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01x13 - Animalia's Talent-O-Topia

Posted: 02/18/24 09:48
by bunniefuu
coming up it's time for an immense


copia the winner of tonight's show will

be named best talent in all of Animalia

the judges are looking for flair

originality and talent he juicing I say

yes definitely I loved it loved it loved

it that was dreadful

what will Alegre secret keep her out of

the country how come back or can Zoe

culture to Victoria find out what

happens on the next Annamayya


welcome to Animalia come on


Alex Zoey we could really use your help

to restore the court and save Animalia


oh I'm Amelia I'm Melba my singing i'm

Melba my sleeps right you are my mistake

I'm no furred Mouse broadcasting live

outside the Great Library where

everybody who's anybody who wants to be

somebody is here to audition for nan da

da for something fair for one for anime

leus talent o topia and why not the

winner of tonight's show will be named

best talent in all of Animalia along

that's me the biggest best is talent of

all what's your dish is gonna be a leg

up I am NOT going to audition stars of

my super size and girth do not audition


I simply show up and they beg me to be

in their show

sources say Alex stinkbug will host the

big event hope he's good last year's

host was horrific

ah that would be horrible but right you

are my mistake

hosting a television show is a major

responsibility what if I choke what if I

freeze up what if I go on with broccoli

stuck in my teeth don't eat broccoli

Livingstone asked us both to host why

didn't you want to I like broccoli

besides I'm not into the whole

performing and public thing but I'll be

rooting for you OHS boy and laughing at


only if you're funny and that will be a

first parables hello Rumble tear I know

we're in chief Anna million broadcast

news nice to meet you ready for the show

I'm hosting the show hosting ooh don't

forget to check your teeth have we

missed Zoe I'm the stage manager good

for you don't have to be the center of

attention to know that what you're doing

couch eight

exactly how I feel I'm looking for ooh

here she is

hello rumbled hi greenie oh so you two

are dating

dang oh no ring is not so would you date

on one but she's just no good old

greenie that is I mean she's not we're

not but are not of it but charge just

good ol weenie hmm nice work Cupid I

didn't know did you have to bring up

dating and get a clue it's time to start

the auditions everyone in the

competition should check in with me

lightly bug girl thingy play tell

whoever's in charge that the star known

is Allegra is available to sing in

tonight's program tell them yourself

when you audition welcome all in these

days of uncertainty about the core and

the future of Animalia it's more

important than ever for us to celebrate

who we are and that's what Animalia is

talent Autopia is all about so here's

the host of this year's extravaganza

let's give it up for the big game Alex



hi um and welcome to the auditions the

judges can't wait to see you even though

you may not be so keen to see them huh

it's going great funny stuff um so let's

see who's the first to face off with our

judges its Allegra sorry to make the

rest of y'all look bad

what's the judges taste macrame singing

they won't want your junk food jingles


can we please agree to only pick at the

best talent last year I had to enjoy

watching that horrendous act who was

that banister Kiwi on his nose what

seemed like forever yeah that was me my

well then you know what I'm talking


are we all green yeah we are judges you

know me Allegra the singing superstar

sensation I'm an animagus greatest

talent but I don't mind singing tonight

with the semi-talented wannabes who

really let's face it don't have what it


thanks and see you tonight stop return

audition excuse me you have to audition

might really I don't see why that's

necessary when everyone knows sing yeah

oh man throw something sticky leave

water now come back water

I need water but I have a case of a

sticky throat so you're not auditioning

of course I am after my throat clears up

sure no problem boo boo boo here hate

for you to lose out over a set in case

of stinky throat I'm not lying who said

you are lying

you brought it gorilla on down with the

beat and up with the gabbai boo

I say yes definitely I loved it loved it

loved it it's a yes for me easy if I'm

being honest that was dreadful your

drumming not only hurt my ears but also

my eyes nose mouth and feet but majority

rules unfortunately sir congratulations

you're in a man kebab oh I salute you

Allegra oh all right Iggy if you insist

what is in Simon Says thing he doesn't

want to audition after me I think the

judges will be so overwhelmed by my

talent they won't even notice him he can

go before me I will go before you not

because of the reasons you psych but

