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02x06 - Ambush

Posted: 02/20/24 19:51
by bunniefuu
Malvern is a kind of a quaint small little town yeah I think probably half the town was involved in our case but in

latina met law made each other after high school fell madly in love got married pretty quickly and they had a

family together on November the 16 to 2002 latina was

k*lled inside her home cooking supper folding clothes it was just a heinous see bud was rushed moments later as he

pulled into his driveway they chased him down the street and sh*t at him and k*lled him with a b*llet to the back of

the head the little baby was in the back in a car seat when it happened but unbelievably he was not harmed one of

the ways to describe his m*rder would be an ambush double homicide makes it what a capital m*rder then right yeah there are a bunch

of suspects this case was always gonna

be complicated because we had five suspects five real suspects everybody knows the same people right

there are gonna be a lot that know what's going on and hopefully we can find and talk to to help us figure out what happened yes

[Music] it has been 16 years and still no and

please consider her k*lling a cold years later the case is still unsolved

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring judgment to

these systems [Music] [Applause] [Music]

hey guys I'm Kelly Donny Tabor nice to meet you hi Yolanda McClary nice to meet

you hey there's our compadres for this

case we brought in Dede Shirley and Johnny bonds area Johnny Taylor bebe Shirley glad to meet

you there are two very skilled investigators and we're gonna need him on this case why don't we start with

y'all telling us about the day you may have seen I was in the station we got a call about the time I got there they'd

already started to put the tape up the victims were bud and Lou Tina Matlock Shawn I love it we'll call it but and

Shawn Matlock younger couple 24 and 26 married had a few kids you knew it yeah

but it didn't come a long way in the last year and a half he really turned his life around latina I worked at the

hospital caring mother good person but and Latina had recently joined the

church he was a coach for a little basketball team here she worked in a

really respected job and it's just so sad they had to die this way it was just a heinous scene you know

just this affected me tell us what happened that night it's my belief the suspects went to the

house believe in the bud was going to be there and when they entered the residence they encountered latina and

sh*t her once in the head looked at 38 revolver and I mean she was ex*cuted and that bothered tremendously and then they

waited for bud to arrive when bud pulled into the driveway suspect that had the 380 immediately came out of the door and

started sh**ting into the driver's side car bud took off running down the road and then the suspect that had 38 sh*t

him one time in the back of the head what were your thoughts on Dewayne Crosby I'm looking as a suspect

Duane Crosby was in the front passenger seat as the car was being sh*t up he

managed to get away but only remember seeing the muzzle flashes and he couldn't make out any of the sh**t

faces big deal unusual for your town though right oh yeah can't get it out of my head

but in latina we're building a lot together but it was all cut short so you

want to hope that the people in Melbourne will come forward with what they know really happened that day eleven years ago let's talk about our

suspects okay so now we got Arthur Kane jr. CJ our main suspects DJ and Latina

were friends but there were rumors that they were also having an affair but broke his jaw a little over two months

before all this happened yeah I think this was the catalyst bud khat CJ and

Latina in the car together and that's where the confrontation started where he got his jaw broke revenge and women the

two best motives that exist he's the only one that really has motive well before the homicide he's telling several

people that he's going to k*ll him and then y'all had a rumor that CJ tried to hire someone to k*ll bud we also know that he chain of custody on

the good yes okay a 38 day before the m*rder yeah with all the circumstantial

evidence against him an arrest warrant was issued for CJ a few days after the m*rder but inconsistent statements by

witnesses and an inability to figure out who else was involved led to the charges being dropped we all

still feel like DJ is the sh**t or he planned the whole thing and had someone else do the sh**ting for him so to prove

a case against CJ we need to have a clear understanding of how he was involved or who was with him all right

next we got Ronny Dobie the anonymous tip was received the Dobie had been

involved in the sh**ting and Dobie did it for Kane everyone almost to a person agrees the one with the criminal mind to

be able to commit such a cold-blooded capital m*rder is Rodney Dobie he's very violent he has a past criminal

history everybody in this town is afraid of rowdy Dobie and I do mean everybody leave tell us a bunch of people he bails

people he did it yeah he brags Keshawn on the other hand Keyshawn Reed is a

good friend of CJ's but he's more reserved and if he's involved he's far less likely to brag about it

there were several people that came forward said that he did Toby says since

his name has come up multiple times we have to investigate it okay Little Miss Dianna's Diana Brandon

is Rodney Dobies sister and a lot of people have talked about the very unusually tight bond Diana had with CJ

y'all put in here that she was extremely nervous during her interview she's not a nervous type person okay what about Lois

