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03x17 - Synchronicity

Posted: 04/06/14 18:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on Grimm...

I want you to be my best man.

You're sure?

They're coming to get you.

Viktor is sending Verrat agents to take you back to the castle.

Viktor wants the child, not you. Meisner is on his way.

You remember when I once told you you would have to choose a side?

Well, this is the time.

Could be a really volatile situation.

I think it's a big risk, and you'd be way outnumbered.

With no backup.

It's not as if you can be up front about this either.

I could go undercover.

I don't think you should go at all.


It shouldn't be this complicated.

Well, it is. You don't want to wind up k*lling Monroe and Rosalee's friends and family.

I mean, a best man should really not be doing that.


You're right.

I'm just gonna have to tell Monroe it's too dangerous.

How do wesen even know you're a Grimm?

I don't really know.

Maybe it's time you found out.

This is it?

Close enough. Your contact will be meeting us.

Then what?

Then they'll get you and your child to safety.

Is that even possible?

The Resistance knows how important both of you are.

Whoever they picked will be the best.

Stay here. I'll return once I know it's safe.

What if it isn't?

I won't leave until I know it is.

Please be careful.

[Crows cawing]

[Speaking german]

[Both grunting]

[Plane flying overhead]

[Car door opens] [Gasps]

[Plane flying overhead]

[Speaking german]



You did this?

I did.

I'll take it from here.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Whoever planned this did a lousy job.

The Verrat were here three hours ago.

When did you get here?

Fortunately before they did.

Where are you taking me?

We're gonna get in that plane.

That's all you need to know for now.

I want to know where I'm going!

The Verrat know you're here, so there's gonna be more of them here soon. You want to stay?

That's up to you. I'm leaving.

I don't even know who she is.

She just saved our lives.

I think we can trust her.

We need to leave!

Everything all right?

No, the Verrat were here.


I said "were."

Get us off the ground.

Good luck.

If it hadn't been for you, I'd have been dead a long time ago.

Come on, let's go.

Sit down. Get buckled in.

Hold on to the baby. It's gonna be rough.

Is it a girl?



[Phone ringing]

Is it done?

The plane just took off, but the Verrat were waiting for us.

Fortunately, our contact was here first.

Anyone hurt?

Six dead, all of them Verrat.

Who was the contact?

I have no idea, but I'm glad she was on our side.


After seeing what she did to the Verrat, Adalind and the child are definitely in good hands.

Have you heard from Sebastian?

I saw what prince Viktor did to him... it's how they got to us... but Sebastian made up for it.

Without him, we would have never gotten this far.

I doubt he's still alive.

I think it'd be best you disappear for a little while.

I think that's a very good idea.

There should be supplies for us.


Food, water, a few thousand Brazilian real.

You'll be happy to see these.

Thank God.

You're American.

Are you working with the Resistance?

The less we know about each other, the better.

Keep your mind on your baby, and we'll do just fine.

Look, I don't know who you are, and I have no idea if you know who I am, but I just delivered my baby in the middle of the woods, and we've been running for our lives ever since.

I'm a little tired, I'm a little hungry, I'm very sore, and I've seen a lot of people k*lled, so I don't think it's too much to ask for a little conversation.

I think you should probably change her diaper.

Where are we?

At the moment, right about the middle of France.

And where in Brazil are you taking us?

I'm not supposed to tell you that.

There are six dead Verrat back in that field who knew you were coming.

Wherever you're taking us is probably no longer a secret.

I suggest we don't find out.

So much for Sao Paolo.

I'm afraid there's no plan "B." I'll have to radio in.

No, no. As long as we're on this plane, you don't talk to anybody but me.

I don't trust anybody I'm not close enough to k*ll.

All right.

But we'll need to make a decision soon.

In 30 minutes, we'll be off the continent.

How far can we go in this thing?

We have four extra tanks, so we have a long range.

But if you have someplace in mind, now's the time to share it.

I think all we have to do is ask when they R.S.V.P.

If they want to go meatless, you know, and that way, we're not stuck with a bunch of extra eggplant casserole.

