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02x10 - Alex's Treasure Island

Posted: 02/18/24 09:59
by bunniefuu





these inspector AP Mysteries Rock I

could read them all day I'm finished

with mine I'm going book hunting for

something new not me I'm reading Don

kote for the 60th

time I always chuckle when he att*cks

the windmill with his

Lance I can imagine it in my head with

much laughing if they made a movie or a

play of it dig you wouldn't have to

imagine anything now that I would pay to

see hey that gives me an idea I'll be



back reie do we have a copy of Treasure

Island it's in the fiction section Alex

look a few hours over oh right

thanks this what you're looking for you

found it sheld under s for the author's

last name Robert Lewis

Stevenson this is my favorite book ever

thanks don't forget to return

it what was that all about Pirates and

buried treasure huh Treasure Island oh

did someone mention something about a


treasure you can't be the star and the

director it was my idea to put on the

play listen sketch boy you need actors a

director an audience I wrote the script

I get to direct it if I want fine do the

play by yourself Zoe I need your help

then I get to direct okay and the

director has final say on everything

what about the ryer welcome to Showbiz

baby let's get

started it's over IG now that I've

started I can't

stop our play is Treasure Island Alex is

playing the role of Jim Hawkins he's the

hero of the story reenie You'll Play

Jim's mom as a mother should I will give

him unconditional

love okay just don't break him

tyrannicus I only volunteered for this

because I heard it involved a treasure

is that true yes that's true you play

Long John Silver he's charming and funny

like me typ casting Long John is the

cook on a ship and at the beginning

Everyone likes him especially Jim Alex

later Long John leads a mutiny and we

see he's a ruthless pirate like you T

guest thing you're out to steal the

treasure naturally now where exactly is

this pot of gold that's what this story

is about by the way Long John has a



leg I'm going to get dizzy doing this

Victor you play the pirate Mr Black Dog

Earth H I'm a dog kaboo you play a

pirate named Mr arrol who's sort of

clumsy no problem fuchsia you play Mr H

another pirate who's not to be trusted I

will play against my natural niess

Livingston you're Dr livesy who hires

the ship's Captain smallet played by

Iggy I am the captain of the ship a vast

and so on and so forth I'm here in all

my Captain

stop that Andi you play the Pirates

parrot okay everyone let's


rehearse welcome to the Beno in sir or

welcome to the benbo iner sounds great

reie oh tonight's the night Alex hope I

don't flub my lines you'll be great

here's the book back after the show I

bet everyone in anamelia will want to

read this



Island welcome tonight we present a

dramatic adaptation of the classic novel

Treasure Island by Robert Lewis

Stevenson what what a dramatic

adaptation actors on a stage pretend to

be characters from a book and then deal

with pretend situations what will they

think of next so friends sit back and

enjoy the Animalia players in Robert

Lewis Stevenson's Treasure


Island Treasure Island bang a lang I'm

all about

Treasures long ago in a small Harbor

Town sailor stayed at the benbo Inn an

establishment run by Mrs Hawkins who had

a son named

Jim Jim finish your supper yeah here yes

Mom you know that Buccaneer who died

here a few days ago Captain Billy Bones

and his papers have found this map Jim

this looks to be a genuine treasure

map what do we do with it go to Dr

Livy's place he'll have an idea

run welcome to the binbo in sir how may

I help you I be Mr Black

Dog I'm looking for a cup belly bones

and wonder Wonder ing if he' be staying

here he was but he uh checked

out too bad did he leave anything behind

a map per chance be there a map around

here not at the moment but you can have

a look if you

like that I would

ma'am Jim brought the map to Dr livesy

to keep it safe but who can resist a

treasure hunt no one so Dr Livy hired a

crew and a ship the Hispanola and they

set sail in search of treasure Jim The

Cabin Boy soon met the ship's cook Long


Silver yooooo and a bottle of Bongo

juice AR mes anyone in the mood for

Mutiny or Count Me In dude how you say


M the doctor has the map no he did but

he gave it to Captain Smet once we get

them map we'll throw him overboard

excellent plan Long John


bro uh

splash I need to grab that

map begging your Captain's pardon Oh

Captain My Captain could I borrow your

handkerchief I feel a powerful sneeze

coming on you are not be sming my clean

handkerchief Sneezy

boy it's

