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02x07 - Single Working Mom

Posted: 02/20/24 19:52
by bunniefuu
I can Tennessee it's nice and cold yes

it is we are in Gallatin Tennessee which is right outside of Nashville we're here

to look into the three-and-a-half year old m*rder case of Lydia Gutierrez Lydia

was a beautiful 27 year old who spent her days as a waitress serving the locals after her shift Lydia would

return home and take on her other job that of a loving single mom raising three little boys yeah the two babies

wanted to happen to have something we're actually home and this occurred on

August the 12th 2010 lady is 8 year old son came home from school and found his

mom with the Walmart bag over her head and two knives protruding from her neck police determined that lady had been

k*lled earlier that morning between approximately 9:30 and 11:30 brutally and horribly in front of her two little

sons this is the most recent case we've had at only 3 years old and that

presents a different challenge because most of the evidence has already been tested for DNA and came back

inconclusive you can't blame them for thinking and looking at that crime saying something was going to come back with DNA on it you still have a lot of

pieces now it's just trying to fit it all together did you say we don't leave the egg because we're gonna get all these little pieces together I got a

convert Lydia's babies called their mom's k*ller a monster I agree for their sake I hope

we can catch who did this maybe we'll have some luck

it has been 16 years it's still no consider her k*lling a cold years later

the case is still unsafe there are so

many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime scene ultimately

tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring justice to these victims hey guys

nice to meet you Lydia's m*rder is definitely different to me you know you see a mother and that

type of scene the children being left there at home anytime you bring children into a case like this it drives you that

much more to find closure and be her voice [Music]

Ariella Brendon we're bringing Ellen Brown back this week because we need his patience and his persistence why don't

you just start from the beginning and tell us about the case officers responded to the scene after Lydia's

oldest child Carl had gotten off the school bus


they found two younger children there their ages were two and one at the time

okay strangulation

suffocation Kn*fe Kn*fe first responders

called all the local hospitals to be on the lookout for anyone coming in with any sort of suspicious injuries within

an hour this case got its very first lead okay our first suspect Josh Singletary there was an individual there

that was getting medical treatment for unusual lacerations once the officers

get there they're given a name the individual they're receiving the treatments for the lacerations was Josh

Singletary so suspicions just heightened greatly at that time Josh Singletary

told the police that the cuts on his hands and legs were caused by pane of glass that he accidentally broke in his

garage when the investigators went to

his house they found broken glass with his blood on it in the garage the question is was Josh trying to cover up

injuries he got during Lydia's m*rder or is it just one hell of a coincidence when investigators asked if Josh knew

Lydia is she wishes

from there he admitted that he had had a sexual relationship with her during the

investigation we developed that Josh was with Chris for Cody Wade is calling Cody white and Josh's roommate Cody Wade was

with Josh all day and that morning they were caught on security cameras approximately two miles rule idiots

house the m*rder happens in the morning so up until here Cody and Josh are in

Gallatin where Lydia is found creep this is our window our gap is from a little

after 9:00 until 12 o'clock we have to try and figure out what they were doing in this time frame

and hopefully Cody can help us get there Cody initially denied knowing anything about the m*rder but after being

pressured by detectives he admitted he'd dropped Josh off near Lydia's house that morning picked him up shortly thereafter

and Josh told him he'd been in a fight

about the injuries was his leg like that

when he got back in your car what what did he tell you had happened to that

Josh was arrested that day day or so after Cody gives that statement Cody

recant my statement hey I was lying what

made him do that he is just a rubber ball he's all over the place when Cody recants a statement the decision was

made to halt on the prosecution Josh is released shortly thereafter so the most recent boyfriend she has wise up in the

