staying in my lane.

So I gave up.

And every once in a while,
I can still hear

that little girl screaming
for her father.


Hey, Nina, what's up?

Got a hit on our BOLO.

An officer in Jersey spotted
our stolen Toyota

outside a motel in Parsippany.

All right, you and Hana meet us there.

Tell PD to keep their distance.

Ray, you should stay with your father.

- All right.
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I don't need a babysitter.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

You go get your fugitive.

Let's get it.

Get out of here.


I've been sitting
on your vehicle for 35 minutes.

Good work.

You see anyone
coming or going from the motel?

No, sir.

Just spoke with the clerk
at the front desk.

She said a woman
fitting Jeyla's description

checked into room 120 two days ago,

and she has a man with her.

They still there now?

As far as she knows.

I talked with the warden at Sing Sing.

He was monitoring Berk's
correspondence while he was inside.

This is a copy of a letter

that Jeyla sent seven years ago.

"Now that I'm 18, I have made
a decision about my future

"to be strong, Father,
knowing that I will

"walk in your footsteps, practice Jihad,

"and avenge what we have both endured

at the hands of the Americans."

Jeyla definitely kept her word.

All right, Nina and I will
scope out the room.

You two cover the ends.

Ray, follow us,

and, uh, give that car a once-over.

Don't forget the undercarriage.




I'll breach. You cover.

Let's wait for the b*mb robot.

That's an hour we won't get back.


No personal effects.

Son of a b*tches baited us.

Look, I don't think
that they'd leave on foot.

I mean, any one of these cars
would be easy pickings

for someone with Jeyla's skill set.

Oh, they're still here,

with a g*n to somebody's head.



FBI, open up.

Come on, we know you're in there.

Hi, what's going on?

Just checking you're safe.

We're fine, thanks.

How about your vehicles?

Yeah, it's right...

oh, no, my truck's gone.

It was stolen by the people
we're looking for.

I need a description and plate numbers.

Okay, uh, yeah, a green Jeep Cherokee.

- Okay.
- Uh, Jersey plates.

BYX 3345.

I need to talk to you privately.

Now's not a good time.

It's really important.
Can you leave us alone, for a second?

Where am I gonna go?

- You've got five seconds.
- Okay, okay. Lookit.

A few weeks ago,
I hid a tracker in his Jeep.

Are you kidding me?

To see if you were cheating on me.

- Okay, open the app now.
- What the hell? Stacy.

I know you're seeing somebody else.

Yeah, that's right, my wife.

So why'd you go to the city Friday?

That's what I thought.

They're heading east on the
Tappan Zee Bridge to New York.

Wait, they just turned
off Route 9 South.

That's five minutes from
my dad's house in Dobbs Ferry.

[SIGHS] It's going
straight to voicemail.

He have a landline?

I talked him out of it.

They've got
a 15-minute jump on us.

It's more like 10 now.

Barnes, let's have PD intercept.



- You okay?
- Not really.

Pick up the phone, Pops.

All right, pick up the damn phone.

Switch it off silent mode.

And lay these on top of the device

so the flower stems don't
sever the connections.



Hana, where the hell are they?

In Dobbs Ferry.

They just turned
onto Ray's father's street.

Wait. They stopped.

Flowers for Mr. Cannon.

There's the green Jeep.

Brake lights are on, so one of
them must be in the driver's seat.

The other one could be inside.

Flowers for me, Kamal?

I think you know it's a b*mb.

Back up slowly.


Nina, let's box them in.

FBI! show me your hands!


- She's got a g*n.
- Got a g*n.


That would be the FBI.

They are coming to put a stop
to all of this.

Don't get your hopes up.

If my daughter hears
the g*nsh*t in this house,

she sends both of us to paradise.

I'm going in.

No, you're not, Ray.

Berk's got a b*mb in there.

And my pop.

Ray, this is su1c1de.

She is not gonna trigger that
b*mb with her father inside.

I just need to talk to him.


Cover your ass.


Ray. Get out of here.

He has a b*mb in the flowers.

I know that, Pop.

We're gonna take a deep breath,

then we'll talk this out.


You're the son.

You can put down the flowers, Kamal.


I came a long way for this.

Miles and years.

I suggest you listen to your father now.

Or you could let him go.

And I could stay.

I'm not going anywhere, Ray.

