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02x04 - Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon

Posted: 02/18/24 16:24
by bunniefuu
The qualifying round of the second Divine Visionary Candidate Exam.

It is known as "Deadervant's Haunt."

A key is hidden inside a Troll-goosefish swim bladder somewhere in the stage.

You need to escape by using magic to pop it like a balloon and obtain the key.

However, you need to do so while fleeing from three Deadervants.


WAIL - This is impossible!

The upcoming qualifying round is "Deadervant's Haunt."

Of course, you must pass this to make it to the main exam!

Rafflesian Mirrors will transmit everything to the audience!

Cheating will not be accepted!

All entrants, are we ready?

With that, let the match begin!

I want to go home. I just want to keep sleeping in my bed.

I just gotta find the key, right?


I should mention the Deadervants are completely immune to magic! So watch out!

And the moment you touch one of their axes, it's game over.

You will be transferred out of the stage with some soul-splitting pain!

One has already been disqualified! We have candidates left!

ONE DISQUALIFIED SURVIVORS REMAINING - One has already been disqualified! We have

candidates left!

So I have to keep running from Deadervants and hunt for the key.

No hints about the key's location, either.

Making us scramble blindly for a key is a pretty poor test.

Unless there's some unrevealed strategy going on here.

It is a test after all.

Are they trying to see how we use our magic to escape the enemy?

That's exactly right!

Deadervants are stand-ins immune to magic.

It's limited to this stage, but powerful magic made them for that purpose.

When one individual's power isn't enough to defeat an enemy,

choosing to retreat is always a valid tactic.

This exam questions how well you do in a situation where you're forced to flee.

How tasteless! I knew this school was messed up, but...

One guy out in the first few moments?

This year's candidates are pretty weak.

Well, last year they had Rayne. There's no comparing these guys.

It's time to run like your life depends on it!

No way! Deadervant down in one hit!?

It's holding its stomach and breathing heavily.

This test is about how well you do when you have to retreat, isn't it?

That Deadervant that I couldn't do anything against...

He's totally nuts!

Now I just need to find the key.

That's right. A Deadervant is a phantom. They are not living creatures.

Any damage they take heals instantly, so be careful!


BA-DUMP - Oh gosh. Then I won't have anything to do with them anymore.


So, where is this balloon with the key?


This is going to be rough with my puny brain.


I've gotten smaller.

I casted a spell.

Over here.

It's gone now.

Deadervants have bad eyesight, but is really sensitive to sound.

You're fine if you keep that in mind.


I'm back to normal.

My personal magic changes sizes of things at will.

So that's why I shrunk earlier.

You got it.

Thanks for helping me even though it's an exam.

Oh, come on now.

It's obvious we'll do better if we work together.

So it's only natural.

In other words, we have formed an alliance.

Let's clear the exam together.

Huh? This is too sudden.

Then again, you did save me.

You are too nice.

First, the whereabouts of the key.

I'm certain it's somewhere in the Deadervant's patrol radius.

Huh? Why is that?

This is an exam after all.

I'm sure they're watching for abilities in spur-of-the-moment situations as well,

but they should have created the field so that we can logically deduce an answer.


No way, did you pass out?

I'm sorry. It was a bit hard to understand.

Well, in other words...


BAM - We're going to follow Deadervants.


BOOM - Roger.



Where the hell is this key?

Where is it!

Can this be...








I knew it.

The key is in the center of the area a Deadervant moves around in.

That thing under the balloon... a bellows?

So we inflate it until it bursts? Easy.

Huh? Wait, stop! It's obviously...


Are you an idiot?

Now we've done it.

You mean you've done it.

That balloon...

Pressing the bellows to inflate it makes a sound that calls Deadervants to chase you.

My magic can change the size of objects.

So how do we fill it with air?

Why don't we just break the balloon?

All right, I don't see Deadervants. Now's the time to rip it up.



Didn't think touching the balloon would make a sound, too.

Though, I suppose it would.

That means we can't pull the key out of the balloon, either.

Perhaps if we break that bellows, the key just falls out.

The key doesn't fall down, and the balloon doesn't deflate.

Is the key floating inside by magic?

So we do have to inflate the balloon with magic.

But what kind of magic?

And we already broke the bellows.



Hey! He just used his magic to make the balloon bigger.

Is he a moron?

What's he gonna do by making it harder to burst?

By the way, touching the balloon from the inside also makes a sound,

so you can't crawl inside, either!


Huh? What's that?

Is he...


...about to breakdance!?

Come on, you're joking.

That's impossible!

Seriously impossible.

That's so freaky!

The answer is always simple.

I make the balloon bigger with my magic,

and we send air into the balloon through the larger air hole.

