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02x17 - The Dragon and the Night

Posted: 02/18/24 10:04
by bunniefuu


we were just about to watch you on the

Morning News not today today I'm

devoting my life to something more


not just any changin my who here has a

camera in it cool we can keep

surveillance on the core anyone tampers

with it they'll be caught on camera

cheese camera and then who will race to

the rescue of the core me

you seem a little bit surprised by my

decision to give up a high profile

career in broadcasting no not a little

bit we are surprised big time whoa I'm

not just an amazing great communicator

I have other talents tell it's you and I

have never heard of before and it's time

I started using them for the good anime

but the news is important yes the news

is important but am i that's my cue

it's no fir'd mouth

to the rescue


follow that course w*r

one must have landed and over and beyond

it's dad want may we have that please

it's a course for and it belongs in the

core and sparkly and it grows I like it


that's one cause for we're going to wish

hand-blown unless I'm mistaken we're in

for a very disagreeable day but his

answer was loud and clear

oh you're not thinking of going into the

dragon's lair you

I mean Jackman's big scary you think I'm

too much of a mouse to face the dragon

yeah no hard feelings Melford but you

are a mouse only on people huh

thanks for offering Melford but dag man

and I are friends I can just ask him for

the course for and he'll give it to me I

disagree I disagree with you Livingstone

I beg to differ with both of you I don't

know why that's different but I do I am

in total opposition to you you you and

you and I have a really big problem with

you I guess my hunch was right

the missing course for must be the

course bore of agreement again I

disagree until we get back on a course

for no one will be able to agree on


Animalia will come to a standstill

you're wrong

don't worry we'll get that gospel back

no you won't - over in the end not a


since no money man Amelia can agree on

anything let's use reverse psychology

good idea

there's no way we're going to over and

beyond what you have to that's where the

missing course bar is not get him


I don't like your attitude

see should we just agree to disagree and

fly on with it we can agree to that

they're agreeing again listen cosbo must

have no effect on over why wouldn't he

because I like it I love the way it

sparkles and clothes I'm keeping it now

go away it's nap time and I'm tired I

haven't been sleeping well so please go

dad mom that's the cause for of

agreement without it no one in Animalia

can agree to anything that's unfortunate

but I can't give it to you I need it

what for

something's bothering you Dagmar what is

it I'll tell you what's bothering me



take it Dagmar wouldn't give up the

whole sport he kicked us out so he could

take a nap while he could snooze his I

was sneaking quiet as a mouse and get

the course bored yes no wait since I'm a

mouse unnaturally quiet

I will dope it is I who must go into the

ladder of my cousin Dagmar said dragon

sure cousin dragons an iguana shall

retire yet we are 16th cousins twice

removed if that man caught me sneaking

he would say cousin Iggy shared my

dinner whereas to you Manford he would

say be my dinner that might work

maybe Dagmar can relate to you and open

up lizard to lizard life and you can

convince him to give back the clothes

ball this would be as easy as taking

Pyfrom up I don't know someone who is

not the big fan of pie uh-huh sounds

risky to me not if we keep an eye on him

with my cheese cap yeah take it with you

wig we're watching if there's trouble

we'll pull you out of that I'm Melba my

sleigh with breaking news since we at

Animalia broadcasting cannot agree on

what to report we're signing off and

everyone's going home I don't agree with

this but who does wait we need picture

Melford we don't need you to go to the

studio and turn the power back on so we

can watch Iggy with your cheese cam I

disagree with every fiber of my being

I'm off to the studio to get the cheese

cam back on the air

here in the land of over in beyond my

overwhelming desire to disagree it's

gone replaced by the equally

overwhelming desire to flee whence

Milford flips that switch will keep

watch you get into trouble we'll be

there in no time flat

just be there before the time I am said


good work melted


thanks Melford that should be

oh well someday my many talents will

save the day news Tony nosey tick tick

tick loudly against the rocks he'll wake

the dragon

I have quiet toes tell the doctors they

beat over this is big toe over big toe

this is pinky toe I read you loud and

clear all toes on red alert roaches are

big too with a bunion boys that wouldn't

have happened to me I don't have a tail

what oh it's you

go away wish I knew why that snake

follows me around everywhere I go

I better get in there no wait

cousin that night your 16th cousin twice

removed giggity iguana we're related

your ancestors my ancestors they climbed

out at the same time pool she's okay get

held it higher the toys we're almost

identical except you come into jumbo

economy size sorry I just don't see it

perhaps we could discuss our family ties

over dinner yes the last guests I had

for dinner because he tried to steal

from me I was admiring the course for

not stealing it and why would I take it

when you're going to give it to me why

would I do that yeah because your noble

lizard heritage will not allow you to

keep what is yours I can't give it up I

need it why let's say I've taken a fancy

to it and leave it exact you have taken

a fancy to a song or a beautiful sunset

at some time or another

yes but the song ends in the Sun Goes

Down they were yours to enjoy but not

yours to keep never thought of it that

way could the same be true for the

course for you cut it

nah hope you don't mind leftovers he's

talking him into giving up the course

ball this is a good show

I cannot recommend the Aggie show I

should have been cast in the lead role

isn't that right Dumbo right me someone

take of that that much you are pinned


and we are hoping this is heavy on the

garlic perhaps I saw you giving a thumbs

up you're signaling someone ooh a troll