ER with lacerations is either involved or the unluckiest man in the world yeah you would think that Josh would be an

obvious suspect but when the detectives looked a little deeper they found out that Josh wasn't the only suspicious person in Lydia's

life okay so now we have our second suspect Albert Ronnie Doris he's a con ex-con

because his priors are alike at fraud embezzlement you know slick stuff he's not just a car

thief or a doper victim owes him money $3,000 the rest of money for that truck months before the m*rder Ronnie so liddy

a red pickup truck which had only partially paid him for how long have you been waiting for the romantic he knows

she has $3,000 you k*ll her and you get the trip back as well he took possession that truck right after the m*rder how

fast was it crazy less than weed that guy's not worried about her being m*rder*d anything the reason he wants the truck back is because he's gonna

sell it well of course he wants to make sure it's not tied up for a month all about the money he could care less that she's dead is there anything else we

need to add up there so we've got a big to-do list

we need to reinvestigate the crime scene piece together a clear timeline for the

m*rder and talk to all the witnesses we can find to see if Cody or anybody else knows who could have k*lled Lydia in

such a horrible way and left her kids without a mother we're headed to meet

Lydia's family to let them know that we're here to help Lydia's oldest son Karl now lives with his father but Lydia's mother Virginia

is raising her two youngest sons hi Hey I'm Kelli Virginia Danna nice to meet

you what's your name baby hi PJ nice to meet you and you are sorry

Alberto nice to meet you PJ and Berto were just babies when their

mother was k*lled and it breaks your heart to think about what they saw that day I can't imagine how horrible and

confusing it must have been for those little boys and still is today tell us about your sister maybe yeah

what do you remember most about her growing up she had friends who didn't

have a place to stay she said come to my place you can stay on her tombstone we

said to know her was to love her and that's how it went well that's very tight-knit family as

mothers we gave you complete credit from taking them in and taking them on and doing all that you have you're doing a

good job it's a big world out there it's a simple because I can't raise him his grandchildren and that's the hard part

yeah you want to be the grandma but now you're gonna be the mom and then when they start calling me mama it's like no grandma I'm not mom mom is in heaven

this case that means I was so tough for us this person turned our world upside

down yeah no god-given right to take my daughter's life he m*rder*d my child my

mom was alive I went out the door since he wasn't in there and then I stole a

Kn*fe in my mom so one brutal woke up I got him some ice cream for me and him

you were a baby huh it's horrible you know what you're very brave to take care

of your little brother that day you're a very brave little boy you know that [Music]

you know it's the hard case you've always known that and we know it's the hard case we're still gonna try our very

hardest okay take your grandma okay baby

Virginia clear we have I got enough to worry about okay we are in Gallatin

Tennessee investigating the 2010 m*rder of Lydia Gutierrez a sweet loving mother

of three little boys we got your pictures already little nerd this is a complex crime scene involving multiple

rooms and multiple weapons and we need to get a better understanding of how it all happened in order to get a clear

assessment of our k*ller

oh this is really small though Carl

Lydia's eight-year-old son discovered her body in the living room on the floor he walks right through the door she's

right here Lydia's laying flat on her back she's got a bag over her head it was a

combination that caused her death asphyxiation as well as having two knives that were inserted into her neck

on top of the TV unit is a bottle of 409 Olivia's body smelled of disinfectant

and investigators did locate an empty four nine bottle nearby it seems like our suspect possibly tried to cover up

any DNA on Lydia's body by pouring the entire bottle honor her shirt was still

completely soaked when responders arrived at 3 p.m. underneath her is a dish rag like you've

washed dishes with the sink was also filled with water and dish soap so one

thought could be that when iron sh**t came in that she was washing dishes she's got her dish rag they talked at first maybe intruder goes to grab her

what's interesting about this case is that all the weapons that were used to k*ll Lydia came from inside her house

which tells me this all happened in the heat of the moment at this point he grabs his bag puts it on her head he's

trying to strangle her this door is open there is a Kn*fe hanging out of here

maybe she goes for that when he realizes oh no you're not this burner were actually on the floor right here like

they were pulled off she grabs for that butcher block okay it's dumping he's

trying to get the knives they're just lying everywhere there's a total of three here two right there by the victim

two in the victim they're everywhere they're everywhere the struggle starts

in the kitchen and ultimately ends up in the living room on the floor I believe

at some point the k*ller stepped on Lydia's face and neck area

crushing ohayo he perhaps then grabbed the couch cushion to continue suffocating her as

Lydia was losing consciousness I believe the k*ller grabbed two knives and stabbed Lydia in the neck with both of

them that's just because he wants to make sure she's dead visualizing the struggle it seems to perfectly explain

how Josh could have gotten his unusual cuts except for one key thing the cuts

on Josh's leg were extremely deep and required 14 stitches yet none of his blood was discovered at this crime scene

so if that cut on Josh's leg didn't come from our crime scene is Chaucer our k*ller either way this was a brutal

m*rder that took place in front of two of her children why do I deliver lying there her own kids since the crime scene

has raised questions about whether or not Josh could have done this we're gonna focus our investigation for now on

the other suspect Albert Ronny Doris I will no religious I wouldn't here ladies

except for at eight o'clock when I went around there and saw the tape and stuff to see if my truck was still there

