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01x01 - The Earth Bull

Posted: 09/30/13 20:22
by bunniefuu
Man: You look just like him.

Your dad.

He'd stand there, just staring at the ocean.

I don't suppose there's any way I can talk you out of going down there?

You could try, but you'd be wasting your time.

Even if you locate the wreckage of his sub, what then?

I have to know what happened to him.

Do you think your dad would have wanted you to risk your life?

When he took the sub down... he knew he wasn't coming back.

He gave it to me before he left.

He told me that one day I'd understand.

I need to know.

I hope you find it.

Whatever it is you're looking for.

You're clear to dive.

'Roger that.'

(monitors beep)

(metal grinds)

(alarm beeps)



Come in!


(metal clangs)

Woman: (Jason.)

(distant chatter)


Hey! Hey!



(clunk, lamb bleats)



I'm dreaming.


(creature snarls)

(it growls)

No, no, no.

This lizard thing att*cked me.

(metal clatters)



(arrows clatter)



Ah! Oh.

(he pants)


Ugh! Oh!


(both strain)

Thank you. Thanks, thank you.

What exactly were you doing out there?

Guard: Search every house! Find him! Open up in there!

I didn't do anything.

(door rattles)

One minute I was on the sub, and there was something in the water, a white light, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up on the beach, and there's this city, and everyone's wearing strange clothes, and there's a two-headed lizard, and people with swords, they're chasing me, and they're firing arrows at me.

I know it's insane.

What's a "sub"?

Open up! Open up.

(thumping on door)

By order of King Minos, open up!

No! Please. Please.

Who is it you are looking for?

A fugitive.

No, no, no! That's mine. No!

As you can see, there is no-one else here.



(he gasps)

What happened?

You passed out. You've lost a lot of blood.

Where am I?

You're in Atlantis.


As in "The Lost City of Atlantis"?

As in the mythological city under the ocean?

Why do you call it lost? How could a city exist under the ocean?

Surely everyone would drown?

Either I'm dreaming or I'm hallucinating.

Or I'm dead.

Am I dead?

No, you're very much alive, although I think you're delirious.

I'm sorry. I'm forgetting my manners.

I'm Pythagoras.

Pythagoras? You're joking?

You're the triangle guy.

How did you know I've been thinking about triangles?

I'm in Ancient Greece.

And who, pray tell, is this?

You didn't tell me your name.

It's Jason. He was injured, the guards were after him.

And you chose to hide him here?

Are you out of your mind?

Don't mind Hercules.

You're Hercules?

I see my reputation has preceded me.

Tell me. What have you heard?

Do people tell stories?

What do they say?

Well, they generally say you're getting fat.

I'm not fat! I am heavily built, powerful. I have big bones.

In your stomach?

You'll have to excuse my friend.

He is under the deluded impression that he is amusing. Tell me.

Your injury. Can you walk?

Yes. I think so. Good. Then we shan't detain you any longer.

I'm sure you're a good man, an excellent man, but I, for one, am not about to risk my neck to save yours.

See that he's gone by the time I get back.

Where are you going?

That is none of your concern.

So, what brings Atlantis?

I was searching for my father.

He lives here in Atlantis?

I don't know. I...

I don't know where to start.

Your necklace?

I have seen this symbol before.


In the Temple of Poseidon.

It is the mark of the Oracle.

If you're looking for your father, she may be able to help you.

You wish to see the Oracle?

She is expecting you.

(woman speaks in own language)

(hen squawks)

(dripping liquid)

What is it you wish to know?

There must be many questions to which you wish to know the answer.

What is this place?

Where am I?

Oracle: This world and the world you journeyed from are just two worlds among many.

Why does it feel so familiar to me?

How can that be?

There are some memories that can never be erased.

How can I have memories of a place that I have never been?

You cannot.

You're saying that this is where I'm from?

That I was born in Atlantis?

Your father took you to the other world when you were still a baby.


Why would he do that?

You have many enemies here in Atlantis.

You must tell no-one that you journeyed through the gateway.

My father.

Is he here in Atlantis?

What happened to him?

Your father... walks among the dead.

My mother?

I was told that she died shortly after I was born?

Is this true?

Who was she?

There are some things that even I... cannot see.

Then, if my father's dead, why am I here?

Why was I brought here?

You were drawn here... by forces so powerful that they stretch between the worlds.

Yeah, but why?

Jason... only you... can bring an end to the people's fear and suffering.

What do you mean?

What am I to do?

We tell ourselves we are lost, but really we know what we must do.

I don't know anything about this world.

The first rays of the rising sun... will light the path you must follow.

I don't understand.

Answer me.

I need to know more.

You must go now.

No, no, I have too many questions.

There is nothing more the Oracle can tell you, you must leave.


Why did you not tell him the truth?

Because... it will be much safer for him if he doesn't know who he really is.

