01x18 - Drive You Crazy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x18 - Drive You Crazy

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Suspenseful music plays ] [ Foot tapping ]

[ Drumming ]

[ Thumping ]

Ben, quit it!Ben, quit it!

This is taking forever!

I'm dying to test out my new helmet

at Mini Moto Go-Kart Park.

Can't this bucket of bolts go any faster?!

Now, Ben, it's not the car

that matters; it's the driver,

and this driver goes the speed limit.

[ Car honks ]

[Suspenseful music plays] Move over, slow-poke!

Uh, maybe you should let me drive.

You <span tts:fontStyle="italic">are </span>driving.

Driving us nuts!

Ha ha! [singsong] Still got it.

Says who?

Your older cousin.

By seven seconds.

Best seven seconds of my life.


[ Tires screech ]

[ Zoom! ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ All scream ]

Come on, Grandpa, we can take 'em.

[Engine sputters] I'm not sure the rust bucket's

in any condition to take anybody right now.

[ Engine cranks ]

[ Backfire ]

That sounds bad.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Really </span>bad.

We're gonna need to find a repair shop, pronto.

I think you meant to say

we're gonna need an upgrade, pronto.

Tha-That won't be necessary, Ben.

There's an exit up ahead.

I'm sure we can find a regular repair shop.

Aw, man.

[ Vrooming ]

[Engine revs] Ben Tennyson,

world's fastest go-cart racer,

checks out his competition.

His archrival barely manages to hide his terror

at facing such an amazing racer!

[ Vroom ]

Tennyson takes the inside.

[ Rock music plays ]



[Snap!] -Huh?

Ben, we're here.

Yes! [chanting] Go-cart! Go-cart! Go-cart!

Ben! I meant we've stopped here to find the mechanic.

Ugh. And where is here?

[Whistling] Twilight Falls?

I think it's a retirement community.

Well, I'll be in the rust bucket.

Wake me when we're ready to leave.

Ahh! -Wouldn't dream

of letting ya miss all the excitement.

This is almost too exciting.

We just need a mechanic, and we can be on our way.

[ Whimsical tune continues ]

Whoa! Sweet ride.

What's a car like this doing in a sleepy little dump

of a town like -- -Hey, now.

You're talking about my little town here.

Oh, hey, car...person.

You'll have to pardon my cousin.

Words aren't his specialty. -That's all right.

Everybody's welcome in Twilight Falls.

Name's Komal. This here's my shop.

[ Creak, clang ]

We're a little behind on our maintenance.

Oh, I'm Max and these are my grandkids,

Gwen and Ben. -'Sup?

Oh, it's a good thing we found you.

Our RV -- -Not another word.

I'll get my crew on it right away.

[ Whistles ]

♪ Hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup ♪

How'd you know?

Are you a mind-reader?

A pit chief always knows.

You're a pit chief?!


Worked with some of the best in the biz.

This little beauty here

has won more races than I can count.

I was just working some last-minute tweaks

to get her ready for the big race today.

Big race?!

We might seem like a sleepy little town,

but, every year, the world's finest racers gather here

to compete in the Cali Ten Hundred.

[ Vrooming ]

Cali Ten Hundred?

What are there ten hundred of?

You know, I never thought to ask.

But I do know I need to win today.

That prize money could really help me

get my shop back in order.

[Tires screech] Huh?

[laughs] [French accent] You really think

you've got a chance at winning?

Come on.

All: LaGrange!

You were banned from the Cali Hundred

a <span tts:fontStyle="italic">long </span>time ago.

And <span tts:fontStyle="italic">you </span>cut us off!

Oh, come on. [Tsking]

Nothing can stop me from claiming the prize

after taking out every car in the race.

Allow me to start with yours.

[Suspenseful music plays] [Beep]

[ Gasp ]


Looks like you're going to need a tune-up.

[ Laughs ]

[ Tires screech ]

Oh, no.

I don't believe it.

I'm ruined!


That's all I need.

I'm out of the race and, now, I have a broken ankle.

I'm worse off than when I started.

It's too bad you don't have another car.

Well, there <span tts:fontStyle="italic">is</span> another car.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

She's a bit of a fixer-upper.

More of a fixer-forever.

Just needs an upgrade and it'll be ready to race.

Whaddya say, Komal?

An upgrade?

