Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010)

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Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, Mr. Hindle,

or as they called you
around the hospital, Zepp.

Game over.

Check it, man.

What the f*ck is this?

What the f*ck are you doing here?

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I am f*cking stuck.

Yeah, me too.

What the f*ck?
Oh, my God.

Somebody, help us.

Come on, help us.

Oh, my God.



Baby, are you okay?

Get me out of here.

Help us. Somebody help us.

Hey. Call the police.

Hey, break the glass with your case.

Break the f*cking glass. Do it.

Stay back.

Do it.

Get me out of here.
Break it.

Hello, Brad.

Hello, Ryan. I'd like to play a game.

The same woman
has played each of you for a fool,

manipulating your love for her,
and causing nothing but pain.

Her fun and games pushed you both to break
the law to fulfill her material needs.

She is toxic,

and today all of your transgressions
will be made public.

He's f*cking lying, Brad.

Now you must choose who
will drop out of this triangle,

for within 60 seconds one of you must die.

If you wish to save her,
then the saws must be pushed

all the way to one side or the other,

sparing her while proving for good
who is indeed the alpha male.

What are you f*cking staring at,
you m*therf*ckers?

Do something.
Are you both strong enough

to walk away from what is destroying you,

or will you fight one more time
for the heart that binds?

You have 60 seconds to decide.

Live or die. Make your choice.

Oh, f*ck.

One of you save me.

What the f*ck are you doing?

It's me or you assh*le, and it sure
as shit isn't going to be me.

Brad. Brad.

Brad, I love you.

I love you too, baby.

Do it. You got to do it.

You got to k*ll him, Brad.

Do it.
Stupid bitch.

Do it. Do it. Do it.


You love him?

No, no.

You love him more than me?

No, I had to say that.

I have always loved you.

You got to do it for me, please.

You got to k*ll him.
k*ll Brad. Do it.

You lying slut.

What the f*ck are you doing?

You don't love anybody.

You're a cheat and a liar. f*ck you.

f*ck you.

Brad. Brad, look at me.

Is the chick that f*cked me in your bed
two days ago worth one of our lives?

She's not worth it, man.
She's not worth it.



What are you doing,
you f*cking assh*le?

I think we're breaking up
with you, Dina.

No. No, stop.

Stand aside.
Move it.

People, get out of the way.

Somebody help her.

Game over.

No. No, you f*cking bitch.


Tonight, a house of horrors
has been discovered

at what used to be known
as the Rowan Zoological Institute.

The body of Umbrella Health CEO
William Easton has been identified

as one of the several victims
of this grizzly crime scene.

However, we have also been
informed that there may be

as many as seven survivors
from this deadly event.

Hopefully the many questions
of the local police,

the FBI, and the victims'
family members may be answered

by those seven civilians lucky enough

to walk away from
this unprecedented display

of carnage with their lives.

We now go live to Tony Gabrielson
who is reporting from the scene. Tony.

Hey, man.
Hey, what's up?

What have we got here?
That's Jill Tuck, Jigsaw's widow.

What does she want?

All she said was that
she didn't trust the FBI,

and she didn't trust homicide.

And she just wants to talk to you.

Why me?
I don't know. Only you, though.

She looks crazier than a sack
full of cats.

All right, let's get this over with.

Hey. I put cream and sugar in it.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

I am Matt Gibson, internal affairs.

My colleague said that you
wanted to speak with me.


But I need complete immunity.

Why do you want immunity, Miss Tuck?

Because of what I know.

Which is what?

Do we have a deal?

You have got to give before you can
receive in this house, Jill.

My husband John, he had an accomplice.

A person who assisted him
with almost every m*rder.

Look, don't get me wrong.

I am all ears if you have got something
legit that you want to put on the table.

This person will go on k*lling
until he's stopped.

You know him and he definitely knows you.
Is that right?

He's detective Mark Hoffman.

Are you willing to sign a sworn affidavit?


You swear to be totally open?

You tell me everything,
no matter how personal or private?


I will give you evidence,
whatever you want,

as long as I have your protection,
and complete immunity.

Do we have a deal?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, we have a deal.

Welcome back.

We're live with Bobby Dagen
whose national tour

My Story of Overcoming Jigsaw

rolls into town this weekend.