because I am sweating with current

juices didn't rehearse a song to sing

did you and now because you have to you

can't think of one I can't think of

stuff either one I'm scared scared I

won't get picked for something I really

want I'm not scared of anything


ah the first casualty fray that's the

sad fate of the less talented than I tog

I am taking you with fakery

I made a diamond you reptile you were

saying something about not being scared


fuchsia and opponent


I thought of a song you could use

twinkle twinkle little star I have a

terrible voice why do I bother it's true

I'm done singing good leave the handouts

to a star of my gaseous Ness you want to

be a star try acting like one huh

you're right you're a genius act like a



you're so fortunate judges you

see me believe in me

yeah oh yeah


twinkle twinkle


wonder what you


contestants in keeping with Livingston's

idea that the show celebrates who you

are there's a challenge I accept your

challenge sir as long as no lizard will

be injured or made to say ouch a lot the

challenge is this your act must be new

and original and it needs to communicate

something about who you are

if light only has to express you all I

am it's gotta have a banana B not sure

what that means but go for it you better

get started

only a few hours till Showtime and I've

got a whole sh**t ID what was that

lemon headed stinkbug Yammer in a bag

you have to write your own song and it

has to be about you you can have me

write us the honest star write your own

song I will and it's gonna be good oh ow

ow I hurt my hand but can't write with

it oh hello

Allegra I just don't think I can work

with you

you're difficult it's not when you get

to know me yeah then you're impossible

watch your mouth bug face it Allegra you

don't let others get to know you

bet you inside you're shy and scared

just like the rest of us please


really I want to apologize for acting so

foolish before no not bashful no let's

see three I hope you'll accept these

chocolates is token of my foolishness

now I just have to go in there and face

her charge maybe later I got these books

from the library on how to write songs

should help you're gonna read all those

no we are the ABCs of doremi I don't

need a book to tell me how to write a

song let's see what it says to get


think of a title first I got one Allegra

hmm Allegra working title which means we

can change it if we think of something

better come up with a list of words

suggested by the title hmm rockin rude

pretty bossy

Stalin selfish superstar Eva hey I

thought this song was about me how about

this I'm a star here ah-huh it's my ride

prettier I'm a star here I are and what

what's next oh I know what do you think

I don't like it it's a good start I

think I said I don't like it

what is her problem I am having trouble

expressing the essence of my eagerness

through the Tooting of my music do you

know of a self-help book for such


not exactly but a bit it'll help if your

write down everything there is to know

about you

Cervantes of course the brainstorming of

my nose


what do you have so far I do not know I

can't read my own handwriting

realized I may have overreacted I don't

mind dating you well it chocolates watch

out for the ones with nuts in and bite

down wrong and you'll break another

tooth it is broken or is that just the

way your teeth go I know a good dentist

not that I think you need dentistry well

I'm just saying you got these teeth

there and I mean I cook charge open

mouth insert foot open mouth insert

chocolate way writin you didn't like

what I wrote before so I started over

what does it say just a second and I'll

show you and then you can delete it and

type in what you okay the tune is like

this la la la la la la la right okay now

try singing the lyrics la la la la la la

la la la la no try the lyrics


hey if you don't like the lyrics Allegra

just say so but could you at least try

to sing them that's it I'm out of here

right no you're impossible I can't read

okay I can't read Oh with your head fair

any of the Rhino I have found the me

that is me I will put it to music and

sell vantes the challenge is neck sorry

I think you got the impression I don't

like you teeth but are you azaleas don't

touch him

if your monkey logic that rash you got

on grumbled I don't have a rash I don't

have bad teeth I am NOT old and if this

is your idea of guillotine no thanks

goodbye Harold boat you had something in

your teeth oh thanks um hey can you

believe so II brought up dating in front

of Rini girls they just don't get it

sometimes bet that put you on the sport

didn't it

I want to date Rainey but who wants to

date me I'm a nuts I so want to say the

right thing that every time I open my

mouth I say the wrong thing what would

you want to say Ari you are beautiful

classy intelligent everything a fella

would want a girl to be I wrote it down

