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02x05 - The Mystery of Dogtopia and Catlantis

Posted: 02/20/24 10:30
by bunniefuu
Wow, look at this place.

Who'd have thought a dog and cat

could work so well together?

Why, it even reminds me of a story

my Great-Uncle McRuffmantosh used to tell me.

There once was an ancient land called Dogtopia,

an island inhabited solely by dogs and cats,

and even more amazingly,

the dogs and cats got along...

until it all fell apart

and nobody could tell why,

except it was all the fault of the cats!

My uncle even gave me this rare Dogtopian idol.

It's got to be worth a fortune.

Oh, you heard the same story?

But the name of the island was Catlantis?

And it fell apart because of dogs?

Oh, oh, that's the craziest thing I've ever...

Ruffy, I've got news!

Look, Blossom, it's Great-Uncle Ruff McRuffmantosh.

Hey, me wee pup, we've got work to do.

After all these years, I've got it at last.Got what, Uncle?

The coordinates for Dogtopia.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

Funding forFETCAnd here come the contestants now.

Trout, flounder, halibut, they're all fish,

and she'd rather eat a sandwich.


He has named his biceps Mario and Luigi.


If she had to be an animal, she would be a lion.


When someone is standing in front of her

when she wants to watch TV, it annoys her.

Me, too.


If you serve a pear, sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

That's how he likes it.


He wants the powers of a psychic,

but then he'd know who'd winFETCH!


Let's get an update on the scores.

In sixth place with points is Rosario.

Fifth place: Nina with points.

Fourth place: Madi with points.

Third place: Willie, with points.

Second place: Bridget, with points.

And still in first with points: Mike.

Hello, and welcome toFETCH!

The reality game show

that probes the deepest mysteries

the world has ever known.

Okay.What kind of mysteries?



the Loch Ness Monster,

the Bermuda Triangle,

nothing has held a candle

to the great mystery

of Dogtopia.


Oh, what's that, Blossom?

Yes, okay,

or Catlantis, if you're a cat.

Next to the garden gnome,

there is not just another lawn ornament, no, no, no.

It is an idol from an island civilization

where dogs and cats once lived in peace.

Now, the dogs and cats lived in peace

until something went horribly wrong...


And it was the fault of the cats!

Who's that?

RUFF: Right, this is my uncle,

Uncle McRuffmantosh.

And he's found the location

of the lost city of Dogtopia.

Hi, Uncle McRuffmantosh.

Wait a minute, Ruffy.

Look at them.

They're just wee pups.

And you're sending them out to Misery Island?

Misery Island? Misery Island?

Misery Island,

the location of the lost city of Dogtopia.

I'm scared.

Uh-huh, and thus, uncomfortably

we come to today's challenge.

Every dog grows up

learning that the end of Dogtopia

was due to cats.

Now, according to Yum-Yum Von Blossom, however,

every cat is taught that it was the fault of the dogs.

So we don't really knowOh, all right.

and that's what we have you guys for.

Now what you need to do with this is

to find the other idols hidden on the island.

All right. Awesome.

And we'll have our answer.

RUFF: That's right, so Nina, Willie, Bridget, you'll be the Dog Team.


You have to look for the stone fire hydrants.

Oh, it's a hydrant.

That means that there's

a dog idol nearby.

RUFF: Your instructions

and island coordinates are in the mailbox,

and your archaeologist gear is on the chair

next to the bike.Oh, cool.

Go fetch!

Awesome.Bye, guys. We'll see you there.

RUFF: Hey, take life jackets! You're going to need them.

Bye, guys.

Bye, guys, see you there.

Mike, Madi, Rosario, you're Team Cat.

And Blossom Pepperdoodle is sponsoring your expedition.

Once on the island,

you'll need to look

for the stone balls of yarn.

That's right: a yarn ball means that there's a cat idol nearby.

Now your instructions

are in the mailbox

and your gear is in the wagon.All right.

Go fetch!


RUFF: Take life jackets. You too will need them.

All right, bye, Ruff.

All right.

