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01x05 - Forget Me Not

Posted: 02/18/24 09:42
by bunniefuu



now is not the time to boo-boo sure it

is his bumble berry season Ruth and

these babies are right Wow Bongo

we are still a little green




Oh once the crisis was over I finally

understood that old saying music soothes

the savage beast


that is so not what happened

this is my journal right at your way in

your journal I've already done that

okay me eight rock Alex my hero

yeah that's more like it nice job all of


and now the good news lunch is on me

you look King Livingston you roll you

roar aren't you coming I'll keep an eye

on the core you go and pick me up a

sandwich 20 pounder better mega to 40

I'm starving

hope that's not an important one I can

dream can't I


yeah I call this are you gone le carré

Oh No look who's here our little veggie

mice alright 10 leads got your feed bags

on cubetto no Beauty so take a sit down

let's start with you Zoe

what'll it be tofu sprout burger please

and a cherry smoothie too right Alex a

granola rot supremo freaky fries and

crazy fizz ha comin right at ya I'm true

fraid you'll forgive what we ordered why

you don't write anything down no worries

an elephant never forget

not a thing not a thing come on only

everyone forgets I don't

Paqui how about this what did i order

for lunch a week ago Tuesday Rabab

souffle with pistachio ice cream she's

good elephants remember everything

including the names of every living

creature in Animalia Oh me then what did

the name of my great uncle's father's

first cousins daughter carry me down

your great-uncle's father's first cousin

doesn't have a daughter

he's very memories lock hands night we

don't need pencil and paper I do that's

why I keep this journal I forget stuff

me too if I didn't write things down I'd

be lost

ok L me try remembering this I'd like

skip a no not banana roast and molten

lava guava toast and mango melon Tango

spread on crack Fontana banana bread

with fruit beyond compare compote in the

triple scoop banana fault mix it up in a

sticky stupid fried banana goo and wrap

it in a banana split top by cherry

without a pit please bananas on a raft

recomm coming right up

what's coming right up the order what

order Lonnie I don't know I'll forget

forget what what I know I'll forget

their - 10 a.m. - oh I love this place

what's so funny I don't think they're

falling I think they really forgot

everything Thursday lunch time elephants

memory guard at least I won't forget

when it happened


hello have we met ah but the pleasure's

all mine

Livingstone will know what to do tell me

or not come with us with you huh


okay what about our lunch yeah where's

our food you go we'll mind the store

chef Kapoor who will be cooking for you

shut please how could they just lose

their memories must've spilled out there

is block up your ears girls you know

fuchsia this memory loss deal could turn

out to be a good thing I so doubt it

where are we

I don't know sure is big Livingston

problema don't tell me the elephants

they forgotten everything I told you not

to tell me oh look a kitty kitty

lion this is Livingston leader of

Animalia animal wha crikey never heard

of it but look at that cute little kitty

hey no touching

oh no also no touching now both of you

please follow me I'd like to show you


here's a book all about elephants why

don't you have a look

elephants a beauty what will they think

up next maybe that'll jog their memories

what's going on here the cool blue its

stack again must have lost a memory

spool that's why the elephants have

forgotten everything looks like it their

memories are huge so they were the first

what do you mean the first we don't fix

the core I'm afraid all animal Ian's

will lose our memories we'd better find

that Spore

find what's poor the memories poor hmm

doesn't ring a bell

and you are we can't let anyone know

that Livingston's lost his marbles but

we don't want to cause a panic so let's

get him out of sight to a fix a call

listen up guys stay in the library okay

library what's that that's where we are

oh right fancy-shmancy hi yeah we need

you to keep an eye on the core because

up if you keep watching it you might see

something pop out you know surprise hmm

let's roll I hope this gets fixed before

you-know-who finds out yeah not gonna

lead to trouble

bananas such a lovely fruit love them

love them sarvam rival two years to even

buy a bunch for weight appeal then begin

to launch cook on Dyson slicing up for

breakfast snacks on launch I apologize a

lot for that excuse me pardon me I hope

you do not mind if I take a little peek

now what so sorry ladies I seem to have

lost a contact lens so please chew



so what kind of course borer are you

looking for we think it may have

something to do with memory yeah wait

then we ought to go where memories are

made was that the past how would we get

there we'll need to travel back through

time ah you know how to do that um no I

thought maybe you did but we could go to

the next best place was that memory

Canyon oh hello there Oh kid I my hi how

you doing fine thanks

carry you around these parts died

robably not yeah not a clue hey pretty


have we met

there's an old anime lien legend that

