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02x04 - Wake Me Up When September Ends

Posted: 02/20/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
Previously, on The Way Home.

I'm Elijah Landry.
If you're Jacob's sister,

that makes you family too.

- Well, this is a bit awkward.
- 'Cause you're the guy

who won't keep up
the lease on my land?

Because it appears
you've stolen my horse.

What do you want
with the Landry family?

I found him!
Jacob, he's alive!

Maybe we just set
some boundaries.

No more time travel talk.

You said that we made a pact,

but I think I would
remember that conversation.

Don't be in a hurry
to jump back in.

- But why?
- Everything you knew

about those kids we once were...

is going to change.

[serene music]

[birds chirping]


Oh my God, Alice, you're here!
I've missed you so much!

- Come!
- Come on, take a seat.

It's so good to see you.

You have no idea how much
I've needed this.

Oh, dear.
It's just roast chicken.

Alice. Would you rather
be able to fly or be invisible?

Oh, uh... I guess... flying?

Me too!
I'll fly up, up and away!

- [laughing]
- Okay, Superman.

Can you get a picture
of me and Alice?

Say "cheese"!

- Cheese.
- Cheese!


So Alice, tell us.

Where have you been
all this time?

I mean, we've been looking
for you everywhere.

- You have?
- He's been mad as a hatter.

Well, it's...
kind of a long story. I...

I would way rather hear
what you guys have been up to.

And... Jacob,
what's new in your world?

I'm drowning.

[eerie music]

Look, we look so cute.
Don't we?

I... I can't see us.

You can't... or you won't?

Alice? Where are you?

I... I'm right here.

We're waiting for you.
Come back.

What are you waiting for,


[rapid breathing]


- Hi!
- Dad.

Hey, hey, hey,
what's going on?

Are you alright?

It's okay. I'm here.

I know. I'm so glad.

[birds chirping]

- There she is.
- Hi.

Hey, just in time for
breakfast. Are you hungry?

- Um... yeah, I guess.
- Come on.

Is everything okay?

- Yeah. I just had a...
- a bad dream.

- Oh.
- Dad, how long are

- you staying for?
- Uh, just a few days.

I rented a cottage on the water.
It is beautiful.

Hey, I was thinking maybe
we'd spend the day together,

you know. We could...

I don't know, like,
go for like a hike or...

Oh, yeah.
And if by "hike" you mean...

I mean sitting
in a dark movie theatre

stuffing our faces
with popcorn.

- Sounds good.
- [chuckles]

There you go, baby.

[eerie music]

What are you waiting for,

Uh... Dad, actually
I completely forgot

I told a friend that I would
meet them for breakfast, so I...

- I should get going.
- Okay. Yeah, yeah. That's fine.

We have plenty of time.


[mysterious music]

[music playing over earphones]


Elliot. Hi.

Y-You're back again?

Nice to see you too...
When am I?

How long have I been gone?

Alice, it's...
October of 2001.

It's been... over a year?
What have I missed?


Boy, Stormy's paddock
sure looked empty.

I suppose I should
stop calling him that.

He's not mine.

[clears throat]

Mom. I wanted to see
if I could talk to you, just...

If this is about the land,
I've got it handled.

We just thought that
since I was in town,

maybe I could
take a look at the lease.

Oh, Brady. I hope this isn't

the reason that
you came to visit.

You don't need to worry
about this.

Rita shouldn't have
said anything.

And if Rita hadn't let it slip,

were you not gonna tell me?

I mean, this is
Landry land, Mom.

It has a history.
Probably more than you know.

Believe me, Katherine.
I know the history of this land.

I've been here, living it.
I never left.

So because I did,
I don't get a say?


Oh, gosh.

[mysterious music]

- [boy shouting]
- Danny! You ruined my shot.

Hey, Danny.

I didn't know you were
gonna be at the farm today.

Well, Del's been so busy
with her honey business,

she asked me to come on
part time, help her on the farm.

Ah, nice.

Hey, could I just... talk to you
for a second?

Uh, about Jacob?

I'm sorry, it's just... I found
these polaroids that he took.

He carried that camera
with him everywhere.

Um, these were different.

They were all of the pond.

You mean Jake's pond?

Jake's pond?
I don't understand.

Well, he always wanted us
to play there.

He loved it. I think
it was because of all those

ghost stories, you know?
The White Witch and all.

Are you alright?

Guess I just...
realized there's a lot

I don't know about Jacob.

Uh, anyway. Take care.

