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02x21 - Back to the Present

Posted: 02/18/24 10:06
by bunniefuu


huh oh yeah I'm here not hey you have

the results of those tests on the core

everything is a Oh okey-dokey but I

definitely need to resize the headgear

I'm telling you the alligator can really

sing laughing Emma I gotta go

so we're gathered here tonight to thank

our new leaders for a job well done to

goo boo boo and Iggy while the leaders

are away the weasel can play and now

dear core a selection from one of my

favorite books the guide for the keeper

of the core

ah how about this little gem chorus

mentis nobis so far this well now

everyone remain calm

whatever it is I know how new leaders

can handle it



you gonna do something Mike we're trying

or know who we don't know what's wrong

and Livingston is not here to lend his

gigantic head to the job nor are

alexandzoe you often have snappy things

to say to reneges get back it's not safe

in my blow no it won't it just needs

some comforting words

Colby still in dark of night be gentle

now and show light

my stripes good job mate I'm just glad I

could help

three cheers for Atticus huh that was

incredible boss when did you learn how

to speak to Zeke or just one of my gifts

fuchsia now if you don't mind I need a

moment to collect my thoughts may we see

you in the morning and thank you from

all of us my pleasure

good night wheeze so it worked

beautifully they think I'm some sort of

wizard are we all set for tomorrow

yep the core is going to have another

little problem but with the words from

the core keepers guide the day will be

saved my anime leas future leader King

toh reneges


the court hears volcanic again

I am at a loss as to what to do beside

screaming or hiding both are such good

choices there's only one thing to do it

as for help

you want me to fix the core again if at

all possible yes please thank you ma'am

you seem to have the touch hmm

well yes but I'm sort of busy at the

moment and besides I'm sure you boys can

handle it yourselves we are not so sure

but taking care of the course your job

not mine I mean after all you're the

leaders not me

you even have the coconut of command if

you don't help the court she might crack

and that could be the end of an Amelia I

see well suppose I do help and I save

the core and Animalia what's in it for



relax calm down a mighty core take a nap

it's time to snow

they're better you did it again my how

did you know the right words to say it

just comes to me what's here for Tigers

yeah happy to help and now even happier

to serve as your new leader Oh your work

I'm now what's up I just had the

weirdest dream about automating yeah I

think something's wrong you might be


I've been having weird dreams too Mitra

the library after school to compare


we's you're looking at the new ruler of

Animalia hail king Germanicus woohoo how

I like that and I owe it all to you old

chum I'm sure we can come up with a way

for you to show your appreciation

just name it Oh pal


Oh No futures on to us we'll need to

take care of that Winnie

we're a go boo boo and EE gone home

looking calm as you might imagine not

being in charge and that is what I need

to talk to them about I still don't

understand how Aronica snoo what to say

to the core where do you learn

Fonzie clipper Singh claim is back I

just saw him with demonicus so that's

who's behind the trickery come on let's

find a boo boo in a Kia boys talk to



their problem solved but uh where do

they go let's call it a protective

custody are you sure about this just

leave everything to me


then I have this weird dream about the

coconut of command somehow ironic has

got ahold of it no not scary the thing

that throws me is we live four months in

Animalia get almost no time past an hour

I know that is weird

uber weird the way I figure it time in

the true world's is uneven and I have a

feeling Animalia isn't in the same time

and place where we left it

let's find out you know drop in say hey

come right back I would like to see you

you go boo boo again okay let's go


arey oboes what's going on library's

closed for repairs by order of King Don

manakish King tyrannical as his nom de

plume of preference to jour but what

about the core off-limits to further

nervous Oh

this is the spot but no portal portals

aren't where they used to be and many

are locked who locked them don't know

you've been there too

only as far as the legend room but from

what I hear Anna Mae Lee is going

through changes return there and you may

end up with more responsibilities than

you want whoa Spacey how does Spacey


she stellar me makes me sing stormy big

to me and she still warm evenings

because I like the shoes excuse us

I'm afraid you'll have to stop that

singing all singing been outlawed by

order of King Terenas No well you tell

king strappy pants that I got me the

rack thing it says so right here in

Animalia sale rack not anymore

the Bill of Rights has been repealed

canceled tore up by order

no more King tyrannical we need to get

back to Animalia to check on our friends



have a good trip the beat careful how

about telling us what's going on there

or do you like being mr. Mysterio just

remember one thing never give up we

never do




oh really




I've never seen the core look like this

before this is way wrong why would Ikki

and go boo boo let this happen we got to

get some help


we're coming back why we've only been

gone a few days like a year told you

time was different here Livingstone

never came back

rainy and future is still missing they

often disappear and go boo boo and egg

your enemies of the state they're on the

run hiding in the jungle somewhere

enemies of the state who's running this


Telemachus that's king tyrannic us - you

stink bugs what you do with rainy and