Albert Ronny Doris sold Lydia truck and we know that she's still owed him $3,000

and she was supposed to pay him back around the time of the m*rder we also know that Ronny immediately reclaimed

that truck after her death I'm telling you I didn't have nothin to do with this or nothing

we need to figure out if Lydia's debt motivated Ronnie to k*ll her we've seen people k*lled for a whole lot less what

do you remember about this red pickup truck that Lydia had purchased Jessica certeza was Lydia's cousin and they were

really close we're hoping that she will know if there was any conflict between Lydia and Ronnie over that truck I know

she paid person cash for it she was m*rder*d on August the 12th some people say that she was going to pay out

the truck three thousand dollars worth on August the 14th two days later you see any way

that Leah could come up with $3,000 in cash I know they shocked and had I

wasn't moving somewhere she had large

amounts of money they wouldn't have come from of Laurens this could be huge

nobody's ever said that Lydia had that kind of money in her apartment and no money was found in Lydia's purse so if

Lydia did have that kind of money it's possible Albert Ronnie Dora spelled hard to get his money and his truck back

[Music] we're on the hunt for Albert Ronnie Doris we know he used to live with a

woman named Beverly who used to babysit Lydia's kids so he still likes to live out in the boonies wonder why switch

bins on cars these year without the police to happen hey Ronnie around

Wendy expecting back not become in

alright my name is Alan brown and I've come in to help reopen Lydia's case when's the last time you

saw Ronnie you use an electric razor and

those wrong with his clothes up there everything set up in here like a man lives here barely boots over there in

the corner that's not gonna work where's

yet what's his phone number I mean it did Ronnie k*ll Lydia okay so on the day

of the m*rder where did you think he was at that time seems strange that's what

he told me did he and Lydia have a relationship he cut up and down but the kids matter 1pj he came to Maine

he hollered messed bail mama kids finally got the lips right on the lips yeah

heito up and down maybe yes but no I mean I'm like hero don't laugh this is a twist

if irani was in a secret relationship with Lydia or at least want it to be then the money she Odom is not the only

potential motive for him wanting to k*ll her ma'am I know better you haven't Ronnie's funk moment may I

see your phone may I see it thank you may I call Ronnie from your

phone thank you I appreciate it well you looking forward I don't like

police well thank God you finally said something honest hey Ronnie this is sergeant Shockley the Gallatin

Police Department you'd be doing me a solid favor if you'd come by there's a couple of things we want to ask you

sounds good he said a bid to counsel PD at five o'clock all right Beverly if Ronnie don't show up at the Galvin

Police Department five o'clock we'll be back sup dawg sorry holy always love it's

just hard knowing he's not coming home every day we are thrilled to report an update in the case of the b*ating death of rocky Bryant that we tackle along

with the gains County Sheriff's Department in the episode titled blind love in a plea agreement a few weeks ago

Patricia graves pled guilty to m*rder the case against her co-defendant Louis

V Ariel who was also charged with m*rder is still pending

we are investigating the 2010 m*rder of Lydia Gutierrez we believe our suspect

Albert Ronnie Doris could be our m*rder*r Ronnie so Lydia's truck that she's still owed him $3,000 for and we

know that he immediately reclaimed that truck right after her death so if Lydia did have that kind of money it's

possible that he k*lled her to get the money and his truck back tell me that red Chevy truck where do you agree to

sell it to her for seven thousand seven thousand dollars so when she got her income tax she paid you four thousand so

she's k*lled on Thursday and she's gonna come over Saturday was she coming to your place on Saturday for she said she

had money to pay me how much three thousand tell you she had three thousand

dollars she's a waitress in Buffalo Wild Wings I didn't touch them you know I didn't I didn't afterwards you got the

money she gave you the money no identity she got k*lled on Thursday she ain't making any monthly payments no sexual favors no

no no nothing she let her ride I was just helping the young knight I mean

just like a daughter to me Lydia's two-year-old son PJ told Beverly that he saw Ronnie and Lydia kissed for