mine none of your tricking long chan

Sneezy for I have bravery and a treasure

map on my side and you have what long

johns now I checkle cheuck cheuck cheuck




Lon what have you spotted up there young


Hawkins what have you spotted up there

young Jim



lho get your scary eyeballs away from my

treasure map H I'd like to get that map

AR give it to me never for I will find a

treasure dig it up and go out and buy

pillows and other useful household items

maybe there's a way for me to find that

treasure myself I I could get a manicure

I could get a facial I could get

rich oh you bet I'm watching mate and

get this I hear tell there's a book in

the library called Treasure Island just

like the show and it's got a map inside

bet we could use that map to find the

loot in the library huh thanks a chunk

once we get the math out of that book

The Golden Jewels will be

mine I'll keep long jum busy while you

go ashore to find the treasure as

Captain I should give the orders and

have the smarty ideas you keep long

Johan busy and we'll go ashore and find

the treasure good idea Captain that's

why they pay me so much I do get paid

don't I

come squ Pieces Of Eight shiver me

timbers it's old fln's parrot the bird

knows where the treasure is he'll lead

us to it AR Ary ar ar ar ARG to the

treasure to the treasure to our treasure

to my treasure all I want it we need it

I'm going to get it to the


treasure that wasn't part of the play a

Corb just blasted off just when the

story was getting good it's mine

understand mine I'm going to trap down

that treasure and no one can stop me if

lizardy lickly split this has anything

to do with it the treasure is mine

that's not part of the play either I'm

taking the treasure says who says me oh

we no me I've got a bad feeling about

this you've heard the old expression The

Show Must Go On well not the show

tonight's performance of Treasure Island

is being postponed due to um technical

difficulties I'm going to find that

treasure not if I beat you to it out of


wayi come onve let's hurry up


this game watch your

step we got to I want to check out

Treasure Island hey I was first I need

that book Cy got to find the treasure

you only have one wee copy of Treasure

Island I want it I'm afraid it's checked

out May I interest you in some other

book I need the treasure in the Island

book now for I am off to find the

treasure itself myself but the book's

not here then I will use the treasure

map on the play because the treasure is

all for me and me for it what huh huh

tactical error mentioning the map in my




your stop him get the


M Livingston any idea which course

blasted off last night must have been

the co of treasure and the sooner I find

it the sooner I'll have it in my hands

where it belongs not if I find it first

uh the course no the


I've never seen Livingston act like this

before I've never seen any of them act

like this before something's way wrong

here probably because of that missing

coall Livingston who has the book with

the treasure map in it I have no idea

but don't play koi with me I need

it tanicus you belong John Silver in the

play you know it's just

pretend are you kidding me the play is

Fiction made up it's a story not real

life there is no treasure here's what

I'm hearing blah blah blah blah blah


treasure UNH me you map stealing map

Stealers bang on Lang it's a mat to kabo

Boo's house that must be where the

Treasure's hidden come on follow

me okay this is officially certifiably

messed up they're your citizens

Livingston talk to them yes I'd like to

buy everyone a cold

beverage would that help or

hurt can I have a show of hooves and

Paws how many of you believe the play

Treasure Island is about a real buried

treasure kaboo what are you doing I

could use the

mamons them off the hunt if you


my friends do you trust me yes do you

believe I have your best interests at

heart do you believe me when I say that

there is no buried

treasure that went well toab Boo Boo's

house come

on whoa whoa whoa stay out of my house

get me back my

map that was a good idea reie but they

didn't buy it now kids reie and I have

some business to attend to so we'll

we'll uh see you later


huh I'm betting The Lion and the hippo

lead us straight to the treasure she's a

RH know whatever come


on it's got to be in here maybe in

here whoa quit touching my stuff I tell

you there's no treasure here matap

brought us here so here's where the

loots got to be hey I drew that map in

the third grade to show Iggy where I

lived I must admit this map does not

have a professional piratey quality of

treasur to it lizard you are wasting our

time with this bogus map there ain't no

