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01x16 - Tunnel Vision

Posted: 02/18/24 09:52
by bunniefuu



what happened I don't know it just

started I haven't seen an act like this

in years not since the incident the

incident in the tunnels oh please don't

bring that up again I'm not I'm just

saying I hope no one's fooling around

with the tunnels again


yeah Hoover excellent


ah there's a new one



he's your best friend you should tell

him no way it'll hurt his feelings you

tell him I'm not telling him you telling


I hate it when you do that you're gonna

turn my fur gray bro what are you

talking about you me yeah you have to

tell eggy that he stinks at his new gig

you mean his new show thing II haven't

seen it it is truly horrendous come on

Nikki copy that bad

see for yourself and now it's time for

our newest feature biggie the gossiping


I am the iguana in the know with all the

juiciness you want to know even though

you don't know you want to know it oh

boy do I have some tasting everything's

for you today

prepare to be shocking what Rhino was

dusting the bush shells in the library

and uncovered something that no one has

seen in years that's right creamy rhino

and trouble tick top of the bookshelf

ooh those babies were dusty maybe he's

just warming up and shears the buzz

about what happened at the annual

butterfly picnic today a fluttery time

was had by all

ooh a last but not less earlier today

tyrannical his assistant fuchsia was

caught stealing

a catnap oh the standard yes that's all

for today

tune in tomorrow for more juicy

scuttlebutt and tooth thing at the

doctor day I'm not telling him you tell

him I'm too busy doing what

mapping out all the portal entrances I'm

making a guide so everyone in Animalia

can access the tunnels but something

really bizarre happened what well I

heard someone or something scratching

inside the tunnel system what does it

sound like like that

where's that coming from I don't know

but I'm gonna find out where are you

going into the tunnels

oh it's wait there's something I should

tell you how does he do that this could

be bad and that's the news so until next

time this is no firm luck thank Gd Bwana

don't forget to Casa Bella buh-bye and

we're clear

she wants to see rolled out to reward me

with many Mamoulian for my fantastical

reportage of dirty clothing

Aiki I'm not going to mince words I'm

not a Mensa guy never has been chief I

know what you're going to say you're

going to say so far we simply can't

afford you anymore

but I'm not being big that's what makes

this so tough

the fact is Iggy your gossip reports are

boring look at the email we're getting

Iggy you stink get rid of that insipid

iguana Iggy you handsome devil you keep

doing that thing you do so well I have

one thing you wrote this didn't you yes

I did

animail ian's wanna know stuff about

other anime lines that the other end

millions don't want them to know you

know give me one more chance oh great

knows he won him a minor celebrity in my

own mind I promise if given the chance I

will prove to you and all of Anna Maria

my gossip mongering abilities pathetic

groveling warms my heart alright one

more broadcast I Iggy the iguana I'm

going to dredge up the dirtiest dish of

dirt and serve it up to all of Animalia

on a platter of my own making but how

will I find it Oh mr. Sears stop with

the sudden spookily leaving from the

portals as you sneak around all over the

place and seeing here things that no one

want you to see in here allow me to join

you uh sure but the something is a

friend I need to tell you my gossip

stinks I know I'm working on me

what you're looking for that that

scratching noise perhaps is the famous

anime lien with a bad case of fleas now

dad's gossip I should have a look-see oh

he hit the gazebo without care goals no

scratching out there just did you see

bit of gossip it's coming from up ahead

come on

I think it's coming from out there

I don't think so egg that's way allow me

to see what lies beyond this portal just

to be sure nothing out there

toldja nothing except said zebra

discussing something super secretive the

time gathering some scandalous stuff for

my next report Iggy you are the smarty

with no pants

that's Ivana cos is a double-crossing

no-good cats


I appreciate all your help egg I enjoy

the selflessness of helping a compadre

it's coming from over there we are back

where you found me oh this is impossible

hold on that wasn't there before

I think the scratching is coming from


come on egg I would love to continue my

