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04x06 - Highway of Tears

Posted: 11/29/14 18:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on Grimm...

Had enough?

What do you want from me?

To get our child back.

Josh, where are you?

On a bus.

You need to find some place safe and stay there.

Where the hell is that?

Elizabeth recreated the potion that Adalind used on Nick.

And in order to re-Grimm Nick, you have to breathe in the potion and... and make love to you.

How's Adalind?

Oh, God, no.

A wolfsangel. It's wesen.


It's because we got married.

You need to be a Grimm again.

I'm only gonna ask you this once.

Do you mean what you just said about me being a Grimm?

Is that what you want?


Then it's what I want too.

What do you want to do? Should we call it in?

Not until we talk to Monroe and Rosalee.

I'm gonna rip their throats out!

Monroe... they got a problem, they can deal with me.

Take me on, but this...

Cowards. I mean, cowards!

[Door opens]

We can call this in.

What good is that gonna do?

We can make arrests.

That's not gonna stop them.

Who is them?

Most likely it's the secundum naturae order Nam wesen.

It's a... ancient organization founded during the middle ages to keep wesen pure.

To them, inter-marriage is a crime against man and nature.

This is all because you got married?


And this isn't the first time you've dealt with them?

That cracked window in the spice shop, it was a brick.

It had a wolfsangel on it.

You should have told us.

We didn't want to worry you.

You got your own problems.

We didn't think it would go this far.

So the wolfsangel is their burning cross?


It was originally a wolf trap, or in my ancestors' case, a Blutbaden trap.

Came to symbolize control over all wesen.

Is the wesen counsel involved?

Officially, blood purity organizations are outlawed, but there are those on the counsel who still believe inter-marriage is a sacrilege.

Well, you need to stay with us.

Oh, no.

They are not driving us from our home.

Well, assuming this isn't going to be a standard police procedure, how do we find them?

I don't know. They're all wesen.

That's all I know, so it's not really your problem anymore.

Well, it's going to be.

What does that mean?

Nick is gonna sleep with Adalind.

What? Really?

You're gonna take the potion?

Are you sure you're up to this?

We're sure.

And ready. And the sooner, the better.

Two hours and 27 minutes to go.

You want me to drive?

I'm good.


I could use a little.

Idiot's got his brights on. Ugh.

Let him pass.

So much for the scenic route.

We should have just left in the morning.

You're all the scenery I need.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Hang on!


[Both groaning]

Oh, my God.


[Both moaning]


Door won't open.

My legs are stuck.


I can't get out.


[Man and woman screaming]

[Sobbing] No!


She's stuck. I can't get her out.

We'll have to get another.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

If this information is accurate, and I believe it is, we'll need to move quickly.

You're certain it's Meisner?


Worth the risk?


[Door opens]

Well, don't you look fantastic?

How do you feel?


Then you should eat.

The last time I was offered food, it didn't turn out so well.

[Chuckles] Not to worry.

It's all organic.

This looks so damn good.

You know, I know that resistance helped you to get out and that heir Meisner was instrumental in the orchestration.


So how did he know our people were waiting for you?

He didn't.

He k*lled six Verrat.

Not all six.

No? How many did you k*ll?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Well, they didn't k*ll themselves, I hope.

No. There was a woman.

She k*lled them.

She was already there working for the resistance.

She must be quite a woman.

Oh, she is.

So it was a bit of a mistake, you deciding to go to Portland.

Rather obvious. I didn't choose Portland.

Kelly did. Kelly?

The woman. Nick's mother.

Nick Burkhardt's mother?

You didn't know that either?

I didn't know who she was or where we were going until we got there.

And she took me to Nick's house.

The resistance was supposed to deliver you to Brazil.

I think Nick's mother figured that one out.

Do you suppose this was the woman who was with Burkhardt and Sean Renard at Weston Steward's house?

Who's Weston Steward?

Oh, no matter. He's dead.

But I'm curious.

How did Renard convince you to give your child to me in the first place?

He brought me to the police station to talk about my mother's m*rder, which I found out was committed by Nick's mom.

That must have been awkward.

