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01x18 - What's the Good Word?

Posted: 02/18/24 09:53
by bunniefuu

well look what the cat dragged in


welcome to the treehouse table for one

let me see what they have yes for that

no salad bar for you I demand that you

stop this confounded noise immediately

it's not noise it's music perhaps to

tone-deaf bug thing like you but to my

sensitive ears it's noise pollution man

I used to wish I could play the drums

now I wish you could stop that it's

annoying well you're the expert

why can't you be quiet like your little

bit playing this is a free country the

boo boo has the right to play his music

and if you don't like it you have the

right to go home you've crossed the line

this time I'm finished with you once and

for all

and your little dog too what'd I do

Rufe I want those stink bugs out of

Animalia now they don't belong here they

need to go that's not your call -

ramicus but the dark-haired one actually

called me tacky me tacky I won't stand

for it but you're always buzzing a

bubble around yeah because he's keeping

me awake with that noise of his yeah you

don't own the rain forest t-bone leave

them alone

yeah divvy if you don't want to get rid

of the stink bugs yourself no prob I'll

handle it and amelia is a land for all

animals and that includes humans they're

staying Oh ticky tacky tiger huh you

have not heard the last of this was it

something I said gee do you think

I'm telling you fuchsia those little bit

in skis have crossed me for the last


what are you planning they're permanent

removal boo I'll call you back

hey stripes its tyrannic us now not

stripes just so you know it sure

whatever man if anyone asked you haven't

seen me yeah I don't exist I'm a ghost

right definitely a creepy ghost right so

here you want those humans out of here

huh the girl called meat Aggie that's

the last straw will you help me sure but

there are conditions like what like you

need to follow my directions to the

letter agreed agreed

now here's phase one

is an anomaly a special report live from

the home of tyrannical for this breaking

story due to the local stink bug

infestation which has no end in sight

I've decided to leave Animalia to start

a new life in my adopted homeland of

tyranny err it's a place that is

chock-full of liberty and justice and

all sorts of other good stuff

plus it's stinkbug free

exactly where is tae rania you're

looking at it I plant this flag in the

name of the stinky Republic of Thai

Renia tiger boy just turned his front

yard into a new country can he do that

and a millions can do as they please as

long as they don't bother anyone para

NICUs doesn't bother anyone

no he bothers everyone and there you

have it

Thai Renia has become its own nation how

will this impact our lives what will

happen next the biggest question of all

how do I do with this with my eyebrows

this is bell for bells and Melba mais

Lee reporting


so you think this will work it has to


we need those kids out of the way if

we're to achieve our goal what do you

mean our goal over wait I thought this

was about have a problem with taking

over Animalia come to think of it no

good once we move into phase 2 you can

kiss those stink bugs goodbye and fazed

who would be strikes in my travels I've

discovered a word that's not known in

Animalia a word that when used at the

right time can be very powerful I want

you to use this word and with it our

overthrow will begin what's that mean Oh

horrible that's awful that is one ugly

word I don't know if I can do it with

that word we will rule I'll do it

my fellow turanians and friends last

night in an act of verbal hostility the

anime lien stinkbug named Zoe called me

among other things a Tiggy Tiggy tiger

this insult cannot go unanswered

since anime Leah's leader refuses to

banish the stink bugs ty Renia is left

with no choice but to declare w*r on

Animalia what this


don't you hate it when that happens

yeah we're in trouble now yeah this is

my fault isn't it oh yeah just one

question what was that last thing he

said this is w*r

yeah w*r what's that mean


whoa boy

yes w*r that's the word that has thrown

Animalia into chaos today as the leader

of the new nation of tyranny are

declared this is and at that very same

moment the Corps lost another course for

I fear that the missing course form may

be related to w*r and the millions are

talking about nothing but and they're

all saying pretty much the same thing

bah what's w*r let me tell you I know

w*r w*r he's what happens after you eat

a lot of popcorn with too much butter

plus many malted milk balls and some

fizzy soldiers then your stomach

laughs and you need to lie down and not

move for many hours that is w*r not even


Sam I know none of you have ever heard

of w*r before it's not in the anime lien

dictionary why does that make sense

the w*r is sort of a human invention

sure what is it well a w*r is a fight

between entire nations each nation has

an army and one nation battles the other

or it usually starts when two sides

argue and it turns into a w*r and they

fight until one side wins how do you win

by living through it you mean be worn

either lost I'm dead set against it

we're all against it

Animalia is a peaceful society don't

sweat it

to have a w*r you need an army and

tyrannical doesn't have one he's the

only citizen of his goofy country

he'll never pull an army together my

friends your new home awaits in tyranny

ax we already have a home in Thai Rania

there's equality for you where he called

on America entire Rania the laws are

fair we like anomalies rules in Thai

Rania every morning there's a free

pancake breakfast

well now

rooming in lancashire time lania forever

thanks okay so maybe he can pull an army

together this is getting serious

the missing coast bow must be the one

that keeps the peace so if we restored

that course board we can stop the w*r

let's hope

this is all my fault I'm the one who

riled up tyrannical I should just leave

spare all of you the trouble I

appreciate the offer Zoe but it takes

two to argue you can't take all the


let's recover the core sport first then

we'll see what happens I think we found

where to search long ago Anna millions

declared that they would live in peace

forever this peace agreement was signed

in a place known as peaceful Valley

so maybe the course bore of peace went

home to peaceful valley

what's wrong

I'm gonna hand it to you wheeze that one

would work wonders hey told you that

word packs a wallop now phase three we

need to find that sport and through the

course bar of peace if we can draw the

peace and we control the w*r I'm all

over it

