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02x08 - Tunnel King

Posted: 02/18/24 09:58
by bunniefuu




huh dad didn't know I was wearing my

party princess crown oh well




huh quit your squawking I need my beauty


well I'll be dipped in sassy mud some

fun face what problem knocked over my

big bucket of beautifying cream snap see

bitsy get your scaly tails into that

swamp and fetch me some of the Biddy

leaves where my personalized Posse get

to right now I gotta go fetch me then

beauty greeneries all by my lonesome

Gator cows are in for a super-sized

chomping and I'm Melba my sleeve I'm not

nuts our top story robberies in Animalia

is bad did I mention that I'm Milford

mouse yes you did now report to stop

thief needs to be captured but exactly

who is the thief to debate the issue we

now present stink bug versus stink bug

this sort of thievery is clearly the

work of the creeper not so fast Alex it

seems everyone's had something stolen

except ironic us I say we check his

office accusations that's slander libel

I'll sue right after I hide all the

things around here that mine you weren't

out robbing everyone last night were you

of course not I was at my weekly card



Go Fish Zegna off sook relax but I'm

being smeared characterized as some sort

of cat burglar something must be done

boom that you are innocent a puppy is

innocent I'm not a puppy

then just prove you care care about what

about Siena millions who have been

robbed you sure that's it act like I


that's what Livingstone does all the

time that's why everyone loves him but

Livingstone does care so I can fake it

no one will ever be able to tell the

difference hmm pretty soon they'll all

think I'm the nicest guy in town huh you

are dreaming dreaming scheming what's

the diff as long as at the end of the

day Livingston's out and I'm in oh

you're in oh right infantile infuriating

insufferable excuse me incredibly

intelligent how could you say that on

flutter vision you don't know that

you're Annika stole anything that he's a

big sneak but the group is a known thief

stealing is what he does Zoey Alex both

of you please now I know you're trying

to help but don't falsely accuse anyone

of anything

first you need the facts I suppose good


accusations are like rocks you can't um

throw one who do you think Rob Thomas

Duffy yeah but what a pity

dude we don't have a butler too bad I

almost had this crime crack you think

the creeper did it maybe but we have no

proof or should I look in the tunnels

too dangerous

oh I'd better go check on the core if

the crimper did this how do we get to

him through the tunnels

correct me if I'm incorrect but will be

not told to avoid the tunnels like

rotten egg soup I'll just take a quick

peek if I spot anything I'll come right

back for the news as long as the creeper

doesn't catch you first oh here it is

be right back


my name is hop no biggie

I'll give it another go priceless dear

Journal which I keep in my archives so

future generations can learn how I

conquered this realm hi my new portal

logs are nifty I can now lock and unlock

every portal in Animalia and thanks to

the cameras from the media center

I can watch every atom alien through the

miracle of tunnel vision now that I know

the tunnels lead to other worlds I look

forward to exploring them but first I

need to take over this little world to


I'll lead to crack open the core and

just teach Animalia a little lesson

bounced out of a portal Alex Zoey I

thought I told you to stay out of the


sorry Livingston I just wanted to get

the goods on the creeper since we can't

do that can we bust ironic us now

Zoey let go can we at least arrested

Butler Pig there's no putler what can we

hired one inventor asking have you tried

entering any other portal not yet it is

the nearest and dearest if you're able

to get in come back right away

no exploration move on a car without big


so I'll need to get these enemy aliens

out of the way lead them astray all of

us some the enemy lien News team asked

all of you to keep a sharp lookout for

the creeper who is the lead suspect in

these recent deaths this report is

brought to you by the caring folks at

tyrannical industries I never did like

those anchor mice haha that'll be the

perfect bait to lure Animalia into the

perfect we're back I'm Melford mess with

Melba my sleigh and I'm Melford Mouse

our top story the investigation

continues into the robberies in Animalia

a reminder robberies are bad

this isn't good either


it took a castithan but your disaster

it's our late story like I care when

their hearts and win the crown are you

talking to yourself yes then why can I

hear you tyrannical I'd better hide you

know who else I haven't seen all day

Allegra are you complaining no but bits

in snips your hair you never see them

without that Queen yeah I wonder what

gives give it up you got field tree

leaves you burning Alang I guess I got

me enough to get the beautifying job

done now gonna get ill knee to stop the

sweet juicy lotions out of these so's my

scales will shine brighter than the Sun

on a buck-toothed fever


it wasn't tyrannical it was the creeper

sure as the horn on my head and off he

ran with our beloved anchor mice the

creepers behind all of these problems

but how do we get to him it appears he's

locked himself and the mice into the

tunnels and without a working portal

there's no way to reach him that

stinkbug is right it's a team effort

until we can re-enter the tunnels we

need to keep our eyes open

maybe I should lend a hand be ready to

act when the moment arrives but this is

not that moment a portal that everyone

can see appears out of nowhere

can you spell trap sure but it didn't

know there was gonna be a spelling quiz

whoa whoa whoa let's not be rash here

this is my chance to upstage the lion I

can lead the charge into the tunnels but

Sequoia is in there

he is played don't you lose their

millions who come with me can handle the