A little.

And then he took the baby and said he gave her to you.

So... Now I'm curious.

How did you lose her?

The resistance was waiting for us at the airport.

Except the resistance had no idea they were going to Portland.

That was Kelly Burkhardt's idea.

Kelly Burkhardt seems to be everywhere.

She said something to me at the police station.

I had to give up my son because of who I was.

If I hadn't done that, he might have been k*lled.

That's your problem. Not mine.

If you're looking for some sort of forgiveness, I don't have any.

I'm not asking for forgiveness.

I want you to understand.

Sometimes we have to sacrifice what we love most.

Perhaps you'd like to share that.

"Sometimes we have to sacrifice what we love most."

That's what she said.

I do believe we now know who has the child.

Ferula tingitana.

One drop less than last time.

Time for the hat.

I got it.

Now it's up to you.

Take three deep breaths. No more.

Unless, you want her to be permanent.

All: No.

How long will I have to be her?

Not long. So don't waste your time.

When they're done, Nick will be a Grimm again?

If it works, it'll work in its own time.

If it works?

There are a lot of unknowns. The same if you do nothing.

Let's just get this over with.

You okay?

How do I look?

Like you.

Maybe I didn't get enough of it?

Look at your hand.

Oh, my God.


Yeah, that's her.

It worked?

Big time.

Oh, that's really weird.

How do you feel?

Like me.

Which me are you talking about?

Me. Juliette.

Enough talking. It's time to leave.


Yeah, I'm... I'm going with you.

This... This is so...

I don't even know what to call it.

At least it's me this time.

Yeah, that'll help. I hope.

Maybe if I just close my eyes. No.

We're not doing it that way.


You love me, Nick.

What you see isn't me. But you know it is.

Yeah, that helps.

This is your one and only chance to have an affair with my blessing.

You may as well enjoy it.

Because it's still me.

And I can only see you. And I'm gonna have at it.


Well, if you put it that way.


I can't imagine how difficult this must be for them.

I think the word is creepy.

I really hope it works.

It's been kinda strange, you know, him having to ask me for help when he was the one that taught me what a Grimm was.

I'm sure it's pretty awkward for him too.

You know?

Sort of like the Professor asking the student to explain what he taught.

You should stay here tonight.

We have a guest room.

Nick will call us. Right?

If things start to happen.

He'll call.

I'm sure they'll tell us when they're ready.

We should just get some sleep.

All right, yeah. Sleep.

'Cause I gotta stop thinking about Nick and Juliette, or Nick and Adalind, or Adalind with Juliette.

I mean, the whole thing is like some bizarre, convoluted menage-a-trois.

Monroe, we have a guest.

Sorry, Trubel.

Oh, I know what convoluted means.

[Both laughing, breathing heavily]

Do you feel any different?

Not really.

So... How was it?


Are you really gonna ask me that?

Well, I'm sort of interested.

If I say it was good, you'll never forget it.

If I say it was bad, you'll never forget it.

This is a no-win situation.

Well, just so you know, it was good for both of us.

Which one of you said that?


This isn't even funny.

So strange.

I really hate you.

I am going to get all of us a drink.

Talk about getting under someone's skin.

[Yelling in pain]

[Glass shatters]


You okay?



Oh, my God. I'm gonna call 911.

No! I'm... I'm okay.

No, don't move.

Whatever it was, it's gone now.


You should lie down. No, I'm fine.

The pain is... Oh, God, coming back again.

Oh, my God, that really hurt.

But you're back.


You're you again.

Thank God.

Can I just say, that woman is such a bitch.

How are you feeling?

These rude epreuve take more and more out of you the older you get.

Well, you still look very beautiful.

Not without effort.

I underestimated its power.

I can feel it in the cloth.

I believe it's French. Quite old.

Fabric's exquisite.

This could be one of the original trente-Sept.

From the malleus maleficarum?

Hammer of the witches. A brutal time for our ancestors.

How do you think Adalind acquired this?

From her mother, after she died.

Yes, but where do you think she got it from?

Treat it with proper respect.

It could come in handy.

Which is... Why I'm leaving it with you.