Ronnie's denying any sort of romance between them so on the day she's k*lled August 212 a place called saying you got

abandoned be able and I didn't know what was going on and then I called babbling what does Beverly tell you when you call

it she said then you merge into my

office when Lydia was found m*rder*d Ron immediately produced receipts that he

was across state lines in Kentucky that afternoon the thing is his receipts are four two and three o'clock Ronnie could

have easily m*rder*d Lydia in the morning and been in Kentucky that afternoon so these receipts don't really do anything so your DNA should be

nywhere inside that house on anything that has to do with haraam aside no Ronnie was pretty cooperative but his

alibi is weak he may have had feelings for Lydia and she owed him money so he is not off the hook

Ronnie's girlfriend Beverly used to babysit Lydia's kids at her house so Ronnie was around to the point that

Lydia's kids even called him uncle Ani Lydia's young son PJ doesn't recall the

details about the m*rder now but back then he did talk to a therapist I'm

hoping that he described the k*ller to the therapist in a way that further implicates Ronnie or not

do you remember he J ever callin some guy on ER talking about a guy named ani

or something sounding like that no I don't pj Noorani so why wouldn't you

call Ronnie by name a Roberta never heard PJ referred to Ronnie at all when he talked about the crime is there any

doubt in your mind that PJ saw what happened or a lot of what happened that day I believe that this child saw what

happened that day okay a two-year-old statement might not ever see the light of a courtroom but it is giving us

information and guidance in this investigation all right Thank You Roberta and I think it's time to focus

on Josh Singletary a lot of the

questions about Josh Singletary in this crime come from the conflicting statements of his buddy Kody way Kody's

claimed that he dropped Josh off near Lydia's house the morning of the m*rder and his admission that Josh told him

he'd been in a fight that's what led to Josh's arrest we need to talk to Kody to see where his story stands and what he

knows once and for all Kody how are you what's up we're just here to ask you a few questions I want to follow up relax

man relax you come to my job who are you what do you what do you want you're not gonna be in any trouble we owe the young

lady that was m*rder*d Perdue she did something oh I guess she was a [ __ ] I

had nothing but we had we where you got I wasn't involved I was pressured

oppression that was a critical moment in my life right then when you guys pressured me you drop him all right

what do you hear yeah when Cody

originally recanted about dropping Josh off near Lydia's house he claimed that he felt pressured into given that story

in the first place and that it was never true and you can

see that happening again right now and it's very frustrating to have to deal with when y'all got back that day is

there any way Josh can left the house for a little while no well how do you know that I mean I don't know what you

want maybe I took a two-hour now how

long three years three years ago Wow sometimes I can't remember what I did yesterday I think that an interview with

Kody Wade probably turned into a fiasco even if you're trying to ask him what he ate for breakfast that morning he's just

that kind of a witness he's useless let's go thanks for your time he will tell you something and then he'll back

away from it and then he'll say well what do you want me to say and you're like dude no one's trying to make you say one thing that you don't know just

talk about what you know and what you remember so we can move on with this case he isn't that we're investigating

the 2010 m*rder of Lydia Gutierrez based on the evidence that the initial suspect Josh Singletary was near the crime scene

at 9:05 a.m. investigators always believe that Lydia was k*lled in the morning but after further reviewing the

crime-scene photos I think we may have overlooked some important clues at establishing the time of death so we

brought in the original investigators to help piece this together one of the things that strikes me in the photos the

first thing I saw when I saw her shirt is our shirt looked wet if this happened truly in the morning why does our shirt

look so wet six seven eight hours later I mean we're talking this is August how hot is it here in August pretty hot you

remember talking about there still being sides in the sink there were such they're so so soap suds in the sink oh really so if

you wash dishes you know as we assumed that's what she was doing if you leave sudden regular water eventually it's all

gonna dissipate right it's gonna be just water thinking of Lydia's wet shirt and the fact that we still have soap bubbles in the

kitchen sink I don't believe Lydia was k*lled in the morning at all she was k*lled in the afternoon probably less than an hour

before her son Karl arrived home from school at 2:45 is a huge piece of

evidence so there's a little over two hours window rani produced receipt shown that he was in kentucky that afternoon

but now that we know that our m*rder happened in that her noon rani couldn't be the m*rder*r now we're left with just