For our contestants out on the challenge today,

up to points are at stake in the Triumph Tally.

So let's get on with it already!

To Misery Island!

WILLIE: Here we go.

Are you going to take us to the island?

Come right in here. Hold on to something.


for poisonous snakes on that boat, Ruffy?

RUFF: Uh, no, Uncle, snakes don't live on boats.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: For their sakes, I hope you're right.

Guys, I think I see the island.


Wow, considering it's kind of been a lost island,

that was a quick find.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: It's Little Misery Island.

And that's Great Misery Island.

Now we'll find out what brought an end to Dogtopia.

Okay, Cat Team,

this is your stop.

This is Kitty Litter Cove.

Okay, Dog Team,

this is your stop.

We're at Doggy Paddle Pond.

WILLIE: We have to look for fire hydrants.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: There's a dog idol near here.

The kids have got to find it.

NINA: Do you see anything?Water.

BRIDGET: Oh, there's buoys out there.

WILLIE: What's this thing for?

BRIDGET: We have to go out and around them or something?

WILLIE: But we can't all fit on this thing.

NINA: After we... let's just do rock, paper, scissors.

Rocks, paper, scissors, sh**t.

NINA: Willie wins.

You need a life jacket. I'll go grab you one.

I'll give you a little push.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: You see, lad, they've got to reach these mysterious buoys.

Pull it up!

All right, what is this thing?

A horseshoe.BRIDGET: Just a horseshoe?

Check all of them and maybe we'll find the statue thingie.

Yeah, the dog idol dude.

I found a giant dog bone.

I found a shoe.

NINA: Oh, my gosh, I see it.

GIRLS: Okay, go to that one!

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Look, he's got it!

I got it.


Make a note, Ruffy.

That red crab could be important.

Guys, look over there.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: A stone ball of yarn.

There's a cat idol nearby.

They've got to look for clues.

ROSARIO: What are these bottles?Okay, look inside.

RUFF: I don't like picture clues.

"Bus" plus "H": Bush.

"M" plus "flower" minus "P."

No, no, no, petal.

"M" plus "petal": metal.

"Detective" minus "ive" so, "detect," plus what's that?


Find metal detector in bush.

You go that way. I'll look over here.

I heard a beep.Where?

You guys, I found it!

What would we need a metal detector for?

MIKE: Find something metal?

MADI: To find the idol.

Find something?

MIKE: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Cat food. Open it up.

RUFF: Cat food?

It looks like regular...Wait, pour it out.

RUFF: Well, I don't think you're going to find

a statue in that pile of wet cat food.

All right, let's do it right here, guys.

ROSARIO: Oh, it's a pan!

MIKE: An egg beater.

ROSARIO: Maybe we're supposed to bake the cat food?

Right there.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Tricky cats putting metal

on the stone idol.

The idol!That is awesome.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Write it down, Ruffy.

It's a strange artichoke or something.

Oh, my gosh.

KIDS: "Dear Diary."

It's a note from the past.

"That scary stuff is happening again.

"Everybody knows it's the cat's fault.

I can't hear myself think."

Did you hear that?

The cats are blamed for scary stuff.

WILLIE: This doesn't tell us anything.

Let's look for another... fire hydrant?

Pull it.

Oh!The Daily Mews.

A piece of Catlantis newspaper.

That trashy rag.

"Howling menace plagues island."

"Dogs are to blame!"

Check that out!

Howling Menace! Dogs!

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Now they've got to find another hydrant.

WILLIE: A fire hydrant!

BRIDGET: Oh, I see doghouses, guys. Lookit.

"Canine Condo Complex."

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: An ancient neighborhood.

NINA: One letter is highlighted in every name.

Whoa, what's...? It's like a xylophone.

BRIDGET: Hey, maybe the letters on these...

if we do it in order from like one to whatever it is...

Then it'll play a song.

Oh, I get it.

The letters are musical notes.

So let's start with one. What is it? WILLIE: C.

BRIDGET: Number two is F.

Number three.

There. F again.


