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02x03 - You Lucky Dog

Posted: 02/20/24 10:29
by bunniefuu

Oh, hi. I'm Ruff Ruffman.

Excuse me.

Nothing ends a Chinese lunch better than a fortune cookie.

They're always so true.

I don't know how they do it.

[Ruff reading]

Well, it's hard to argue with that one.


Oh, this is your fortune?

Oh, mine's over there?

Uh, sorry... well, okay, no need to grab.

[phone ringing]

Spot Spotnick's back in town!


On the phone?

Ah, Spotnick, my old puppyhood pal.

What fun we'd have racing our rawhides down hills.

Of course, in our last race, Spotnick cheated.

Ooh, I just know it.

I lost my whole squeaky toy collection on that race.

All right, Spotnik, I demand a rematch!

Oh, what do I want to wager?

Let's see.

My new collection of rare

and precious squeaky toys.

Well, that felt good.

Ooh, I almost forgot my fortune cookie.

"You are in for bad luck.

"Change it or you will lose your valuable squeaky toy collection

in a race with your old childhood friend."

Okay, that doesn't sound good at all.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

Funding forFETCH! with Ruff RUFF: And here come the contestants now!

His pet rabbit can do a flip... well, almost.

It's Willie!

Does she like peanut butter?

Oh, you bet, she likes it far, far away from her.


He can sound just like a frog-- ribbit, it's Rosario.

She once swam with sharks.

Sharks?! Is she mad?!

No, she's Madi.

He used to have two pet goldfish and now he doesn't-- Mike.

Have a hankering for a brownie?

She can whip up a whole batch.


She's Nina.

Let's get an update on the scores, fetchers.

In sixth place, we have Rosario with points.

Willie, holding on to the number five spot with points.

Bridget has dropped to fourth place with points.

Madi also down to third place with points.

Nina has jumped up to number two with points

and Mike, holding on to first place with points.

Howdy, fetchers. Hey.

Hi.How you doing, Ruff?

Hey, Ruff.

You're looking good, you're looking energized.

You're looking like you're ready

to do some awesome challenges.

Ready. We are.

So here's the deal.

We're going to get right into it.

I got an old rival.

Runs by the name of Spot Spotnick.

Well, Spot won my squeaky toy collection years ago

in a rigged rawhide race.

Rigged, I say!

Well, I'm going to need three of you

to help me win it back in a rematch

that has been long in the coming.

How many of you have raced rawhide bones before?

Um... No.

No experience at all?No.

None? Not one?

Well, it's not a problem

because you won't be racing bones,

no sirree, Bob.

I have ordered you a kit car,

so you will be racing in a sleek, new,

official soapbox derby speedster.

[kids cheering]

Super awesome.

My new squeaky toy collection is on the line here.

On the line.

I mean, I may never see them again

if you don't win.

So I am counting on you.Aw, Ruff.

Nina, Rosario... and Mike!

All right, guys.


Everything you need to know is in the mailbox!

Go fetch!

All right. Let's go.

Whoo! Good luck.

Don't let me down.

If I don't have squeaky toys, I can't chew anything.


Now, then.

Challenge number two.

Improve Ruff's chances of winning the race.

I've had a string of lousy luck.

Ever since getting a bum fortune cookie.

But if I want to b*at Spotnick, I need all the good luck

I can get, so I've done some research.

Turns out all I need is

for one of you to ride a dragon.

It's no biggie.




go get this dog some luck.

Your instructions are in the mailbox.All right.

Go fetch!

We'll see you later, Bridget,

good luck. See you later, guys.

Bring Ruff some luck. I will.

I could use a little bit.

As determined by the FETCH ,

Willie and Madi have stayed behind in the studio this week.

But they'll be eligible to win points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

And don't worry, guys.

You have the FETCH Fairness Guarantee.

All the contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by the grand finale.

For the four kids out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake in the triumph tally,

so let's check in with the...

Blossom, we're in the middle of the show.

