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01x02 - A Girl By Any Other Name

Posted: 10/06/13 20:03
by bunniefuu
(soft birdsong)


(she pants)


(roaring and growling continues)

(she gasps)


(she breathes heavily)

(twigs snapping)

(low growling)


(she screams)


(door hinges squeak)

(door closes)

(metal jingles)

(he laughs)

You're late, and your breath stinks of wine.

I may have stopped by the tavern for one small glass to fortify myself against the night air.

How goes things here? Is all well?

No. All is NOT well.

I nearly died of boredom - twice.

Finding boredom in one's work is to be relished.

It means you are being paid for doing nothing.

What could be better?

I didn't come to Atlantis to be an errand boy for rich merchants.

Tomorrow, the frankincense will be shipped to Helios and our work guarding it will be done.

You won't be so sour-faced when you have gold in your purse, a flagon of wine in one hand, and a beautiful woman in the other.

Two women! You'll need three hands, my friend! Ha-ha!

Three hands!

(footsteps approach)

You should not be here.

I need answers.

That I cannot give.

The man who was cursed to become the Minotaur.

He told me that I have a great destiny. What did he mean?

The images I see are fleeting.

They can be interpreted in many ways.

Well, then how am I supposed to understand them!?

You tell me that I was brought to Atlantis for a reason, but you cannot tell me what it is?

You tell me that my father is dead, but not how or when he died.

You say that all will become clear, but what am I supposed to do until then? I don't understand my place in this world!

I don't belong here!

But we have waited so many years for your return.

What do you want from me?

It is not a question of what I want.

Your destiny is already unfolding before you.

How can that be when I feel so lost?

It is only when we accept that we are lost that we find our true path.

I wish I could make it easier.

I will do all I can to help you.

Why do I sense that you're not telling me the whole truth?

Because, above anything, I must protect you from those who would do you harm.

You must trust in yourself.

With time, all will become clear.

Sophia... Ah!



(goat bleats)

For the life of me, I cannot understand how it happened.

One minute, the frankincense was there. The next, it was gone.

You got drunk and fell asleep, didn't you?

I'm surprised at you, Pythagoras!

What would lead you to make such an outrageous accusation?

The wine stain on your shirt for a start.

And what is that on your cheek?

It's dried goat's saliva.

Oh, you will kiss anything once you've had a few drinks.

I wasn't kissing a goat.

I wasn't.

We can all stand round here, debating whose fault this is...

There's no debate. It's your fault.

A-ha. But is it?

Yes. Completely.

Or perhaps you will try and blame the goat?

(knock at door)

It's the merchant. Don't answer it!

(urgent knocking)

Eventually, he'll get bored and go away.

(thumping on door)

Look, this is ridiculous.

We'll just have to explain that his frankincense was stolen.

Are you out of your mind? No good has ever come from being honest.

(banging on door)

I seek the men who slew the Minotaur.

I came to Atlantis, searching for my daughter...


It is many years since I last saw her.

I discovered that she'd found work in the palace kitchens.

I went to the palace.

I was overjoyed at the thought of seeing her.

What happened?

I was told that my daughter is missing.

For three days now, she's not been seen.

No-one knows what has happened to her.

I have heard stories of your heroism in defeating the Minotaur.

I was hoping you would find my daughter for me.

You have undoubtedly come to the right place.

Our bravery and skills are unrivalled, but such skills do not come cheap.

I am not a rich man.

I will give you all that I have.

As much as it saddens me, unfortunately, on this occasion, we are unable to help you.

I know that I'm not long for this world.

More than anything I hope that I will die knowing that my daughter is safe, and happy, and loved.

It is my duty as her father.

If I fail her... I will take it to my grave.

We will do everything we can to help you find your daughter.

Stay close.

We must hurry.


What are you doing?

Forgive me, my Lady.

That doesn't answer my question.

I'm to blame.

A young serving girl is missing and I promised her father I would find out what had happened to her.

It is forbidden for you to be here.

You must go before someone sees you.

I hope you find her.

Thank you.

This is Celandine.

She was the last person to see Demetria before she disappeared.