By breakdancing!

I see.

M-My hat's off to them.


A living w*apon.

He's a living w*apon!


We got the first key!

While Mash and Max obtained a key, in other locations...


I guess I pass this round.


Don't attack! Don't punch! I hate pain! I'm sorry!

Are you all right, Finn?


You got your key already?

You're so hopeless. I'll help you out, then.

Dot, you're bleeding!

You're so hopeless.

No, but blood!

You're so hopeless!

I'm telling you, blood!

Hurray, hurray, hurray.

Well, we somehow made it.

For a while, I was wondering what would happen.

So, um...

Hm? What is it?



We got this key thanks to you, so please take it.

You really are a good person.

Huh? That's not really true.

You should take that key.

The exit is that way.

There's a rumor that time is a factor in your ranking.

Huh? But...

Actually, I heard all about you from Rayne.

Mr. Rabbits.

I really didn't think you were this good-natured.

I got the gist of how to obtain the key. I can do the rest by myself.

Mash, I'm just trying to act tough.

It's my ego saying that I want to do something for people like you.

So don't worry.

It's an important job for a junior to keep a senior's honor.


Thank you very much.

Now then...

My bad hunch was right.

Carpaccio Luo-yang of Orca.

Was I able to act like a senior, Rayne?

Bring it on.

Now, candidates who obtained keys are filing in one after another!

- Now, candidates who obtained keys are filing in one after another! - Here are

drinks and towels.

Here are drinks and towels.


Dot, Finn.

Balloons and expl*sive magic was a good pairing.

That said, you have quite a wound.

I got Finn's key as well.

Are you okay?

I'm surprised you defeated that balloon without using magic.

Well, I had help so I managed somehow.

But why did he give me the key?

It seems like he had some reason to do so.

What's wrong?

No, just...

Only nine people can advance to the next stage!

Who will take that final spot?

There he...

And there you have it!

The last one is...

Orca dorm's Carpaccio Luo-yang!

But this is quite horrible. There's so much blood.

Was there a need to hurt him this badly?

Could this be a declaration of w*r!?

I don't need weaklings.

Weaklings are useless.

So it shouldn't matter what I do to them.

Excuse me.

What are you doing?

If you go any further, I'll punch you.

More like, did you really have to go that far?

I just said it. I can do whatever I want.

Carpaccio Luo-yang. The top continuing student for this year.

Just like Lance, he's a true elite.

H-Here's your drink and towel.

Weaklings should keep quiet.


Can that be...


Sorry. It's o'clock, which is when I like to take my homemade special muscle drink.

It's a protein shake!

Powdered beans. It makes it easier to absorb protein.

The nerve of making a protein shake with the water that was about to go on his head.


Sorry, but a schedule for protein consumption is very important.

Also, you keep calling people "weaklings."

But I have yet to meet anyone stronger than me.

Besides, the definition of strength differs from person to person.



HONK - What does it mean to be strong?

HONK - He brought up the topic, but he confused himself.

Hold it right there!

Save the fighting for the examination!

Is that understood!?

Without further ado, let's move on to the next exam!

Our robes changed colors?

Here's your next exam!

It's called "The Life Crystal."

This will be a team battle!

Each team has three members.

With nine candidates, we will have three teams!

After the teams are set, the three members will get one crystal each.

And you will go break the crystals of opposing teams!

A team is disqualified when all their crystals are broken!

I see.

So that's why it's a team match.

Yo! Your explanation's too complicated and our captain's brain isn't keeping up!

Make it easier to understand, damn it!

W-Well, in other words, you split up into teams and break each other's crystals.

So we just smash everyone else's crystals. That's easy!

Mash, smash crystal. Mash, smash crystal.

That's right! Smash! Smash 'em!

Smash crystal.


Lance is in a different team. What should we do?

Now we will hand out the crystals.

These crystals are fragile, so handle them carefully!

These crystals determine the exam results, and therefore our fate.

Each team has three members. If all our crystals break, we drop out.

So even if mine breaks, at least...

It slipped.

W-We're still fine. Dot's crystal...

This thing was so slippery.





Bad, bad, very bad!

This means that it's all over if my crystal breaks.

Oh, don't worry.

We'll make sure to protect your crystal through all of this.

You guys.

That's right. As long as these two are at my side.

Wait, why are you looking so smug? You should show some remorse.

Everyone, sorry for the wait!

Time to begin the exam!

Stage shift!

Just like the previous round, candidates will be scattered throughout the stage!

Which team will protect their crystals to the end and pass this exam!?


I-It's a team match, so why are we forced to split apart!?

Damn it!

He was all alone.