When are you going?

I'm not certain.

But I think it's best we say good-bye now.

You know I'm not very good at these things.

I will miss you.

And I you.

Please be careful.

You know what I did for you can only be done once for both of us.

I want my granddaughter.

If I could give her to you, I would.

But I believe Nick when he says he has no idea where his mother is.

Well, that's his mother.

She'll be in contact at some point.

I need you to be ready for that.

I promise you...

I will.


I'm just so glad to have you back.


Well, the question is do we have you back?

I have no idea.

And I'm not gonna find out by hanging out with you.

Well then, I guess you have to go out and find some wesen butt and kick it.


I got it.

You lose your key?


I... I just didn't want to come in if... you know, you two were... we're done.

Done, done. Like, I mean, Adalind done?

Adalind is gone. Juliette's back.

We're good!

Hi. Just wanted to be sure.


Oh, I am so relieved it's you.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

We really should have called to tell you it was finito.

No, don't worry about it.

We didn't give it a second thought.

Went right to bed.

Did it work?

I don't know.

Maybe we should find out.

Not happening.

I... haven't woged yet.


Any time you're ready.


I ...Guess that answers that question.

You know what, I shouldn't have pushed it.

Maybe it's too soon.

Elizabeth said it could take some time.

[Cell phone rings]


Nope, nothing yet.

I can meet you in 20.

I gotta go.
Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I'm really happy you're you.

Me too.

'Cause let me just tell you, I did not like being a blonde.


Car looks to have gone off the road late last night.

Discovered this morning by a bicyclist.

We know who it is?

Suleka Turner.

Portland address.

Car's registered to her husband, Dix Turner.

First responders got here about an hour ago.

She said something came out of the woods, took her husband, and dragged him away.

We're searching for the husband, but no sign of him.

Seat belt's been cut and there is blood, so...

She's pretty out of, but she's trying to say something.

You might want to listen before we sedate her.

All right.


We're Detectives and we're trying to find out what happened.

They tried to take me. They took my husband.


They were terrible.

I've never seen anything like that.

He said, they have to get another.

Because they couldn't get me.

We gotta take her.

County sheriff got here before we did.

They secured the area and made the determination there was a possible kidnapping, which is the reason you're here.

Well. They definitely hit something.

This tire is shredded.

Aw. Think I find something.


Yeah, I'd say they hit something.

What'd you find?

Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin, Deputy Sheriff Farris.

Good to meet you.

You too.

Well, it looks like they hit a piece of wood with some nails in it.

I've seen something like this on this road before.


About five, six years ago.

One of my first cases. Maybe 15 Miles east.

Same deal. Wrecked car, two missing people.

A spiked strip just like that in the tire.

Oh, yeah. I remember that case.

Nobody was ever found.

We need to take another look at that evidence.

Better get some dogs out here.

All right, guys? We're not done over here.

I'll tell them to hold off.

Thank you.

Let's get that tire off.

Hey, guys.

We're not done with the investigation yet.

She's on the move.

You watching me?

I was waiting for a friend.

You gonna follow me?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Call your boss, Chavez. Tell her you can't follow me.

What the hell are you doing?

Don't know what you're talking about.

November 27th. Six years ago.

Homemade. Look familiar?

Hmm. Yeah.

The victims were Keith and Jennifer Blakely of Spokane, Washington.

Reported missing at the scene.

Bodies never found.

It looks like there was a survivor.

Penny Conner.

Jennifer's sister. She was... 13 years old.

Asleep in the backseat. Wasn't wearing a seat belt.

Got knocked to the floor during the accident.

You really know this.

I remember what she said to me.

Monsters took her sister and brother-in-law.

Well, you wouldn't have known that six years ago.

Get off!

I told you, man, I didn't hit her.

Come on, settle down.

You okay?

Yeah, I though I, uh...

Never mind.

Heard from the dog handlers.

Picked up a trail, but it dead ended back at the highway.

So... There was probably a car waiting for them.

This was buried where the car went off the road.

Search dog dug it up.

What the hell is this?

Stuff nightmares are made of.

Or bad art.