Well, you're quite the national phenomenon
these days, aren't you?

Well, thank you, ma'am.

It's quite flattering how many people
have responded to my story.

And if I can help a few people along
the way, then I am pleased.

Now, you survived a trap created
by the infamous Jigsaw k*ller, correct?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, everyone must ask you this question.
What was that like?

Life changing.

It was something I never anticipated

and, quite honestly, something
that should have k*lled me.

Tell me more.
Tell me about the actual experience.

I actually have no recollection
of how I got there.

I just remember the feeling

of waking up trapped.

And I had to insert two hooks
into my pectoral muscles

and hoist myself up to a platform.

You put the hooks in yourself?

I did.

I pretty much realized
that I couldn't hold on much longer,

and I had to accept the fact
that I was going to die.

And then I saw something,

and what I saw was my life.

It was a tragedy. I achieved nothing.

And right then,
something inside me started to grow,

something from the bottom of my soul.

And I just... I decided to live.

I found a strength that I thought
had long since expired.

And I just yanked, and I yanked.

And when I got to the top,
I just ripped the hooks out of my chest.

There was blood everywhere,
and I just screamed.

I just sat there and screamed.

Because I hadn't just survived,

I was reborn.

This was my life.

Wow. Bobby Dagen, everyone.

Bobby's life-changing
experience comes to the...

This is the moment.

Where's the big kiss?
I don't know.

Tickets are still available.

And we're out, folks.

That's not the way it's supposed to be.
You need to relax.

No, we rehearsed it differently.

It's okay. Nice work, Bobby.

Ladies, can you excuse us for a minute?

Where was the big finish, Bobby?

You tell your story,
you thank your pretty wife,

you bring her out for a big hug and kiss.

I just didn't want to push it, all right?

Okay, but that's the heart of the story.

She was there for your whole recovery.

And without the acknowledgment,
without the kiss,

the audience isn't going to have any kind
of emotional connection.

I disagree.

Too much emotion,
and it's going to feel like pandering.

Okay, why don't you let me
do the public relations,

and you do the legal paperwork, okay?

Okay, I get it, Suzanne, all right?
It's my fault.

It wasn't your fault, Bobby.

You were fine.

Just remember your b*llet points next time.
I will.

These interviews are important.

Nina, relax.

Don't worry about them.

You were great.


Your story's real and people feel that.

I know that you get overwhelmed at times,
but we have to keep moving forward, Bobby.

You were meant to do this.

I know. I know, baby.


We got the Jigsaw survivor group tomorrow.

Thirty minutes of face time
with other survivors.

Yeah, sounds good.

Nothing more exciting than that.
No, not much. Let's go.

Oh, God.

You want to know the only thing wrong
with k*lling you, Jill?

I can only do it once.

Oh, my God.


Help me. Help me.

Help. f*ck.

Hello, Evan. I want to play a game.

The situation you find yourself in
is of your own doing.

You, your girlfriend,
and your friends are all racists.

Evan, you f*ck. You get me out of here.

You have intimidated others
based on their physical differences.

But today it is you who will run scared.

Your pathetic friends
follow your every word, Evan.

Therefore you will be the only one capable
of saving them and yourself.

In 30 seconds,
the jacks holding up this car will fall,

setting off a deadly chain of events.

In order to stop this from happening,

you must tear yourself away
from the seat to which you are glued.

Then you must pull the red lever before
you. But no act comes without a sacrifice.

You have judged others
by the color of their skin,

and today, Evan, you will learn that
we are all the same color on the inside.

Live or die, Evan, the choice is yours.


Evan, help.
I can't.

Do it. f*ck.
f*cking do it.

Just f*cking do it.

Do it. Do it, man.

Here I go.


Baby, get me out of here.

Shit. f*ck. Here I go.

Here I go. Come on.

f*ck me.


Do it. f*cking do it.

Do it.

You got us into this.

Get us the f*ck out.

Do it.

You f*cking p*ssy.


Every night

I keep thinking that
things will get better

the next morning when I wake up.

But it isn't.

Everything I do,

everything I see,
I am surrounded by these

tiny triggers.

They're everywhere,

and they remind me of what
I went through,

what Jigsaw did to me.

