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01x15 - Save Our Swamp

Posted: 02/18/24 09:51
by bunniefuu

why do so many course for end up in this

disgusting swamp the wind just carries

him here why can't it carry on someplace

let's go may smell like an armpit that

you cut on it it's pretty in here

yeah pretty stinky whoa ha ha ok stinky

now great I'm gonna need to burn these

clothes ah I love maybe swampland the

magic of marsh water it's sweet aroma

and it makes my scales all crusty and

fan down the coals for tubular I'll take

it to living temprano dear Zoe is that a

new perfume you are sporting yeah oh the

swamps come a girl rich aroma of

Animalia the tangy bouquet of wet sticky

things rotting inhale deep in Lily are

you out of your leathery skull it's


he has a point we're smelling

decomposition frosting stop dead plants

giving way to new the lush fragrance is

simply an extra bonus oh it's like we're

living next to a can of hot spinach

oh yeah I almost forgotten the swamp

wasps another bonus but they left good

one could you stand downwind you it's

like living in a sewage treatment plant

there isn't a square inch of my property

that doesn't smell like a salamanders


I tell you fuchsia I can't take it

anymore then leave it could we get an

immense scented pine tree to hang above

this miserable quagmire hmm keen idea

sir but wouldn't it just be easier to

move move from casserta rennaker never a

week ticking maybe the Zoning Board let

me drain the marsh that would require a

referendum petition signatures a debate

than a vote too much work not for me and

if we win we can drain the entire swamp

allegra and her Bayou buddies will need

to move and then I can buy up all the

land and finally build tiger town theme

park and miniature golf course

Eva no need to know that right now too

confusing come on drain the swamp in

distance sign here the swamp stinks

enough is enough

sign here what's this a petition to stop

the smell oh I'm all about that

what are you doing anything that gets

rid of that pile of muck has my support

how can you side with tyrunt occurs he

doesn't care about anything but himself

I know but it's either right to drain

that dump or it's not and I think it's

right so chill thanks heaps would you

mind if I use your image in a little

advertising campaign yeah she mind very

much hey who made you my agent oh yeah

drain the swamp

sign here sorry life wood what's the

matter with you or know that swamp

stinks worse than old feet but I really

mean what I said that putrid bog smell

have been almost perfect and Emilio I

suppose I'll show some civic pride get

over here and sign

excellent sketches of the swamp even


how could you side with Tyrone ekeus who

knows what sorts of things live in that

swamp we need to study it more then

you'll need to stop sir Anakin's ah

because if he cares enough signatures

there'll be a debate than a vote to

drain the swamp all leave it alone

that's the law

ain't nobody draining nothing that

chunky bog is my home not only that it's

sweet juices are the secret to my lovely

and perfect complexion Allegra you and

Alex both want to save the swamp if you

to gather more signatures in favor of

keeping the swamp then what would happen

I don't like you a whole bunch blondie

you've crossed me up hot load of times

I've livingstone a little help

how'd I jump all up your stinkbug head

clear off if you Trump off my head

that'll be one less person fighting to

save your home

well dang Alang that's so true enough

smarty talk what you got mad we need to

do the same thing they're doing only


wasps stench bad architecture this is

what the swamp stands for but mostly it

stinks so bad that it makes my teeth

hurt when even a stink bug can't stand

the stink it's time for a change sign up

today let's drain the swamp you'll be

glad you did that ain't hardly fair

they're talking on them they're flipping

flapper screen but we've got writer

outside right who's she she got prettier

skin and I do while I'll wallop her one

Rini might we have a word it's about the

swamp draining business will I really do

usin our paper all washed up let me go

horny yours right off your clunking nose

I would have signed too Alex

then your friend opens her big mouth you

can't thr*aten them Allegra we want them

to sign our petition not hate us forever

well no stink bugs bossing me around

this is given me the crankies I'm going

home and soak my beautiful scales and

nobody better come bug me or stain above

me well Alex very smooth glad you're not

on my side suddenly I don't feel so good

I have bad news and not-so-good news

which do you want first

oh I feel good Alex has a very rare

ailment swamp was fever and the bad news

I don't know if there's a cure




nothing in here about swamp was fever

maybe you're right about joining the

swamp for if watts and their stingers

were not present Alex might be healthy

even now and full of his smarty pardon

if I may have something I found this in

