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02x10 - Ruff's Bowling Is Going Downhill

Posted: 02/20/24 10:34
by bunniefuu
Oh, hey, now, come on.

I rolled those gutter balls on purpose.

Now you just... Oh, hi.

It's Be Nice To Cat Interns Week,

so not only did I just take Ms. Pepperdoodle bowling,

I let her win.

Yep, really made it look like I was a terrible bowler.

Oh, what, you still don't believe me?

(gasping): Ooh, they've arrived.

My vintage set of royal Bulgarian salt shakers.

Well, no,

I don'tneed them,

but when you see a sweet deal on the Internet,

you've got to pounce.

Hmm, good point.

That's a lot of salt to have lying about.

Oh, I know!

We can store it on those shelves all the way up there.

I just have to figure out how to hoist up the bags.


Just have one more bag.


I'll just set up this ironing board,

tape the old feet down for stability,

and boom, up we go.



Okay, I'm in pain,

but I have just figured out two challenges

for the next episode ofFETCH!,

and that, Blossom, is how genius works.

I hope you're taking notes.

RUFF: * Life was missing its mystique *

* My squeaky toys had lost their squeak *

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

(instrumental jazz playing)

* Pitched my vision for a show

* They loved it, thought I was a pro *

* They got my contract back to find *

* To their alarm, a dog had signed *

*FETCH! * Oh, I like that name.

*With Ruff Ruffman *

* I didn't wait to renovate

* Found six contestants, all were great *

* And now I'm on the road to fame *

* I've got a game show and its name is *


It's very catchy.

*With Ruff Ruffman *

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop. *With Ruff Ruffman ***

ant to tell me why we got cats singing?


And here come the contestants now.

He's captivated by the moon.


Repetitiveness annoys him.

Repetitiveness annoys him, repetitiveness annoys him.

It's Mike!

His favorite subject is science.

Sir Isaac Newton.

Uh, I mean, no, it's Willie!

She wants to ski jump her way to a world record.


She likes to help her mom cook.

Delicioso, Nina!

She loves the smell of a swimming pool.


Let's get an update on the scores.

All right! Yeah! Whoo!

We have another tie for fifth.

Nobody likes the sixth spot.

Rosario and Madi with points.

Willie's still in fourth with points.

Bridget's still in third with points,

Nina in second with points,

and still in first place, Mike with points.

Hello and welcome toFETCH!,

the reality game show that salutes all cat interns

during this, our National Be Nice To Cat Interns Week.

ROSARIO: Must be your favorite week.

That's right. Huh, Ruff?

Says so right here in my calendar,

so we have to be nice to Blossom.

ALL: Hi, Blossom.

That's right, Blossom, this week's for y...

Whoa, hey, wait a minute, hold the phone.

Somebody just wrote this in on my calendar.

Who did this?



Well, she does have an innocent look.

(all laughing)

Well, anyway, enough chitchat.

I... love to bowl, but...

uh, I'm only so-so at it.


I'm-I'm less than so-so.

I am horrible at bowling,

which brings us to challenge number one.

Yeah! Let's get started, guys, whoo!

All right, guys, here's the deal.

I want a machine that can help the bowling ball challenged,

namely myself.

I want nothing less than a strike or at least

eight out of ten pins every time I throw the ball.

So Willie, Bridget,

you're going to meet Ray,

an engineer who designs bowling equipment.

You have bowling shirts

that are in the wagon under the basketball.

Everything you need to know is in the mailbox.

GoFETCH! Sweet, guys, that's awesome.

Awesome, you guys, have fun.

I can't have you bowl without bowling shirts.

Come on.

Good luck, Willie. All right, thanks, Ruff.

That's awesome, guys, see you.


Awesome, Ruff.

Now then, earlier today

as I was soaring through the air

on my ironing board through gently floating salt...

Don't even ask.

Do you know what popped into my head?

BOTH: What? Challenge number two.


Yeah! Rosario,

this one is all yours, baby.

Your instructions are in the mailbox.


Thanks, Ruff.

Well, you're welcome of course.

See you.

All right, take care.

As determined by theFETCH! ,

Madi, Nina, and Mike have stayed behind in the studio this week,

but they'll be eligible to win points during...

ALL: The Half-Time Quiz Show!

And here atFETCH!, we offer the...

ALL: FETCH! Fairness Guarantee.

That's right.

All the contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by...

ALL: The grand finale.

That's right.

For the three kids out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

So what are we waiting for?

Let's hit the lanes with Willie and Bridget.

ALL: Yeah!

Ah, bowling.