Mitchell the thing with CJ right after the money Lois is an outsider and the youngest of

the group and when the police showed up to investigate him he started acting really strange

Lois was going crazy I mean he was literally out of his mind wanting to know what was going on and then CJ is

like just don't worry about it just cooperate just tell him what you know he failed the polygraph Lois Mitchell he

did bail the polygraph this thing has gotten muddy and after eight years we start stirring around again we're gonna

have to be real selective about who we talk to in what order we talked it

malvern is a really small town and that means that everybody involved really

really knows everybody so when it comes time to testify against someone you know

that's always difficult in this case it's more so because you're testifying against someone who you know is a thug

or maybe a criminal or who's done violent things before and you're afraid so the Melbourne Police Department has

worked on this case for 11 years they've never given up but they keep running into that same brick wall because nobody

wants to tell the rest of the story

nice to meet you nice to meet you Johnny Mae Johnny Mae is buds mom and she's

been raising vitality no son Letran since their death small town no

everybody so different functions I would see Johnny Mae and you know I just

wanted it really solve because you know to look in her face to look in the brother's eyes think about the child but

you know you'd like to give a resolution I guess you know he's handsome know

everybody always tell me and she was sweet right off the bat yeah he had to be

sweet to put it with boo he brought it to the house one night and I know right

here one day then I got married I was

coming down moline Street and all right so what was he doing he said well mom won't get ready to go get married so

I'll go with so how long are they

married so they didn't quite like a year okay and their son who was in the

backseat of the car the truck uh-huh he's got a game today

so he's in what Brian Bates so you raised them all by yourself

awesome good for you he's a good boy mm-hmm he's a loving kid he cares about

people you know they never gave up working on it we can't promise you anything and I would do it we feel like we can make

some really good progress thank you [Music]

so what's your plan for this morning we're gonna walk through our crime scene this is an interesting crime scene

knowing that you've got two different calibers going two different sh**t it's pretty complicated so in order to

get a better understanding I think we should map this out the night of the

homicide we saw her right there so we immediately went to clear the rest of the house

we saw some food cooking the laundry was in the kitchen she was the door that she

was folding they bum-rushed her through the door blood was in her car with yes

so they probably and they were gonna bum-rush him through the door and it

ends up being her I'm thinking latina was not the intended victim the sh**t may have been expecting bud to be home

and when latina answered I think they panicked and children okay Kelly I want you to be latina Dede the

38 revolver Johnny can you be the 380 auto Kelly latina was inside when the

380 and 38 come through the door she's

cooking so we're assuming here's a knock at the door and goes and answers a 38

revolver comes in first so what's the inside whoever the 38 guy is has total control of her takes her so we're fairly

certain that the sh*t was fired before but before he arrived I you get sh*t you

go down at this point bud and Dwayne pull up 380

sh**t slams open the screen door comes out onto the patio the glass

shatters Duane's hears the g*nf*re and runs out from the car 380 auto f*ring

380 sh**t out of amm*nit*on or g*n is jammed bug takes off running

38 sh**t goes after bud chasing him down the street where we know he fires

at least three sh*ts two sh*ts go into residences and one

goes into the back of Bud's head for

nearly 30 seconds b*ll*ts are flying all over the neighborhood it's that corner right here this is

where it gets hit it's right here it's still here it's really horrifying to see the level of v*olence that took place in

this residential neighborhood yes a b*llet hole in 728 it really shows the importance of the neighbors who

witnessed all of this co2 so what we really need to do is track them all down and see what they really saw we're