Did you see the Oracle?

And did she have any knowledge of your father?

She told me my father is dead.

I am truly sorry for your loss.

Will you be returning home now?

I'm not sure where my home is.

I never truly felt I belonged where I came from.

I was always searching for something...

Until now, I didn't know why.

What are they doing?

The tributes will be selected tomorrow.

They have come to pray to Poseidon.

What are these tributes?

Each year, Atlantis is required to send seven of its citizens as an offering to the Minotaur.

That actually exists?

Well, of course.

They say it was once a man.

When he defied the gods, they punished him, turning him into a monster, cursed to feed on human flesh.

And you just send these people to their deaths?

Well, if we do not, then the gods will punish us.

Poseidon, the Earth-Shaker, will lay waste to the city.

That's insane.

Seven die so 20,000 can live.

That's what we tell ourselves each year, but it doesn't make it any easier.

It's getting late.

There is a curfew the night before they select the tributes.

They don't want to give people the chance to submit to their fear and flee the city.

Do you have somewhere to stay tonight?


Then you shall stay with us.

What about Hercules?

He's usually so drunk when he returns from the tavern, he won't even notice you're there.

I don't wish to be rude... but what, in the name of the gods, is he still doing here?

I said he could stay with us.

He has just learnt that his father is dead.

I am very sorry to hear that, but we are harbouring a fugitive.

And I think you're forgetting, it's MY house.

And I think you're forgetting who settled your gambling debts to prevent your house being sold from under your feet.

I paid you back.

No, you didn't actually.

I am GOING to pay you back.

He hasn't got anywhere else to go.

We can't cast him out onto the street.

There are some blankets in the chest.

Thank you. I think I shall... have an early night.

What is it?


See you in the morning.

What is it?

It's Hercules, he's gone.

I saw him creeping out.

He's trying to flee the city... before they select the tributes.

If the guards catch him, they will execute him on sight.

There he is.


Don't do it. If you flee, you will be banished.

You can never return to Atlantis.

And if I stay, I die.

You don't know that, you take your chances with everyone else.

My fate has already been decided.

I've consulted the Oracle.

She has seen it, I must go to the labyrinth and face the Minotaur.

No... I won't be sent to my death.

I am not ready to die.

Come with me, we can make Pathmos by sunrise.

I cannot do that.

My home is here... in Atlantis.


I fear this is goodbye.



(crash, goat bleats)

(he groans)

Are you injured? Where does it hurt?


They've released the hunting lions.

Hunting lions?

Who the hell has hunting lions?

(lions snarl)


I am climbing!

You call that climbing!?

You call that pushing!?

Pull! I am pulling!

That wasn't so hard.

Jason! Jason!

How did you do that?

I, er... don't know.

(bells toll)

The tributes are to be selected.

We are to gather before King Minos at the temple.

I'm afraid you chose the wrong time to arrive in Atlantis.

You will be forced to draw a lot.

Perhaps it's meant to be.

What about him?

(hercules snores)

We'd better sober him up.

(solemn drumbeats and horns blare)

I should be in Pathmos, waking in the arms of a beautiful woman.

Because of you, I face my death.

If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be here at all.

You would be in the belly of a lion.

On this day, every adult citizen of Atlantis must draw lots.

If you draw a white stone, then Poseidon has spared you.

If you draw a black stone, then it is your duty to offer yourself as a sacrifice to the Minotaur.

Your families should be proud... for your sacrifice will appease the gods, and protect all that live in our great city.

That's another white stone gone.

The black stones are creeping up to the surface just waiting for me to pick one.

It's white! I've got a white stone! Praise the gods!

The stone will not draw itself.

Maybe you could k*ll the Minotaur.

Perhaps if you were to smuggle a sword in your robes.

You have always said that there is no man more useless with a sword than I.

I was joking!

You're clever, there is no man more clever than you.

Perhaps you could trick the Minotaur.

You could trick it into...

You'll think of something, I know you will.

You have to.

Think of something!

It's going to eat me alive, isn't it?

We're not going to let that happen.

There must be a way we can get you out of the city.

If I escape, then some other poor, unfortunate soul will have to take my place.

I'm not sure I could live with that.

Well, I can think of no two finer people with whom I would wish to spend... my last supper.

To friends.

Maybe you could talk about triangles and bore the Minotaur to death.

You know, triangles are very, very interesting.

There is something about the angles they create...

No, I will not have it!

We are not going to spend your last supper discussing triangles!

Where are you going Ariadne?

You haven't touched your food?

I have no appetite knowing seven of our citizens will be sent to their deaths tomorrow.

It saddens us all, but the gods must be appeased or Poseidon will destroy the city.

The people have done nothing to deserve this.

It is you that the gods wish to punish.

How dare you question your father?

You bring shame on our family.

It is not I who shames our family.