Then we'll listen to it again.

WILLIE: ♪ Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun

♪ E-I-E-I-O.

What tune?

The song?

I know I've heard it before.

NINA: Go with C-C-F-F-G.

Number is G.



Okay, that's it, so you ready?

♪ Old McDonald had a farm.

♪ There was a farmer who had a dog. ♪

No, that's "Bingo."

♪ F-F-F-C-D-D-C.

Wait. F-F-G-D...


♪ Dun-dun-dun- dun-dun-dun... ♪

Wait a minute. It's not "Old McDonald" at all.

BRIDGET: It's Bingo.

"Bingo"! Yes!

I told you!

ALL: ♪ B-I-N-G-O, B-I...

Did I not tell you?

Maybe one of the dogs' names is Bingo.

Bingo!UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: ♪ And Bingo was his name-o.


What is it?

A fish? A porpoise?

I don't know!

RUFF: "Scratching Post Park."

That's where cats would go

so they wouldn't claw

their own furniture.

MIKE: Guys!


Guys, there's the yarn ball.

What are you doing?

MIKE: I'm finding a trail of money.

RUFF: A quarter.

There's one right here.

Coins. Whoo!

RUFF: Well, if they come

to a jukebox, they're in business.

What do you think? They're quarters.

A lot of money, Ruff. Guys!

Look, there's a candy machine!

Wait, what's in there?

Read it.

"Pay the scratching post toll

"with the colored pebbles.

But first, trace your steps and find the coins."

MADI: We already found the coins.

Guys, scratching posts!

Five white... three white, two green, one pink.

Just get all of them, Rosario.

Put the coins in.

MIKE: Oh, there we go.

ROSARIO: Five white.

MADI: Let's see what happens.

RUFF: Wow! Whoa! Oh! Oh, man.

That was awesome!

What was that?



RUFF: Whoa, the pebbles make it erupt.

Get some more!

One green, one pink.

RUFF: I wouldn't drink that if I were you.

It's -year-old cat soda.

ROSARIO: Two green, three pink.


Four pink, four white, four green.

RUFF: Oh, that's going to be a geyser.

Oh, no, wait.

RUFF: Huh. Nothing.

That's awkward. Nothing.

Well, let's take it down. Open it.

Oh, an idol! It's an idol!

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Another marking.

It's a mouse.

This could be part of the answer, Ruffy.

Unscrew his head. Let's see what it says.

Another note.


"The Howling Menace Preventer.

"Protect yourself from the horrible noise

caused by those awful cats."

Whoa! Oh, a note!

Oh, this one's more. This one's more. All right.

"We hold these truths

"to be self-evident, that cats are innocent;

"dogs cause misery.

We hereby declare our feline independence."

It's a declaration of independence, guys.

Wait, so guys, let's put together

the clues we have so far.

The horrible things are happening again.

So maybe the cats were really obnoxious

and meowed a lot or something.

They hate them, so they want their independence.

They want to leave. They want to ruin them.

The dogs blame the cats. The cats blame the dogs.

Oh, I don't know

who to believe.

They could be lying. Guys!


ALL: "Central Bark."

WILLIE: Oh, look at the piñata.

RUFF: Ooh, a cat piñata.

Maybe we hit it with a stick. Ready?

All right, well, don't worry there, Blossom.

It's not a real cat.

WILLIE: It's a pulley and a rope.

BRIDGET: There's something else in here.

Oh, it's another pulley.

RUFF: They found a pulley and a rope.

Now what are they supposed to do?

WILLIE: Maybe we have to hook this boat.

NINA: Oh, yeah.

The boat has rope on it.

Maybe the thing was under it.

Oh, gosh.

Okay, this is really heavy.

We're going to need to make a pulley.

I'll go up in the tree

and tie it.We have two ropes.

This one we're going to need to tie the pulley

around one of the tree trunks.


Now we have to put the second rope through the pulley.

You want to try and tie it to this first?

Then get that end through the pulley? Yeah.

Do, like, a really tight knot here.

Ah, here it is.