What? Oh, it's a fax

from the company delivering my derby kit car?

They got my order mixed up...

with a shipment of maraschino cherries?

Oh, where's the car now?

Headed for New Zealand?!


All right, Blossom-- teamwork.

Go look in the garage.

Anything you can build a car with,

send it out to the kids-- anything.

Man, it is all the fault of that fortune cookie, I just know it.

Oh! More bad luck.

Ooh, cool car.

This is my good friend Patrick.

Did you see the derby car go by? Yeah.

That is what you're going

to be doing today.Oh. Yes!

RUFF: How awesome is that?

Have any of you ridden in a derby car before?

No. No. No, not really.

What I'm going to do is have Drew show you

around one of his derby cars,

just so you get an idea of what's involved with it.

This is the back axle.

This is what keeps the wheel straight.

This is the steering wheel.

When you push the brake down, this will go down.

Right here,

push down the brake,

it will slide against the floor

and it will make it stop.

And this is the front axle.

The front axle turns right and left,

and that's what makes the wheels move and turn.

RUFF: Huh! Drew sure knows a lot about soapbox derby racing.

I've been racing for years.

I liked racing so much

that I started studying engineering

so I could learn more

about the science behind the racing.

Soapbox derby science is

the science of pushes and pulls.

Now, since this is derby racing,

there's no motor,

there's no sail, there's no pedals.

The only thing you have to pull you down the hill is gravity.

Things are going to be fighting gravity-- pushes.

There's two big pushes in soapbox racing.

First is friction.

Now, friction is what happens

when you rub two things together.

You've all been to the playground, right?

Yeah.You've gone down a slide?

What happens when you put your sneakers down

at the end of the slide?

Stop. You stop.

It creates a lot of friction, slows you down.

So we're fighting friction.

The second push we're fighting

in derby racing is called drag.

As you're whizzing down the hill

and the wind's blowing against you,

all that wind is pushing against the car,

working to slow it down.

We want to minimize the amount of drag.

One way to do that is

to make the front of the car as small as possible,

so the wind doesn't have much stuff to press against.

So it's like a wedge,

like, wedging the wind?

RUFF: Good point, Mike.

Shapes like that are also going

to minimize the amount of drag,

and they're going to make your car faster.

Ruff told me we could find the car

just over the hill.

RUFF: Yeah, it's going to be a real cool car.

Really cool!

Whoa. Whoa.


Where's the car?

Let's give him a call.

Uh, where's the car?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

About that, guys...

well, you know those really red candy cherries you find

on top of banana splits?

Well, a shipment of them should have been going to New Zealand.

Instead, our car kit is headed there.

But good news!

You have a whole pile of, uh, junk

to build your car with. Oh.

Your car's going to have to do three things:

It has to coast downhill, steer and brake.

Later on, you'll be racing against Drew's team--

which, more importantly, is Spotnick's team.

Good luck.

We have to build it?

We have to build a car?

What's the matter? You don't do tools?

I don't think this is a problem at all. I mean, you can...

RUFF: You got Patrick. He'll help you.

Mmm, go down the hill.

Do you know what brainstorming is?

Yeah. Yes.

It's when it rains in your head.

Come up with as many ideas as you can,

and then talk about them afterwards.

RUFF: Get those ideas flowing.

Exchange thoughts.

NINA: Okay, so we have our axle and our wheels?

We have our axles and the wheels.

RUFF: Yeah, wheels are good.

Did you see this?

How about butt protection?

RUFF: Oh, don't want to bruise the bum.

...May go faster.

What about this?

It should be aerodynamic so it cuts

through the wind and you go faster.

RUFF: That's right, that's right.

How about we use this as a seat?

This purple thing?

RUFF: Is that a baby seat?

We could find a way to make this useful, so...

RUFF: Oh, I've got several ways to make that useful.

So let's catch up with Bridget now.

[Ruff screams]

RUFF: Bridget, don't run...!

Run... What century is this?

Oh, hey, it's Star.

Oh, man!