If I wanted to k*ll you,
I could have done that

at the coffee truck in Brooklyn.

That's right.

I walked right by you and the boy

with a g*n in my hand.

But you didn't pull the trigger.

Right, so there's something
honorable about you.

Let's just go outside and talk.

So you can do what they did
to me in New Orleans?

You're making us jumpy

with that detonator in your hand, Jeyla.

Why don't you put it down
and talk with us?

Listen, I know

and I understand why you're angry.

I heard what happened in Turkey

when you were kidnapped as a kid.

I can't imagine what that was like.

I couldn't fight back then.

But I can fight back now.

I know.

I know you can.
I'm gonna holster my w*apon.

Times have changed.

Things are different now.

I like to believe that both sides

have learned some lessons.

Read the news.

Both sides have learned nothing.

But let's start.

Right here,

right now.

These men never paid a price.

So, what?

You k*ll us,

our children k*ll you,

your children k*ll them.

It's time to put a stop to this cycle

of retribution and retaliation, Jeyla.

Listen to me.

Vengeance is not the answer.

Vengeance is my oxygen.

I am sorry about
what happened in New Orleans.

But you got to believe me
that I did not know

that they were gonna play you
a tape of your little girl.

What would you do
if the voice on that tape

had been your five-year-old son?

I don't know, Kamal. I can't...

If you'd had 18 years in a cage

to contemplate the damage

that would do to him?


Our tactics were immoral.

And our leaders made choices for us

that were indefensible.

And here we are 20 years later,

and we're dragging
our own children into the mess

that we made.


- Kamal.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Berk's coming out alone.

Should we take him down?

Not yet.

Everybody, stand down.


Easy, Jeyla.

Go real easy.


Father, what's going on?

I've made my peace.

It's over for me now.

You decide.

Let's go.

Everybody good?

Yeah, we're good.

Why didn't you tell me
about any of this?

I wanted you to be proud of me.

Ah, come on, you know
I'm proud of you, Pop.

But I wasn't proud of me.

It wasn't you that mistreated them.

Well, maybe I couldn't stop it,

but I could have done something.

You know, I could have...
I could have quit.

- I could have blown the whistle.
- Yeah, Dad, I get it.

All right?

It was complicated.

You were one of the first
Black agents in New Orleans.

With a family to support.

But I couldn't find the courage

to stand up for what I believed.

You gotta stop b*ating
yourself up about this.


All right, maybe some of the things

you did back then were wrong,
but you did them

for the right reason, all right?

I guess so, son.

But you know, you got to try
to live your life

with no regrets.

And I'm not just talking
about the job, son.

That young lady you've been seeing...

- Ah, here we go.
- All right, hear me out.

You know, if you really think
she's the one,

do not let her slip through your hands.

Love you, Pop.

Damn it, I guess I got to love you back.


Oh, man. You ain't changed.

I gotta say, you... you were
pretty badass back then.

Yeah, well, and where do
you think you got it from, huh?

I know where I got it from.



Oh, one second.

Hey, what's up?

That's what I'm talking about.

Hell yeah, Doctor.

No, no, hey, let's... nah, we going out.

We gonna celebrate.

Yes. Bring... bring Caleb.

We about to... we about to, uh...

There's somebody I want you
to meet, okay?

Come on. Come on.


See that, Mr. Cannon?

Not bad, not bad.

But you got another ball, all right?

So let's see if you can clear the deck.

- Ah, man.
- Come on with it.

Hey, sounds like you two
had quite the day.

As did you, young lady.

Yeah, I knew she would k*ll it.

Never a doubt.

Good for you.

You're up, Mr. Cannon.

Ah, okey-dokey.

So you know that thing I
couldn't talk about a few days ago?


I didn't want to lead you on

while my whole life was up in the air.

- Mm.
- But I can finally

take a deep breath
and see things clearly

now that I'm actually getting my degree.


So I'm all in if you are.

- Of course I am.
- Yeah?


You're up, Ray.

Yeah? Already? All right, all right,

- all right, all right.
- Your dad got a strike.

Of course he did. I taught him

everything he knows, all right?

- Now, look...
- Yeah, sure.

It is all about the release, okay?



Man. Let's go, baby!

That's what I'm talking about.

- Whoo!
- Hey, there we go.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.