Sidney, go on, please. You're...

You're in a safe place now.

Tell me what happened next.

Alex. Stop, please. Stop it.

Sidney, look at me.

You made a decision.

How did that make you feel?


He was abusive.

I tried to stop it before,

but it wasn't until that moment

that I really did something.

It was him or me, and I chose to live.

It was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

That's a bunch of bullshit.

He had to die for you to leave him?

You want to know
the best thing that happened to me

after having to cut off my own arm?

It's handicapped parking at the damn mall.

What the hell is a camera here for anyway?

I am simply here to illustrate the fact
that a traumatic experience,

such as the kind that each one of us
has been forced to endure,

can have a positive outcome. That's all.

Yeah? Like what?

A new perspective on life.
Wait, wait, wait.

I know. I understand
that you're not at that place yet.

I understand that and I respect that.

But if you look
around at all these people

taking their lives for granted,

eventually they all found something
positive from their experience.

We should never be ashamed
of what we have gone through,

because we are good and we are strong.

You know what?

I'd like everybody to have
a look at something right here.

These are my scars.

Because our minds will heal,

but these scars will never go away.

These scars should not be
a symbol of shame.

They should be worn
as a badge of courage.

You know, earlier,

I spoke of valuing your loved ones.

But to be perfectly honest,

it's something that I never did
prior to my ordeal.

But since then,

I have found someone
who has truly become my rock.

Joyce, if you could...


It's my lovely wife Joyce.

I love you.
I love you too, baby.


To be able to sustain
such a traumatic experience,

and yet find the positive
in that grizzly act,

it's a remarkable feat indeed.


if not a little perverse.

I am sure I speak for everyone
here when I say

how grateful we are

to be part of your promotional DVD.

I appreciate it. Thank you. It's...

I can take that, sir.
Thank you very much.

Joyce, can I borrow him for a second?

Sure. I will be in the car, okay?

Two minutes behind you.

Great. You will see her to the car,
please, sir?

Of course.
Thank you.

What's up?

So what's with the creepy guy with the
cane? Someone I should know about?

No, no, no. He's been at these meetings
longer than I have.

He's fine.

All right.

Listen, get back to the hotel,
and get some rest, all right?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

Great work tonight, Bobby.

Thank you.
You're the man.


What happened to him?

They always tell you not to smoke
at the gas station.

This should wrap up the week for you.

What's up, man?

I am at a junkyard on 58th.


Call came in about a car crash.

Car crash? Why are you there?

It's not just a car crash.

It's a trap.

How many bodies?

Enough pieces to make four.

Okay, get everyone away
from that crime scene till I get there.

Even Homicide, you got it?

All right, I am on the way.

Hello, Evan. I want to play a game.

The situation you find yourself in...

You, your girlfriend...

You have intimidated others
based on their physical differences.

So, what do you think?


Why this display?

Why them? Why now?

You know he likes to put on a show.

Well, there's got to be something else.

Bag the other bodies. Get them back
to the coroner's office right away.

We will need them checked
for anything resembling a clue.

Tattoos, piercings, skin cuttings.

If that man has a cavity in his tooth,
I want to know about it.

Yes, sir.
All right.



Hoffman was expecting you.

God damn.

Would you look at that?

Please get forensics in here.

Tell them to haul ass.

This needs to be dusted for prints.

All right.


Hello, Bobby.

I want to play a game.

You have amassed wealth, fame,
and notoriety,

based upon your story of survival.

Many have aided in your cause,
but few know the truth.

You are a liar.

You and I both know
you have never been in a trap,

nor have you ever been tested.

Today these lies will come full circle
and you will learn

if you truly have what it takes
to call yourself a survivor.

The cage you find yourself in

will symbolize your rebirth.

Joyce? No.

Joyce. No.

Please, no.

Within the next 60 minutes,

you must stay upon the path of learning

and traverse a series of obstacles

to obtain access to your wife,

who you have also deceived.

If you fail to reach her
before the clock runs out,

she will die.

Live or die, Bobby?

Make your choice.




Let me out.


Bobby. What's going on? What's going on?

Another Jigsaw survivor has come forward.