the catacombs it mentions an ancient

elixir that fights off swamp was

poisoning the key to the elixir is

called the nolley rose I've heard of if

not even she is a legend sealed in the

heart of time hmm cool name though

gnarly the gnarly rose grows deep within

the anime in swamp surrounded by strange

beasts who are sometimes unfriendly and

not nice sounds like a fun spot Joey do

you think tyrannic aswer put off his

anti swamp campaign until we can find

that rose well you can ask him but my

bet is that he'll say no way

but tyrannic is we have all the

signatures we need let the training

begin not until there's a debate and a

vote okay then let the debating begin

shall we say this afternoon three

o'clock oh good I look forward to it


poor thing his fevers raisin we need to

track down that rose help me in also

myself is wet me you want me to go into

that stinking swamp again alright got it

good may I say that you have reached a

new low you may as long as I don't have

to care this is gonna be like looking

for a needle in a haystack you may need

a tour guide like who the only enemy

lien who knows the swamp inside and out

me he'll be you while you're trying to

destroy him out perfectly GUI home I

don't think so please Allegra we have to

find the gnarly rose I haven't seen one

of them in years probably extinct fad

what you need it for anyway alex is

really sick and we need a gnarly rose

for the medicine that can save him huh

glad I didn't Champa whap him might have

caught me a bug but I still ain't

helping you now get off my property

before I get peckish

look listen if you find that gnarly nice

and Alex gets better it'll show how

important this whomp is uh what give me

one thing this one you mean my beautify

and festering bog water will be saved

every drop okay stink bug I hope you

found that rose if he's feeling this if

it does its back in there deep amongst

some big ol honking day

we got a way through is it too late to

change my mind about this


whoever's gonna help but you'll only

take Zoey why she said and I quote

nobody else mas wampas syncretized but

how then can we help in some way to get

hate for you to go booboo can debates or

Anika's about the importance of the

swamp I'm not exactly sure what that

means but we'll do it

will you slow down you're gonna get me

lost I no way I'm have lost my bill say

I'm not clear on exactly where this rose

and fat but there's clues and whatnot I

remember from when I was a little gully

Whomper nearby clues I hope not really

but you can help if you like whatever

bears that knew it all snobby squab say

that ball Buzzard up yonder flies all

over my beloved quagmire you'll know

which way your Rose is so go on again

with him a bit he don't like me stuck-up

bird how do I get to him

can you fly no well then start climbing

duh that state bugs got the common sense

about toenail clipping now in the debate

you'll be arguing to save this one the

first step toward winning is research

you need to know your subject jerk the

library has an entire section on the

environment and the importance of

ecosystems like the swamps to read

everything you can jerk if you need some

specific facts search the grapevine to

track down the info you knew jerk hi I'm

Zoe I have a question can you show me

what to find the gnarly rose how to

speak Buzzard translate put a rocket on

it will you

we ain't got all day to lollygag oh


they still will be a Twitter in four


oh alright already put a sock in it and

get on down here

oh well he says we can find the gnarly

rose at the end of that trail what do

you charge it for that bit of news 25

cheeky Buzzard I've chopped him up but

he's too fast and flappy does every

creature in this swamp have an attitude

look who's talking at least they don't

smell funny mm-hmm nothing funny about

it doing the debate you need to convince

everyone that with the swamp there's

more at stake here than wasps and a bad

smell check one smackdown coming up and

let me tell you with the baking thread

my friend whenever your opponent makes a

point scream until your eyes bugged out

you see it is he iguana way oh my eyes

are stuck on bunch


hang in there Alex yo

a swamp wasp has been in my dearest

friend in the whole world

the servable stinkbug we call Alex now

he's fighting for his life thanks to

that miserable swamp I'm asking all in a

millions to help me to lose the swamp

for good

it's what a sick little stink bug would

want flutter vision adds how come we

don't have those

we don't need n ah you see we have the

scream of disagreement don't do that


what's that noise swamp elephant this

here's their neck of the woods bang

sneak up on you so watch your step

I said watch your step I'm leg rah

uh-oh you rile them up that's bad now

they're attacking oh they're so cute

oh don't be fooled there bitter little

critters well I don't see how they could

cause too much trouble well maybe not

the bitsy ones but them their wounds are