Hi. Are you Ruff's Lucky Star?

Yes, I am.

RUFF: Good friend of the Ruff man.

Today's the Dragon Boat Festival.

RUFF: Oh, Dragon Boat Festival, that's right.

STAR: And we hold that every year

to bring good luck and prosperity.

RUFF: Yes, I need it.

Your challenge is to bring Ruff good luck.

RUFF: And lots of it!

BRIDGET: Why do dragons bring good luck?

STAR: Well, in China, dragon means good luck,

because they are water spirits,

and they bring rain and water for crops every year.

And also, I have something for you to bring you good luck.

It's this necklace. Did you make this?

Yes, I did. Oh, it's beautiful.

RUFF: Oh, check it out-- a good luck necklace.

So now, in order to bring good luck,

we're going to chase away the bad luck.

And how do we do that?

STAR: Oh, you're going to become a lion.

BRIDGET: A lion?!

STAR: And lion dance and the drums are going

to keep the bad luck away.

Let me introduce you to Bob.

Bob is a kung fu master, and he's going to teach you

lion dancing.

So what we're gonna do right now is try and show you,

like, the intricacies of the lion a little bit.

The lion is a two-person exercise.

You have a tail.

RUFF: Ooh! Oh, I love wagging the tail.

And we have the head, where you have

to control the mouth and the eyes.

So, do I just hold on to this?

Yeah, you let it rest down on the back of your shoulders,

and then the mouth flaps open.

You pull this string right here.

That moves the ears and the eyes.

You can control the mouth by flapping it open and closed.

Got the tail, and the tail's function is to be

the hind of the animal.

Sometimes you possibly have to move your butt.

RUFF: That's right, gotta move the butt

if you want to wag that tail.

I know from experience.

STAR: Exactly! Very good.

BOB: And you want to flap your arms.

Drop your head down a little bit.

That-a-girl.RUFF: Very cool.

STAR: How does it feel down there?

It's hot. I don't want to be a lion.

RUFF: Yeah, way too much fur.

I keep mine nice and short.

Let's sketch out what we have so far.

RUFF: All right, time to decide on one solution.

We still need to think of, like, a... like, an actual base.

We can use this piece right here.

Then we put the wheels under it?

And then we're going to have the axle and the wheels.

RUFF: Uh-huh, axle. Good, makes the wheels go.

Take this off and use this.Yes.

We need the steering wheel.

And the brake. Get the brake.

What are we going to use for the brake?

I was thinking, like, a really skinny, small piece of wood.

Oh, that's good. We can use that.

How's your work going?

It's good.Doing well.

Pretty good.

Let's start to build.Let's get building.

RUFF: Now they're going to attach the front wheels

to the base so that it pivots.

PATRICK: Okay, who's got our bolt?I got it.


Watch your fingers.

RUFF: Ooh, Nina's mean with a hammer.

Good? I'm going to tighten it.

Is this the right way?

Ruff, righty-tighty, lefty loosey.

RUFF: Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey.

Words to live by, Patrick, words to live by.

Now they're attaching the rear wheels and axle.

Goggles down, everyone. Check.

RUFF: Safety goggles on?

Drill, drilling.

Somebody needs to hold it.I'll hold it.

How does the steering feel?

[grunts] Not good.

It doesn't want to steer very well?Whee!

We've got a piece of wood

rubbing against a piece of wood,

and maybe one thing we could do is put a spacer in there

that was very slippy, like a piece of metal, like a washer.

This slides pretty easily.

RUFF: Aha, adding the washer

between the two pieces of wood cuts down friction

and makes it easier to steer.

One thing I noticed as you were

making the front wheels turn, just by using your feet...

We could put... like, drill it down there?


Let's attach the seat.

You've got your glasses on?

Awesome. You're doing a great job.

RUFF: There you go. Awesome.

Super. RUFF: You're a natural.

Got a seat.

RUFF: Oh, that's sweet!

Oh, that piece of wood

will help them steer with their feet.