Chum but it is almost time for my next

mudslinging broadcast Bob I have a bad

feeling about this um maybe just one

little peek and now against our better

judgment it's time once again for Iggy

did gossip in iguana and believe you me

I have all the lowdown gossip all you

lowdown and um aliens don't think you

want to know about but - what's the

gossip oh yes

what creature has a big old secret that

even Zee doesn't know about yes said is

planning a big fat surprise party for C

Oh a little birdie inside my head told

me that fuchsia thinks her boss

tyrannical is a double-crossing liar who

cannot be trusted

what timid the duck to the mall what

Rhino boss of mine is secretly getting

his big fat toes his pedicures in the

gazebo he may be tough but grumbles took

the first off this campaign got me a key

now how kuffar carrion horrible hog they

are secretly learning the two-step for

the upcoming anime

what's wrong with all the I expecting a

license in all lasts dogs I lead and

lastly but not measly what's rabbit

shorted stinkbug is traveling the tunnel

system in search of a spoke ADIZ

scratching sound I won't see Iggy

immediately this is a lead iguana saying

they all your gossip be back with

juiciness looks like he dug up the dirt

whoa sounds like Alex just hit the dirt

must have found a sky portal Alex are

you okay fine thanks I think

Alex I'm so glad to see you dude we need

to talk about what about what are you

doing going inside those tunnels could

be major dangerous I'm dangerous how

there was a time when the call was

working perfectly

the portals were a part of our lives

they allow anime lian's to travel from

one location to the next to instantly

that is so cool for sure

everyone in anime you could see the

portals and it was a good time the quiet

time then came what they call the

incident the gore erupted yeah and a

very important core sport was lost the

portal spore so the portals to the towns

became invisible to every anime lien

except one a creature known only as the

creep crater most don't remember him I

know I don't but those who do remember

they speak of his dark legend the

creeper had a gift like yours Alex he

could see their hidden portals but

unlike you he wasn't good-hearted he

used the portals so he could steal for

mana millions spy on him Cheatham what

happened to the creeper creeper bought a

few anime Lien's with him into the

tunnels charged him a load of my moons

to give him a tour it was supposed to be

a three-hour tour but they became lost

and no one ever came back that explains

to scratching their anime instructing

the tunnels I have to rescue them

Congrats again the grapevine is ringing

off the branch everyone is calling in

about your report so I can keep my nut

bangs yard no you're fired

never gossip about your boss now get out

and don't come back ever huh

could things get any worse lanceton

wants to see you now and boy is he



here's a key forgive me I stuck my nose

in where it should not be stuck

gossiping is a wrong bad icky thing I

know this because everyone is mad at me

including you

Iggy I'm not mad at you good for me I'm

not happy with you either

that's for me want you to tell me what's

going on with Alex or I know from what I

can recall from within my head is that

Alex is searching for a scratching noise

scratching noise Livingstone Alex was

yanked into a portal I think he's in

trouble what can we do we need to find a

way into the tunnels and save her Raj is

the only one that can see the portals

how will we get inside I have no idea

hello I won't hurt you I want to help

you get out of here

help me someone help me hello who are


I'm afraid the way the court is acting

all the portals could shut down

permanently then Alice would be trapped

in the tunnels forever

hold it Alex a sketchbook we may not be

able to see them but thanks to Alex we

know where some of them are he found a

lot of portals we're going to need some


piggy what'd they do now I need you to

do one more broadcast I was fired both

Itzhak with extrem get out and don't

come back in this this is important eggy

I need you to go on here and tell all of

Animalia to come to the library and help

with the search I shall do what must be

done even though I have no idea how to

do it

fare thee well


now dear viewers the final chapter of my

undercover investigation of how grass

grows wake me up when it's over focus he

being not afraid to be the other way you

must help save Alex magic and I believe

it's done with mirrors so join me here

by the gazebo and let's watch the grass

grow together this was a tough journey