Nice sh*t.

Are you Ray? Yeah, I'm Ray.

Ray's going to teach them all about bowling.

I should probably pay attention to that.

This is our test facility and...

what we're going to go through today is

just a little bit about

what we do when we bowl and how it's not as easy

as it really looks. (kid groaning)

How about you guys? You want to throw a couple sh*ts?

Absolutely. How do you hold it?

Your two middle fingers--

put them in the holes there,

and the thumb in the thumb hole there.

I've never been big ball bowling.

I'm not going first.

Bridget's not sure how to do this,

so let's go easy on her, okay?

No teasing 'cause it's--

Oh, man, look at that!

A perfect throw.

That was my very first time ever.

WILLIE: How come this ball is so heavy?

RAY: Bowling balls come in different weights.

They come all the way from six pounds

all the way up to pounds.

Look at that form.

RAY: There you go.

BRIDGET: Oh, nice.

These guys are pretty good.

Oh, look out!

Hi, are you Jake?

Hi, how's it going? I certainly am.

I'm Rosario. How are you?


I think we're going to go snowboarding today.

Oh, all right. So that should be pretty fun.


So what we have to do is we have to decide

which way you're going to snowboard, okay?

When I ride my snowboard,

I ride it with my right foot forward, okay?

So I'm goofy.

That's called a goofy stance.

And then the other way is left foot forward

and that's called a natural stance.

All right.

Without thinking about it too much,

what we're going to do is--

on three, we're going to run that way.

Imagine we have socks on,

and we're going to slide along the hallway, okay?

RUFF: Let's see how Rosario slides.

Right foot first.

So you slid

with your right foot forward.

That's goofy,

just like me. All right.

You're both goofy and that's not an insult.

The front, if you board the nose, is at the right hand side.

They have two edges. All right.

They have a toe side edge.

RUFF: Toe side edge.

If this one's our toe side edge,

this one must be our heel side edge, right?

Oh, yeah, right. Toe side edge and heel side edge.

So we need to go uphill before we go downhill.

All right. Do you know why that is?

Gravity. And away you go.

Just relax. Okay, this is Rosario's first time on a snowboard.


Oh! Oh, man, that's a wipeout.

Okay, my turn.


How are you liking it so far? Are you having fun?

Yeah, it's awesome. You like snowboarding?

Yeah. Cool.

He's into it.

In bowling, there's two things that are the most important.

Yes, sensei, teach me.

One is the aim,

or the path that you start the ball on,

and the second is the force of the ball,

or how hard the ball hits the pins.

In terms of the path of the ball, if you look at the lane,

you see those little arrows

that are about a quarter of the way down?

The center triangle,

if we were to follow that line straight down,

matches up to these two pins

in the center of the lane.


Wouldn't you always just want to make it go straight?

BRIDGET: Yeah, go down the middle?

The problem if you come in too straight is

the ball goes straight through the middle

and you tend to leave pins on the corners.

Bowlers that are left-handed like me

come to here and go in between the one and two.

Bowlers that are right-handed

would tend to set it on this corner,

come over the right arrow,

and go in between the one and the three.

RUFF: Did you see that ball hook?


But the second most important thing

in terms of trying to knock down pins is force,

and the force is a combination

of the weight of the ball and how fast the ball is going.

If we were to take a light ball like this, and you try

and throw that at the pins... RUFF: That is

the wimpiest bowling ball ever.

RAY: Even though it's the size

of a bowling ball,

because it doesn't have much weight,

the combination of the weight and the speed

doesn't create much force

to knock down all the pins.

Here we've got a -pound ball.

RUFF: Yeah, that's a heavier ball.

Look at that.

So at the same speed,

the heavier ball has more force.

If the ball is too heavy

and I can't control where it's going,

then it doesn't help me that I have more force.

So a balance between the aim and the force

is what gives me the best chance

to knock down the most pins the most often.

So what I want you to imagine

is you've got a tomato under those toes

in your left foot.

(pronouncing): Tomato? Tomato?

Tomato, tomato.

A what? Either or.

So we're going to glide down,

and I want you to squash the tomato

through your toes, all right?

I've got some asparagus here, that's about it.

Ready to go? Ready to go.

All right. Let's see it.

Just relax, let it glide.

Dig that toe in. Yeah.

Nice work. That was awesome. Nice work.

I think I'll give that a try.

(groaning and screaming)


What we're going to learn today

is ride one of our edges first, okay? Okay.

We're going to learn how to ride our heel side edge.

All right, riding the heel side edge first.

Looking straight ahead. It's all about feeling.

