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01x11 - Over & Beyond

Posted: 02/18/24 09:46
by bunniefuu


Now with an Animalia news update Mel

icely excitement grows at The Great

Library where every animal who's any

animal is signing up for reeny Rhino's

annual storytelling contest and here's

reie it's just amazing Melba I had no

idea so many anim alens were

storytellers they're enthusiasm is an

inspiration if you have a story to tell

don't miss out sign up now so are you or

aren't you I already told you no I'm

going to do it gabo is going to do it

Alex is going to do it come on it's not

like we're asking you to dive off a

cliff into a pit of snakes but that

would be cool and we're not asking you

to tackle a 10-ft old tarantula who's

trying to be not nice even cooler I know

I know I just don't feel like entering

the contest okay but you have to Zoe

your story is Rock they rule and they

Springtime fresh like my

head I don't know oh I know the best one

to tell remember that story you made up

the one about the turtle with the stinky


and and he goes and

he and he what oh my noodle forgets with

my laughing remance I will stop now

okay I'm done I'm just not sure I'm up

for another competition what do you mean


competition okay promise you won't tell

anyone about this back home when I was

in second grade every kid had to get up

in front of the class and tell a story I

knew I was good at telling stories so I

didn't stress but when I stood in front

of the class I froze I started to sweat

no matter how hard I tried I couldn't

make a sound I ended up throwing up on

the timeout rug you

nasty that's rough everyone expected me

to live up to my reputation I totally

choked I still say you should enter if

anyone so much as makes you feel queasy

they will answer to the wrath of

ignacius uana but if you do feel queasy

stand clear of the

lizard hello Ania this is s and D way up

high in the sky wee we're hovering over

the library to report on the contest

melin Mouse is on the

scene almost touched my nose at time

mord you're

on here at the library all of animia is

signing up for reie Rhino's uh

storytelling thingy the Mel the melord

can you tell us what stories these anim

alens are compelled to tell yes I could

if I knew

why don't you interview a few

animion I think I'll interview a few

animelion so alra what story will you

tell I'm going to tell the tear jerking

tale of a ridiculously beautiful and

outrageously talented Gator gal's

meteoric rise from the swamp of Animalia

to fame fortune and snappy outfits sells

like a Shore win in the fiction

category t*nk fiction rodent it's my

future and unless unless you get on the

Allegra bandwagon you'll be living your

future in my lower intestine get it got

it moving on at storytelling who's the

best the Tiger in the coat and vest


handsome tyranus what's your story it's

called goodbye King I wrote it myself it

goes something like

this in The Great Library room there was

a king who was a buffoon and there live

nearby a super rich Tycoon whose

ambition to rule made Alan's drool so

it's a fairy tale I TI it I'm not

finished goodbye Library goodbye King

hello tyrannicus you larest thing still

think your stories aren't good enough

well I don't know this breaking news

just in moments ago Z and Zed Zeppelin

struck the library and was punctured

mford what can you tell us well M the

big balloon thingy hit the pointy top of

the deal and it bued and

went well that's our mford okay it is

this reporter's sad duty to report that

Z Zed and their Zeppelin are Officially

Missing not if we can help

it and so when the Zeppelin hit the roof

it rattled the core a course po shot out

punctured the Zeppelin and sent Zed and

Z off to where a place none of us have

actually been before we've heard rumors

about it and most animalian believe it

exists you're not talking about Kee

don't be talking about I'm talking about

the land of over and Beyond

W all my tummy gurgled according to

their APD animalian positioning device

that's where Z and Zed landed what's

over on Beyond according to animalian

Folklore it's an everchanging land

populated by mythical creatures and

imaginary beings like unicorn hor s

trolls and Dragons oh my how do we get

there I haven't a

clue I'm afraid Z and Zed could be lost


forever we have to get to the land of

over and Beyond but how Where Do We

Begin over here with the great big book

of animalian

folklore according to Legend the portal

that leads to over and Beyond MO moves

its location keeps changing it seems to

have a logic all its own if the portal

always moves how do we find it it

doesn't say check the index in the back

of the book maybe under missing zebra

zebra hold on a second let me look at

that book there's a pattern

here there's a pot or an N or something

a a hammer and a

scroll we need to find an n one with

this marking on it and Bust It Wide Open

to find a scroll

I've seen that marking before where


there my pot I found it years ago tucked

away behind some books in the fiction

section it seemed to need a home so I

put a plant in it and set it on my desk

yeah reie we need that ear by all means

it's yours and I suppose it's a good

idea Rufus is out growing it Rufus

that's my plant's name I raised him from

a teeny tiny Sprout isn't woofus the