but I believe I grew as much as the

crested tomorrow

Melford finds out if a watched pot

really does boil citizens of Animalia I

come to tell you something of great

import that more gossip stop a more

chief move our beloved stinkbug alex is

in grave danger he was sucked into a

portal and is lost inside the tunnels we

need every anime lien to come to the

library and help in the search


Jack smart broad guys who are you what

are you I'm a human oh no way humans

don't exist they just want me to exist

in pure gossip they exist and I'm one of


my name is Alex an actual human huh not

too hairy ah interesting

call me tasty what kind of animal are

you I'm a member of the mink and ferret

family a long-tailed weasel

so human Alex what brings you here I

heard a rumor that there may be anim

Lian's lost in the tunnels so I followed

the sound of you scratching and Here I

am so you're you're here to rescue me ah

Spurs Ann you're the best but who's

gonna rescue you what do you mean well

I've been down here for quite some time

and I can't find a way out oh I take it

humans don't do a lot of planning ahead

huh guess not

I propose an iguana free and Emilia all

those in favor say aye you'll not be

still angry with my small head I knew

not what I did and now I do know at this

time I am telling the truth

piggy wasn't gossiping this time Alex

really is lost inside the tunnels then

we need your help to find him we have a

map that will show you where some of the

portals are now even though you won't be

able to see the portals you must trust

the map you coming I want you more than

you know but I need to keep the core

from shutting down okay I've made copies

of Alex's map here's what we're going to

do so have you seen any of the others

others there are others down here that's

the rumor including some creature called

the creeper creeper don't mention that

name the monster you've seen her sure

Alex the creeper is the one who tricked

me into coming here why the creeper has

some grudge against Livingston since I

was Livingston's best pal that monster

lured me in here awful alevins never

told me it's probably too painful for

him to speak of them I know it is for me

lying in bed TC I'll find us a way out

and then you can see your pal Livingston

again alright Alex my human friend that

would be the best

my super edgy senses tell me we are

nowhere near a portal entrance


except for maybe this one

let's check out the next issue

how come you know so much bellies

tunneled my super eggy senses are so

super sensitive that Alex told you yes

he did

I've been round and round these tunnels

I've seen it all and like I told you

there is no way out

have you tried that what that's nothing

there there's a poem right behind you


impossible I can see everything

please away Alex lead the way

whoa you've locked us in a chamber with

no exits

why have you done wait look at some fun

things you're riding it's the old anime

lien alphabet check this out hmm what I

don't see anything yeah


when I say jump jump

no TC


find Alex find them it only stays open

for a few seconds one of us we need to

hold the button the other one can go

through you go once you get free you can

return with hell no I couldn't leave

your hair you have powers like I've

never seen don't worry about me I've

been trapped down here for so long that

no one even know you go t see fine

Livingston then you can both come back

for me human you are the kindest

creature I've ever met

when I say jump



listen kaboom boom egg Zoey we've been

searching everywhere for you little bro

now let's get you out of here a big

problem when to push the button there

isn't enough time for all of us to get



hurry no worries Alex I got me a bongo

berry nut just tell us when it's y'all


thank goodness


Alex the stinkbug has been found and now

to help us celebrate this happy occasion

allow me to introduce Animalia snoop

gossip reporter Allegra I am ten times

the gossip the cheese hi y'all what

iguana night eggy still sucks his thumb

when he's playing that is so untrue I

never did that very often and even if I

did it's no one's business but mine

but so what happened in the tunnels Alex

all sorts of weird stuff for one thing I

met an enemy alien who was stuck in

there who a funny little guy named TC

some kind of ferret or mink or something

I helped him escape or at least I tried

to have you seen him nope well I sure

hope he made it out

oh I made it out Alex thanks to you but

the letters tease see you just by

initials my full name is the creeper the

creeper is bad

