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02x01 - Alex's Secret Code

Posted: 02/18/24 09:54
by bunniefuu


what's this awesome

not too shabby sketch boy do another

trick Alex please alright check this out


numb bum bah ramanamma nom incredible

thanks I have a great teacher in this

case the student has left his teacher in

the dust do a new one one we haven't

seen before

alright but this time I need help from

the audience a book please Zoe a thick

one here you go

a dictionary this dictionary holds

surprises from all these words our

language rises

amazing Beatty Beatty b*mb a buck hey

now book it's time to drop how'd you do

it magic no really Alex tell me how you

did it

sorry no can do why not according to the

magician's code of honor a magician

never reveals his secrets

you just made that up did not come on

tell me

Justin's cold car handle my friendly

friend tell me Alex

please oh I seem to have interrupted

something of it not nice nature okay I

did a magic trick that's all we never

saw before right now she says I have to

tell her how I did it so tell her a card

it's against the magician's secret code

of honor so don't tell him I can't

believe you're taking his side I cause

don't tell him Andy I am glad I could be

of service

whoa what was that something's wrong

whatever Livingston I don't know I've

never seen the court act this way ever

if this book is right I just hit the

main route of the car

Oh baby I think I just hit the mother

lode oh yeah





clothes bought in Cosmo for me wheeze

that's you I've never seen so many

course ball come down grab if you won

you see and make sure no one spots you

not a problem once we crack open these

babies and Amelia will never be the same

hello yoo-hoo golf ball come out come

out wherever you are

it's too dark to see anything he'll

never find him tonight what should we do

Zoe baby please tell Alex I'm not

talking to him Zoe says she's not

talking to you

she's still upset about that magic trick

Alex wonders if you are still upset

about his magical net please tell Alex

I'm not upset I'm just very disappointed

Zoe sighs I heard I heard what we have

here is a failure to communicate they're

also not talking to each other either

sing singing I know I know but I have to

pound away the obvious whenever possible



Oh check it out is that cause for I

think so sure is it little fella


it won't open

let me try daddy's one tough nut to


Zowie and I'll show this to Livingston

you guys keep searching there are more

of these out there somewhere we're on it

great let's roll Iggy please tell Alex

that I'll go but I won't be talking on

the way what she said fine

I like peace and quiet tell me how you

did that trick sorry God



I've never seen this sort of course pool

we can't figure out how to open it

before we do that we should make sure we

know what we're doing

let's check the COS owner's manual in

the catacombs

sure and feeding of the core volume 2008

I found the index good we need any

information we can find about this

particular course ball this could take a



interesting what's this all about



hey over here

listen to this the language course for

are a collection of sub spores they are

all connected to the largest one called

the origins for in Animalia

communication began thanks to the course

origins for this special course poor

allowed each species to develop its own

original language I want to record this

the origin cause boat connects all anime

lian's given each animal the ability to

use words to communicate I think that's

the one we found it's protected by a

heavy outer husk should the origins

forever be damaged every animal in

Animalia would be affected in a bad way

no doubt if what that book says is true

this is heavy duty can we call a truce

sure as soon as you tell me how you do

that trick I can't

and no truce

I wonder how this happened

rats big rats pickaxes how's about a pit


stop with the treehouse for a banana


we go Oh Pongo berry hey let's not get a

banana and Bongo berry picked me up

next up berry for me yes hilarious

aren't you the Joker let's chuckle shall

we now those are priceless

nice strikes if one of these is the

origin Spore and according to this book

it sure looks like it I'll be taking

over Animalia in no time I bet you meant

to say will be taking over Animalia but

forgot yeah yeah whatever

and about that cause poor collection fee

we discussed sure right but first let's

get these out of sight


if you clean it up yet come on

origins or ever be damaged every animal

and Animalia would be effective so

what's the correct way to open it and

what's not maybe this will help

found this in a cave painting down there

these arrows and symbols look like some

kind of code

once again the student is way ahead of

the teacher nice job sketch boy Thanks

so we're communicating again no but nice