Here, stick this end through.

Okay. Now everyone get over here.


Oh, we got it. We got it. We got it.

Somebody go get that. Or not.

Oh, no, when Willie lets go to get the idol,

the boat is too heavy for Bridget and Nina to hold up.

We need a second pulley.Yeah, yeah.

Ah, smart move.

The kids are going to try

using a second pulley to make it easier

to lift the rowboat.

Do you want to try and draw it out?

Yeah. Okay, so this is the weight.

and the tree trunk is right here.

Now, this is our first pulley, and we just had it like that.

I was thinking we could tie the pulley right here...

Yeah, but how...?

And then tie a knot around this tree.

Yeah, so that looks like an N shape.

That's how you do it.

BRIDGET: If we have two pulleys,

the weight is separated on this rope and this rope.

So when we're pulling here, we're only pulling

the weight that's on this rope, which is half the weight.

Yeah, okay, so let's do it.

I think first we need to untie this from here

so that we can tie the pulley around.

Okay, so this needs to go up... up there.

Like, tied onto the tree.

Want me to go up there now?

So this rope needs to go through the pulley down here.


And then we pull that and I think we're all set.

Since we have two pulleys then, it's splitting the weight,

and then if us two are pulling, half the weight,

Willie can go down...

BRIDGET: ...can go down and get the thing.


Oh, sorry.

Even though this weight is split,

we have to pull a lot of rope.

Ready? Yeah.

RUFF: See, this time Nina and Bridget

can hold the boat up on their own.

BRIDGET: Watch out! Get it fast!

Are you out?Yup! Drop it.


It worked!


A marking of a turtle.

Oh, look, the yarn ball. The yarn ball right there.

"Fort Feline."

MADI: Guys! A treasure box!

MIKE: Oh, man.

MADI: We need a key.

Oh, I found it!

Come on. Put it in.

It's not going in.

Hey, here's another one.

I got one, too.

Whoa. Wait a minute.

There's more than one key?

Oh, I found another one.

I found another one.

It's a land of keys.

Oh, guys, look.

"Find the key that's as attractive as this lock."

Wait, what? They're looking for an attractive key?

Come on. How can a key be good-looking?

Okay, it's wavy. A wavy key.

Ooh. I think I got our match.

RUFF: Nope, that's not working.

MADI: "Find the key that's as attractive as this lock."

ROSARIO: Magnets!

Magnets? What?

Oh! So maybe something that's magnetic to the lock.

Ruffy, by "attractive," the clue doesn't mean "good-looking."

It means attracted to a magnet.

Oh, the clue's saying that the lock will stick to a magnet

and the right key will, too.

We need to find which key is magnetic.

How are they going to find out which key is magnetic

if they don't already have a magnet?

We have to make, like, an electromagnet.

We use the wire and we wrap it around a metal thing.

MADI: The nail. Get the nail.

[grunts] All right, all right, so,

I need to start wrapping this, right? Yeah.

Well. You're going tomakea magnet?

So we need to make an electromagnet.

Yeah, we need to create a magnetic field around this.

MIKE: 'Cause everything has atoms and some atoms act like magnets.

If we got the atoms to line up in here...

I get it. The tiny atoms that make up the nail

each act like weak magnets.

Now, if the kids can get enough atoms

to line up in the same direction,

the whole nail will act like a big magnet.

Thank you, Blossom.

Excellent research.

We need something...Like a battery...

Some kind of source.

Oh, oh, we have a flashlight!

We have a flashlight with batteries.

MIKE: Take out the battery.

That's a big battery.

That's huge.

ROSARIO: After you're done wrapping that, we need to create

a closed circuit; can't have an open circuit.

MADI: The electricity running through the wire

makes the atoms line up

and makes the magnetic field.

So then we test it on the lock.

Is it nice and secure?Yeah.

MIKE: I feel it.

MADI: Yeah, we got something.

RUFF [gasping]: It's working!

The atoms must be lined up 'cause it's magnetic.

ROSARIO: Guys, we made a magnet.