As the city stays crippled in fear
from the Jigsaw killings,

chilling new words from
the latest survivor provide a reminder

of the physical and mental toll
these deadly games can take.

This horrible event was happening to me,

and in that moment,

that moment that this thing

threatened to take everything away,

even the pain,

I realized what I still had left to give.

And I didn't want to let that go.

It gave me light.

That pure moment
of absolute horror gave me light.

And as wrong as this may seem,

I am better for enduring it.

I am stronger.

And, I must admit, I am grateful for it.

I am grateful it happened to me,

and I wish the same for everyone like me.

Joan is but one of a growing
number of citizens...

If something like that doesn't get you
to change your perspective on life,

I don't know what will.


And if those people weren't so f*cked up
after their games,

they'd make a mint selling their stories.

That's a real clever design.

Yours or your husband's?

Everything was him.

Well, here's my problem,

that was left for me,
and your fingerprints were all over it.

When you told me
Hoffman had it in for you,

you didn't mention that
it was because you tried to k*ll him.

There's a new game going on.

Does that surprise you?

No? No?

You're crazy, you know that?

I knew you were crazy
the minute I laid eyes on you.


this is what we're going to do, crazy.

Till I catch Mark Hoffman,
this is your new home.

Get comfy.

What makes you think
he can't find me here?

Jill, it's a safe house.

Safe house. Safe. House.

You get it?

Gibson, this was sent
here addressed to Jill.

Hoffman knows our location.
God damn it. God damn it.


We just had a small expl*si*n here
in a car at the crime scene.

Okay, is anyone hurt?

Holy shit.


Rogers, you okay?


Get out of there.
You get the b*mb squad to sweep the yard.

Don't touch anything else until it's clean.

Got it.
All right.

Play it.

Hello, Gibson.

Been a long time.

What I want is simple,

give me Jill Tuck.

You're protecting her despite the fact

that she had direct knowledge throughout,

which makes her complicit in every death.

I will make you a deal.

Give her to me,

the game stops, and no one else dies.

If not, everyone dies
and you will be to blame.

Make your choice.

The clock is ticking.

Let's get her down to the holding cell
at the station.

Lock it down.
No one gets in without my authority.

Got it.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

No. Please.

No. Please, help. Please.

Please, no.

God damn it.

Bobby. Bobby, help me.

You have got to get me out of here.

I can't move, Bobby.

Please, help me.

Okay, okay, okay. Just relax.

Help me. Do something.

Don't leave me.

Hello, Bobby.

Before you
is one of your trusted colleagues.

She has been your publicist for years,
knowing your lies

but choosing to speak no evil.

She has been richly rewarded
for her words,

but today she will be rewarded
for her silence.

In the X-ray, you will see a key,

the key to Nina's survival,
which will shut off her device.

But there's a catch.

You have one minute
to pull the fish hook from her stomach,

and unlock her device

or else the four spikes
will penetrate her throat,

silencing Nina forever.

Remember, the spikes will also advance

each time the decibel level in this room
rises above a whisper,

k*lling her even sooner.

Will Nina live or die, Bobby?
The choice is yours.

Help me. Help.
No. No.

Just shut up.

Stay with me, okay?

Do it.

No. No. No.

Okay, stay with me. Stay with me.

It's going to be okay. Look at me.

Look at me.

No. Nina, quiet. Nina.

Please. Please, for me.

Just shut the f*ck up.

I am going to get this out.

No. No.

Just do it, Bobby. Just f*cking do it.



Why wouldn't you just shut the f*ck up?

You just needed to shut up.

No. Oh, my God.

No. Help.

Help. Help.

Here you are, ma'am. Take care.

Ma'am, your name?

Sara, without an "H."

I just want to say
I love your book so much.

I just felt like I could feel everything
that you went through.

I feel like it changed my life.

I appreciate that, ma'am.

I really do. Thank you.

Thank you.

Your name, sir?


With an "H," without an "H,"
it doesn't matter.

We will go with John with an "H" this time.

You got quite an army working for you here,
don't you?

Must be spreading a pretty good word.

Well, we try to reach as many
people as possible, you know?

You don't see anything wrong with that?

No. No, sir, I don't.

You know,

history is a passion for me.