You warned me in my time
that when I came back,

things would be different.
And... I just kind of thought

- that something bad would happen.
- Something bad did happen.

- The world has imploded.
- I know. I just...

I guess I was scared that
it would be something less...

global, more personal maybe.

Alice, the entire world
was in those buildings.

Doesn't matter where you were
when it happened,

you felt the impact.

You wouldn't get it.
You're just a kid.

Elliot, we're the same age.

No, I'm 19 now.
I go to university.

- Then... why are you here?
- I got a scholarship

to the University
of New Brunswick,

and to save money I'm...

living at home, with... my dad.

Which means... Kat must be
in Minneapolis now with...

Brady at journalism school.

Must be nice knowing
how everything works out.

But you don't want to know.
Adult you has made that very clear.

I just want to live my life.

And I don't want
to get in the way of that. Okay?

Let's just...
let's just make a pact, okay?

I won't tell you any more
about the future, other than...

it's... not so bad.

And parts of it
are actually really great.

I shouldn't be surprised that
the pond brought you here now.

It's been over a year
since either you or Kat

have been home, so now that
you're here at the same time...

it can't be a coincidence.

- Kat's here?
- Yeah.

She just arrived with Brady.

Just here for the weekend.
Kind of random if you ask me,

'cause it's not even
Thanksgiving, but...

No, no, you're right.
It's... it's not random.

It can't be. I'm here,
and she's here,

which has to mean
something, right?

It's just I hate the idea
of someone trying

- to take advantage of Del.
- I know,

I shouldn't have
mentioned it to you.

Again, I just...
I wanna help, okay?

I don't know, it's...
it's important to me.

I know.
And I love you for that.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

- Oh.
- Good morning, Kat. Brady.

How long are you in town for?

I'm not sure. Maybe a week.

Nice. Certainly
a lot of vacation time.

Yeah, says the teacher.


Uh, yeah.

Uh, Brady, you know what?

I'll catch up with you later.

- Everything okay?
- Huh? Yeah, yeah.

No. Um... maybe.

Maybe it is,
maybe it isn't. And...


We set boundaries and I'm
really trying to figure out

whether or not I would be
crossing one if I told you

what I really want to tell you.

Unless you say, "It's okay",

I... You know what?
It's okay. Never mind.

Never mind.
I'm... gonna see you around.

And I thought I'd never
see Kat again.

And Mom insists that
we never saw each other

after Colton's funeral
until she... you know, had me.

What happened to not
telling me about the future?

What if I saw Kat again
and she just forgot?

[Kat]: Hey Brade, wait up.
I'm coming too.

Won't you rather stay
with Del and catch up?


Al... Al... Hmm.

[loud rock music
over car radio]

- Alice!
- Kat! Wait, don't leave!


Well, at least Brady's taste
in music hasn't changed.

Why would the pond bring me
here just to watch Kat leave?

She's gonna be here
all weekend.

We could hang out
and wait for her.

I can't. My dad's visiting

and he'll notice
I'm gone for too long.

I gotta write a paper, so...
good luck with Kat.

[emotional music]


I know what I said.

I wanna know what you know.

I mean, it's Jacob.

It's amazing how much work
goes into

one little jar of honey.

Oh, I like to think
that people can taste

- when something's made with care.
- Absolutely.

- [bees buzzing]
- Look, Brady.

There's nothing to discuss.

I am not looking for someone
to solve my problems.

No, I don't... want to.

Honestly, I just want to take
a look at the lease.

Maybe I can pay this Sam guy
a visit, straighten him out.

You know, you've never seen
lawyer Brady in action.

That guy, that guy
is pretty tough.

Ah, come on! What?

Uh, I've already told Hank
that I'm...

not gonna require Sam
to continue the lease.

Well, that wouldn't amend
the original agreement.

It's still binding.
You know, Del,

sometimes when someone
wants to help,

it's not because they think
you need it.

It's because they want
to do something

for someone
they really care about.

It's certainly odd that Jacob
took so many sh*ts of the pond.

Why would he hide these?

Maybe he was worried
he'd get in trouble.

Colton was always telling us
to stay away from the pond.

Said it was a... sink hole.

I don't know.
Maybe you're right,

maybe I'm just...
grasping at straws.

That's new.

Is that from Lingermore?

I'm sorry, Kat.

Maybe there is something
about those photographs.

I didn't mean to be negative.

No, it's not that.
Jacob wasn't just alive in 1814.

He was there for the birth
of this entire town.

He's nowhere.

I mean, he wasn't even listed
as helping

built the lighthouse.
Like... what if something...

really awful is gonna
happen to Jacob?