cutie woest plant you ever seen yes reie

we'll replant Rufus later H we promise I

understand it's just that plants do grow

up so fast these days uh yeah now what

according to the pattern in the book we

need to smash the pot with a hammer and

it just so happens I have one why would

you have a hammer in your fur I've been

in that for trust me there are certain

things you do not want to know but it's

just that shh Let It Go it is the

mystery of the


gaboo where reality ends imagination

begins that is where you'll find your

friends to search for the portal you

must take a look back in your mind to

your very first book my very first book

huh where's the picture book

section I remember these books me too

looking at pictures books is how I first

learned how to tell a story and there's

the first book I ever read which one


one it's called over and Beyond W I got

the chills anyone else got the chills

constantly of course I am coldblooded so

I'm all about the


wa I think Zoey found the portal but now

how do we find


hello look who dropped in where you

headed I have no idea then hang on

name's whim I fly wherever I feel like

and do whatever I feel like and since

you don't know where you're headed it's

time to fly off on a

win welcome to the land of over and

Beyond wo beautiful isn't it see that

stream that's the stream of

Consciousness over there that's the peak

of inspiration which leads to the

whirlpools of confusion I think I've

been there this is amazing gorgeous

isn't it have you seen any zebras around

here recently you mean zebras they

plowed their flying balloon into the

mountain of missing imagination sounds

about right I can drop you there


away mountain of missing

imagination I'm starting to get a bad

feeling about this


this is as far as I'll take you if you

ever need me just whistle you're sure

the zebras are in there you mean zebras

that's right and you won't go in there

with me not a chance why not dagm mon

lives in there dagm mon the dragon the

most feared creature in the land of over

and Beyond what can you tell me about

him nothing no one's seen him then why

is everyone afraid of him because no

one's ever seen

him but we've heard him loud and clear

take care love remember if you need me


whistle okay Zoe it's just a dark cave

with a fierce Dragon nothing to be

afraid of just keep walking and looking

for Z and

Z okay this is a little


who goes there correction this is off

the meter scary Zoe's in there somewhere

we have to find a way in have no fear

Iggy will save


her my lips have been smoed into


unpleasantness hey what stink bug thank

my Lucky Stripes Zoe you've come for us

you are so special I'm sending you the

nicest thank you card that is a promise

shh pipe down you guys let me get you

out of here yeah let's get outle before

dadon gets



what brings you here little girl little

I'm not a little girl my name is Zoe and

I'm taking my friends out of here oh

really interesting what gives you the

right to take them what gives you the

right to keep them I've never seen

anything like them before things I've

never seen before entertain me so you

keep them here because you're bored I'm

not bored they simply amuse me now tell

me little girl are you an appetizer or a

s dish quit calling me a little

girl do you realize that I'm a fire

breathing dragon and that one Blast from

my nose could turn you into little girl

flambe what do you say to that I say

call me little girl all you like but I

think it's sad that these zebras amuse

you they're so

boring I think I'm offended don't think

you'll get a headache this is probably

Zoe's plan to get us out of here

oh oh

sh I suppose you have something better

to offer I do and what can you possibly

offer me little girl a story if you like

it then you let the zebras Go free if

you don't you keep all of


us is that our plan if anyone could tell

a story Zoe can I love a good

story oh I wish I had popcorn so tell me

a story if you dare once upon a time

there was a dragon a story about me D

tell D

tell this was a bored sad Dragon because

he had no friends he sat in his cave for

years upon years alone and pathetic so

far I don't like this story give me a

break I'm making this up as I go all


continue so one day something miraculous

happened a round rock rolled into his

cave this Little Rock was the first new

thing the dragon had seen since

forever the dragon was happy he had a

new pal they played together they ate

together they hung out

together then one morning when the

dragon woke up The Rock was

broken it was split into a bazillion

pieces what happened to the Rock let the

zebras go and I'll finish the story fine

but I'm not

pleased what a trip that was I'm just

glad to be back where's Zoe she's been

captured by a dragon a fire breathing

one all rats I was hoping for the

non-fire breathing variety we have to

find that portal

now per Zoe Gone Forever sadness

explodes from my nostrils with great

wetness and much oozing relax Iggy okay

good idea what do you want to bet the

next portal has something to do with

Dragons will you look at this I found a

Little Seedling that's not a Seedling

it's a corpore probably the one that hit

the Zeppelin and started this whole mess

quick find a place to plant it oh an

idea has att*cked my