And in ancient Egypt
if you were speaking under oath,

you were required to say,

"If I am lying, take me to the quarries."

That mean anything to you?

No, sir. No, sir, it doesn't.

Well, I will tell you what it means.

It means if you knowingly lied
on the public record

that you were subject
to a period of enslavement.

What are you implying here, sir?

I am not implying anything.

Move along, buddy. He signed your book.

Thanks for the signature.

Nice picture, but I don't need it.

We have met.

Adam, Gibson says he wants
you on these right away.

They're from the junkyard.

Make your choice.

The clock is ticking.

See that?


I know that from somewhere.

Hey, I have got something over here.

We might know who's in the game.
This was just sent to us.

It was taken
from a security camera downtown.

The guy's name is Bobby Dagen.


He's a Jigsaw survivor
who's milking it on talk shows.

His wife and handlers are also missing.


Who is it? Who's there?

Who is that?

For f*ck's sake, Bobby. Bobby.

Bobby, get me out of here.

Bobby, help me.

Is Cale here?
Who the f*ck knows?

Get this off of me, Bobby.
Get this off of me.

Hello, Bobby.

That feeling running
through your body is fear,

the fear of not knowing
if you have what it takes to survive.

Before you is your lawyer

who swore an oath of ethics,

but chose to see no evil
in order to benefit herself.

Once her device begins to rotate,

it will pierce her eyes and mouth

if you don't delay its movement
for at least 30 seconds.

To do this,

you must step into the other machine
and lift the bars to the highest position

long enough to close the circuit,
slowing down her device.

If you do nothing,
she will wind to her death

before the clock runs out.

Do you have what it takes to help her?

Make your choice.

Bobby, please.

Bobby, please get me out.

Get me the f*ck...

Oh, God.

No, no. Bobby, please.

Please, help me.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

Please, hurry. Hurry.

Come on, Bobby, please. Hurry.

Come on. Bobby, come on.

Hurry. Please. Please, hurry.

Bobby, please, hurry.


Yes. Yes, Bobby. Yes.

Come on.

Bobby, no.

No. God, no.

No. Bobby.

Please, no. Bobby, no.

Come on, Bobby. Please.
Get me out of here.

Come on.

Bobby, please.


Oh, God.

Oh, my God. Bobby, stay there.

Bobby, please, no.

No. No.


Please, please.


Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

No. No.


Do you know this guy?

I have seen him on TV,
but I don't know him.

Did your husband?

I don't know.

You sure you don't know him?

Yeah, I am sure.

All right then.

Lock it up.

Hoffman just sent an e-mail
with an MPEG attachment.

I am just searching the IP address.

Can you find out where it came from?

It depends on how many proxy servers
he filtered it through,

but it was time-delayed,
so it will leave fingerprints.

Play it.

Hello, Gibson.

Once again, we're at a moral crossroad.

I don't blame you
for not giving me Jill Tuck,

but you shouldn't let an old grudge
cloud your judgment.

Look to where you're being led.

Look beyond the crossroad
to the clear dawn.

Do you see it?

I get it. Let's go.



Bobby? Bobby?

Listen to me. Cale.
Cale, I can see you, okay?

Cale, don't move.
Bobby, where the hell are you?

You got to help me, Bobby.
Do you know where Joyce is?

What the f*ck? I can't see, man.

How the f*ck would I know where Joyce is?

I am about to lose my shit.

Do I know where Joyce is?
I am f*cking blind, man.

Okay, Cale. Cale, do not move.

I got this thing around my f*cking neck.
I can't f*cking breathe.

Don't f*cking move.
We're not on the ground floor.

A lot of this floor is missing.

Just don't move, okay?

f*ck. You got to help me.

Get me f*cking down, Bobby. f*ck.
f*ck me.

Cale, there's a tape.

What f*cking tape?
There's a tape.

Shut up. I am going to play the tape.

Hello, Bobby.
Across from you is your closest friend.

He knows all your sins,
yet he acts as though he hears no evil.

Today, what he hears

will be the difference
between life and death.

Bobby, you must help
Cale walk over the planks,

and get as close to you as possible.

Find your own way across
the beams to the key.

You must get it to him over
the last span between you.