heavy lifting

watch and learn there's a portal that

can take us into the tunnels the tunnels

were dear sweet lovable Melbourne

Melford are held prisoner I am filled

with a peppery fury and there's

livingstone plan this plan that take a

meeting while our news mice are stolen

out from under our whiskers but it's

scourge of Animalia

thank all the portals are locked and

invisible then one appears that we all

can see this needs investigating roar


investigate roar roar roar we don't need

investigating we need action even though

I've been falsely accused of theft sorry

I forgive you because I care I'll go

through that puzzle I'll go through

first and if need be I'll go alone

unlike the lion because I care but am I

truly the only one who cares about our

dear and demise

who's going with me then follow your new


this is working out better than I


hey you don't even know where you going

yes we do what following to suddenly

brain and Karen's thriving one say that

I'll pull all of news bus that's where

we're going wait ticket I don't want to

go into that creep zone come on

well that should cut down on the lunch

hour rush at the eatery they could get

lost in there we need to bring them back

I'll go no I'll do it they won't listen

to you Alex they're too wound up but

they might listen to me you keep an eye

on the core be right back my hope like

moths to a flame here's a little ditty

from Livingston that I taped earlier

dedicated to you stink bugs out there so

Alex both of you please trouble in the

tunnels Livingston

we need to get out of here now see just

like I told you all he doesn't care

about anyone but himself but I do care

about all of you deeply and I say we go

deeper into the tunnels

you first

Livingston what's wrong what are you

doing here

you called us what's the trouble I

didn't call you

it's locked

we're trapped and no one's watching the



Oh crikey if we're stuck in here might

as well try to find Melbourne Melford hi

which direction

well oh look over there is that a bet do

something quickly check every direction

stay in pairs there's got to be a way

out of here you Aniki try down there

Zoey and I'll go this way sure the

recording of Livingston's voice that I

pieced together was a big success it

lured the stink bugs into the tunnels so

that now all and a millions are trapped

the banishment Bee Gees it's time for

Jesus is there a mouse powder room

nearby till next time respectfully yours

that creeper

Belford melba gotta run I have a car I

need to go destroy if anyone calls take

a message


alone at last

well you big crazy rock you've had a

long run but now it's my turn to take




there ain't no one at the eatery to stop

me up some of my beautiful cream

where's Livingston ass occupied

he's a busy lion oh do I know you from


you look familiar in a creepy-crawly

sort of way I know I'm new here name's

swivel swivel

squirrel hmm kind of honking big and

chunky fat for a squirrel what happened

to your bushy tail oh it was a flattened

in a freak nut-cracking accident hmm

pity well I gotta get me these Beauty

ladies walked into crane bout a barrel

should do me you need beauty cream

I'm surprised since you look so charming

get out of here with that so where's

everybody at

well it just so happens that all of

Animalia is that a beauty convention

come on know about it oh well someone is

attractive as yourself may have been


you are one slick lip flapper the

conventions in there you just step

through this doorway

that looks like a tiny face and I got me

a touch of tiny space disease

claustrophobia gesundheit I don't like

being squashed into tak quarters

well things open up once you're inside

you'll see no thanks I just want my

beautified cream get in there you sneaky

stuff Walker

I believe it's shopping time

almost watch it squirrel boy

big get out of there you're sweating

like a tree monkey I am NOT sweating I

am posing terror no lose somewhere else

do couple do you think that perhaps the

creeper has a butler with doing out his

dirty works hey there's no Butler so

drop it

the question is moot moot boyce is not a

friend of Pizza report button food isn't

a guy ah so it is mrs. moot probably in

cahoots with a button no you don't

understand that's just what mrs. booth

wants us to think

do you know what hoop means what it's


case closed dude not even close to

closed rats tastes real thing

why would the creeper lock all of us in

here to get us out of the way I'm

thinking so he can get to the core and

no one can stop him

go get'em Allegra what y'all doing eat

here our top story we've been well


oh that's Laura Lee the Silurian toothy



sorry Alex pretty please for trouble

in the tunnels help sounds familiar

sounds like a rerun

maybe there's a way back after all looks

like the creeper was at the call but

something must have driven him off let's

get everyone back through the portal

while it's still working with children

and Titus first

but we still need to find we got news

for you where in the name of husky

taters today nasty squirrel deep - I'm a

bunch of times but he reeled away let's

get out of here I've got my eyes closed

coz the tiny two things what am I scared

of small spaces claustrophobia


must be a bug going around

our top story tonight Animalia breathes

a sigh of relief because Mulford Nelson

but as you can see thanks to my

leadership and deep caring the medium

!sis safe and sound I know I know

Livingston is still in and I'm out we

out of you God Thunder what the creep

was trying to accomplish no doubt he

wanted to track down the butler and mrs.

moot whatever it was the creep never got

the chance thanks to Allegra yeah yeah

I'm much obliged but I still lost all

those Beauty leaves for my cream now I

got to go slot through that swamp again

all by myself and get me a bunch more

hmm maybe not

we keep grabbing their leaves jump I got

me a whole lot of Allegra to keep