one suspect Josh Singletary Josh

initially denied having a relationship with Lydia and then he confessed to having sex with her but he said they'd

gone their separate ways months before the m*rder we want to see if there's any more of this story after all Josh already lied about it once song

honey Numidia we worked at Buffalo Wild Wings together for two years how did you find out what happened to her oh I went

to work the day after and everybody was acting really weird I don't know I didn't see her truck I'm

sorry it's okay you know much about Josh the law he constantly was asking her for

a date and finally she came Danny went on that date they got together a couple of times I think and then she wasn't

interested anymore she would ask how do I let him off easily I'm not interested in him what he visualized of them is not

what she visualized he'd always be calling her and ask her where she's daddy was she's becoming a little more

possessive yeah I know you worked together did you ever get anything out of the mouth of Josh that made you think

he was chasing after her his exact words were that girl is gonna be mine she just don't know yet it was pretty much flat

out family was stalking her have you ever seen Josh get angry oh yeah say anything to me violently you think her

be violent towards a female giving the right buttons pushed yeah I did there was one night in particular we were out

and she got a text from him because she had blown him off that night she didn't want to see him I think she said she was

at home but he said no your car's not here where are you she didn't want to go home if he

was out there you know waiting for it was starting to freak her out a little bit Lydia ecologies and she said he said I'm

sitting right here in front of your driveway so I looked out from my bedroom window and I saw the burning Dodge

Caravan veronika called her on was Lydia's neighbor and she saw Josh parked

in a green van waiting for Lydia to come home we know that Josh used to borrow his sister's green band everybody Susan and

neighbors reported seeing a green van frequently Larkin around the street by Lydia's house but Veronica also

mentioned that her aunt and uncle had a strange Ryan with a similar vehicle right around the time of the m*rder

so we've asked them to come down to the station on the day in question that we're talking about which was August

12th of 2010 the day that m*rder occurred what time of day were y'all coming through there where we all coming

from okay it was exactly in between and

five minutes or two was coming down

three and that's when he almost you know

so y'all got so close yet you're looking at okay okay what color was the thing it

was great green can you tell what kind of clothes you had on the color shirt

this is brand-new josh has always claimed that his sister's van was in New Jersey at the

time of the m*rder but now we have a green man fleeing Lydia's neighborhood just before 2 p.m.

when we think our m*rder happened not only that we have a description of the driver which matches Josh all the way

down to the shirt he was wearing the

Sullivans saw a green van fleeing Lydia's neighborhood on the day of the m*rder if the vehicle swinging RC was driven by

the k*ller then the m*rder occurred just before 1:50 p.m. ok so timeline I've got

the watch ready to go we need to piece together everything we know about Josh's whereabouts that

afternoon to see if it's possible if he could commit this crime we have a receipt that Josh was here at 12:33 to

purchase some steaks and some other items we know that Josh and Cody purchased groceries and checked out at

12:30 3 p.m. if we approximate the time that the Sullivan saw the fleeing van at

1:50 p.m. the time frame for Josh to have committed this m*rder would have been between 12 33 and 150 p.m. we're

gonna backtrack and see the time frame that would take to get from this location to his residence on Terry Springs don't go fast I'm gonna be

conservative according to Josh and Cody statements they drove home after the grocery store and cooked lunch but

distance is a little over 8 miles that's their house right up the hill hit stop so I'm stopping

rounding again in Josh's favor the trip took 14 minutes that brings us to 12:40 7 p.m. now we'll

give Josh a generous 30 minutes for lunch which means we're estimating Josh leaving his house in his sister's van

and heading to Lydia's around 117 p.m. now let's see how long it takes from here to there so the question is is that

enough time to arrive at Lydia's angular and conservative Yolanda what's the amount of time you think you spent in

the house committing the actual m*rder that was probably 5 to 10 minutes and we're here basically 2159 so let's just

say 22 minutes it took us 22 minutes meaning Josh could have arrived around 1:30 9:00 p.m.