my operatives are shadowing the search

party once the course Boers spotted my

boys will swoop in and grab it

they weigh loss down preview though what

about our future what's going on you

have my promise that we're doing

everything possible to avert this w*r

what are we do what if we get a time how

do we defend ourselves

w*r is not an option at this very moment

we're searching for a way to restore the

peace of course for come out come out

whatever you are I sure messed things up

this time you're not the one who

declared w*r tyrannical said yeah but I

provoked him I need to learn when to

shut my Yap or if we find the cause for

and the w*r gets called off no drop and

if we don't don't do that I may have to

leave you know we may both have to leave

I know sorry Alex just keep looking

oh hello and phibian Singh have you

perchance in a shiny object during a

recent hoppings

would that be a yes in order maybe good

work all of you especially YouTube what

he said now let's see what's inside what

does that have to do with peace ours is

not to wonder what for

ours is to put it back in the corn serve

like this it doesn't fit that's not good

oh wait there's something written here

in some language I've never seen before

we'll need to translate it well make it


I don't think we have much time left I

told you we needed that course poor

sorry my operatives took a wrong turn it

was a mistake no I did wanted to come to

this but I guess we have no choice

you'll know what you need to do what

actually go to w*r no way someone can

get hurt worse yet I could get hurt but

you won't

at least not with this the sword

where'd you get that I have my sources

but I can't calm down here's all you

need to do

oh close but not close enough


I can't believe the Gators and hogs are

siding with tyrannical how do we win

them back come up with a really good

pancake recipe my fellow turanians

victory will be ours



okay how do I put this just the right

way oh I know we are doing not yet

biggie the way I see it we have three

choices go to w*r and by the looks of it

probably lose for fair sells bare

surrender and become part of Terranea

that sounds bad

- or come up with a peace treaty that

sounds good in a last-ditch effort to

avert w*r the leaders of Animalia anti

Rania have agreed to meet we now join

the peace talks already in progress so

what's it going to take to call off this

foolishness the stink bugs need to go I

can't do that all creatures are free to

live here in peace then there will be no

peace will leave Livingston it's not

worth a w*r Lisette Glee listen to the

little stink puppy I'm not a pet no

ellen's we simply can't bow to the

demands of a tyrant very well I'll meet

you on the field of battle tomorrow at

dawn we don't have a field of battle

then how about that nice grassy area in

front of the library

I suppose we fight at dawn


sunrise in Animalia on the day w*r

begins on the day my eyebrows look sad

hey the iguana reporting for duty I have

nothing to offer but blood toil tears

sweat and lots of terrified screaming

together we shall fight on the beaches

we shall fight in the Hills we shall

never surrender unless things get scary

then you'll find me hiding under a

dining table

Iggy give it up all of you we can't do

this w*r is not the answer

besides we don't even have weapons to

defend ourselves not so I have assembled

a veritable arsenal of powerful and

tricky weapons behold what do we do with

all this when the enemy comes too close

we throw it at them felt Iranians to

inspire you in battle today I present

our new national anthem composed by



we need another new national anthem I

think you found a big guy that stands

for a pen oh yeah we're cooking nail

Alex we can't let this happen we have to

stop it looks like we don't have much of

a choice then you know what we need to

do forever I guess this is the big


it sure is so long Livingston you're the

best Joey what are you doing leaving I'm

not letting my friends get hurt if I can

do something about it

Alex let's go one sec we're almost

finished found it you are a big hairy

hero we've translated the inscription on

the pants

so what's it say then the pen is

mightier than the sword

what's that supposed to mean


- sort I will lead my forces to victory

the pen is mightier than the sword I

don't get it

how could a pen be mightier than a sword

I think I know if words can start a w*r

then maybe words can stop a w*r I

started this mess with the words I spoke

now I need to finish it with the words I

write sign up troops time to follow your

leader into battle we have a bracket -

sure why haven't the turanians been fed

bad news I'm afraid we are out of

pancake batter perfect where's my hearty

breakfast - um that can wait until after

the battle then we'll have a nice brunch

what do you say no way strappy shorts no


No Deal looks like you'll need to fight

this battle on your own fine you want

something done right around the zoo do

it yourself



do you surrender you know the answer to

that then prepared what now you puny

stinkbug you want to fight me how with

what with this here dear tyrannical I

was wrong to call you names and treat

you with disrespect I want to apologize

for my words and actions I hope you can

find it in your heart to forgive me I'm

truly sorry

sincerely Zoe PS you're not really tacky

I don't know what to say it's a miracle

sir Anika's is speechless about calling

you a tone-deaf bug in sorry yeah about

that and about the whole w*r thing it

wasn't just you I introduced the word

and pushed it forward so my bad

truce truce you know if you hadn't shown

up I could have done some major damage

with this baby then again I think it is

how you say broken


today the nation of Tiran had dissolved

and again became part of Animalia for

one very good reason nama pancake batter


at the peace table a treaty was signed

stating that all those living and

Animalia will treat others with respect

and all will tolerate the musical

expression of others and now that peace

has been restored to Animalia my

eyebrows are happy again you know I

underestimated you stripes really oh

yeah you're a much bigger disappointment

than I could have possibly imagined

Thanks wheeze his just soared back I

think it's busted they give you a word

that can lead us to power and what do

you do you squander it oh well now I

have a word for you maybe one you

haven't heard before and that word is no

no no as in no w*r if w*r is your idea

of how to get rid of stink bugs and

takeover Animalia then include me out I

won't forget this stripes you owe me you

hear that you owe me

ah the sweet sound of Animalia


the sweet sound of peace