What are we talking, headers, cams, turbo?

All of the above.

Just get this thing to the race,

and we'll teach LaGrange he can't mess with us.

[ Engines rev ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Well, here you go.

Not sure how useful it's gonna be,

and I'm in no condition to race, with this ankle.

I got everything I need right here.

You're a little weird, kid, but I like you.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Ladies and gentlemen,</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic">start your engines.</span>

Better get a move on.

Time to upgrade.

[ Zap! ]



Oh, just wait.

You're gonna love this part.

[ Beeping ]

Not bad, right?

Uh, yeah, we probably should've warned you


Hey! You're not going without me.

[ Seatbelt clicks ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Resonating ]

All right, g*ng,

it's time to thin ze herd.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Clatter ]

[ Glass breaks ]

I think that man hit me on purpose!

Okay, you had your fun.

Can we go to the buffet now?

[ Beep ]

[ Whoosh! ]

[ Clanging ]

Nicely done, but we need to step it up.

[ Beep ]

[ Squeaking ]

Wrong button.

[ Beep ]

[ Pow-pow-pow! ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Crash! ]

Beep beep. Coming through.

Ben, we need to stop LaGrange

before he really hurts someone.

Working on it. Just hang on.

We got a visitor.

I love surprise guests.

[ Tires screech ]


Let's not do that again.

Ha ha ha!

I think you need to give them a warm welcome.

Warm, or cold?

Oh! I can't see anything.

Relax. I've got it.

How about some black ice?

Uh-oh! Whoa! Whoa! Ah! Whoa!

Hang in there, Gwen. I got an idea.

[ Zoom! ]

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Quoi?</span>

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Impossible!</span>

Hey! Mr. LaGrange!

We were wondering if you'd consider

dropping out of the race.

It is Monsieur LaGrange and the answer is no!

Now, be a good little loser and go away!

Ah-ah-ah, we've seen that move before.

So, [laughs] finally, a worthy competitor.

Oh! These fools.

Your services are no longer required!

Think he's going to be sore at us

for letting that car through?

[ Whoosh! ]

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Oui.</span>

A little sore.

He's destroying everything, even his own racers!

It's just us and him now.

We meet again.

I've enjoyed our little soirée, but, alas,

ze finish line awaits.

You sound so sure of yourself.

Care to up the stakes?

Upgrade: What are you doin'? -I got this.

A bet, ah?

And, uh, when I'm victorious,

what will I win?

If you win, you get this car.

If we win, you never race again, ev-er.

Ha ha. Please, have the keys to my new car ready

when I see you at the finish line.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Au revoir.</span>

All righty, Ben.

Let's make this creep eat our dust!

[Alert beeps] Oh, no.

Don't tell me.

[ Zap! ]

[ Engine sputters ]

Oh, what a pity.

I did not even get a chance to cheat.

Come on, turn green!

Forget it, Ben.

We've lost.

Komal's shop is done for.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">[Warbling]</span> That worked?

I've gotta find the manual to this thing.

We're back in business.

What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Uh, you're welcome?

et's see if LaGrange is faster than Accelerate.

[ Zap! ]

So, change of plans.

Hang tight.

Seatbelt fastened?


Ah, here goes nothin'.

[Zoom!] Gwen: Yeah-eah-eah-eah!

Closing in on LaGraaaaange.

But it would seem I will have

a chance to cheat, after all.

[ Beeping ]

Ben, we got incoming!

We're losing him without your afterburners!

Then let's cut this race short.

[ Sniffs ]

[ Crash! ]

You think zis race is over?

Now, my coup de grâce!

[ Beeping ]

[ Sonar pings ]

Get ready for another boost!

Ready whenever you are.

Why is it following us?

It's gotta be a heatseeking m*ssile.

LaGrange, straight ahead.

All righty, Mr. Rocket.

This is your stop.

Ah, <span tts:fontStyle="italic">plus tard.</span>

[ Beep ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Rock music plays ]

[ Zap! ]

We just saved Komal's shop!

Then there's only one thing left to do.

Prepare to eat my dust!

Pssh! You're goin' down.

[ Beeping ]

[ Tires screech ]

Hey, wait up, you two.

Aw, I think I got a bad cart.

A wise man once told me, "It's not the car

that matters; it's the driver."

I gotta stop saying stuff like that.


Time to throw stuff.

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