What more can you tell me?

Demetria was sent to the forest to gather herbs.

That is the last anyone saw of her.

Did anyone search for her?

We are servants.

Our lives are of little value.

Can you take me to where Demetria would have gone to gather these herbs?

I cannot neglect my duties.

I will ensure Princess Ariadne hears of your kindness.

I will meet you by the South Gate when I'm finished here.

Her father will be most grateful for your trouble. As am I.

(lively market hubbub)

Hercules, Hercules!

What are you doing?

It's Karpos, the merchant. Open up!

What are we going to do?

We will take the only sensible course of action available to us.

I demand you let me in!

Hercules! Come here.


Would Demetria really have come so far to fetch herbs?

Our King does not care how far his servants walk to fetch herbs, so long as they are fetched.

How much further is it?

We're here.

These woods are rich with herbs... if you know where to look.

Is this what happened to Demetria?

Did she die at your hand?

Where's Demetria?

What have you done with her?

She has not been harmed.

Her god will comfort and provide for her.

Where is she?

She's in a better place.

(beast growls)

It's hemlock.

The poison would have k*lled her in moments.

Why would she take her own life?

This engraving...

It's a thyrsus.

What's a thyrsus?

A fennel staff, tipped with a pine cone.

Is there no limit to your ignorance?

The thyrsus is the symbol of the god, Dionysus.

The cook must have been a maenad.

She would rather die than reveal their secrets to you.

Who are these maenads?

They're the female followers of Dionysus.

They have a temple high in the mountains, in the forest of Nysa.

It is said to be a magical realm.

Any man who sets foot there is k*lled by their satyrs.


The servants of Dionysus.

It's said they feed on human flesh.

But what would these maenads want with Demetria?

They take young girls to initiate into the ways of their cult.

If the maenads have Demetria, then they will be holding her in their temple.

And that is a place no man should wish to go.

(door clanks)

Euoe, brachus aion.

Etoi tauros aion.

(feral snarling and howls)

E fertatos hoste leonton...

(chanting continues)

You desired to know the secrets of our rites.

No. Please. I was lost.

I took the wrong path...

Our rites will be revealed to you.

And you will take them to your grave.

(women ululate)



We must assume that Demetria has been initiated into the Cult of Dionysus.

No. I'm truly sorry.

There must be some mistake.

I cannot believe that is to be my daughter's fate.

It cannot be. I won't allow it.

This was not meant to be...

I will make an infusion of magnolia and mimulus.

It will, at least, soothe him.

No. Rest. Rest.

You need to regain your strength.

I'm most grateful.

You have shown great kindness.

I've done nothing but give you bad news.

You did all you could.

You don't understand what it is to be a father and know that you will never see your child again.

I know what it is to search for someone you love and not find them.

You don't even know if she's alive!

She could well be dead!

And even if she's not dead, she'd be initiated.

She'd be more likely to tear you limb from limb.

I gave Itheus my word that I would try and rescue her.

No man has entered the Forest of Nysa and lived to tell the tale.

I will have no part in this madness!

(door slams)

Why, in the name of the gods, is the old man sleeping in my bed?

He is too weak to return to his home.

And, as you're not coming with us, you can stay here and you can look after him.


Not only are you risking your lives for a penniless old man, but you're leaving me to nurse him?

Am I the only one of us with any sanity left?

You are blinded by a foolish sense of duty.

But you are blessed to have such an honourable friend, because I have decided, against my better judgment, to accompany you.

So, perhaps we should leave by the North Gate?

Hercules! Hercules!

Come out! You thief!
(insects chirp, all pant)

You realise Karpos will still be after you when we return to Atlantis?

IF we return to Atlantis.

So, your cunning plan to avoid paying your debts is to get yourself k*lled?

That's it. I'm a genius.

We fake our own deaths.

You cannot collect a debt from a dead man.

We could change our names, grow beards...

I'm not sure I can even grow a beard!

Then you're on your own, Pythagoras.

We can grow beards - big beards.

So, this is the forest of Nysa.

There's no shame in turning back.

There's some shame, but I could happily live with that.