investigating the 2002 m*rder of bud and Latino Matlock the two loving parents

were married less than a year when she was sh*t dead in their home and he was sh*t out on the street in front of their

house just moments later one would think with it only being 8:15 at night in the

middle of the street somebody had to have seen who did this what so lousy is

the people who were right there in the area at the time of the murders are inconsistent and evasive in their

interviews the police believe it's because some of them really were involved in buying and selling dr*gs and

it could be just because they were just flat scared pretty much all the information I gave you was good information but I didn't

see you don't know who they were now somebody's lying and we don't know

which one how does that make sense to you I don't I don't need to hear anymore I

only know long time I understand why you tell me we're still hoping to get some more people in the neighborhood who

might have witnessed the murders on the

evening that everything happened 13 year-old Heather Barnett happened to be walking down the street she was right

there when bud pulled up in his driveway she saw a sh**ting in front of our very

eyes Heather is now 25 but she still remembers that night I reckon look and I

think just just like fire you know she'll take me like that fire alone do

you see the sh**t famous sh**ting like this only had a sad life you know yeah

okay you're seeing all this what did you do okay look yeah then I got oh right

just after the murders the Melbourne Police Department showed her some pictures in a photo spread to try and

see if she could possibly identify either one of the sh**t I started from one look and when I got to the

number that I got to his face and just the g*nf*re just like exploded in my

mind like you know like my heart's thing like that is him yeah without a child

out who does she pick out okay I know

I mean who did it we know that Lois Mitchell was detained

with CJ right after the murders and Heather is still very convincing

however because Heather Barnett was only 13 when she saw this and then you also

know you have something that's called cross-racial identification if you're white identifying a black suspect is a

whole lot different than a black person identifying a black suspect so despite our certainty we just need more we need

to talk to more witnesses and with the reopening of bud and latinas case one has come forward to tell us what they

know we've hidden their identity to protect them so now we have a witness

who doesn't give us the young outsider Lois Mitchell is a second sh**t this witness says it's DJ's good friend

Keyshawn Reed we got to talk to both of them and figure this out Lois Mitchell is out of state and they're searching

for him now but we found Keyshawn Reed if you won't tell your story I'll let you start from

that afternoon we know he went to Pine Bluff me and my son's mother

what time did you get back I think it was around 9:00 or 9:30 Keyshawn claims

that he was out of town till after 8:15 we have witnesses that say differently I got you back here by 6 o'clock and

somebody saw you it's that's punch

we're gonna know the whole truth when we were CJ cause he's gonna flip he's gonna try to save his ass it's a capital

m*rder he could get that for me I take he gets the deal the first one

confess and drop it on everyone here got the wrong guy cuz I do only with your

own motives there I can see it behind now's the time dude my right hand to God

I die and go to hell for taking charge of Angel I've been working on m*rder cases for 14 years

I know [ __ ] when I hear I just hear all I can tell you is rodney and CJ are

the triggerman so our eyewitness gives us lewis Mitchell I know what our confidential

source gives us Keyshawn Ranger and now Keyshawn gives us the career criminal

Rodney Dobie who knows what to believe good Morty what do you wanna know it was

in the car the car you know

[Music] thank you John tell me what you know

you've been holding that bang was a driver Dana driving work or a Mustang and you

saw light thud I am among us although we don't know how true Keshawn reads story

is he's still named Rodney Dobby and Rodney Dobies sister d*ed EEMA as being

involved we need to talk to them both in the hopes of getting some consistent statements that we can build on but

Rodney Dobby is a career criminal and we have no idea what to expect with 11

years ago newlyweds Biden latina Matlock were sh*t dead when two gunmen broke into their home we felt strongly that