If the noose around Cale's neck
is not removed within 60 seconds,

a winch will be engaged,
and your secret will be left hanging.

Does Cale live or die, Bobby?
The choice is yours.


Oh, God.

Cale. Cale, listen to me.

Listen to me.

Shut the f*ck up
and you listen to me for once.

Listen, I am going to walk you
through this, okay, buddy?

I am blind. You f*cking come to me.

I am going to try to get as close to you
as I can, buddy.

I am f*cking listening to you.
Talk me f*cking through this.

I want you to shuffle to your right.

Just shuffle exactly to your right.

You're going to feel a plank at your foot.
Yes, yes.

Yes, yes, perfect.
I need you to head out on that plank.

Oh, f*ck.

Okay, I got it. I got it. I got it.

f*ck this.

Okay, Cale, I am on the way.

f*ck. f*ck. Okay, all right.

Now there's going to be a plank
in front of you.

You're going to have to go

about 10 degrees to your right.

I got it. I got it.

Come on, keep f*cking talking to me.
Okay. Okay, Cale.

Feel where the plank...
I got it.


Oh, God. What the f*ck was that, man?

It's okay, Cale. It was a bottle.
It was a bottle.

What the f*ck was that?
It's okay. It was a bottle.

You're going to be fine.

f*ck. Okay.

You got it, buddy.

You got it.
Now you're going to feel a second plank.

You will feel it with your foot.
I got it.

Feel it with your foot.

Get me out of this f*cking thing, Bobby.

Step up onto the plank.

Oh, f*ck. Oh, God.

Relax. You're okay.

No. No.

Cale, hang on. Cale.

f*ck. f*ck.

f*ck. f*ck.

Bobby. Bobby.

I got the key but... Cale.

I am going to throw you the key.

Cup your hands closer to your chest.

I am going to throw it on three,
all right?





Oh, f*ck me.

No. God damn it, no.


No. Cale.

There's nothing here.

Yes, there is.

Right there.

Why would he want us to come here?

For me to remember.

This is where he saved my life.

When I was in uniform
I responded to a distress call here.

Back when this place was a flophouse
for junkies and homeless people.

Freeze. Don't you f*cking move.

Drop the g*n.

He didn't know what hit him.

Yeah, he assaulted me, but it
shouldn't have been a death sentence.

Next time, you sh**t first.

I had no choice
but to report Hoffman for brutality.

You owe me.

What happened?

He got a promotion is what happened.
And I got put on an island.

A year later, I transferred to IA,
busted three of his guys.

He swore he'd get me back,
and here we are.

This place was called Crossroads
Manufacturing before it closed.

"Look beyond the crossroads

"to the clear dawn."

I don't follow you.

The man he k*lled was released from
Clear Dawn Psychiatric Hospital

when the state shut it down.

That building's been abandoned for years.

That's where the game is being played.

All right, you get back,
you stay with Jill Tuck.

Don't let her out of your sight.


Bobby. Bobby.

Bobby, I am here.

Bobby, can you hear me?

Joyce, I can hear you. I can see you.

Bobby, I can see you, too.

Yes, baby.

Get me out of here.
Baby, I am on my way.

Who's doing this? Why?

Why is this happening?
Please, baby, I am on the way.

Just hang on, okay?
Hurry. Please hurry.

There's got to be a tape.

Hello, Bobby.

Before you is the door
that leads to your wife.

However, you must first make a choice.

As you may have guessed, your decision
will be as difficult as pulling teeth.

The lock before you requires
a four-digit combination to open.

However, if it is access you seek

then a true sacrifice will
have to be made.

Watch and learn, Bobby.

The necessary numbers have been etched
onto two of your teeth.

Look to the chart as a reference
for which teeth to pull

and in which order to enter the digits.

Time is ticking down.

You must make your decision quickly.


I don't want you to see this,
baby, okay?

Oh, my God.



Left side clear.



Change your position.

The game's still on.

Let's go.
Move to the second level.




Clear up.
All clear.

Move, move.

Moving in.
Moving in.

We're clear.

Block it off.

I found where that MPEG came from.

A business called Pete's Auto Body

on 58th Street.

The junkyard.
The location of the car trap?

Yeah, that's correct.