That's what we're serving as our vegetarian dish, eggplant casserole?

No, no, that was just a for-instance.

You know, I was actually thinking more along the lines of, like, a red curry maybe with some zucchini and squash, whatever's in season.

[Knocking at the door]

I'll get it.

Hey, we still have to figure out the seating arrangements.

I don't want to wind up with a Mauzhertz next to a Klaustreich.

We need to talk.

Who's dead?


At least not yet.

Look, I got a problem.

Rosalee, it's Nick. He's got a problem.

Sorry to interrupt, Rosalee, but this is kind of important.

Hey, Nick, what's wrong? What kind of case is it?

It's not a case.


It's your wedding.


I can't be your best man.



I am honored that you asked me, but it's just too dangerous.

Both of your families are gonna be there and, I assume, wesen friends of yours.

Now, what if one of them woged, saw that I'm a Grimm?

I mean, you saw how your parents reacted.

I don't want to hurt anybody, and I don't want anybody to get hurt because of me.

Our day would be ruined if you weren't there.

Monroe and I would never have met without you.

And there's nothing I would want more than to be there, but I just don't know how to make that work.


[Gasps] Yes.

I'm sorry, what?

You wear sunglasses.

I don't see how that would help.

It's your eyes.

My eyes?

It's how we know you're a Grimm after we woge.

They turn black.

Not exactly black.

No, you're right, actually. Black's too weak a word.

It's more like infinite darkness.

And we see ourselves reflected in that darkness.

We see our true wesen nature.

Took me a while to get used to that.

Really? You see that in my eyes?

Yeah, it's actually very unsettling.

It explains why you get some of the reactions you do.

You really didn't know this?

No, I... well, I guess I should've asked sooner.

Do you have your sunglasses?

Uh, yeah.

Put 'em on. Let's try it out.


You see anything?

Yeah, you just...

Not you.

No, nothing.

Me neither.

There you go! Problem solved.


Best man.


You're sure this is what you want to do?

Once we're over that water, there's no turning back.

Do it.

[Baby crying]

It's okay, shh.

The altitude's building pressure in her ears.

If you rub just below them, she'll feel better.

Uh, where?

Just here.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Not too hard.

That worked.

Not easy figuring out how to be a mother.

Do you have children?

My sister did.

You really think sunglasses will be enough?

They said it works. They couldn't see me as a Grimm.

Well, if the wedding's at night, don't you think you're gonna look a little strange?

And what if you trip and they fall off?

This isn't helping.





Still there.


Still here.

So am I, and when the time is right, we both know where to find it, but one wedding to worry about right now is enough, especially if you have to whack a few guests.
[Crows cawing]

[Knocking at the door]

Come in.

Sir, I would like...

Shut up.

Let me give it a shot.

You feel awful and take full responsibility for failing to stop Adalind and her child from slipping from your grasp and getting away, despite the fact that we had intercepted communications from Resistance agents, which gave you sufficient time to disrupt their plans.

Not only did you lose the royal child and her mother, but herr Meisner has managed to disappear, and we are left with another six dead Verrat.

Did I leave anything out?


No need to guess.

Of course I left something out.

Your services to the Royal family are no longer required.

But, sir...

Auf Wiedersehen.

[Both growling]

Ah! No! No! No!


It's tough raising a baby when you're on the run.

I guess I should thank you for saving our lives.

Your life, maybe.

The Royal families would have never k*lled the child.

They want it too badly.

Not so much me, I guess.

Plan on keeping her?

Excuse me?

As long as you have that child, they won't stop trying to find you.

I won't let anyone take my child.

They'll have to k*ll me first.

Now you sound like a mother.

When's the last time you slept?

I don't know.

Why don't you try to get some now?

Come on, I can hold her.

We're on a plane. There's no place for me to go.

Thank you.

Hello. Hi.

Gonna rest now. Gonna sleep.


Get some sleep.

[Humming hush, little baby]

♪ ♪

I've got something. Yeah.

What is this?


What is it, hmm?

What do I have, hmm?

[Baby coos]

What the bloody hell was that all about?

[Baby coos]

Senor Ruspoli.