(chattering birds)


I've heard stories of the maenads' magical powers.

I heard that they have talons for fingers.

And eyes as black as the night.

And that they bathe in blood.

And devour the organs of those they've slain.

And I heard that they can draw milk and honey from streams.

Milk and honey from streams?

Ridiculous! That's what I heard.


(rustling close by)


We should get some sleep.

I'll take first watch.

Sleep well.


(he belches)


(he sighs)




I mean you no harm.

You have nothing to fear.

My name is Hercules.

You may have heard of me, for I'm well known in these parts.

(growling, he yells)

(he gasps)


Lord Dionysus, accept this offering...

Erkheo, kai gelasas theresai...

(creature snarls)

(he pants)

(distant snarls)

(he pants)

(he mumbles)

Shh! You're a maenad.

You're one of them.

Sh, sh. Please, please.

(creature growls)

I have no quarrel with you.

I like you maenads.

I always have. What are you doing?

Saving your life.

Pray that this works, or they will k*ll us both. Thank you.

Well? The satyrs found him.

I drank of his blood and made an offering of him to Dionysus.


It's Hercules. He's gone.

What if the maenads have him?

What if we're too late?

Pythagoras! Hercules?!

Pythagoras! Where are you?


Why were you up a tree?

I was hiding.

And then I was sleeping.

We thought the maenads had you.

They very nearly did.

I was keeping watch when I heard a sound from the forest.

And then I saw her...


A beautiful girl, through the trees.

I called to her, but she fled.

I chased after her.

SHE ran like a gazelIe.

It was all I could do to keep up with her.

I ran, and ran.

And then I found her, standing in a clearing, bathed in moonlight.

She was clearly terrified.

I'm not surprised if you were chasing her through the woods.

I assured her that I meant her no harm. I went to comfort her, but then she... What?

..she turned into one of those monkey creatures.

A satyr. You never saw such an ugly beast in your life.

I must have been drugged.

Because then I was surrounded by maenads.

They were to make an offering of me.

But I was too fast for them.


Yes, really.

I ran for my life.

I was nearly caught again, but she saved me.

Who? The girl? I thought you said that she was a satyr?

She was. This was another girl.

A woman - a vision of beauty - the like of which I have never seen.

I owe her my life.

How can you be sure that she wasn't a satyr too?

I think I can tell the difference between a woman and a monkey.

Most of the time.

It would truly be a sign from the gods It would truly be a sign from the gods if she was the old man's daughter.

You don't know if she's Demetria.

You don't even know if she's human.

I am certain of it.

It's the hand of fate!

We must rescue her.

I don't see any guards.

Well, they don't need guards because no-one is stupid enough to go in there.

Speak for yourself.

You know, I've never seen him so keen to risk his own life.

If this girl turns out to be a satyr, he's going to look truly stupid.

It's her! I'm certain of it!

Hercules! Wait!

Hello. It's me.

(metallic shing)


It turns out it wasn't her.

(daggers unsheathe)

(frantic scrabbling)

(door opens)

(footsteps, she gasps)

The High Priestess wishes to see you.

It's her.

This is the man who you claim to have made an offering of.

How is it he stands before me?

I will never be one of you.

I would rather die than take part in your rites.

You have sinned against your god.

It is for Dionysus to judge you now.

He is not my god.

Then your death will merely mark the start of your suffering.

No. No!

Please. Please! No, no, no!

No. Take me, not her.

You will meet your fate soon enough.

No, no! No!

Jason. No, Jason!

(growling and snarling)

Get behind me.

Why don't they attack?

I don't know.

They're afraid of you.

Who are you?


Your father sent us to rescue you.

My father is long dead.

You're not Demetria?

No. My name is Medusa.

Why do you look at me like that?

Your name...

I thought I'd heard it somewhere before.

I should have stopped them.

I should have thrown myself into the pit!

Then you would also be dead.

(he sighs)

(creatures snarl)

I have seen them tear the flesh from animals and men alike.

I have never seen them scared.

How long have you been held c*ptive here?

It is over ten days now.

And how is it you are able to resist the maenads' rites?