they'd been placed in protective custody

for their own safety besides it's none

of your affair

don't you have important meddling to do

back in your own world you can't run

this place by force though in case you

hadn't noticed I have made improvements

around here like what I've repealed the

Bill of Rights ever read it what a


oh and I've also bought a singing

writing drawing and reading you can't do

that yes I can

I'm the king and you know what I'm

turning that library into condos or a

duck pond now listen you've done some

serious damage to the core no who cares

about that old stone without the core

it'll be lights out for Animalia now you

listen to me this is my home not yours

your tourists here for you to choose

another hotel now scurry off or I'll

have you arrested for stink pollution

you won't get away with this I already

had are they right about the call don't


it can grow dark for now you have plans

for its rebirth I do oh good for me but

I sure wish the stink bugs hadn't come


I thought you locked up the portals some

of the locks are damaged but we'll keep

Livingston locked out and we probably


here those stink bugs now your majesty

isn't there a proclamation you promised

to make yeah the timing may not be right

a timing is fine

it's condemned and no sign of kibou boo

or Iggy you know we could always go home

and spend the rest of our lives

wondering what happened

you know what Mysterio said never give


right let's see who's ready to join us

that chunk whopping Taggert out loud

major second now I'll never be a deep

and super storm if we restore the Bill

of Rights you can sing as much as you

like well then sign me up

what can I do I hope is fine good boo

Bruin Iggy come on

let's track him down okay

are my eyes playing tricks with my nose

dig wanna where are you Kyra's plain as

the scales on your chin you're a sight

for sore eyes

the bow bow has been glum since we

failed to find Livingston and lost the

coconut of command which we realized too

late needed to be guarded like a coveted

loaf of raisin bread Kapoor boo hmm



am I glad to see you guys feeling's

mutual feeling squashed we searched

everywhere for Livingstone but no luck

then tarana cos tried to arrest us his

enemies of the state so we took off and

hid out here all hope fled just like a

mongoose flees with the chocolate chief

hmm now I'm all pigs for a chop she

let's stay focused

we can't let an Amelia sink we need to


hey Livie having fun on vacay locked out

of Animalia oh that's right you can't

see me or hear me too bad


this is your lead story tonight as a

journalist and a mouse I will not be

bullied into reading your

propaganda fine you won't have to

it's the Anna Mae Lee report with your

ankle holes and Harry all right ma'am

here's the news by order the King stink

bugs are now out Lord in Animalia anyone

helping a stink bug or get disappeared

straight away and this just in

King tyrannical stuff friendly and fair

has given a royal pardon - whoo stir -



we's a certain lion who shall remain

nameless banished you but now he's gone

so welcome home I've always wanted what

was best for Animalia and I hope to help

you achieve just that he's back like a

boomerang with toenail and he has the

coal keep his guidebook sure that must

be outer Anika's took over it will true

the guide the creeper could make the

core go dark

then tyrannic is came in with new words

to fix the core and be the hero

it was all just a ploy to steal a

coconut of command from Oz

if we're gonna save the call we need to

get that guidebook back and to rescue an

Amelia we must retrieve the coconut of

command let's chug stripes office and

see what we can find out Allegra help me

with the core just tell me what to do

before we sneak in let's make sure the

coast is clear for sure


three down two to go

wheeze chill we can't send everybody to

protective custody I'll be king of no

one don't get it strikes by

eliminating our enemies that we get to

run this place any way we like we get to

run it

don't you mean me I mean I'm the king



hiya fuchsia so you are in protective

custody - not for long

hey where's Iggy we can discuss this


we can discuss it now let me get rid of

these two while I have the chance

they're right above a floor portal not

until we settle this you can't push me

around tiger and you can only push me so

far creeper and then I push back just

keep doing what I tell you to do you're

not the boss of me you know who are you


cat I've been stringing you along since

day one why


nice job G let's roll we need to get you

to the coronium it's in big trouble

isn't Livington tending to it can't

playing Livingstone you never came back

oh okay so you played me huh like a

violin and now you want it all I always

did I should never bothered you that was

your mistake not mine whether you like

it or not stripes I'm hanging over you

think I'd just hand you the coconut of

command why would I do that because as

long as I hold the core keepers

guidebook I control the fate of the core

and the fate of Animalia wait where's my

book where's my cookie


this will opens up right into the

library locked we're stuck

we'll see you bail there



Zoe I had the egg Bob


what have I done


I'm still in control we got it back

stripes we got it all back we're back in

power we rule stink bugs fix the core no

and as for the coconut of command I

think it's ready for a change

round and round it'll go free to the

lands in the hands move alexandzoe

no he'll recover core from darkness

Steve wake up core from deep asleep

shine again your brightest light on

Ameria day and night


let's hear it for Alex and Zoey the new

leaders of Animalia

Mysterio tell us again we might end up

with more responsibility than we want


that guy knows his stuff it's not over

yet kids I never do


you need me now