NINA: I was thinking maybe

if we're going to steer with our feet,

then we can brake with our hands.

RUFF: Good thinking, Nina.

If we had a pivot right here, you could do what?

Cause friction. Exactly.

RUFF: Now, we've been fighting friction the whole show,

but right here, when you want to stop,

friction becomes your best friend.

Ruff, we got a name for it.We got a name.

Oh, what is it?

ALL: It's called the Ruff Rider.

Oh, awesome!

[phone ringing]


Oh, it's you, Spotnick.

What do you want? I'm really busy.

Where did you hear about...?

No, I do not want to pull out of the race.

What, are you kidding me?

Do I look like a quitter to you?

I'll tell you what-- if my kids had nothing

but two tennis rackets and a banana, they'd still win.

[dial tone]Okay, let's see how my luck's doing.

STAR: So this necklace has a story.

The Dragon Boat Festival

is honoring a Chinese poet.

His name is Qu Yuan,

and he was very upset with the government,

so he jumped into a river.

Then people made a kind of food calledzongzi.


RUFF: I didn't know there was going to be food on this challenge.

STAR: Which is in the shape of the necklace.

Cool. And people threw that into the river

to keep the fish away from the poet.

So now are you ready to makezongzi?


Use two slices... two pieces

of bamboo leaf,

and fold it likewise.

Make a pouch.

Then you should fill in the red beans.

Fold it like you do Christmas gift.

So then you tie around it?

Tied it up. Yes.

Like this? Yeah.

Very good for the first time.

After we make it, we will put

into a big pot and fill it with water.


And let it boil for an hour and a half.

Shall we try it?


Ooh, it looks good.

You just bite it. Okay.

RUFF: Ooh, she's going to try it!

How is it? How is it?

Fish food, Ruff.RUFF: I love fish!

I'll save this for you.

[thunder rumbling]

RUFF: What was that? Was that thunder?

Was that thunder?BRIDGET: Um, love this rain.

Well, you know, Ruff, you're going to have good luck,

because rain is prosperity in China.

RUFF: Well, then I hope it pours.

You might want to find an umbrella, ducky.

Hi, Ruff Ruffman here, back in Studio G

with Willie and Madi, who have been enjoying themselves

watching the challenges.

Are you ready to earn some points of your own?

Yeah.RUFF: Good, 'cause it's time

for the Half-Time Quiz Show.

Let's brush up on the rules.

points are available.

You have to work together as a team.

You have seconds to answer as many questions as you can.

I'm going to ask you ten questions.

They are five points each.

Are you ready?

Yup. Yes.

RUFF: Then let the quiz...


RUFF: Correct.

Drew? Yeah.



It has to go downhill...


Oh, friction.

RUFF: Correct.

"B." RUFF: Correct.

Um, it was a piece of-of...


Skip it? Want to skip it?

Yeah, skip it.RUFF: Let's skip.


Because they bring rain for the crops.



Rice. Yeah.

RUFF: Correct.

The tail and the head.

RUFF: Correct.

Which one did we skip?

A platform.

RUFF: Correct. Yeah!

We have a perfect score!

Ten out of ten!

You are the first two people to answer ten out of ten.

In the record books you go!

[whooping] Awesome. Yeah.

points for each of you.

Awesome! Yeah!RUFF: Very exciting.

And now let's check back with Rosario, Nina and Mike

in the most important race of my life.

Think it's going to work?

Yeah. Yeah.

Why don't we test it out? Yeah.

RUFF: Now they're going to test it on a real racetrack.

Nina's got the car, Rosario's going to steer it.

Timpani is rolling....

Go, Rosario!

RUFF: Go, Rosario! Go, go, go!

Wow, he's really going fast.

Uh-oh, he's swerving a little bit.

He's trying to brake.

Oh, I can't watch!

[tires squealing]

Oh, he's off the road and into the field.


PATRICK: How did it feel? Good.

NINA: I think what went wrong

is that you were shifting your body weight.