I trust you saw Danilov on his way out.

Come in.

I've heard good things about you from several sources, which is why you are taking Danilov's place as head of the Verrat.

Thank you, sir.

The Resistance has managed to get Adalind Schade and her child away from us.

It's your job to find them.

I am placing every resource we have at your disposal.

It is imperative that you find them immediately.

I don't care who you have to bribe, thr*aten, or k*ll.

Any questions?

No, sir.

Danilov failed us.

I won't.

Find that child.

[Baby coos]

Not easy figuring out how to be a mother.

Do you have children?

My sister did.

Nicky, it's time to go. Aunt Marie's here.

It won't fit.

[Knocking at the door]


You can't take everything.

Why do I have to go?

[Knocking at the door]

We talked about this.

It won't be that long.

Come on. Nicky, go.

Ready for a little adventure?

I guess. Where are we going?

Well, that's a surprise.

I'm not sure that this is such a good idea.

I don't think we have time for a better one.


You do whatever aunt Marie tells you.

And you remember how much your dad and I love you.


We really should go.


Bye, mom.

Bye, Nicky.

[Car doors open and close]

[Engine starts]

I managed to find a couple of old airfields on the computer.

I have no idea what condition they're in or if anyone's using them. We're low on fuel.

And I can't refuel here, but I'll get you as close as I can.


We're about to land. Get ready.

[Plane flying overhead]

Did you get out of that plane?

Can you give us a ride?

What are you doing out here?

Please, we need your help.

The only help you're gonna get is from the sheriff.



Don't do that.

Get in.

[Engine starts]

You would look great in that.

[Laughs] Thank you.

When are you getting married?

Oh, um, no, I...


Looks like alterations won't be needed after all.


You think my grandma's dress fits?


The silhouette's perfect.

What do you think? It's not too "not me," is it?

No, I think you look so beautiful.



What she said.


Whew. Okay, then I guess... I guess... oh, my God! Is this really me?

Will you stop? It's not like you're gonna wear this every day.

Yeah, you're right.



You're taking us to Portland.

You're working with Sean Renard.

I don't know who that is.

He's with the Resistance. He must have set this up.

Nobody set this up but me.

Then where are we going?

Someplace I know you'll be safe.




I have information about the plane.

Based on our contact in the generale de l'aviation civile, a plane matching its description was tracked leaving French airspace at 7:50 A.M.

Heading due west over the Atlantic.

Seven hours later, it was picked up by civil aviation in Canada, still heading west.

Where is it now?

Civil aviation lost contact somewhere over manitoba.

They were flying extremely low, staying out of controlled airspace.

Those pilots know what they're doing.

Why did no one stop them?

The influence of the Resistance has spread farther than we thought.

Well, they had to land somewhere.

We're checking west of manitoba, from Alaska to Mexico.

The Resistance could have taken them anywhere.

Why go all this way? Sir?

Maybe it's Adalind.

Maybe she wanted to go home.

Is this it?

We walk from here.

You want me to take my baby out in this?

Come on.

We can't sit here in a stolen truck.

I'll cover you with this.


Come on.


Ugh, God.



This coat smells.

You'll live.

Is it much further?

Nearly there.

Nick, dinner's ready. What are you doing?


Well, stop it and get down here.

Okay, there's some steps here.

See 'em?


Looking great.

Really? Spaghetti?

No, I was talking about you.

[Laughs] Ah. What's going on?

It's funny you should ask.

[Clears throat]

Because I was thinking that now is as good a time as ever to, um... to... to... Ask...

[knocking at the door]

Are you expecting someone?


[Knocking at the door]

All right, stay here. Don't move, I'll be right back.

[Knocking at the door] Coming!



Shut the door. I need your help.

There's a lot I've got to tell you.

[Sighs] When did you get here?

What's going on?


Who's this?

This is my mom.

Your mom. Kelly.

[Gasps] Oh, God!

No, no, no, no, no, you're safe here.

This is my son, Nick.

Oh, my God.

Protect me? He won't protect me, he'll k*ll me.

No, no!

Why did you bring her here?