melon got it you really ought to get a

crew in there and do a major C meaning



friend it's a Venus fly trap to visit

over and Beyond you must send a small

creature that fits in my

lips but I barely even know you I am

falling in an unsafe


speed gotcha where are you going I am in

search of a girl in a dragon righto then


on so little girl continue your story

now stop calling me little girl and I'll

keep telling the story deal all right

continue The Rock was now broken into a

bazillion pieces the dragon was heart

sick he' lost his only friend his

friendship have been

broken and what happened next well the

Dragon heard a small peish squawk what

was it what was it the rock that the

dragon had found had not been a rock at

all it was actually an egg and inside

that egg was a tiny dragon the Tiny

Dragon looked up at the big dragon and

said are we still friends the big dragon

looked down at the baby dragon and

smiled we're still



that's why I took the zebras all I

really wanted was a

friend have you ever really tried to

make a friend no why not none of your

bees whes okay fine whatever so I told

you a story may I go now no tell me

another story about me little little

person and if I don't you're my

breakfast toast okay once upon a time

there was a dragon a mean one and ugly

one get to the good part about me or one

snorton I'll break out the jam to spread

on my toast one day this Dragon Came

Upon a creature even uglier and more

selfish than he

was relax it gets

better in the land of Animalia this

creature was known as

alra that is the worst sound I have ever

heard oh yeah so do you think you can do

better I couldn't do any


worse hey that ain't half bad want to

try to do it

sure somehow their horrible voices

Blended together as one and made




and so they had found something in

common apart they made ugly useless

noise but together they made beautiful

music the

end I love that story I'm so glad so

I'll catch you later bye-bye no no tell

me another

story I once Babys sat for a 3- ton baby

hippo that was a ton less demanding than

you are I don't care tell me another one

or I'll I'll you'll turn me into a

fondue or something I get the point once

upon a time there was a dragon who

scared everyone all the

time why why did he do this because he

was just like you me get real everyone

in over him Beyond is terrified of you

but why because you're mean I'm not mean

I'm powerful no you're mean you held the

zebrra hostage you're holding me hostage

everyone in over and Beyond is a AF of

you and in my book that's mean but fear

is my only Power I do it very well I

might add but no one wants to hang

around with a meanie that's why you're

lonely I should know what do you mean

you should know well back home when I

was younger sometimes when I felt

threatened or angry I would say and do

mean things too why because it made me

feel powerful but these days I don't do

that so much what do you do instead did

when I get mad or frustrated I tell a

story about a mad or frustrated

character are you mad and frustrated now

yes I want out of here then continue

your story now if you say so but then

will you let me go it depends on how

good your story is great no

pressure once upon a time there was a

dragon he was only skilled at one thing

this Dragon could

scare he could scare a gorilla

he could scare a little

iguana I feel na good boo but there was

only one thing that the dragon couldn't

scare away it was a fear he held deep

down inside himself it was um it was

what his biggest fear was no don't say

it it was spiders no clowns no man no a

fire extinguisher

no my biggest fear is letting everyone

in over and Beyond see me I'm terrified

that I won't be as scary as they think I

am that's why I hide in this cave all

the time it's easy to live up to your

Legend if no one has ever seen you I

hear that back in Animalia everyone

wants me to enter the storytelling

contest because I'm supposed to be the

best Storyteller ever but I don't want

to enter it because I might let everyone

down but you won't you couldn't you're

an amazing Storyteller no you're just

saying that because you're holding me

c*ptive no I mean it and for the record

when you turn on the fierce thing you

are totally terrifying really absolutely

we have something in common I guess that

makes us


friends so I can go back to Animalia now

as long as you promise to visit now and

again you got a deal back off big lizard

or I will be forced to use my amazing

ninja MO moves to destroy you relax Iggy

dagon's letting me go that's good

because I have no ninja moves whatsoever

except for this karate chop which I

enjoy quite a

bit ow ow that really hurt good luck

with being fierce but don't be afraid to

show your nice side either I won't and

good luck with your storytelling contest

thanks no thank


seems to be a lot of traffic in and out

of this cave these days where you headed

home to


anamelia I had no idea I haunted that I

guess you learn something new about

yourself every day


oh dear I didn't know it did that


either and in the end the fierce Dragon

overcame his fears and came out of his

lair he Charmed and occasionally

frightened the creatures in the great

land of over and

Beyond well I guess we have our winner I

had no idea you had that story in you

neither did I

neither did