Now let's go look for keys, guys.

Oh, look, I found a key.MADI: One.

Found another one.MADI & ROSARIO: Two.

Oh, there's one.

MIKE: And another one.

MADI: Oh, here's one.

Okay, ready?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

RUFF: Wait, yes, there it is!

MIKE: Yes!

RUFF: And it works!

ROSARIO: Open it!

MIKE: All right!

ROSARIO: The idol, we got the idol, guys!

Looks like a beetle. Write that down, Blossom.

All right, so ready?

RUFF: What's the next clue?

What is it? What is it?

It's ripped.Oh, it's a map.

We were at Doggy Paddle Pond,

and then we went down to the Canine Condo Complex.

NINA: We're in Central Bark.

Only half of the map?

Where's the other half?

Oh, wait a minute now.

ROSARIO: Take it off!

Misery Island...

MADI: Oh, no, it's only half of a map.

MIKE: Fort Feline, Kitty Litter Cove.

MADI: It's only the three places we went.

"To Misery solve, over, find, over, find and..."

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Call me crazy, but I've seen those symbols before.

WILLIE: What's this?

"Our the row..."

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Of course, the markings on the idols!

But lookit, we're in Central Bark.

Well, there's an arrow pointing this way,

so maybe we should go that way.

The arrow's showing us that we want to go over there,

but we can't see over there.

MIKE: What's this? What's this?

ROSARIO: It says "bone." It says "bone."

So let's go over there and look for a sign

and see if it starts with "Bone."

NINA: So it looks like we're headed to something "Henge."

So we have to go that way.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Both teams are headed in the same direction!

What is all this?

They're cats.

ROSARIO: Oh, they're dogs and cats.

Bone, we're here. We're here.

No archaeologist has ever cracked the mystery

of Bonehenge.

BRIDGET: Oh, my gosh, guys, lookit.

The idols! Look, it's the idols.

RUFF: Wait, some of the towers are missing the idols.

Yeah, maybe we should get our idols, guys.

We have to put them on top.

RUFF: Yeah, put them on top!

But how do they know where to put them?

What about the colors?

I wonder if they mean anything.

This one is yellow and that symbol is yellow.

RUFF: Aha, it's color-coded.

That is pink and green and the collar is pink and green.

We have to get this up there.

Halt. Put that on top.

Good. Willie, this one goes up there.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Keep matching the symbols, lads!

Purple and light purple.

Guys, I found it! I found it!

Okay, good.

Oh, this one is yellow.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: They're getting closer!

Closer, Ruffy. MADI: Yellow and brown.

This one!

We're done.

BRIDGET: And now we need the black and blue one.

WILLIE: It's that one right there.

RUFF: There's the one from Studio G!

They have all the idols up.

NINA: Guys, look, on the cat it has the head of the mouse.

I think we have to decode it.

The symbols on the collars.

Oh. Oh.

BRIDGET: Maybe you guys have the other half to this.

Yeah, we do!

Yes, yes, yes!

ROSARIO: This is a sentence. This is a sentence.

NINA: Look, these signs are on our animals.

WILLIE: Maybe, maybe they're in order on their pillar.

From left to right...

NINA: What's the sign on this one?

Um, "Solve...


What's that one?

"Solve our mystery."

All right, this is going good.

"Row over to little...

"Row over to Little Misery.

And find the..."

the only part we don't have.

Wait a minute, you guys.

If we both found these in idols, then...

Ruff gave us one that we didn't...

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: They need the idol you gave them, Ruffy.

I found one!

I got it. I got it.

Here, pass it to me.

Okay, open the head!

MADI: Oh, it's in there!

Open it!

Huh, there was a message in there the whole time.


Monster? What kind of monster?

There's Little Misery.

ROSARIO: Guys, maybe the monster did it all.

You know the cat noises, the Howling Menace Preventer?


Maybe that was, the monster was making the noise, not the cats.

It was a mistake that the dogs thought the cats did

and the cats thought the dogs did.

ROSARIO: So really it's no one's fault.