who wants my course bore no I was giving

a big thumbs up to the idea of leftovers

how dare you accuse me a band cahoots

with a troll I do not keep the company

of throws do you they frighten you don't

they so that's what's been bothering you

making you lose sleep that way yogi get

him to talk to you lizard - lizard huh

this must have something to do with why

dad Matt needs the course for you cannot

sleep because you think your lair is

infested with trolls well I've never

seen one it's too dark in here at night

like a torch to light up the place

you've got that fire breath use it the

flames go out and I'm left in the dark I

can't sleep a wink what throws are

simply figment of your imagination

not in the land of over and beyond well

if you do wake up face to face with a

troll dishonor me with a grin overwhelm

him with a laugh or pity him with a

smile when you smile it is threads from

those unsightly cheap words now let's

see slap I have a signature smile a

smile that says trust me and now a word

from our sponsor tooth decay will stay

away when you brush your teeth

the Milford way with new DG oh I'm going

to regretting that now about the course

board you know we need it yet you say

you need it more

why is this I asked it's kind of


more embarrassing than non-existent

trolls who keep you awake no look if I

tell you you'll laugh but you look

sleepy get some rest

ah joyous news after your meal


Oh yawns are contagious I get a couple

the cause balls on its way kibou



and I don't ever want to see you again

forgive me it was wrong of me to try to

steal from you like a comment to all the

honorable thing to do with a bit to

challenge you for it lizard to lizard

may we do that please so the time you

restore our to my name

no alas my shame is ashamed vine will

play a game for it oh yes and I am all

about the games

- perhaps slapping the Jets

hide-and-go-seek myself pick up the


I will win any game of your choosing for

coarse ball yes for the course for play

just like dodgeball except I must dodge

giant scary iPods no although that

sounds like fun

it's a staring contest we stare at each


whoever blinks first loses

eg the Iguana does not know the meaning

of the word loses well you better look

it up ready ready 1 2 3


thinking you can win wouldn't bet on it

it's dad won't stay we'll never see that

core sport again I disagree

he has a plan oh we just don't know what

it is yet

speaking of games we lost the picture

we're gonna do something Oh smells like

cheese we challenged our contestants to

guess the smell of whatever we hold up

in front of their happened

God Testaments are you ready to play

smells like a cheese on a random Alfred

I'm in at the tulle I win it yeah

Oh wish I could shake this cold Milford

but I'll give it to go ah jeez you

smelly welcome to all our contestants it

smells like a mud bath no it's not a mud

pie contestant number two it's Mouse

slap but rotten eggs nope sorry it's not

rotten eggs contestant number three

spawn tested number three time's up

name that smell I probably at home but

there I'm gonna guess here it smells

like cheese I bet he was given the

answers ahead of time Melford open up

Rumble the door's locked

that's not possible do you have a key

left mine at home why would I have a key

how should I know

never mind that we need Mel foods put

Iggy back on the air no we don't you say

no because it's impossible for you to

agree no reason yes it is we lost the

course port of agreement no we didn't


doodle Z Z take me to over and beyond

don't take me oh really

well we'll take you and your wife

please go slowly


he said funds days I wouldn't are you

hello friends see that it's mind I won

it fair and square

but dragon's eye is a game for dragons

advantage that month I did enjoy a

slight E it is why I must do this at

that it's easy and now we play a new


keep away No

be right back I'm dr. Mel and Amelia's

number one talk show therapist today I

will cure Catalina kitty of her fear of

the dark

hi I'm Catalina kitties don't turn out

tonight yeah Catalina is afraid of the

dark and she's losing sleep over it she

also has a deep-seated fear of

non-existent trolls what he said


enough Dagmar double nuclear on us



viewers are afraid of the dog because

they don't know what's in it right so

listen to your pal dr. Mel the first

step on the road to recovery is

admitting we are afraid of the dark

oh thank you dr. Mel for validating me


so there are no spooky trolls

no I was just afraid to admit I'm afraid

of the dark

I get it you wanted the course board to

be your nightlight I was too embarrassed

to talk about it you'd think I was a big

baby no no we do not speak that at doors

do wake up ooh boo don't wanna both

moment oh no we don't being afraid of

the dark is nothing to be ashamed of in

the dark you can't see what's there

we'll make sure you have a proper night

light so you can see may I have this one

sure it's light shines all night it'll

scare away the dark


everybody sing merrily merrily merrily

merrily life this ball a dream baby now

let me restore the course bow of

agreement know what it's for me to do

won't you do it


everybody feeling more agreeable now yes

thankfully disagreements they would

arise from time to time yes sure but

it's how we resolve them that matters

most charged but now it's time for

Draghi what happened they pulled the

plug on melted ever happened to flutter

fishing I love smells like cheese dr.

Mel is a total genius doodle way Nate

melted back everyone in nml he's been

watching you Melford live on flower

vision I must have accidentally flipped

the feets which would I look my talents

get the best of me you saved the day

that's what you've done congratulations

you talk to Mel Joe got through to dad


he admitted he was afraid of the dark

because of you he wanted to use the

course for free with my Play I didn't

know he was afraid of the dark although

it makes sense I must admit though worth

it was all a happy accident you my

friend are a great big happy accident

sounds like the public wants more of you

Melford give him his own show rambha

talented mr. movin I knew my other

talents would come in handy someday

see you are important often very good

cheese for everyone