There is a limit to a father's love for his daughter, even one as beautiful as you.

You would do well to remember that.

There is no greater honour than to give your life for your city... and your king.

Why are you among the tributes?

I saw you draw a white stone.

My friend drew a black stone.

I am here in his place.

I owe him my life.

And now you will give yours as a sacrifice?

You are willing to die to save him?

The Oracle told me that this is the path I must follow.

I believe I'm meant to k*ll the Minotaur.

Do you believe you'll succeed where so many have failed?

I cannot explain it... and yet it's as if, for the first time in my life, I feel absolutely certain of what I must do.

What is your name?


As a child, I'd often play in the labyrinth at Hawara.

I would tie one end of a skein of thread to the entrance.

If ever I got lost, I would follow it until I found my way back out.

It has been enchanted by the witches of Colchis.

The thread will not tangle or break.

I hope it will be of some use to you in the labyrinth.

Thank you.

(drum sounds)

You are being called.

(solemn drumbeats, horns blow)



(he snores)

(he slaps him)

It's Jason, he's taken the black stone!


Huh! Oh...


It should have been me, it was my stone.

Pythagoras, your theories and your triangles are destined to bore millions of children throughout history.

That's your fate, this is mine.

So, now you're packing?

If we'd have left the city when I said, none of this would have happened.

Are you coming with me?

No, I am not, not a chance.

What is it you plan to do?

I plan to reach the caves first and sneak in with the weapons.

It's the only way Jason has a chance.

What if we were to sneak into the caves, leave the weapons for Jason, and then sneak back out again?

Would that satisfy your misplaced loyalty?

Jason saved your life...

That is a matter for debate...

And he offered himself as a tribute in my place.

I won't let him face the Minotaur alone.

(clatter of falling swords)

We will give you a moment to pray to the gods.

We're too late.

Pythagoras! No!

Seize them!


You, and you.

It seems the gods have answered your prayers.

Most noble of you to volunteer like this.

We weren't volunteering. We were merely gathering stones.

Take them to the caves.

We have a collection of stones...

There is honour to be found in everything.

Even in death.

You know how I've always said there's no man more useless with a sword than you?

Well, I was wrong.

It appears we've found someone.

I've seen four-year-old girls with a stronger grip!

What's your name?


Look, we'll find a way out.

Stay close.

Which way?

I'll see where this tunnel leads. Wait here until I return.

(clattering stones)

(thread twangs)

(thudding in the distance)

What is it?

I thought I saw something.

We should keep moving.

We have to wait for Jason.




(screaming echoes)


(clattering stone, sand falls)

(they both scream)

What happened?

The Minotaur. It found us.

Where's Hercules and the others?

I don't know. We all ran. We got separated.

You're bleeding.

I fell and hit my head. I'm fine.






(people scream, growling)

(woman whimpers)

(growling close by)

(loud growling)

(heavy thudding)

(she whimpers)

(minotaur roars)

(minotaur roars)

(minotaur cries out in pain)

(shing! wet squelch)

(he pants)

(minotaur groans)

Thank you, Jason.

How do you know my name?

It was foretold.

Only you could lift the curse the gods placed on me.

I did a great wrong.

I betrayed your father.

You knew my father?

You must be wary of Minos.

He must never find out...

Find out what?

Who you truly are.

This is just the beginning.

You have a great destiny.

What do you mean?

Who am I?

The Earth Bull... has been slain.

It is as you saw.

The boy truly is the answer to our prayers.

Others will come to realise that... soon enough.

And they will seek to destroy him.

For more than 20 years, Atlantis has suffered this curse.

No more shall we be required to send our citizens as an offering to the Minotaur.

This day, the gods look favourably upon us.

The City of Atlantis owes you a great debt.

Thank you, my Lord.

The name's Hercules, you may have heard of my...



(applause continues)

It was of greater use than you can possibly imagine.

Who was that young man?

He is of no consequence.

So, it seems our money troubles are over. How so?

People will pay handsomely for the services of the men who k*lled the Minotaur.

We shall grow rich, and live like hogs.

Really? And how was it exactly that you k*lled the Minotaur?

I meant "we", together.

You weren't even there.

You were too busy running in the other direction.

I was trying to draw the Minotaur away from the rest of the group.

Oh, so you were just pretending to be a coward?

Now you've slain the Minotaur, you think you're a big hero?

So, you admit it was me that k*lled the Minotaur?

Say what you like. Whoever heard of a hero called Jason?

It's a ridiculous name.

Now Hercules, that is a name to father a legend.

Oh, yes. "The legend of Hercules.

"The man who fled the Minotaur."

You're an idiot, Pythagoras.

At least he's not...

I'm not fat! I'm big-boned.

Why do I sense that you're not telling me the whole truth?

Because, above anything, I must protect you from those who would do you harm.


My name is Medusa.