treasure here maybe not but these bungle

berries are a treasure to my taste buds

yum yo in stop raiding my

pantry back to the treasure hunt

no treasure in the treehouse

fellas it's every animalian for himself


herself yes



of nothing in the manual about the

treasure course for sounds like fiction

to me hey maybe it was the course for a

fiction when it flew off the animalian

started mixing up what's fiction and

what's fact I guess that's possible we

need to track down that course


for well if it's the cor for a fiction

we should look for it where fictional



live the land of over and





whim Zoe Alex welcome back what's

shaking trouble we need to find a Corb

fast we think it might have flown this

way well climb aboard and let's have a


that was a great idea reie trying to

convince the others that there's no

treasure at least it helped us sneak off

to find it on our own I'm so glad I

checked out the book last night we're

the only ones with the real treasure map

ha it'll take us straight to the pot of

gold once they find it we'll move in and

throw them overboard a fuchsia AR

Captain Z the treasure will be ours AR

fuchsia you're getting rather good at

that AR I know AR that's

enough we were putting on a play of

Treasure Island then the CRP blew we

think it might be the Corp of fiction so

if you could take us to meet Long John

Silva maybe he can help us find it I'm

afraid Long John's out to see with his


buddies but last night I spied a light

in the sky

must have been the course w*r I think I

know where it landed hang on wa

yeah the treasure should be right around

here AES marks the spot but I don't see


aegs maybe there's no treasure after all

of course there's a treasure you've been

following a treasure map and do we be

wanting our

share if you think we're sharing it with

you you are sorely mistaken well you

either share it with us now or share it

with everyone in a few


minutes should I call to them no all

right quick we need to find the x that

marks the spot


now it must have landed down in

here there it is


so it was the fiction course w*r after

all afraid not I've seen the fiction

Corb before that's not it then what's it

doing here in the land of fiction well

this is lost cave in madeup stories when

characters or things get lost this is

where they go so this is a lot lost

corpore more likely it represents

something that's been lost in

Animalia it won't open not until you

figure out what's been

lost that treasure is here somewhere

Aha and a hey 99 found you you treasure

Nappers you where's it at x marks the

spot but we can't find the


I found


uh so what is it that's been lost in

Animalia common sense they all think

there's a treasure that doesn't really

exist they've gotten treasure happy

arguing fighting everyone wants the

treasure yeah it's like suddenly


greedy sure that's what's been lost

greed no they got plenty of greed right

now no what's been lost is the opposite

of greed yeah that's


generosity it's the Corp of generosity

that's what's being lost without

generosity all that's left is greed

that's why everyone's gone cookie we

have to get this back to the core come



not your


mine what happened how did we get out

here not a clue I am also perplexed in a

confused way stop that

last thing I remember I was playing the

pirate Long John Silver in some silly

skit right

fuchsia I mean you're correct

sir it was wild once the Corp of

generosity took off every animalon was

under the spell of greed well that makes

sense I guess greed can be blinding even

swept hold of me greed can be blinding

it can blind you from seeing who your

true friends are m H it can blains you

from seeing the truth I guess it can

make you believe in something that's not

true like that madeup treasure and they

make you think that fiction is fact but

and this is thanks to you two the core

has recovered and so has Animalia

there's one thing I don't get inside the

generosity Spore why is there a rainbow

well a rainbow appears in the sky after

a storm it's a symbol of Hope and a a

new day a rainbow is also a symbol of

generosity because the act of giving to

others comes in all sorts of forms and

shapes and colors like looking out for

the common good

and giving from the

heart so I guess the generosity Spore

has a rainbow to suggest all the ways we

can give to each

other and the more we give the better

that new day will

be 5 Millions on a Treasure Chest yo ho

ho and a bottle of buo


AR the treasure belongs to all of us but

we never did dig up the treasure what

treasure are you talking

about The Treasure of A Generous Heart

which is the very core of

Animalia yo ho ho