PATRICK: What, if anything, would you like

to change on the car to make it a little more...?

Another brake. Maybe another brake on the other side.

RUFF: Now, that's a good idea.

That'll keep them going straight.

You see, when Rosario braked on the right,

he shifted his weight and made the car veer left.

Adding a second brake should even it out.

RUFF: Aah! Aah! Aah!

As part of the Dragon Boat Festival,

we're going to have a dragon race.

[horn blows]One,

two, three, four...

So let's go to meet the dragon boat team.

Okay, cool.

Hi, Stephanie, this is Bridget.

Oh, Ruff, I didn't know you were a model.

RUFF: Hey, I'm a good-looking dog.

Oh, good, it's raining!

My luck's going to change, baby.

Ew, poor Bridget.

She's going to get soaked.

So you try to keep the paddle as straight as possible.


RUFF: Now, this is just a practice run.

You know, kind of like the warm-up lap in a car race,

but with a dragon boat.

They're about to start.

And go!

RUFF: Paddle!

Go, go!

Very cool. She's learning very quickly.

So you go up to fast and short and then go back down

to where you were?That's right.

RUFF: Look at that-- everybody's synchronized.

[phone ringing]

Hello, Spotnik.

Oh, you think I'm getting a little nervous?

No, no, no, no, no.

Not me.

Well, then look here, buddy-o.

No dog wagers his bark-o-lounger

without being pretty sure of a win.

So there!

Oh, that's right, the bark-o-lounger.

Oh, no.

Did I just throw in the bark-o-lounger?

Yeah.[toy squeaking]

Let's just see how those kids are doing with their car.

What do you think, g*ng?

It's going to work better this time?Yeah.

First of all, we added the second brake.

Over there, right.

Because when we were going down,

if we pulled on this,

it made it turn.

So we thought if we had an equal amount,

then we would still go straight.

And you can't have

enough friction, Ruff, can you?

Except for the friction between me and Spot Spotnik.

[dialing, line ringing]

[phone ringing]

RUFF: Hi, guys, it's Ruff.

Hey, Ruff.

Hey, great redesign on the cart!

New brake system looks great. You're doing a great job.

KIDS: Thanks.

Okay, I'm feeling really bad about the mix-up earlier.

You know how you didn't really have a cart,

you had to make your own from scratch.

So I've decided to make it up to you

with your very own Ruff Racer T-shirts!

NINA: Cool!

Look under the seat on your cart.

Good luck!


Let's do it, Ruff.

It's on.

RUFF: All right, here's the race.

It's Drew for Spot Spotnik,

Rosario for Ruff Ruffman.

Let's do it.

RUFF: On your mark, get set, go, go!

And they're off!

We're in the lead! Oh, yeah!

Oh, Rosario's not in the lead anymore.

Look at Drew crouching down like that.

He's cutting right through the air.

Oh, no! Go, Rosario! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

[screaming]: No!

Oh, Rosario lost to Team Spotnik!

My bark-o-lounger!

My squeaky toys!

He raced against a professional.

All right, Drew.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Good job, guys.

We created a vehicle that actually

at least came close to sort of winning it.

Well, if the challenge was to see

who could build a race car in a day, then you are winners.

Well, Ruff, it's time to head out.

See you back.

RUFF: All right, guys, head on back.

No biggie. Great job, great job.

There may not be any furniture

when you get here, so you may have to stand.

[thunder rumbles]

Oh, Bridget, help.

Oh, no, no.

It stopped raining.

I thought rain is good luck! I need rain!

Oh, look at all that sun!

ALL: Jia yu,FETCH! Jia yu,FETCH!


MAN: All right, let's line up back to front.

RUFF: There's the Red team.

There's the White team.

And there's the FETCH team!


Start! Go!

[horn blowing]RUFF: There it is, they're off!

Go, go, FETCH team!

Paddle, paddle, paddle!

Go, Bridget! Row, row, row!

Look at that dragon head-- determined!

They're going under the bridge.