quite so hospitable what do we do well

uh I suggest some fancy dodging of

gigantic round feet punctuated by extra

loud screaming sounds like a plan

I'll give him something to drink when

every weeks but that's been less and

less the Alixe is ready all we need to

add at the rose petals as soon as OE

gets back with them

don't step in it it smells awful huh me

well you stink me you're the ones who

live in a swamp

I don't stink you do whatever you say

smell oh just take a foul odor and go

bad bad stink bug how dare you offend

the delicate nasal passages in my swamp

elephant chumps

huh would you like me to remove this

offensive fragrance from the general

vicinity yes all right I'd be glad to up

just as soon as y'all tell me the

whereabouts of that there Norah Lee Rose


fine to finish your mission speak to the

magician you'll find the great rose by

the tree with the toes now please take

it away thank the chunk but I don't

stink hey one critters flower do another

critter smells sour and a my no stink

bug your a little rap do you have any

idea what this clue means Allegra

Allegra great I'm smelly and I'm lost

come on Livingston

time for the debate let's get the show

on the road we have a bog two blacktop

Oh where'd she go



hmm to finish your mission speak to the

magician what's that mean oh hi I'll say

it really is beautiful no I don't eat

frogs by any chance do you know where I

can find someone called a magician oh

you're the magician nice to meet you so

the gnarly rose and the tree with the

toes is that way thanks magician I hold


since when do I understand frog hmm I

guess that's why they call him the



are you two ready yes

I'll set to warm up the crowd I'm

opening with some amusing jokes right do

bear in mind that if you don't persuade

Anna matings to save the swamp it

probably means doom for Alex Oliver said

nothing seems very funny stag bog where

are you know your clothes cuz my eyes

are dripping due to your unpleasant

aroma there you are I've been searching

olive bang away blue place the tree with

toes who guards the rose meat stretch I

am the guardian of the gnarly rose

welcome to the very heart of the swamp

few have passed this way so did you

bring me any peanuts uh not as such too

bad I like peanuts a lot we've come for

the gnarly rose my friend is very sick

and the rose could save him win the rose

you must pass a test to prove you are

worthy what sort of test you must guess

I'll give you three tries I'll be right


punch it three tries huh let me guess

hmm I know you're thinking your big

hulking toes need a pedicure no a swamp

wasp is cut down Alex my best pal in the

whole world did the least you can do is

vote YES for draining the swamp for

Alex's sake oh thank you

yes yeah now on the other side of the

issue in favor of saving a swamp here

are iggy and go boo boo my good beasts

how can you tell when Titanic is lying

that is when is it it's removing yes

laughs with me want you I'm dying here

kaboom we're going to give you the facts

about the importance of the swamp and

the facts do not lie unlike the big

kitty guess what I'm thinking um I know

you're thinking that my scaly complexion

is the purtiest you've ever seen

not even close hey no need to be insult

to find your big old pile of gray rocks

you with hell of a swamp life and

Animalia will change forever so save our

swamp or something bad would happen like

uh oh yes something like this your

time's up what am I thinking what's your

final guess

final guess huh okay okay I'm guessing

you're thinking that you'll give a

gnarly rose to the one who brings you a

big box of peanuts you are worthy and

stinky but you absolutely read my mind


so that Swampert oh saved my life huh

awesome all the entire swamp is awesome

Alex I met a Bob Buzzard elephants the

size of squirrels oh and this magic frog

I could understand him and talk to him

maybe we should give her some elixir

unfortunately after the vote the swamp

and everything in it might be gone

forever no I thought we wanted to bake

until you started screaming

a crowd of lizards would've eaten that

up maybe we should spread the word that

I've recovered that's a good idea I hate

to disagree with my hotel - ramicus but

if an ancient small flower can save

Alex's life maybe there are other air

and powerful things out there for all of

our sakes let's keep this one wet and



why couldn't that selfish stinkbug stay

sick for just one more day was that too

much to ask

animail Ian's voted and by a wide margin

they chose to spare the swamp Oh cry me

a river actually mixer the swamp ha the

future of the animal in swamp is secure

thanks to the gnarly rows and to one

gnarly alligator Lara is that sunshine

you have down there with a glow of the

prettiest complexion I've ever seen why

I do declare you are a charmer stretch

another peanut delighted yummy I can't

say no to that now that the swamp is

saved there's just one problem

what's up it still stinks like moldy

cheese and so do you