Arthur Kane jr. CJ was principally involved and now Keyshawn Reed has named

CJ and Rodney Toby as the sh**t and Rodney's sister Diana as the driver

Rodney Dolby is serving six years in prison for battery and fleeing police but they brought him in today for us to

question him a man named Johnny Vaught

nido B doesn't even sit down doesn't even let them just introduce themselves just looks everybody and says I'll talk

with you if I can have my sister Dyneema here and I told her this is your

interview is not her she's here as a witness when someone that you have to

talk to gives you the ultimatum well I'm not gonna talk unless you let them come in the room with you you have to let

them come in the room with you it's always better to get that person talking because then you might find lies or

inconsistencies in their story you tell me what you know about this case I know that you were a blue and some on a car I

went to Autozone I think that's why I got Chinese really the problem with him is he's got alibis they're pretty good

the main one being a receipt from an autosome it's a mile and a half away and where he buys a transmission kit seven

minutes after the sh**ting we don't know if he got its receipt from somebody else to make an alibi so we

need to keep pushing half the people in this town thank you and CJ Killian we

probably had 10 different people tell us that CJ saying I'm gonna k*ll him I'm gonna k*ll him he's pissed off and I

know you're tight with me already play that Rodney Dobies almost impossible to

talk to he has his alibi worked out and it's very hard rattling I guarantee you

everything I'm like you come in of

course he's been around this block because of his alibi we're probably not gonna be able to charge Rodney although

we feel that he has something to do with this his sister d*ed EEMA however is

CJ's alibi for the night of the m*rder so she's got to have something to say she's the one that that we had to push

hard she's one who stands everything to lose now she's got a baby her life's different we want to talk to Dinah

immediately after we talked to Ronnie Bobby and she she leads Dyneema does not

want to do this interview I've never seen anybody just both out of a room when no one's looking so we go to track

her down at home to see if we can bring her in

we talked to for me about the market bottom line is we're gonna file charges

on CJ he's going down okay all right let me her husband come to the

door you know and she's saying she ain't come now according to her the way you questioned Rodney you know you

questioned him like he was a suspect and I'm afraid you might interrogate her the same way this is her chance she's in the

privacy you can't protect CD leave our property because you starting to upset my wife and you starting to upset me

okay not just tell me if y'all can subpoena report or when I'm done he

doesn't know he doesn't know it all we get back here the police station

15 minutes later they show up but she won't talk unless we let her husband come in with not only did Keyshawn name

Diana as a driver in the murders but we also know that CJ and Diana are really

close so we feel like she knows something were you present when CJ bought a g*n I

have never seen CJ Bob and I have never seen CJ with a g*n she also claims to

have been with CJ at Walmart at the time of the sh**ting whenever CJ asked it was my idea to go

to Walmart CJ stayed at the front of this door talking to somebody and I went to the back of the store and to look for

some boots but I wouldn't never and I know we went to Walmart he's doctor third when I came back the boost that I

had was not we came on back out and we met she's the big Naranjo who was driving

CJ what car we a black Mustang nobody been brown all of a police car was bottom line she's claiming to be with

him the whole time I know now you were with CJ all all that evening so if in a

court of law we prove CJ k*lled bird that could be a problem for you that's right you need

if we can prove CJ did the m*rder that puts you into some bad problems so what

did that leave me what does that make her yeah what does that make her

understand sir - m*rder - capital m*rder I guess you could be or a witness depends on what

she knows I don't have nothing to do with this m*rder nothing CJ I was with CJ CJ CJ today I'm

gonna do with this m*rder he was with me I don't have little do with this m*rder dyma swears that she was with CJ when

the murders happened so if we can make a case against CJ for the m*rder she's right there with him as either his

driver or an accessory to helping him cover it up

but in latina matlock were m*rder*d in 2002 and their K*llers have never been

brought to justice no cars our main suspect Arthur Kane jr. CJ and his

friend I EEMA another suspect both claimed they were at Walmart at the time of the murders police looked through the footage of the

Walmart to determine if they were there and weren't able to so they've always remain suspicious of this alibi thank

you Tony we're gonna talk to a witness who claims that she saw them at Walmart around the time of the murders if we're

able to eliminate this Walmart alibi once and for all then our case against CJ will be that

much stronger okay Tasha we're looking

into the case of Bud and latina and back then you ran with CJ and that's what we

wanted to talk around with okay I remember to this day exactly where I was

and what happened it was my best friend's birthday okay we went to Walmart and I saw CJ and Damien by they

were like the first two registers right there soon as you walk I just looked at him and I know it I didn't stop I said I

know you said that's the same night of the m*rder oh you know the very same night very I can remember so the m*rder happened at