this is where lost memories go memory



are you coming no thanks this place give

that the heebie-jeebies - why's our

memory Kanyon can play tricks with your

head kind of spooky what's spooky d

memory Canyon we're in memory Canyon

whoa look Andy let's get out of here

wait don't leave we need to fly back

with you you're crackers we don't have a

fly hey you have stripes so do you

stripe doggies ladies first beast before


thank you

huh gesundheit to myself okay I live in

a swamp and even I'm disgusted

we're out of here waitress why is there

an iguana in my conch rat soup you ran

out of flies huh how'd it I am deeply in

your debt and just between you and me

the kumquat soup is past its expiration

this watch the kumquat I'm great the

perfect set of line and I've got the

punch line it's the anime Lee rapport

with your anchor Owens melted Mouse and

Melbourne nicely our top story strange

happenings today at elephants eatery

where there was a sudden and total loss

of dum much we call it you know that

thing what thing I don't know who are

you me I'm wait I know this one well I

like cheese what's cheese geez I didn't

order this you getting all the wok whoa

go whatever your face look piggy I'll

work here is done yes let's go find Alex

and Zoey Oh

go find who and what

oh no prob

you heard what Zedd said then this place

plays tricks with your head that's a

pretty good trick Thursday afternoon

memory Canyon cave Alex has gotten us

lost again but then Alex saves the day

when he spots the cause for


occultus huh what does that have to do

with memory I don't know but we need to

get it back to the core whichever way

that is maybe that's what the compass is

all about to show us the way but a

compass always points north and north it


good I like nice to meet you hey kitty

kitty kitty kitty

greetings anime lian's in case you've

forgotten and I'm pretty much betting

that you have here's a reminder I'm your

king huh walk let me assure you that all

is safe here my kingdom thanks to me

your king tyrannic is Tiger

what now everyone share ah my public

they love me which way now Magellan Shh

listen what do you hear sweet sound of

you not talking

Oh turtle



oh this must be Adam and Eve elephant in

the garden of eat



some things never change


this must tell the beginnings of anim

lien civilization I wonder what that


elevator broken new stairs



Oh what is this place it's like an

archive or something

care and feeding of your call the

original owners manual for the core nice

I spy sketch boy it's like we've

stumbled into an Amelia's paws I know

but we still need to find a way out

let's get our bearings that's weird

now it's pointing south how can that be

I guess you want us to go south so a

South back this way

nope it's down here

Corky this is boring hmm I don't say

let's go come along kitty cat


allow me to introduce myself

I am I'm quite green and slimy hmm okay

but what I found on my fur don't know

what it is but it is some kind of tasty

ah it's good to be out among my loyal


hey tyrannical let's king to run ACCA's

to you what King I'm king of Animalia

What did he say he's sad sing a song

about Amelia what I'd be delighted


I said King not sing


you should take a note we need a new

national anthem badly where do I take it

yeah no not you too

oh let's lonely at the top if we ever

get out of here I'm gonna take the

longest shower in human history



right behind you eagle eyes


the compass is pointing this way Oh pink


oh hi dere Anika's pardon us what do you

think you're doing

fixing the call where's Livingstone you

haven't heard the news he's gone along

with his memories bow to your new king

you I don't think so

what do you have there a compass it's

gonna bring back an Amelia's memory how

do you figure

a compass remembers where north east yes

so so the campus helped explorers and

travelers get to their destinations for

centuries without a compass they'd have

been lost and without our memory we'd be

lost forgetting everything and making

sense of nothing that's why we keep

journals and write things down to

remember here goes I don't think so

give it back cat the thing is you see I

like things just the way they are and

I'm not about to let a couple of stink

bugs with a compass get

little Ripa I never hater I'm not a

kitty I am your king



rocky no no we're back oh that's weird

I was working on the core and then what

happened this I do not know but I do

know that I just lost my contact


okay who's a wise guy who ate all my

bananas they're headed off for a moon

there I was King King King stop

blabbering sir for a few ticks there

only I forgot almost everything meet who

it was dreadful but there was one thing

I never forgot how much you mean to me


so not only did Animalia get its

memories back fine they recovered part

of its past beneath the city

we found long-lost records and books

that will help fill in the missing

pieces of anime leas history but the

greatest of all the treasures we found

was the owner's manual to the core

Volume one

there's more than one volume oh yeah how

many are there let me put it this way it

looks like you found the full set

happy reading you start with the eggs

I'll start with disease we'll meet

somewhere in the middle right see you in

a few years