for you to say that don't think she

wants to see me anymore you'll find a

way you bet I will


I went to school sure but I was so busy

trying to be popular I didn't spend much

time in reading and writing but somehow

I could buy so you're able to memorize

stuff you spotted snakes with double

tongue thorny hedgehogs be not seen

newts and blind-worms do no wrong come

not near our Fairy Queen memorized from

Shakespeare how that's really good

Allegra I couldn't have done that really

and I can't sing either

no you can't you like to perform I like

to write you've got what it takes to be

in the spotlight and I'm happy on the

sidelines kind of makes us a team I've

never been on a team before well you are


but when I commit to something and

that's something involves a winning a

competition I am unstoppable


Zoe a fantastic show or awesome show

spectacular show oh right

boo boo boo is first fan Edie and then

Allegra wait for your cue

do not go until I say go this is Alex


Toledo Toby

here's your host Alex stinkbug

Wow with your heart

Alex Stupak

this is anime leas Telenor topia and

what a fun I mean or I mean what a

spectacular show it is the contestants

were challenged to write their own music

that expresses who they are did they

meet that challenge let's find out

before we meet the talent let's say

hello to our judges no elephant Z zebra

and tyrannical Tiger the judges are here

to give their opinions but they do

decide who wins you do so let's get this

party started

wait for my cue go boo boo first up with

his composition for drums in banana

major rhythm of the rain forest

kibou boo gorilla


shake it out judges we've got a hot one

tonight and check out that banana beat

you brought it mate

you weren't the best Ellen and all that

Emilia ki boo boo I love you so very


whoo that was quite good it told us

exactly who you are

the simian simpleton well done up next

with laugh lizard laughs so Lee you are

my angel Iggy Oh iguana



judges he might that was hardball Malati

oh I love you very much love lizards off

the viral is it I'd be crying all the

time about my miserable pathetic

rock crawling insect chasing life uh

thank you and now our final contestant

you scared no yes me too

singing the real me Allegra everywhere

pull my own in the swamp all oh but I

made it I'm strong and tough


don't let Heather see me cry we're seen

it I am really shy

to Tommy


the real me



judges little pitchy here and there but

overall really good man yeah blah blah I

love you so very much

can't you think of anything else to say

Allegra about the lyrics I wrote them

Obama sailfin with Zoey so we have both

of you to blame but honestly Allegra

what surprised me is that with practice

and hard work you might actually be able

to sing well done before you vote

audience I want to work it huh

you are my beautiful

you are intelligent classy you're


Rhino would monitor

to be

you are

my beautiful

everything I've said before wasn't me

I'm I'm sorry

apology accepted wrong vault and now the

moment of truth

contestants you're all winners but we've

got to vote for goo boo boo vote number

182 Alegre 3 vote now

and the results are in this is so close

by only two votes we have the winner of

anime Lea's talent Autopia voted best

talent in all of Animalia ah

you deserved it I bow before it amazing

talent least stuff Zoe what just

happened you won


before we sign off let's bring out the

one person this show with not have been

possible without Zoe Allegra me have

been voted most talented but someone

else gets my thoughts hmm

anime leas talent Autopia was a smash

Alex rocked I actually co-wrote a song

and to top it off Allegra won

how cool is that and who knows maybe

Allegra and I can kind of sort of be


maybe I just hope that this talent show

thing doesn't go to her head did not

tell y'all I was the best talent man

Amelia well and now everybody better

look out is this star superstar eNOS

cannot be squashed I can just keep on

hoping Emma wait an anime yeah a magical

land you'll want to visit again and

again this is amazing and fun to have

you made all the animals yet introducing

their leader Livingstone lion ant ironic

is Tiger who thinks he should be the

ruler that's King drunkest to you

there's good booboo gorilla you're

bananas and somehow PD iguana you're sir

to be free near I know runs the library

and Allegra wants to be a star there's

the whole collection of funny animals

who's your favorite character it makes

you laugh join them all as you travel to

distant lands to unlock the hidden

secrets of Animalia bonus visit Animalia


this is working for me searching found

it at you can go on

adventures just like Alex and Zoe visit

your local library to learn more about

apes iguanas lions and rhinos like me

let reading take you on a journey to

wild new world check this out visit your

local library and discover your