8:15 call drops at 8:15 when do you see CJ and I am at Walmart 8 o'clock are you

trying out their alibi witness we don't have a good history please don't put yourself in the middle of trying to get

dinner protected because he's in this I'm saying both don't think that I'm CJ

I was a girl in the house I'm the one had a baby by him but you still had two

other girls that were writing at the same time so I saw I was done people were worried that that CJ had threatened

to hurt you if you did talk about what you know man but we were squared about him I mean

I wouldn't dare try to hater do anything but I know without a shadow

of a doubt a sausage and I am at Walmart Latasha is very convincing we never

expected CJ's alibi to be this strong so if we believe her we're going to have to

consider the possibility that he is not one of the actual sh**t it won't take

long right here just one day before the murders friend stone CJ a 38 the kind of

w*apon used in this m*rder with CJ's alibi appearing more solid than we originally thought it's important that

we talk to this person to see if we're missing anything so you know CJ right one one day before

bud and lieutenant were k*lled yes he was worried back then that he was

an accessory because he knew these going to k*ll him I think that's better than nasty and when you sold it to CJ where were

you at when you saw that guy on the path when you saw the guy that she was in the

house when the day was so exactly this is a big hole in Dyneema story who

claims to have never even seen CJ with a g*n I was not present a bottle and I have never seen CJ Bakker and I have

never seen CJ Williger Dyneema knew what was going down that is HUGE

go ahead and have a seat CJ's friend says that the sale the 38 revolver - CJ

took place in the home of his cousin when came over and sold that g*n - CJ was this at your houses happened yes

okay I was right there in the middle yeah but everything which is going around me and I didn't know what was

going on right right mr. cane deep down in my heart I believe it either did it

ain't no dad CJ did we're trying to figure out who was with I can guarantee

he's right there with them because I recall the day it happened he came

without it we was in has me and her he was like oh this is yet another hole

in diamo statement although she like CJ

might have an alibi for around the time of the m*rder she's not been telling us the truth I do feel bad because it

seemed like I kind of move then they was

not getting to it again and he probably won't end up like this because it's not talked about we know CJ bought a g*n the

day before the murders it was the same type of w*apon used to sh**t bud and latina and now we have a strong witness

saying that diamo was with CJ when he bought that w*apon but if CJ and I am

ever seen at Walmart around the time the m*rder occurred it's gonna be tough to prove that CJ was one of the actual

sh**t we've now caught Dyneema Brandon in so many lies that it makes a stronger

case against her as an accessory for the commission of these murders Dyneema and CJ both claimed that they were at

Walmart at the time of the sh**ting if we're gonna believe this alibi then we need to focus on the theory that CJ

hired somebody else do the k*lling for him back in 2005 Jerry Moore claimed

that CJ hired him to do just that but there were questions back then about his

credibility so now we want to bring him in again because of his statement is consistent

with the one he gave in 2004 hier Jerry

Moore has no reason to lie and his statement is consistent with the one you gave back in 2005 which points to CJ as

the mastermind it looks like CJ planned it paid for it

and then use Diana as his alibi witness so now it's time for us to talk to CJ

and see what his version of the story is well it's gonna be exciting I'll watch the right you watch the live

while we're talking yes will they call tech support you never know what's gonna happen in these situations when you

confront a suspect at his home you expect the worst and hope for the best Carla you take g*nf*re I'm hauling ass


leave that one in the truck here we get

out Johnny and Kyle go to the front door it's like a BB g*n laying in the corner leaning up against the wall

absolutely he's got a handgun license we know that the might be armed

CJ my name's Johnny Pablo boom okay he's got his jacket on he's got a hat on

and he's putting his shoes on and he comes out and he's like ready to be handcuffed okay nope he tells me you can

see automatically he realizes they're not here arrest ma'am they're just

wanting to talk to me we don't thank you pull the trigger CJ we just wanna know who pulled the trigger do you think no more trying to