Okay, you guys keep moving.

Where are you going?

To get Hoffman.

Okay, let's move it.



What? What happened?

Gibson's got Hoffman's location.

The game isn't over.

Another body.


We got a live one.

Can't cross here. Let's go.

Hey. Go get your shotguns.
You come follow me.

Give me your g*n.

Hoffman, freeze.

I want you to slowly put your hands
in the air.



Bobby, I knew you'd make it.

I knew you'd find me.

I am so sorry.

I knew you could do it.

I knew you'd come.

Get me out.

Bobby. Oh, my God.

There's got to be another way.

Hello, Bobby.
You have almost completed your rebirth.

However, your final task
will be your most difficult.

The woman before you
symbolizes your success.

She is your trophy.

And she has seen the good
in your message,

despite its dishonest beginnings.

What's he talking about?

Today, we will see
if you can truly earn her love.

To prove your status as a survivor,

you must overcome a game
that should be all too familiar.

You supposedly survived it once already,

so it should be easy to survive once again.

Pierce the hooks
through your chest muscles,

and the game will begin.

In order to free yourself and your wife,
you must hoist yourself with these chains,

and connect the extension cords above you
before the clock expires.

Both hands will be needed
to complete this task.

But that should be simple.

For, as you claim to understand,

the pectoral muscles
can easily support your weight.

So I ask you, Bobby,

when you embrace every day
as if it is your last,

will it be with your wife?

Make your choice.

What's he talking about?

Baby, I am so sorry.

I lied.

I was never in a trap.


How could you let me believe that?

I am going to make this right.

You don't deserve to be there.

I am your wife.

How could you lie to me?

I know that from somewhere.

Make your choice. Clock's ticking.

Bag the other bodies. Get them back
to the coroner's office right away.

What is this, sir?

Hoffman tapped
into the station's security system.

He's been watching us the whole time.

Oh, my God.

This is Palmer.

You get every available officer
back to the station.

I am sorry, sir?

Right now.


Gibson, are you still there? Gibson.

Door's locked.
We're locked in.

Gas. Gas.

Look for an exit.

I love you, Joyce.

I never lied about that.

I love you. I love you.

Bobby, I love you.

No. Oh, my God.




You can do it. You can do it.

Oh, my God.

Bobby, I love you.

You can do it.

Hang on. Hang on. Hang on.

Pull. Pull, Bobby.
I know you can do it.


Oh, my God. Keep going.

Bobby, you can do it. Oh, my God.



What was that?

That's it, pull. Pull.



Pull. You're almost there.

Fight, Bobby. You can do it.

Someone's out there.

Oh, my God. No.

Help me. Help me.

Help me. No.

I have been looking for you.

How do I look?


Help me.

Bobby, please, reach.


Bobby, reach.


Reach. Reach.

You can do it, Bobby.

Bobby, reach. Reach.

One more. Reach.
You can do it. Bobby.

Bobby, you can do it.




No. Bobby.




Bobby. Bobby.

Joyce. Joyce.


You f*cking c**t.

No. Bobby.





Game over.

Over the last two hours,

it seems our entire city
has been shaken to its core.

In addition to the nine police
employees k*lled tonight,

Jill Tuck, the wife of serial k*ller
John Kramer, has been found dead.

Citizens are being advised
to report any activity,

even remotely suspicious, at this time,

as blockades are being set up
at major intersections

within a 30-mile radius,

surrounding what will be considered
the largest attack

on this city's police department
in our history.

Any citizens with information
leading to the apprehension...

What the f*ck?

Hello, Dr. Gordon.

You are perhaps my greatest asset.

Congratulations, Dr. Gordon.
You survived.

Without you, my work over the last
few years would not have been possible.

Jeff's wife.

Dr. Lynn Denlon.

She will be perfect.

My eyes. I can't see.

That having been said,
I have a request.

Watch over Jill.

And should anything happen to her, I want
you to act immediately on my behalf.

In return for that,
I will keep no more secrets from you.

I have shown you a lot of places.

But there is one that will be, perhaps,
the most meaningful to you.

I don't think so.

What do you think you're doing?

What the f*ck do you think you're doing?


You can't f*cking do this to me.

f*ck you. No.

Game over.

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