Just getting used to it.

Leave those toes up.

Toes up in there, yeah!

Whoa! Whoa!

You okay? Rosario?

I was doing good at first.

Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.

So, what do you think is pulling you down the hill?

We talked about it a little bit before.

Gravity, yeah. Yeah, that's the one.

The gravity is pulling us really fast down the hill.

And then what's slowing us down?

Friction. That's right.

And how are we getting our friction?

By rubbing the snowboard against the snow.

That's right, exactly.

We're digging our heel side edge,

so we have to bait gravity, all right?

Just relax, looking at me, toes up.

RUFF: Good, good. Good, good.

Keep it up in the air!

Good, good!

Good work. Awesome!

Well done, buddy. That was sweet.

RUFF: See, if your toes are in the snow, you're going to wipe out.

Toes up, you're looking good.

Where we're heading back to now... Holy cow!

Behind the scenes.

is more of the test facility. Oh, great.

Not only the bowling balls,

but Brunswick also makes the lanes themselves,

they make the pins, and all of that has to be tested.

Ruff picked up some stuff at the Bone Depot for you

to build a machine to roll a ball

and accurately hit the pins at the other end of the lane.

Bone Depot. Get it?

We got some wood, we got some two by fours.

RUFF: Oh, that's plumbing equipment.

We got bigger things.


RUFF: Hello, Bridget.

Did you see the test missions that were out there?

Where they let the ball go down the ramp?

I was thinking we could do something like that and...

Let's just make something simple first.

Let's just use the tube.

It can sit on the chair.

That should send the ball, like, straight down.

Yeah, but then we need something like right here to catch it.

How about if we see what happens with just the tube?

I think that's good.

RUFF: Okay, so the bowling ball has to be aimed properly,

and it has to have enough force to knock the pins down.

I'm going to give you a stop watch,

and you can time how long it takes the ball

from the foul line to where it hits the pin.

So they're going to use the stop watch to help them

figure out how fast the ball is going.

Now the faster the ball, the more force on the pins.


RUFF: Heading towards the middle.



It hit the exact right place.

It needs to go faster.

Okay, so it needs to go a little bit faster.

Yes! Strike!



BRIDGET: Ooh, that's going in the gutter.

We just went from, like, a strike to a gutter ball.

So it's really not very consistent.

Just a little change in how the ball launches

makes a big difference in how many pins it knocks down.

Back to the drawing board. I know.

What we're going to do now is we're going to ride the chair

to the top and have a go at some snowboarding back down.

How's that sound?

Sounds good.


And here comes the chair.

RUFF: All right. Oh, nice!

Chair just comes, picks you right up.

Right in the back of the chair.

I don't like to exert myself

unless it's absolutely necessary.

We're high up, huh?

It certainly beats walking up the hill, huh?

And we're going to lift this bar up.

Stand up.

Nice. Just relax.

Yeah. Nice work.

Okay, this is a steeper hill.

A little nervous here.

Yes, he's going to be going a little bit faster now.


Wipeout! Oh, that must have hurt.

You all right? I'm good.

(wind whistling) Ooh.



Oh, hi. Ruff Ruffman here

back in Studio G with Nina, Madi and Mike.

Yeah! Yeah!

And now it's time to earn

some points of your own

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

Yeah! Yeah!

points are available. You have to work as a team.

You have seconds to answer as many questions as you can.

Ten questions will be asked

with five points available a piece.

Are you ready? Yeah. Yes.

Then let the quiz begin.

That was like my first time ever.

Oh, um... Um...

You want to skip it? Skip it.

One and three. Correct.

Speed. Awesome.

pounds. Awesome.

Um, it's not fast enough. No.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes. Disgusting and correct.

Toe edge. Toe edge. Toe edge.


Goofy stance.

That's goofy, just like me.

Time's up.

All right, Fetch , what do we have?


Oh! Oh! (sighs)

Let's go over the questions you did not get right.

What are the two most important things

to consider when you're bowling?

Aim and force.


It can deliver the most force,

so why doesn't everyone use the -pound ball?

It's harder for many to control.

And the last one you didn't get right.

The front of the snowboard is called the nose.

All right, guys.

points is a good score.

That brings us to the end of another awesome

Half-Time Quiz Show.

So, are Willie and Bridget getting closer

to a strike-amatic, or to just striking out?

Let's check in now.

All right. All right!

Brainstorm away.

I have a really good idea.

It needs to be

more accurate, and maybe more speed.

Faster, yeah.

Like that.

If they release it from a higher point,

it's definitely going to cause the ball to go faster.