Now, if these crimes are connected, there may be another one of those where we were this morning.

She in a car?


A bike?

Yeah, a bike.

Yeah, the kind you pedal.

[Knock at door]

Oh, my God.




No, no, no, no.

Stay down.

I didn't do anything.

I know.

Then why are you doing this to me?

Stay down!

What's going on?

A lot.

What are you doing here?

I had no place else to go.

[Metal detector beeping]

You know, my Uncle Andre had one of these things.

He spent hours and hours going up and down beaches.

One time, he found a watch worth $5,000.

Wow, that's pretty good.

He lost it the week before.


[Detector whirrs] You can't make this stuff up.

Found something.

Another beer can. Popular spot.

Hey, working on a six-pack.

Not a beer can.


Looks like we got a connection.

Hey. Said I could find you guys here.

You got something?

That's kinda weird. It's important?

Just like another one I found six years ago.

What is it? Some kind of totem?

Could be a signature?

I did some looking into related accidents on this highway.

I went back ten years.

The first was your case, six years ago.

Another case with similar circumstances three years after that.

Young couple, last seen on route 406.

They were camping.

Their SUV was found abandoned near a trailhead, so...

Everybody assumed they got lost in the woods.

Campers get lost all the time. What's the similarity?

Left their camping gear behind.

Where was the SUV found?

About four Miles down the highway.

That's why I came, I thought you guys might want to check it out.

[Detector whirrs]

I can dig.

All yours.

[Echoing metallic thud]

Nothing here.


I thought I heard something.

Just, uh, keep digging where you were digging.


Anybody know any artists slash welders around here?

Couple of junkyards.

They might know.

I'll look into it.

Al right, thanks.

"June third, 1893. Calcutta.

"After six weeks in the foul bustee, I encountered my first.

"It att*cked.

"Fortunately, I had my dagger and was able to slit its throat before it was able to tighten its tongue around mine."

That's one hell of a tongue.

"Upon close examination, "I have concluded that the Phansigar "is a particular type of Skalengeck, not dissimilar to the visage of the komodo dragon."

That's what it's called? Phansigar?

Yeah. There's more.

"Here in India, the Phansigars hide among the Thuggees, "the dreaded Hindu cult of thieves that strangle travelers "as a sacrifice to Kali.

"But I have discovered that the Phansigars have their own brand "of human sacrifice.

"Using their filthy tongues, they choke their victims "into silence.

"These unfortunate souls... Always a young couple...

"Are then buried alive.

"This evil practice must be performed every three years to placate Kali."

Guess who signed this one.


Rudyard Kipling.

Rudyard Kipling. Jungle Bo Rudyard Kipling?

He was a Grimm?

Apparently his sword was as mighty as his pen.

Every three years, fits the timeline of the kidnappings.

Only this time, they only got their male victim.

Dix Turner.

That means they still need a woman to complete their sacrifice.

We found one of those buried at each accident site.

So it's wesen?

Didn't know that the first time around.

What about now?

I'm not sure it's coming back.

You're gonna need some help.

[Knock at door] Yeah?

Got the preliminary lab report on those little guys.

They traced a paint on the metal.

It's all automobile paint.

Scrap from the salvage yard.

There's one out on that highway.

Been there for 35 years.

But, it was bought out seven years ago by JP and sons.

Around the same time the disappearances started.

[Flaps paper] Address, anyone?

What's going on?

What... What are you doing?


[Phansigars hissing]

They're leaving!

Mm. Mmm!

Sorry. I haven't eaten since yesterday.

I know what that's like.

How long have they been watching you?

I'm not really sure. What about you?

My life's a complete wreck.

Soon as I got home, there were men in my dad's house.

They ripped the place apart.

I barely got out.

You think it's 'cause your dad was a Grimm?

What do you think?

Sorry. Dumb... dumb question.

Probably Hundjagers.

How would I know?

I gotta talk to Nick.

He's the only one that can help me.

Oh, you don't know. Do you?

I mean, you wouldn't... How could you?

Could I what?


He's not dead, is he?

So I just talked to him on the phone.