giving him 11 minutes to k*ll Lydia and flee the scene before 150 when the Sullivans witnessed a green van speeding

out of the neighborhood it works the pong works we now believe based on our Drivetime

experiment that it's possible for Josh Singletary to k*ll Lydia Gutierrez in the afternoon but josh has always

claimed that the vehicle we believe he was driving his sister's green van was in New Jersey at the time of the m*rder

we need to track down Josh's sister if Josh lied and we can place that van

in Tennessee we're gonna have a bright piece of circumstantial evidence in this case hi I'm Alan brown yes and this

started and we're looking back into Lydia's m*rder yes m*rder was August 12 2010 when a

people in New Jersey prior to that I mean like a week before him I don't know I was up there for a little while maybe

a week maybe two okay how did you get there so if he needed to

drive somebody's vehicle he doesn't describe anybody's car he just got rides where he went I got everybody taking everywhere like I

think okay me we appreciate your time thank you well that was interesting

they let the air out of my balloon because she's a pretty convincing she's in that van but we've had several people

that said josh drove whenever he wanted he would take her van for the most part did you ever see Josh driving that thing

yes I did two or three times just in a weeks period find out from my bedroom window and I saw the green Dodge Caravan

the problem is we hadn't found anybody to say I saw him driving the van not only just that day the day after the day

before I mean we're done we're dead in the water

it's a setback for sure but we're not done yet it is now time for us to talk to Josh to see if his story has changed

say hey we'd like to talk to you see what he says from you know I'll jump in it's going to be right here hey Josh my

name's Alan brown I'm help I'm helping with the investigation and I know you

don't think you do but I just the

questions that we have really aren't accusatory it's just questions about your relationship with Lydia and once

again josh is downplaying his relationship with Lydia and contradicting everything that we've heard about him you tell me that you had

sex with Lydia a couple of times you might have text her a couple of times and that was the end of it but we have a lot of her friends who say otherwise my

point is it's about how often you saw her and what the relationship was maybe a little bit more than what you're

letting on how many times would you say you were over at her house twice that's that's it

Josh's story does not match up with other witnesses accounts of their relationship our only chance in this

case right now is to get a hit on DNA Josh said he has not been in Lydia's house for months in evidence of him is

in our crime scene or on the m*rder w*apon that would be all we would need hey Cammy this is Yolanda how's it going

Gallatin PD was very thorough in their initial investigation and they've sent a lot of things off to the lab Yolanda and

Crist wanted a couple of more things tested just to be certain and if we're gonna clear this case today I think this

is our last chance I'm sorry man we

might not have a full resolution to this case but we have achieved a lot this week we figured out the correct timeline

of the m*rder if this happened truly in the morning why does our shirt look so left six seven eight hours later so soap

suds in the sink oh really and we learned that the new timeline fits with Josh's timeline for the day it works

John works we found new leads and witnesses and was coming down

what color was the vein it was great but without solid proof that green been

Josh sometimes drove was in Gallatin the day of the m*rder at the time of the m*rder where were you at New Jersey we

don't have enough right now to take this case to the DA now that the green band has come into focus I know that the

investigators are gonna try and confirm the whereabouts of the van that day the good news is really and truly it's a

three and a half year old case you know we had the ones where we say stop wasting your time tape up your box put

it on the shelf and move on this is not that case Caylee Yolanda and Allan

they've put us in position to where we can hopefully tidy up just a little bit clear up some things some other

questions that we have case and uh little make it a little stronger it's heartbreaking to have to

deliver this news to Virginia thank you for coming down here to see us but we have to you have to be honest with her

but we have asked her to not bring the boys in today we did everything that we could during the time that we were here

and we weren't able to get enough evidence to present the case to the DA yet I'll tell you this crew Shockley and

the police department are so fired up it's only been three years Virginia I know it's a lifetime for you and no one

can understand what you've been through but in our world there's a lot of time left or maybe they can get something to

happen okay you should never ever feel like giving up they're not giving up

they're fired up for a while I thought they did give up so now I know that they're more determined but it's gonna

be okay is there anything else I can

tell you baby half a do you have a yes I am always

gonna have hope that's the only way that I can be at peace with the thought of it

for Lydia's boys Carl and PJ and Roberto I wish that we can make sure that they

have some good memories of their mom that they could grow up knowing that their mom and their grandmother two very

strong very independent very righteous women who are trying to bring them up in

this world to be strong men themselves thank you thank you we still have to

move forward and gone with living because that's exactly what Lydia wanted us to do keep calling we need more

information to solve this case and bring justice to Lydia and her family if you have any information at all that might

help please call the Gallatin Police Department