Something that just completely
erases him from history?

I... I don't think
that I am strong enough...

to survive losing him
all over again.

It's okay.

[Brady]: Dinner's almost ready!


[soft music]

Oh, that smells amazing.

Hey, um, Brade.

There's something
that I've been meaning

to give back to you.

This is yours, Kat.

It was, yeah.


things have changed, right?


You remember
when I gave this to you?

Uh, yeah, 'cause it was
a moment I will never forget.

- Right?
- What moment?

Oh, the night I proposed
to your mother.

I haven't heard
that story in ages.

Don't get him started.

Oh, are you kidding me?
It played out like a scene

- from your mom's favourite movie.
- Romeo and Juliet?

At the time,
it was Moulin Rouge.

Yeah, it was epic.
There was singing and dancing.

I basically invented
the flash mob.

Is that something
to be proud of?

Of course!
And I would've had proof

if our photographer
hadn't totally flaked out.

Your proposal was here
in Port Haven?

How did I not know that detail?

Oh, we must've mentioned that
at some point.

But you know what?
Maybe it just means more

- now that you're living here.
- Yeah, it meant a lot

to your mom to be home.

She missed it since
moving away after graduation.

So... when exactly
would that have been?

[together]: Fall...

of two thousand and...

[together]: one.

Hey, you're back already.

Did I miss it?
Is my mom still here?

Yes, she's... inside.
Just, uh...

really attached
to Brady right now.

What are you doing out here?

It's... intense in there.
Benefit concert's on.

- What concert?
- The concert for New York City?

It's for the first responders
and the grieving families.

Every musician ever
is going to be performing?

And Adam Sandler, for...
some reason.

Have you seriously
not heard of this?

Um... yeah, my parents
told me about it.

Can I watch it with you?

Come on, Elliot.
I have to see Kat, okay?

- To test if I even can.
- Alice, no.

[applause on television]

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

It's nice to see you
on the couch.

It's been far too long.

Well, you can thank Brady
for that.

He didn't really give me
much of a choice.

That explains
why you didn't call.

It's not like
you called me either.

Would you have even answered?

[♪ Superman [It's Not Easy] ♪
by Five for Fighting]

People really need this.

- To heal.
- Yeah.

♪ I can't stand to fly ♪

Doesn't fix what happened,
but... it helps.

♪ I'm not that naïve ♪

♪ I'm just out to find ♪

♪ The better part of me ♪

[Brady]: Hey, Del? I could
use your help in the kitchen,

if you have a sec.

Yes, sure. I'm coming.

♪ I'm more than some pretty face
beside a train ♪

Let's go.

♪ And it's not easy to be me ♪

♪ I wish that I could cry ♪

[Brady]: I know things are rough
between you two right now,

but I don't want you
to worry about Kat.

The past couple of months
turned the world upside down.

And... the more things
feel uncertain,

the more I know I wanna be
the one thing Kat can count on.

I appreciate you wanting
to take care of Katherine.

It's not just Kat.
You're family too.

Del, I...

I'd like to ask Kat to marry me,

tomorrow, while we're here.

[Del]: Oh.

[Brady]: I promise to do
right by you both.

[Del]: Brady, I know you will.

El? Is that you? Come join me.


Elliot, hey.
Hey. Are you okay?

No. Oh, I...

No, I'm not okay.
I thought I had more time.

Alice, did you know?
You came here and you asked me

if you missed it. Did you know
that Brady was gonna propose?

I... I...

Of course you did.
Of course you did.

Oh, I should've known.
Why else would you be back?


Elliot, um... Do you love
my mom, like... now?

Yes, I love her.

Always, ever since we were kids.

I never told her,
and now... now I never can.

I'm so sorry.

No, I don't want pity. Just...

It's official.

Being surprised
is so much worse

than knowing
what's gonna happen.

Alice, you need
to tell me everything.

No, I... I can't,
we made a pact.

I don't care about
this stupid pact! Tell me!

Am I always gonna
feel this way?

Do Kat and I have
any future at all?


Knowing the two of you,

you're gonna be just fine.

Hey, Del. I was just
texting Alice,

I thought she'd be
back by now. What's this?

As long as you're up for it,
I'd appreciate

your help with
the lease business.

I'd be happy to.

So I've been thinking.
If Jacob is delivering

a ship to the British,
he's gonna need to take

another ship home, right?

My dad was a huge
nautical buff,

pretty much the only thing
he... was into,

and I know for a fact
he has old ship manifests

from around that era
somewhere in the house.