Willie, I think that this should work

a lot better than the tubes. Since this is higher,

it'll go faster and it'll have more force.

Very smart, Bridget.

See, in that big tube, the ball was moving around,

so it didn't come out on the same spot every time.

Now they're going to have the ball

specifically roll down that ramp. the end. I know.

Can you curl them under?

It just has these two things it has to stay on,

so that the aim will be better, also.

What do you think we should name it, Willie?

(with accent): The Bowlinator.

Ooh, I like it.

So here's a secret. You know when you bounce

the basketball, how you get down nice and low?


Just point over to where you need to go.

RUFF: Dribble a basketball?

What's next, juggling?

Toes up, high. High.

RUFF: That actually looks like he's dribbling a basketball.

Oh, let me try that myself.

Point that right hand a little down the hill. Good one.

RUFF: I tell you-- Jake's got some great lessons.

Picture a tomato, dribble a basketball.

And look, it's working.

You can stand up a little bit more.

RUFF: There you go, there you go.

Stand up. Looking good. Oh!

Look how long he stayed up, though.

So, start sliding across the hill.

RUFF: Wow, look at him go.


Oh, he's picking up speed. Whoa.

All right, and toes up to stop!

RUFF: Easy, easy.

Oh, my God. Oh, Mayday, Mayday!


We've got a Fetcher down.

You okay? Sorry.

You okay there? Sorry about that.

Oh, good, the kid looks okay.

Let's shuffle you just over to the side.

You were doing the right thing.

It's okay. It's hard to stop in a hurry.

He's doing really well.

You know, except for the part where he wiped out the kid.

But other than that, pretty good.

Let's try going over to our left.

Good one.

And looking over to the left now, looking at me.

That's wicked.

I tell you, it never ceases to amaze me

how some of my Fetchers can just pick up on something

they've never tried before and just take off.

Wow, what is that?

What we've come across here

is a little bit of a half pipe.

We have two mini half pipes like this.

This is mini?

JAKE: And then we have a super pipe.

Yeah, this looks pretty big, actually.

All right, last try.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hey, strike!

Oh, I meant to do that.

Well planned.

We're going to do this, Ruff.


All right, let's just make it straight.

It has to be behind the foul line.

Ready? Ready to try it?

RUFF: All right, here we go, here's the first test.

That is a lot faster.

RUFF: It looks like it's going down.

It's definitely faster. Wow. Pretty good-- seven pins.

Seven. Oh, seven.

The ball starts from up higher, so gravity makes it roll faster,

and faster means more force. Ah!


Oh, that's right down the middle.

Strike! Yay!

Finally! Yes! One, two, three!

Hey, the Bowlinator's good.

I better give these guys a call. (tone dialing)

Hey, guys.

(whistling): Up here.

Oh, hey, Ruff. Hey, Ruff.

Great job with the Bowlinator.

But you are not done yet.

We're going to have a little contest, guys.

Whoever knocks down more pins in five throws, wins.

Your machine will compete

against the greatest bowler in the world!

Ray! No, not Ray.


Really, the question is not who, it's what.

Ray, remove the tarp.

RAY: Pull straight back this way.

BRIDGET: It's a monster.

WILLIE: This isn't fair.

Behold, Throbot.

The ultimate bowling machine.

WILLIE: That's not fair.

You got your work cut out for you, guys.

JAKE: So this will be your first time in the pipe, huh?


All the way across.

Lean forward.

That doesn't look, doesn't look too bad; I mean, he's not--

oh, he's getting a little airborne there.

Boy, Jake sure makes it look easy.

Okay, seriously, are we really

expecting Rosario to do this?

I don't think I'm too ready for this.

Yeah, I think you're ready. He's taking you

one step at a time, buddy, trust him.

And across the hill now back the other way.

Nice. Oh, that turn was sweet!

JAKE: Nice one.

Now, look the other way!

Nice, across the hill.

Whoa, he's actually doing it.

Look at that! Ooh, icy there.

That's unbelievable.


I tried to stop there.

All right, Rosario.

Well done today, buddy.

You did an awesome job.

Thank you. I hope you've enjoyed snowboarding.

Yeah, I had an awesome time.

I loved it!

See you on the super pipe, Ruff.

No way you're catching me in that thing, Rosario.

Now back to the lanes.

Here we go.

For the first time in television history,

the ultimate bowling showdown.

Bowlinator vs. Throbot.

That is amazing.

One will stand, one will fall.

Whoever knocks down more pins in five throws wins.

Here comes Throbot's first throw.

WILLIE: Ah, that's nothing.