put the g*n in the right hand man what was what you think go fix not [ __ ] wait

let me say wait if you didn't do it you don't want to help us find out who did I don't know who did it

it was just a sickening feeling to hear that and I thought this is it done with

this and now here's a desperate person did you tell people I did question me

before they see me yaar no question PVA get your jaw broken Buffett the guy got k*lled I believe

several times laughs so what are the matter how pissed off I wore the heels are gonna be or whatever property you

know with this investigation when he said that he didn't give up

about them I thought to this day no remorse for what happened to them no

remorse for what part you had in this nothing you know still thinking and so I

just lit up I'd normally gave you you were going to be held accountable for

your part in these homicides [Music]

we now have a much clearer picture of CJ's involvement than they did back when they arrested him right after the

murders hello just insurance and this time we have one of the people involved

with him caught and multiple eyes that plus all the other evidence we've gathered will hopefully be enough for

the prosecutors well been a long road but I believe that we're at the point

that we can least file on two of them we know that CJ told numerous people

that he was going to k*ll but it's not he talked about Jerry Moore says CJ

offered me $5,000 to k*ll Bo and CJ's

friend sold this 38 revolver and the siege a night before the homicide that's

the guy you sold to correct bud and latina are k*lled with a 38 revolver

said that CJ confessed to k*lling both of them considering we're talking about

capital m*rder and we've already had to dismiss against him once we have a limited amount of time to bring this on

CJ we do in Arkansas you have a right to a speedy trial and that means that the prosecutors have to be prepared to go to

trial within 12 months of the suspect being charged because CJ had already been arrested and held for nine months

for the charges were dropped the prosecutors now have only three months from the time they arrest him to

bring this case to trial which means that everything has to be all nice and orderly before they charge him a second

time let's talk about Naima Dyneema and CJ come to Diana's boyfriend's house

and says that he sells this g*n to CJ for $50 night before the homicides and

Diane is there I have never seen CJ bago and I have never seen CJ with a g*n but the main thing is that a man is trying

to alibi him the entire time we have saying that right before the homicides

CJ's pressing her to go with him to Walmart I need you to go to walk with me

we think they went there on purpose to say here we are CJ left with me and she's with them and

she's trying to alibi CJ I think Diana there's going to be an integral part of

this and I think that she will eventually break and tell everything

that happened here so we all acknowledge that even though we've learned a lot more about these guys whoever the third

or fourth players whether it's Rodney dobby Keyshawn or Lewis Mitchell it's

still up in the air it's a lot clearer than it's ever done a

very good job of tying up some loose ends and some questions that there were from the original investigation I don't

think that I have any problem with CJ as far as being a charge on that I think that's pretty clear that we've got

enough I don't mind charging Darlene right now that's gonna break the dam I know I can't I can't contain myself I think

it's wonderful that these prosecutors are ready to go forward and I hope that they're very proud of this case I'm

Kelly I had you well we've had a

productive week and this morning we were able to present some information to the

prosecutors and they are going to pursue charges it's going to be just a little while because we've got some more work

to bit but I can tell you there are at least two right now that will be charged okay that's gonna happen we appreciate

you so much and from there only benefit we don't want to tell you all the names because everybody's gonna be asking

y'all who is it who did why didn't tell us what you know and that's why you can just say I don't know but I'm good we've

talked and we prayed among ourselves with us we know that if

there is relief for us there's gonna be sorrow for somebody else and we're even

concerned about the airport we are a small community and we have to look out

for each other we have to be a village or your sweet lady people can have that

too it's amazing to be able to feel that when your child was k*lled in cold blood

don't have a big enough heart and enough faith in the world and in humanity I

couldn't do it I speak on behalf of my family just wanna say thank you for all

that you do thank you and we appreciate all the everything Navin Police Department put forward thank you why

don't you go home so great to meet you very much we've carried this for a long time it's way too heavy on my heart I

mean we still have some work to do but was very important and let them know we made great progress feels good

huge huge Oh once a week baby playing wait they're gonna move forward they're

gonna make progress and we all feel very confident they're gonna find everybody else soon thank you to know that we

helped make that happen it's a wonderful feeling you