If I can find them, I could...

check and see if Jacob's name
shows up anywhere.

Victor collected
manifests that old?

Oh my God. He was obsessed

with tracking when the first
Augustines came over.

Being a founding family
was something

I think he was a
little too proud of.

I can't believe you met
one of us, though. Back then.

What was Susanna like?
Was she...

I don't know. Anything like me?

Well, she pulled
a dagger on me.

So no, not really, no.

- Fair point.
- No.


But she did help me,

even though she didn't
know who I was.

And even though
she didn't have to.

So I guess... yeah, in that way,
she was a little like you.

Do you wanna see
something really weird?

Oka... Okay.

- I found it at Lingermore.
- Wow.

- It's you.
- I mean, I thought maybe

Jacob was the artist, but now...
I'm not sure.

Okay, look.

I spent years hesitating,
because I was just scared.

Scared of what
the answer might be.

And then it was... too late.

Take it from me,
not knowing the answer...

[clears throat]

it's so much worse.

And I can't believe
I'm saying this, but...

you're so close
to finding an answer.

Could you really live
the rest of your life

without knowing
what happened to Jacob?

[dramatic music]

[men shouting]

[g*n sh*ts]

History will mark it as a day
when the world changed forever.

You know condemn

- Cyrus Goodwin!
- What an unexpected honour.

Surely you'd make allowance
for celebration,

given the latest news.

The White House is burning.

Come! Join us for a drink.

I find it strange how you...

celebrate the demise
of your American brothers.

I celebrate the demise
of the side that I'm not on.

Your loyalty astounds.

But your lies
are downright shocking.

Lies? To you, Cyrus?
I wouldn't dream of it.

You're like a brother.

I'm in no mood
for jokes, Coyle.

My men inform me that
our last shipment for goods

to the British was suspiciously
light on inventory.

Well, your men are mistaken.

Only a fool would steal
from Cyrus Goodwin.

Why would I risk being a problem
to a man such as you?

I'm not sure.

But if you're hiding something,

trust I have a myriad of ways
to make that problem disappear.

If someone is skimming
off the top, I will find them,

and I will make them pay.

Because if there is something
that I will not abide,

it is losing.

Be it money... or wars.

- [muffled scream]
- Shh. Follow me. Now.

Your strange clothes
beg trouble.

Men fear what they don't know.

You could get hurt.

Well, it's a little
late for that.

My wound.

It's gone.

It's like it never happened.
How did you do that?

"May all the weeds spring up
as herbs from their roots,

and the salt water seas
will slip apart

when I blow this
dark poison from you."

What is that?

A poem.

Charm, of sorts.

In celebration of nine herbs.

All of which I used
on your wound.

So it's like a spell?

- Wait, are you...
- I'm a healer.

Ever since I was a child,
I've had a...

connection to nature.

It's something that's
planted me firmly

on the outskirts
of our small society.

Until I'm needed, that is.

People are fickle.

But I feel sorry for them.

They can't see the magic
that exists in this world.

Jacob could see it, though.

You said Jacob
hasn't returned.

So what if he never does?

Why would you say that?

- Do you know something?
- No! Nothing.

I just... I'm...

I'm worried.

And I'm scared.

And I really wanna trust you.

You can.

You should.

You said there is magic
in the world?

Well, I'm like you.

I see it. I live it.

I... I'm not from this time,

I am from a world that
is hundreds of years ahead.

Okay? The pond,

okay, that lets me travel
from my present to this past.

I mean, you saw me go in.
And I didn't...

I didn't come up.

Jacob fell into the pond.

He went in and he came back here
to this time,

and I have been looking
for him ever since then.

When Jacob first arrived,

there were only whispers
of his existence.

Rumours that
Elijah and Rebecca

had taken in a child.
I was young.

Five or six.

When I met Jacob, he was...

he was beautiful.
But shy. Like me.

We both knew there was something
that set us apart, but...

neither of us had the words
for what it was.

You've just given him the words.

- So you're saying that...
- I'm saying...

that I believe you.

There is no record of Jacob

in any of the history books.

It's like he just
never even existed here.

The history books often differ
from the truth.

It's just a story.

Written by the winners
to suit their own needs.

And who are the winners?

Port Haven has but one.

You've already met him.

Cyrus Goodwin.

[tense music]

[insects chirping]

[door opening]

What... happened?

Uh... Jacob.
He's... not home yet.

Um, but it's okay, you know.

Susanna, I mean she cares
about him so much.