Sure, it's nothing! Man, a perfect strike.

That was amazing.

Right between the one and the three pin.

We can match up to that.

That's right, confidence, Bridget.

Confidence, Willie. We're gonna b*at you, machine.

And here's the Bowlinator's first throw.

WILLIE: Yeah, b*at that, machine!


Okay, eight.

That's still good. Yeah.

Huh? Take that.

(laughing): Take that.

Here's the second throw.

Let's see what you got now, buddy.

Oh, wow, there's another one.

Every time.

Come on, Bowlinator.

WILLIE: Come on, strike.

Another eight.

This thing is just unstoppable.


Okay, we're down by four.

BRIDGET: Seriously.

Here's the third sh*t.


Aha! Left that one short, that's a seven.

WILLIE: See, ours is faster.

You're only down .

Good, you're only down two!

b*at that! Nine!

Here comes sh*t number four.

Man, this Throbot's driving me crazy.

Nine, again, we're getting better, we're getting better!

We're only down three.

This is Throbot's last throw.

Aha! He only got three.

It all comes down to this.

Throbot's up by six pins.

This is Bridget and Willie's last roll.

They need six to tie, seven to win.

Come on, baby.

Oh, I can't watch.

Go, go, Bowlinator, go!

Seven! They win!

Bowlinator defeats Throbot!

What an upset!

Oh, baby!

We b*at the machine.

b*at him by a pin.

One pin. One pin.

Thank you so much.

Had a great time having you here. Yeah.

Whoo! That was intense.

Hey, Ruff Ruffman here,

and approaching Studio G now,

the king of the hill, Rosario.

What are you doing, guys?

You look really warm.

And let's welcome back Team Bowlinator,

Bridget and Willie. Hey, guys.

What's going on? You guys really showed that robot, huh?

How'd you guys do? Awesome, you guys.

Hey, nice shirt.

Well, well done, guys.

Now I know you guys have a blast on these challenges,

and you get points, too.

Yeah! Whoo!

Triumph Tally time.

We start with Rosario

for conquering the mountain, points.


For squishing that tomato,



Now, you got up after every one

of your falls

and lived to tell the tale.

You get .

And you boarded

a gnarly half-pipe,

that's points right there.

Nice! Nice!

But unfortunately, Rosario,

for knocking down that kid,

I'm deducting points.

Oh, I know, that was so horrible.

I felt so bad.

I did, too.

Let's see what you got there for a grand total, Rosario.

Oh-ho! points!

Incredible score.

Now then, Willie and Bridget.

You look pretty striking in your bowling shirts.

Get it, get it? Striking.

I like to encourage fashion on this show

as well as I encourage food.

Ten points.

Yeah. All right, guys.

For consistently knocking down

eight pins at a time, points.

Nice, guys.

For tinkering with the Bowlinator's design,

to make it much more accurate, more points.

All right. Whoa.

And for the under dog to defeat

the eight-ton bowling champion,

that's extra points right there

for a grand total of points.

But is that all the points

a dog can give?

ALL: No.

What time is it?

ALL: Bone-us points.

That's right, bone-us points time, and Willie,

you're clearly the go-to man when a machine needs a name.

The Bowlinator.

Five bone-us points to you.

All right. Yeah!

Which means, Rosario, with points,

you're today's daily winner.


You know how this works. Today, we have two bowling balls.


Under one is a splendiferous prize.

And under the other, eh.

So which is it going to be?

I choose "B," Ruff.

Then Rosario, step up to the mailbox and retrieve

your prize.

You're going to love this.

You picked the right one, too, I got to tell you.

This is-- you're just going to go crazy.

Whoa. Melted snow!

I commissioned an ice sculpture

of you, snowboarding.

It was very expensive, but totally worth it.

It all kind of melted, you know.

Well, then you know what?

It's a very expensive beverage.

Okay? You still got a bowl with your name on it.

Thank you, Ruff.

Well, that brings us to the end

of a gnarly episode of Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman.

Good luck out there,

all you future Bowlinators.

Take care. Bye-bye.


You know, after a sporting match, it's good manners

to send a thank you note to your competitor.

Here's a copy of one I sent recently.

"Dear Throbot,"

Oh, what? I shouldn't have made fun of Throbot?

Come on, he's just a machine... (doorbell ringing)

Who is it, Blossom?

(gasping): Throbot?

And he's looking angry?

Tell him I'm not home.

Throbot, it was just a little joke.

(Ruff scatting)


*With Ruff Ruffman! *

(Ruff scatting)

Oh, whatever.


*With Ruff Ruffman! *