He's the one that told me to get out.

I... I mean, I left my job. I left my car.


He's okay, but...

Things are a little different now.

Different now?

Okay. What does different now mean?

Thank you. Come again.

Will do. [Door opens]

Okay, so. What's the problem?


I... Never heard of them.

They're into human sacrifice.

That I've heard of.

I need you to come with me.

Dude, I... I can't leave Rosalee alone, not with what's going on.

I know.

I hope you're not bringing a Phansigar here, because I have heard of them.

Well, I wish what Juliette and I had gone through had worked, 'cause if I had another way to do this, I would.

Nick, it could still work.

Yeah, well. It's taking it's own damn time.

Sorry I'm late. I had to pick up more a*mo.

I'm sorry.

You brought your g*n?


Hey. Hey.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Hey. Both: Hey.

You're good to go.

Could I help you?

Deputy Farris.

I'm following up from the accident this morning.

You towed the wreck.

Oh, yes. To the police impound lot.

I know, but I'm looking for someone who is buying small quantities of scrap metal, like this.

Oh, you mean like, uh, for artists or something?

Could you put together a list?

I don't know if it's possible.

You see, I don't ask the customers what they use it for.

It would be someone who's been here more than once in the last few years.

I can't remember.

You think you can check?

Oh, of course. [Phone rings]

Excuse me.


Deputy Farris.

What'd you find out?

JP and sons was bought out seven years ago, just before the disappearances began.

Well, I'm at the yard now.

They are cutting up a lot of scrap metal.

I'm trying to get a list of buyers.

All right, be careful.

We'll be there as soon as we can.

I'll be here.

What have you done?

We needed a woman, now we have one.

She's perfect. You idiot!

Can't you see she's a police officer?

We'll cut up the car. They'll never find it or her.

He's right. She's perfect.

Well, we must do it now.


[Speaking native language]

Bring her.

It's padlocked.

Stay close.

I need your eyes.

I'm right behind you.

[Speaking native language]

Sounds like some kind of ceremony.


A ceremony where they bury their victims alive.

Let's hope we're not late.


Nick, are you okay?

I don't think so.

Should we get him out of here?

No. I can hear something.



We have to get there.

[Speaking native language]

There they are.

I can't tell what they're doing.

Me either. Are they woged?


Can you see anything else? - Uh-uh.

Woged or not, I don't like what I'm seeing.

We have to take them down now.

[All native language]

Unh! [Bangs on metal]

Let's go.

What is happening?

It's my head.

We gotta get him out of here now.


Where did they go?




Stay with Nick.

She's here.

I'm going in.


Monroe, I need your help!

Nick, I gotta help Hank, okay. I'll be right back.

Oh, my God.

What the hell is going on here?

Are you okay?

Yeah. She's alive.

Hank, there's a guy in this one too.

Help me get her out first!

Hey! You all right?




Oh, God.


You've defiled our sacred ground.

Now you must be sacrificed.

You first.


Grab him.




We found another one, but there's something wrong with him... he's sick or something.

What do you want us to do with him?

I'll take care of him.

You're done.



A Grimm?

Yeah... I am.




Not good.


Dude... You were right.

It was a Phansigar!

I know.

You mean you saw him woged?


[Laughs] That's awesome!


How is she?

She'll be okay as long as she doesn't remember any of this.

How are you?

I'm back.

Let's get you guys out of there.

Six possible victims and six graves.

Pretty good chance the DNA will match the missing vics going back six years.

An idol in their own image?

That's what I'm told.

Monroe do the I.D.?

Turns out, we didn't need him to.

It's good to have you back.

[g*n cocks] It's okay, it's them.

How'd it go?

Pretty good.

How about here?

No problems.

You okay?

Better than.

You can...


I can see them again.

It worked.

The peace and quiet we never had is over.

Well, then I won't know what I missed.

Too bad Adalind can't be here to celebrate with a little champagne.

Emphasis on the pain part.


Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm good.

You're not the only one anymore.

That's good. That's really good.

Uh...'Cause we got another problem.

Oh, boy.


You know how to use that thing?

Not a clue.