And I feel better knowing that.

Someone there
is looking out for him.

I may have not found a brother
this time,

but I think I might have
found a sister.

What are these?

Straight from the Point.

Del, we don't want Sam
to be comfortable.

Pastries might send
the wrong message.


I don't care what message
it sends,

I'm not losing my manners.

Ugh, great.

Ah, Mr. Bishop!
Please, come on in.

- Morning, Del.
- Cup of coffee, Sam?

Black, three sugars, please.

Please, have a seat.

My name is Brady Dhawan.
I am Mrs. Landry's attorney.

Yeah, so you mentioned
on the phone.


So, as you know, Mrs. Landry
had a written agreement

with Hank, and that agreement
had been recently renewed

for another five-year term.

That's the best cup of coffee
I've had in quite some time.

- What did you put in there, Del?
- Honey.

- Better for your blood sugar.
- Ah. Hmm.

That's good. Mr. Bishop,

I'd like to draw your attention
to page six over here.

Specifically the section
that talks about...

I read the lease.

Is that raisin?
Yeah? Do you mind?

- Oh yes, please.
- Thank you.

Well, if that's the case,
then you would've noticed

the, "no oral modification"
clause, which means that...

No, I know what a NOM clause
is, counsellor.

I didn't waste all that money
on law school for nothing.

- You're a lawyer?
- Hmm, I had my own practice

for 25 years before
moving to Port Haven.

You know, after you phoned,
I looked you up.

I couldn't find a Brady Dhawan
practising in this province.

Well, no, you wouldn't,
because my firm

is in Minneapolis.

But you are licenced
in Canada.

Because if you're not,
that would constitute

a non-authorized practice,
wouldn't it?

Del, I'm a bit confused.

See, I was told when I purchased
the farm

that you'd be fine
if I broke the lease.

- Was I misinformed?
- No. You weren't.

that's irrelevant.

Because whatever
Mrs. Landry said

can't actually change
the terms of the lease.

Well, Mr. Dhawan is right.
The lease is binding.

I guess I have no choice.
I will have to honor it.

- Mind if I...
- Oh, please.

- Counsellor.
- Mr. Bishop.

We did it, Del. We won.

[upbeat music]

[Alice]: Hey. I need you to pay.

I have to go.

And I'm kind of in a rush, so...

Hey, are you singing
at that open mic tonight?

Uh... Maybe. If I have time.

- How did you know I sing?
- Oh, I remember you

from the Roxy last year.
You k*lled that.


- So you're gonna be there?
- Uh... maybe. Yeah.

Didn't you say
you were in a hurry?

Yeah. Um... thanks.


[suspenseful music]

Alice, get in! We're late!

I made it? Wait,
why are you in such a hurry?

Because stupid Brady asked me
to take stupid pictures

of this stupid proposal.
Now get in!

Okay! I just... Why on Earth
would you agree to that?

Well, because somebody told me

that I was never gonna
end up with Kat.

So I might as well
make myself useful.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

You left your attorney
at home?

I didn't like how things
happened earlier.

That's not how I do things.

If I have an issue with you,
I should come to you myself

and see if we can work it out.

I agree.
After all, we're neighbours.

Your lawyer is really
passionate, though.

Yeah, Brady
isn't just my lawyer.

He's family. And, um...

he knows how important
this land is to me.

I can appreciate that.

And you're right.
I did tell Hank

that you wouldn't have
to abide by the lease,

and I will honor that.

I don't feel good
about putting you out.

I'll continue to lease the land

until you decide on a more
permanent solution.


That's a very kind offer,

but I can't accept.
I don't accept handouts.


You know,
I'm still having a hard time

getting that horse of mine
to stay put.

Probably should've thought
twice before I purchased him.

That's me.

I see something I like,
I go for it.

He's taken quite
a shine to you, though.

So I was wondering, maybe you
could help me out a bit.

If you could just...
board him for a while.

I mean, just until
I finish the renovations

on the farm house
and the stable.

I'll pay you for it.

[chuckles] I'll do it.

But I can't take the money.

Oh, no, no, no, I insist.

I don't take handouts either.


- It's a deal.
- Good.

Music. That's my cue.

[soft music playing]

Alice, do...
are you not coming in?

I don't want to distract
from the engagement.

♪ And there's no mountain
too high ♪

♪ No river too wide ♪

♪ Sing out this song and I'll be
there by your side ♪

♪ Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide ♪

Brady, what's happening?