You're unaffected?

It seems you cannot be enchanted by rituals that you cannot hear.

(door opens)

How can it be that you live?

Perhaps your god is not as powerful as you believe.

(she gasps)

They'll be holding your friends in the cells. We must hurry!

You have been a good and loyal friend, Pythagoras.

You have often been a terrible friend, but I would rather spend my last moments with you than anyone else.

(door opens)

Jason? I believed you to be dead.

And they believed you to be a monkey.

I cannot tell you how relieved I am that neither is true.

It is thanks to your friend.

I owe him my life.

I'm alive too.

Then I hope you've planned a way out of here. We must find Demetria.

She's been initiated.

She will not leave with you.

If the girl is happy to stay...

I gave her father my word that I would return her to Atlantis.

Surely, with our lives at stake, it's only right that you go back on your word?

I'm not leaving this place without her. Where can she can be found?

I'll take you to her.

(she whispers)


Your father sent us.

We've come to take you back to Atlantis.

I will never return with you.

Your father's sick.

I'm afraid he's...

There's no time for debate.

And YOU'RE carrying her.

They cannot be allowed to escape with knowledge of our sacred rites.

I swear, this night, we will honour Dionysus with an offering of their blood.

Thank you.

The pleasure's all mine.

Is she not the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?

She's very pretty.

(branch lashes)


Is Medusa a common name?

I don't ever recall meeting anyone with that name. Why do you ask?

I was just curious.

Tell me, do you have family in Atlantis?

No. I was travelling there to seek work when the maenads abducted me.

I would be happy to show you the city.

(fluttering, rustling)

What is it?


(snarling and shrieking)

They are hunting us.

(distant snarls)

(grunting close by)

We'll never out-run them.

Not if we're carrying her.

Then might I suggest an obvious solution?

(snarling close by)

Do not make a sound.

(crunching bones)

Argh! Shh!



I mean you no harm.

(satyrs snarl and growl)

You have violated the sanctity of our temple.

Dionysus demands that you pay with your life.


(all grunt and snarl)

Ktanete nin!

You should fear me, as they do.

I am Jason, slayer of the Minotaur.

Demetria is to return to Atlantis with me.

It is forbidden.

Then I will slay you as I did the Earth Bull.

I will tear down your temple and I will scatter your followers to the four winds!

(scattered snarls)

I am taking you home to your father.

(dagger unsheathes)


(metallic shing)

(low growling)

They cannot harm you now.

There is nothing for me in Atlantis.

Your father is dying.

He wants more than anything just to look on you and to know that you are safe.


And what of your father?

He is already dead to me.


Lissometh' O Dionse fanemenai, ommasin hemon...

(metallic shing)

(priestess chokes)

O thgater pontu, s'iskhei nn moira krataie.

What did she say?

I don't know.

I think she cursed you.

You have returned?

Demetria - she is with you?


You have found her?

Where is she?

Your daughter...

Your daughter is in Helios.

You know Demetria? You know her?

I was held c*ptive with her until Jason and his friends rescued us.

Demetria has gone to Helios to be with a boy.

She wanted more than anything to return to Atlantis... to be with you.

But she has a new life in Helios.

She is happy?

She is in love.

Then I will find peace in the afterlife.

I am deeply indebted to you.

You owe me nothing.

All that I have in this world... is yours.

Demetria asked me to care for you in her place.

You told me the path I choose to follow would become clear.

Now, I'm more confused than ever.

I was unable to save Demetria.

I failed.

You believed that the path you were following would lead to one girl, and yet you found another.

Perhaps THAT was your true purpose.

From my time in the other world, there were stories of someone named Medusa.

What is to become of her?

I believe you already know the answer to that question.

She has done no wrong.

I will not see her harmed.

Medusa can no more escape her destiny than you can escape yours.

Her fate is inextricably bound to your own.

I don't understand.

Why is my destiny so important?

Because the fate of all of Atlantis rests in your hands.


Why me?

For the same reason that the satyrs did not attack you.

You're not like other men.

You will realise that soon enough.

It is Poseidon you have wronged.

As such, you have been called before the bulls.