Oh my God!

And you're his mother?

You know her?

She's the one who put Juliette in the coma.


She's that hexenbiest?

Why did you bring her here?

I'm not staying here.

No, no, no, you're not going anywhere.

No, she can't stay!

No way!

No, you don't understand.

And what are you doing with her?

I was recruited by the Resistance to get her to safety.


Why would you want to bring her to safety?

I didn't know who she was, only that she and the baby had to be protected at all cost.

What is so valuable about her?

Her child.

The Verrat were waiting for them outside of Zurich.

The Royals want this child.

If I stay here, he'll k*ll me.

As if I don't have a good reason.

You poisoned Juliette. You tried to k*ll my aunt Marie.

You tried to k*ll my sister?

What is to stop her from k*lling us?

That was a hell of a coma you put me in, bitch.

I could have died, and by the way, I know what's going on now.

If she needs to be protected, it is not gonna happen here.

What are you gonna do, Nick? Are you gonna k*ll me?

And my baby, huh? Is that what you're gonna do?


[Glass breaking]

What was that?

That was the baby.

[Baby crying]

She's hungry. I haven't had a chance to feed her.

The blanket's wet. She's cold.

This is about the baby. It's not about you.

You need to get her warmed up.

If you care about her at all, you're gonna do what I say.

We need to get her dry. Follow me.

Juliette, you can't trust her.

Oh, I don't.

But the baby's gonna get sick if we don't do something.

[Baby crying]

It's good to see you, mom.

Nick, I'm sorry. I had no idea who she was.

When Tavitian contacted me about this job... who's Tavitian?

One of the leaders of the Resistance.

They wanted her and the baby protected from the Royals.

Believe me, if I'd known who she was, I never would have brought her here.

Well, I guess she doesn't know who you are either, since you k*lled her mother.

Oh, right, yeah. I'd forgotten about that.


You know what, just for the record, I didn't actually k*ll her. She impaled herself.

Hmm. I'm not sure Adalind's gonna care how it happened.

Well, obviously she doesn't know, and, uh, we'll keep it that way.

Mom, this is crazy. She cannot stay here.

You don't understand the importance of that child.

You're right, I don't. Maybe you should tell me.

This child is only a few days old, and already her powers are beginning to show.

Yeah, so I notice.


Sorry, sorry, it's just been a while.

[Baby cooing]

She's warm now.

There's a blanket on that chair over there.

Get it and put it on the bed.

[Baby cooing]

Here we go.

How old is she?

I think it's been about ten days.

What's her name?

You haven't named her yet?

There were too many people trying to k*ll us.

I just haven't had the chance to think about it.


You're exhausted.

Here, hold her like that.

What about Nick? He wants me dead.

If he did, he would've done it the last time you were here.

Why are you helping me?

[Baby cooing]

You should feed her before she gets upset again.

So the child's father is a Royal, so her powers have to come from Adalind, which makes sense, because her mother was a hexenbiest too.

It can't be Adalind.

Her powers are gone. I took them away from her.

With the blood of a Grimm?



[Grunts] Ah!

Yeah, and it hurt.

[Laughs] Well, she must have gotten 'em back.

Are you kidding me? They can do that?


Who can do what?

A hexenbiest who has lost its powers can regain them.

Now it makes sense. Really?

It's why her baby is so special.

Nick took Adalind's powers, but while she was pregnant, she must have gone through Contaminatio Ritualis.

Contaminatio Ritualis?

For what it's worth, it's supposed to be a long and painful experience that restored her powers.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Listen to me, both of you.

This child has an extraordinary destiny.

In the wrong hands, it could do great evil.

But in the right hands, it could do great good.

So we're talking, like, "changing the course of history" kind of a person.

Look, I know how it sounds, but personalities appear in the world who people follow.

There's no rational explanation why.

Maybe it's not a coincidence that you brought.

Adalind and her baby back here to Nick.

I'm sorry, what?

Carl jung, synchronicity.

When two or more events aren't necessarily causally related but are connected through meaning.

I don't care how this is connected.