♪ But I love you ♪

♪ Until the end of time ♪

♪ Come what may ♪

♪ Come what may ♪

♪ I will love you ♪

♪ Until my dying day ♪

♪ Come what may ♪

Did you know about this?

♪ Come what may ♪

♪ I will love you ♪

♪ Suddenly the world seems like
such a perfect place ♪♪

Will you marry me,
Katherine Landry?


I'm... so sorry everyone, but...

well, this... this is...
too much.

Hey, stranger.

I thought I would
never see you again.

Do you wanna... go for a walk?

- Yeah. Let's go.
- Cool.

Well, here she is.

You have a boat?

Technically, I run tours
during the summer.

But now that the season is over,

uh, it's all ours.

[Alice chuckles]

Well, I guess we have
good timing, then.



you're still...
in the States, right?

I was... thinking about you
when the att*cks happened.

Reminds you of what
really matters.

[Brady]: Kat, wait!

Kat! Just...

[Kat]: Seriously, Brady?

What made you think
that was a good idea?

Hey... but you love
Moulin Rouge.

Yeah. Not for my proposal!


Why. Why did you make me
come back here?

Because Port Haven
is your home?

No. Not without...
my dad or... or Jake.

Everything's changed.

You're the only home
I have, Brades.


You're everything to me.
You know that, right?

We're gonna build a life

and we're gonna face
the tough stuff side by side.

I promise you.

It's you and me against
the world, Katherine Landry.

See, that's beautiful.

Why didn't you say all that
back at the Point?

I'm saying it now.

And I will say it forever.

I love you.

[romantic music]

Brady Dhawan,

will you marry me?


[she chuckles]

Come what may.

- [chuckles]
- Okay.

But just... don't sing
again, please.


[Kat screams happily]

Poor Elliot.

The love of his life.

That's... not an easy loss.

[romantic folk music]

- [chuckles]
- [chuckles]

I... think it's time
for me to go.

Uh, are you sure?


Yeah. I'm sure. Bye, Nick.


Uh... Wait, wait.

Will I ever see you again?


Some day, you will.

[crickets chirping]



I didn't believe you loved mom
your whole life.

Calm down.
It wasn't my whole life.


Why does everybody think that?

Well, you were heartbroken.

You asked me if you would...
feel this way forever.

So... do you still that way?

I'm not torn up like I was.

But if you're asking me
if love is still there...

I think it always will be.

- Just saw the proposal in 2001.
- Yeah, I figured.

Which means...

I can give you this.

You've had this
the whole time?

Now you finally have a photo
with all your friends

- from the 90s.
- Well, not all of them.

You're not in it.

[indistinct chatter]

[door bell chiming]

- Here, I'll take this.
- Thank you.

- Break a leg.
- Thanks.



- I'm so glad you're here.
- Yeah, of course. Me too.

Hey, um... Listen,
I wanted to give you something

before you perform tonight.

But... Dad, that's Mom's

and it's part
of your love story.

You are a love story.


So, I have to ask,

are you gonna sing tonight
or what?

The mic's all set up
and everything.

You think I should?
I don't know.

I don't know if this crowd
and handle my talent.

Nor should they have to.
Do you mind if I cut in?

Of course, I'm gonna...
grab a drink.

So... do you like it?

It's perfect.

Did you know
he was giving this to me?

It was his idea.

And I could not think of
a better fate for this ring.

I've heard the story
of his proposal so many times,

but... why didn't you tell me
about that part by the water?

Wait... you were there?

Mom, are you sure you never
saw me again in the past?

What do you mean?
Why are you asking me that?

Welcome everyone,
to the Point's

first open mic night.

And without further ado,
let's kick things off:

Alice Dhawan!


[soft guitar strumming]

♪ I can't stand to fly ♪

♪ I'm not that naïve ♪

♪ I'm just out to find ♪

♪ The better part of me ♪

♪ I'm more than a bird,
I'm more than a plane ♪

♪ I'm more than some pretty face
beside a train ♪

♪ It's not easy to be me ♪

♪ Up, up and away
Away from me ♪

♪ Well, it's alright ♪

♪ You can all sleep
sound tonight ♪

♪ I'm not crazy ♪

♪ Or anything ♪

♪ I can't stand to fly ♪

♪ I'm not that naïve ♪

♪ We weren't meant to ride... ♪

She keeps going back,
doesn't she?

Is she gonna see...?

She's gonna hate me.

No. No, knowing you two,

you're gonna be just fine.

♪ In a funny red sheet ♪

♪ And it's not easy ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ It's not easy to be me ♪

[soft music]