job anyway right about my finder's fee



this part should slide open and then

turn this give it a twist and nope

you try


why won't it open I think I know why why

because this isn't the origin course

poor it must still be out there but

where the bananas are waiting for their


Bongo berry buddy yeah I'll be there in

a sec

this baby is tough to open track down

the booboo Diggy maybe they've found the

origin spawn is that a good thing for me

it is Alex Zoey if they did find it make

sure that regatta for awesome Abba

wrangle to battle Rock huh come again

regard to frost Abba wrangle Jabbar to

rocker ah

haha Leona laka regatta frozen Rock'em

Livingstone I think you're speaking in

the lion language no snuggle small snake

a snoot ragga Royal Rumble ramp run down

with snacks nickel snort Alex no matter

what we should start communicating with

each other again

somebody better three buckets of hog

slop heavy on this lot everyone's

talking into our own languages its wild

here I said this latest plan is really

gonna pay off you sure are you babbling

about aluminum coffin of a new five

rubber rack rattle ruff Livingston are

you speaking lion ramble rattle rumbles

sniffles sniffs neutral Rini

are you speaking reiner snuff snuggle

snuggle ruffles late already

I sure wish we did we'd better find that

origin spa fast

this is the hardest bumbleberry nut I

ever tried to open here goes give me a

countdown 10 9 8 7 6 fish fish

she's gonna smith the fish dude why are

you suddenly talking lizard hisses

hisses yeah I can't understand you I

didn't take lizard in school I took

gorilla on peacock he took peacock -

excellent good point we begged oyster

livings - don't find out what kookiness

is going on we're off


ah it's not here

what do you mean is not here what's not

here the origin course for these our

language spores when you crack them open

each one reactivates a different animal

language that inner vet I just read it

right here you can read that gibberish

how it's written in a weasel my native

tongue ah that would explain it

according to this the origins for is


well I only found these small ones did

you search everywhere pretty much where

didn't you search I'll be right back

rah lumba Ruffin raw lumber Ruffin that

means the origin course for right Rolo

well if we find it we'll be gentle with


voila Rollo means gentlemen lion got it

hmm I didn't search here

kibou boo

Iggy that's peacock for something

funny's going on sear it snuffle snuffle

and that's rhino for we know we know is

fishy this biscuit ish he can only talk

and lizard and peacock for the time

being stick with lizard this is finished

we need to find the origin cause for now

if not set a million speak all sorts of

languages but if it gets damaged they

won't be able to speak any language at


come on banana breath baboon come to


so that little chorus board we found

wasn't the right one right and if we

don't find the origin sport and the

Meli's will be able to communicate in

the language right so what's the

Argent's to look like a lot like the

small one but bigger you're riding that

looks just like the mondo bongo berry we

found you must be the origin spores

where is it the tree else with my tracks

wait I know a shortcut but I love the


do you know I thought it was a big Bongo

Barry we're trying to make a smoothie

out of it glad you didn't do that

hey where's Iggy he must have missed a

turn off Oh where'd it go it's gone

somebody took it but who this is just a

guest but these look a lot like Tiger

tracks yeah this is it the big one the

origins for oh yeah


once this baby is destroyed all

communication and Animalia will be a

thing of the past and in the chaos I can

take control we we can take control

what's with this we business I just want

to be clear we're partners on this


give it back not until we have an

agreement I agree



bring back hair not until we have a deal



language lets us communicate origin

course born levitate


right there this is the code of how to

open it carefully help me with this sure

a chain that makes sense

the origin crossbar is what links us all

together communication through language

back into the corridor

Rarawa or a lava Rhino is a beautiful

language reason or false nude snip

thanks I really want to learn lion can

you teach me be glad to it is its yoking

just kidding I'm back a night full

iguana and chameleon voice kadubic you

saved the day

naturally eg save the day how I guess I

can tell you now but you have to promise

to never give away the secret huh the

secret of that magic trick with the book

and the course bar it's not really magic

at all it's me in my chameleon mode

impressive if I say so myself so that's

how you did it from the g*n amigos chums

pal hey Livingston how do you say friend

inline rim popper in Reuter snuggle in

peacock in any language you like friends