If Adalind has her powers back, she's not gonna be doing that kid any good, so as far as I'm concerned, the sooner we get her and her destiny to the Resistance, the better.

Nick, that's not gonna work either.

Mom, you've been doing this whole thing for the Resistance.

The child can't belong to the Resistance or the Royals.

She has to have a normal childhood, inasmuch as that's possible.

How she is raised will make all the difference in who she becomes.

That means Adalind and the baby stay here...


Until I can figure out what to do with them.

That's what you were trying to tell us when you sent us that email that you were headed north to meet with the Lauffer.



What the hell?



She's gone.

She left her baby?

What is wrong with her?

Um, Nick?

Well, I didn't see that coming.

I told you that baby was powerful.

We have to get them back.

Where would she go?

The truck.

[Engine starts]

This is where I left it.

Did you k*ll the driver?

Why would I do that?

Just checking.

He would have reported it stolen by now.

It'll be in the system.

If Adalind's arrested, the Verrat will know she's here. We have to find her first.

I don't know how we're gonna do that.

She could be heading anywhere.

When we were driving, she asked if I was working here with someone named Renard, or Raynard or...

Sean Renard?

Yeah, that's it. You know him?

Yeah, I know him. He's my Captain.

Ooh, this just keeps getting better.

And he's the Royal here in Portland.


Don't get me started.

How well does he know Adalind?

I'd say pretty well.

Oh, and by the way, he's a Zauberbiest.

That's where she's going.



Mr. Renard, there is a woman here to see you.

Her name is Adalind Schade.

Renard admitted to trying to k*ll my sister?

Yeah. And he had the key.

How did he get the key?

I hid it in my desk thinking that the safest place to keep it would be the middle of a police station.

That was before I knew who he was.

And did you get it back?

Yes, he gave it to me.

Excuse me?

It's safe now.

Look, all I'm saying is, it's not as simple as you think with this guy.

He's covered for me, more than once.

That's because he wants you on his side.

But he's working with the Resistance.

Aren't you doing the same thing? There's a huge difference.

I'm not in this for myself. He's got too many strings.

Royal blood, Zauberbiest. He cannot be trusted.

I don't trust him.

I just think it's better that I know what he's up to.

Same goes for him, you know.

There it is.

Does Renard live nearby?

16th floor.

Hey, where are you going? I've been here before.


Is she all right?

I think so. She's better than I am.

How'd you get here?

Where's the woman who's supposed to be protecting you?

That's an interesting story.

Turns out that woman is Nick's mother.


Imagine my surprise.

Did she know who you were?

If she had, she wouldn't have taken me to Nick's house.

Imagine their surprise.

Mom, what are you doing?

I'm going to get that baby.

What, you're just gonna walk in there and take it?

It's not gonna be that easy.

Mom, listen to me.

We need to think this through.

Thinking is gonna get in the way, Nick.

If you go after that child, Renard will k*ll you.

Not if I k*ll him first.

Mom. Mom, stop!

You can't just go up there and k*ll him.

I'm not gonna k*ll him. Not if I don't have to.

You have to let me talk to him first.

And how is that gonna go?

"You're a half-Royal, bastard Zauberbiest, "and your little girlfriend there is a hexenbiest, and I am a Grimm, so give me the baby."

That's gonna go over really well.

Well, I don't expect it to be easy.

Nick, I'm sorry I brought you back into this.

If I'd known that the... You didn't.

And there's nothing we can do about it now, but I just think we have to be a little more tactful than, you know, the usual.

What are you going to tell them?

I'll tell him it's too dangerous for Adalind and the baby to live with him.

And it's not like he can just suddenly have a family and nobody take notice.

The Royals will figure this out.

Your Captain might not be interested in what a Grimm thinks. He might just want to k*ll you.

Yeah, well, I don't think he wants to be on the run for the rest of his life.

Plus, I mean, you're here, and I'm sure he's figured that out by now.

All right.

But I'm not gonna wait here all night.

Hey, mom.

I'm glad you're okay.

You too.

You want to hold her?

[Baby coos]

Say hi to your daddy.


[Baby coos]


[Baby coos]