MIKE: It's the monster's fault!

But you guys, we passed a tree that had a boat on it.

That's the one that we had to pick up.

ALL: Let's go get it. Let's go get it.

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: Ruffy, they're suggesting it wasn't the cats or the dogs,

but some strange beast.

Oh, that's even worse!

All right, guys, here we are.

Little Misery.

Home of the big monster.

Something up there!

MADI: Be careful. It's a monster, guys.

[whimpers, teeth chattering]

ROSARIO: There's a path, guys! There's a path!

[Ruff whimpering]

What's that noise?What is that?


What happened?

This is the howling monster?

BOTH: Vacuum cleaners?


MADI: Howling menace!

Cats and dogs hate vacuums.

They're all scared of them.


Guys, this is the monster.

Well, Ruff, awesome, it's only a vacuum.

[all chattering]

Let's go tell them that in person.All right.

Let's go to the studio.

See you, Blossom. See ya, Ruff.

RUFF: It wasn't dogs or cats at fault!

It was the enemy of both species: vacuum cleaners.

[gasps] I should have guessed.

And here come the fearless explorers themselves,

the Dog Team: Willie, Nina and Bridget!

Hey, Ruff, we figured it out.

RUFF: And right behind them,

Team Cat:

Madi, Rosario and Mike.

Hey, guys.

Great work, guys.

ALL: Thank you. Thank you, Ruff.

Hey, what say we give out some points?

ALL: Yeah!

ALL: Whoa!

You went boldly forth and uncovered the long-lost idols

of the Island of Cats and Dogs.

points for everyone.

ALL: Yeah!

Thank you, Ruff.

ROSARIO: This is the howling monster?

RUFF: You solved the most mysterious mystery

the world has ever known.

Or the most mysterious one involving vacuum cleaners.

points for all!

ALL: Yeah!

Get it, Willie. Grab it.

Ten points to the Dog Team for working out that pulley.

Ten points to Team Cat for building an electromagnet.

ALL: Yeah!

Is that all the points a dog can give?

ALL: No!

Uncle, you want to take this?

What time is it?

ALL: Bonus points!

RUFF: That's right, and our bonus points are going

to the contestant who didn't step back, but stepped up.

These signs are all our animals.

RUFF: Madi, you took charge and cracked the Bonehenge code.

Ten bonus points.

Yeah, Madi.

Which means...

Madi, you're today's daily winner.


Now, Madi,

you know how this works.

We have here two identical Dogtopia dog idols.

Under one is an awesome prize and under the other

is a... Well, you know, it's good.

What would you like?All right.

Dog Idol "A" or Dog Idol "B"?


"A," please.

Then Madi,

you will find your prize

in the mailbox.

Go, Madi!

UNCLE McRUFFMANTOSH: I'm so nervous.

What if she gets a tarantula?

RUFF: She's not getting a tarantula.

NINA: What is it? What is it?


A vacuum bag.

RUFF: That's right.

[kids groan]

That's a museum-quality artifact

from Little Misery Island right there.

NINA: That's nasty, Ruff.

Great, Ruff, thank you.

Too bad you didn't pick the other idol.

It was just your own island in the Caribbean. Oh, well.

So, Fetchers, that brings us to the end

of an exciting episode of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

For Blossom, my uncle and I, we say see you next time.

ALL: Bye, Ruff!

Good-bye, kids!

Bye, Ruffmantosh.

Oh, hi, to make sure Misery Island never happens to us,

Blossom and I have been following theCat and Dog Guide

to Curing Vacuum Cleaner Phobia.

We listen to a tape as we sleep.

MAN [on tape]: Vacuum cleaners are your friend. Vacuum cleaners are your friend.

And we have a vacuum cleaner we talk to every day.

Hello, Ruff.Hi, Ethel.

Okay, Blossom, I'm scattering a whole bag of kitty litter.

Turn on Ethel's switch.


Okay, we need a little more work.

[Ruff scatting]


♪ With Ruff Ruffman!

[Ruff scatting]



♪ With Ruff Ruffman!