Go, go, FETCHers, go!

Wait, is that ours?

We're not... Are we not winning?

Go, go, go, go, go!

[horn blowing]

Okay, race is over. Who won?

Is it us?!

Oh, it's the Red team.

[whooping, cheering]

Wow, see, good race anyway.

Good race.

Thank you.Good job, Bridget.

All right, Ruff, I don't know what that means for your luck,

but I tried my best.

It was nice meeting you.

RUFF: Well, that's all I could ask, Bridget.

Okay, so now we're going to say good-bye.

Take care, Ruff.Bye.

I'll see you back at the garage.

Are we going to go through that again?

Studio G!

There's a sign, even!

Hi, Ruff Ruffman here, back in Studio G

with Willie and Madi.

So let's bring back our FETCHers, shall we?

The dragon lady herself-- Bridget!

Hey.Hey, hey!

Was it fun?Yeah, it was awesome.

Awesome. Sit down and relax, Bridget.

Oh, Bridget, do you have azongzifor Ruffman?

Yes, I do.

Oh, put it in the mailbox!

Here it comes.

Dee... licious!

I'm going to save it for later.

All right.

And vrooming into view, the Ruff Riders:

Mike, Rosario

and Nina!

Hey, guys.

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!What's up, guys?

All right.

So, g*ng, oh-for-two today.

[kids groan]

So okay, we didn't win any races today,

but that doesn't mean we still can't

give out some points, right?



We start with Mike, Rosario and Nina.

You guys were like a miniature General Motors plant out there.

You designed a car, you built a car.




Nice, guys!

A car without brakes isn't a car,

it's Rosario in a runaway baby seat!

For redesigning an effective brake system, points.

And ten points for great teamwork.



You got yourself points.

[kids cheering]


And I hope it felt good while it lasted,

because now I have to take away for coming in last place.


Yeah, thanks, Ruff.

But if you look at it

another way, you came in second place,

which sounds pretty good to the Ruffman.

I'm adding ten points back.


Now, then, moving on to Bridget.

For rowing and then rowing and then rowing your boat some more,


[kids cheering]

Now, your boat lost, so another points--

which I was ready to give you-- is gone forever.

But for working with your team

and accepting loss with grace, points.


Now, for working with your stomach

and accepting fish food, more points.

Yeah, you deserve that one.

And another five points for spiffy safety attire.

I like the Ruffman on it.

You have a grand total now of points!


Nicely done.

But is that all the points a dog can give?


What time is it?!

KIDS: Bonus points!

That's right, bonus points!

I got five of them going to the contestant

who impersonated the tail of a dragon!

Which means...

Bridget, you are today's daily winner!

Now, Bridget, concentrate.

We have two giantzongzis, and under one

is an awesome prize, and under the other,

well, azongzi.

I'm going to go withzongziA because it's prettier.

Now, Bridget, normally I put the daily prize in the mailbox.

But this prize is too big.

If you look to your left by the window, you'll see a bull's-eye.

Go on over to the bull's-eye and remove it gently.

Whoa!What is that?

Yeah! It's a kite.

That's awesome, Bridget.

That is so cool.

Look at all the different designs, guys.

Whoa.This is cool.

Hey, guys, you should go fly the kite.

Yeah!Let's go, guys.

I'm just going to stay here

and eat myzongzi.

Bye!See you, Ruff!

Take care, guys.


Oh, that's great! Thanks a lot, Spotnik.

Spot says I can buy back all my stuff for just bucks.

Remember that kit car that got delivered to New Zealand?

Well, they're sending it back.

And then I can return it to the car company

for a full $ refund.[doorbell ringing]

Oh, hey, that must be the delivery guy with my car now.


Okay, when's my bad luck going to end?


[smacking lips]

Mmm! Ooh, these are pretty good.

A few thousand bananas, some ice cream, and we'll be good to go.

[Ruff scatting]


♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪

[Ruff scatting]

[meowing and barking]

[hissing, barking and growling]


♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